• Published 21st Feb 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island - ponydog127

On their second Unity Quest, the Mane 5 and Misty meet Mystery Incorporated for the first time and help them solve a caper on Moonscar Island going back over 200 years... all while Opaline lurks in the shadows with her own scheme in mind.

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Zombie Attack!

Misty sat quietly and watched Shaggy and Scooby eat, not feeling too hungry herself. She felt that something was bad wrong, and she couln’t shake that feeling no matter what she tried.

After noticing Misty hadn’t tried to eat anything, Scooby grabbed a pepper from the jar and offered it to her. “Pepper?”

“No thanks,” Misty shook her head sadly before gaining some courage. It was now or never. “Hey… we’re friends… right, guys?”

“Like, why wouldn’t we be friends?” Shaggy asked. “You’ve kept me and Scoob away from dangerous stuff for the past year, and you’ve finally convinced Velma that parallel universes may exist in some corners. What’s not to like?”

Misty rubbed the blanket under her with a slight look of nervousness… she was hoping to let someone know about this sooner, but… looks like it would have to be kept with Shaggy and Scooby for now.

She didn’t wanna worry the others with their hands and hooves full. “Well, the reason I ask is… I have this secret,” she admitted. “A secret I need you to keep on the downlow for now.”

Shaggy and Scooby swallowed and looked at each other before Misty continued. “You see… I never knew my family, or where I came from. All I remember is my… my friend Opaline finding me in the forest when I was a filly. She took care of me and raised me while the pony kinds were still seperated by fear. Once magic returned… she became a completely different pony. She… she even offered me a cutie mark to help her with some really bad stuff… stuff I don’t wanna do anymore.”

“Is, like, that why you wear those stickers on your rump?” Shaggy asked. “Yeah,” Misty nodded. “On our last adventure, I finally told them I didn’t have a cutie mark, and they were really understanding about it. They encouraged me to try and earn my cutie mark myself instead of having it given to me, but… I’m too scared to try. And I’m too scared to tell them what I’m telling you now. If I tell them that my friend wants to steal all the magic in Equestria… they’ll hate me for sure.”

“Aww…” Scooby frowned and nuzzled the unicorn softly. Sure, it might have been a surprise to him and Shaggy, hearing about the awful pony that Misty was staying with, but it wouldn't change anything between them... not in a million years. “And I’ve been hearing this wicked laughter too,” Misty added. “It startled me on the ferry, so that’s why we fell into the water. Please don’t tell anypony else about this… if they find out, I could be treated differently cause of it.”

“...like, I don’t see why those ponies would treat you differently,” Shaggy said after nudging her a little bit of his sandwich, “but if you need someone to trust with a secret or two, Scoob and I are your guys.”

Misty felt a wave of relief wash over her in that instant, and a smile came onto the blue unicorn’s face as Shaggy downed a Moonscar Island pepper. “Thanks, guys. You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that.”

After a moment of silence, Shaggy panted from the heat of the pepper, wiping his eyes to prevent the tears from coming. “Like… your turn, pal,” he offered a pepper to Scooby, who fanned his mouth and tried to eat some of Shaggy’s sandwich to cool down the pain. “Like don't use my sandwich to wash it down,” he said. “Eat some of that Creole potato salad.”

But when Scooby turned to eat the salad, he froze-- the cats were already into it! “Cats!” he snarled, sending them on the run by barking, unintentionally messing up the lawn work that Beau had started earlier. “Scooby, come back!” Misty cried as she and Shaggy tried to fix the lawn. “That grouchy gardener isn’t gonna be to happy about this!”

Scooby continued to chase the cats into the swamp, but the chase was paused when his head was stuck in a log he tried to go through, and a frog got caught on his face. But once he got that taken care of, he chased after the cats again.

Shaggy and Misty could barely keep up with him, stopping repeatedly after a few moments of running. “Come back, Scoob!” Shaggy cried, just before he noticed a vine of peppers growing near him. “Oh, man, I can't pass up a hot opportunity like this.”

The cats hopped from rock to rock across the swamp to avoid Scooby, who as big as he was, slipped from under the rocks and crashed into the water, leaving a lilypad stuck on his face, which he quickly shook off. “Scooby!” Misty rushed to him and helped him up. “Are you okay?”

“Uh huh,” Scooby nodded, feeling slightly guilty about letting the cats get to him again. “HEY!!” cried a voice, and the two turned to see Snakebite Scruggs yelling at them from across the creek. “You scared away Big Mona!”

“Sorry… just a little trouble with cats!” Misty apologized bashfully, but Snakebite wasn’t in the mood for it. “Dumb tourists… get ‘em, Mojo!”

The pig snorted and came out from the brush before charging right at them. “Uh oh…” Misty froze. “SCOOBY, RUN!!”

The Great Dane screamed and followed the unicorn as fast as his paws would take him, and the two sped right by Shaggy on the trail, as his pockets were full of peppers by now. “Like, what’s the matter, Scoob?” Shaggy asked as they sped by. “Not afraid of a few cats, are ya?”

“Uh uh! Rojo!” Scooby cried. “Rojo?” Shaggy repeated, just before he turned and saw Mojo chasing them. “Zoinks! You mean… MOJO!!”

The three screamed and darted through the forest as fast as their hooves, paws and feet could take them-- they had never been chased by a pig before, and they certainly hoped this would be the last time… especially since they were being chased by an angry pig.

Suddenly, as they were running, the three fell into a deep, wide hole in the middle of the path, leaving Mojo to snort at them intimidatingly from above. “How humiliating,” Shaggy sighed. “Chased into a hole by ⅓ of a BLT. Everyone okay?”

Luckily, everyone was a little dusty, but fine otherwise. Misty perked her ear up in order to listen for more, and she could hear Mojo trotting away. “I think he’s gone, but let’s get out of here before he comes back.”

Shaggy put his left foot on Scooby’s back, and his right foot on Misty’s, trying to get a sense of footing as he tried to pull himself out. “Like… hang on,” he strained. “I’ll have us out in a sec.”

“I hope so…” Scooby grunted. Shaggy reached up for a loose vine and tried to pull himself up, but instead, he fell right on top of the other two, causing a huge cloud of dust. But when the dust cleared, the three let out a scream-- a skeleton’s hand was sticking out from the earth! Misty had seen enough scary skeletons on TV to know they horrified her, but what horrified her more was the green, supernatural magic that was emitting itself into the skeleton as the three quivered in terror, never experiencing this before. “G-Guys…?” she shakingly spoke. “W-W-W-What’s going on?”

“Uh… I don’t know,” Scooby quivered just as much while he answered her. The magic broke the skeleton free from the dirt it was under, allowing it to reconstruct itself into a horrifying pirate zombie, to which we would assume is the zombie of Morgan Moonscar. “AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Misty, Shaggy and Scooby screamed as the zombie groaned, staggering toward them. This was a bad situation-- a really BAD one at that. They needed to get out of there and find help!

Not wasting any more time, the three of them each found their own way out of the hole (Shaggy using Scooby as a step stool, Scooby being pulled out by the tail and Misty leaping out) before screaming and running for their lives… right into Beau, by what circumstances do to you. “Like, are we glad to see you!” Shaggy said in relief. “What are you doing out here?” Beau glared angrily. “Ruining more of my flower beds?”

Misty stood up with her friends, looking slightly nervous around the man, but her voice didn’t waiver from the zombie fear she was having. “If you wanna plant something,” she said, “there’s a dead guy following us!”

“Yeah, dead guy!” Scooby nodded, but when Beau looked out into the bayou, he didn’t see anything. “Huh, incredibly... where? I don't see anything!”

Misty looked around and hot confused-- where did he go? All of a sudden, the bushes began to rustle, leaving them to gasp. But, to their relief, it was just their friends, Simone and Lena. “What’s going on, guys?” Velma asked them. “Yeah!” Hitch nodded. “We could hear you screaming all the way from the house!”

“Oh, it’s you guys,” Shaggy said in relief, but Misty’s expression bore pure fear as Scooby imitated what they saw in the forest. “It was horrible!” she said. “That pirate Moonscar was nothing but bones, and had these soulless red eyes! And then, and then… it got worse! Like a zombie!”

“Oh dear!” Simone exclaimed. “You think you can show us where it all happened?” Sunny asked. Shaggy and Scooby nodded and led the way to the pit, where Misty explained everything that went down… aside from Scooby chasing Simone’s cats again. “Well, there’s nothing here now,” Fred examined the hole. “Are you sure you saw a zombie?”

“We know a zombie when we see one,” Misty said. “Yeah-- zombie!” Scooby nodded. “And then, we ran into him,” Shaggy pointed to Beau, who rested up against a tree. Velma’s suspicion level went sky-high at that point, and approached him with narrowed eyes. “What were you doing out here?” she asked. Beau grumbled in disbelief before he responded. “My job,” he said coldly. “I was doing some planting, got thirsty, went to get a drink and came back to find these three.”

Misty whimpered at the mention, not liking being glared at the way Opaline would. “What were you planting, elephants?” Zipp asked as she examined the hole from a higher perspective. “This thing is huge!” Instead of responding, Beau just grumbled and walked off, shovel in hand. “There’s something suspicious about that gardener,” Velma muttered. “Yeah, he is suspicious,” Daphne nodded. “But he is kinda cute.”

“Well, if we're all through here maybe we should get going,” Fred said, and Shaggy smiled at this. “Like, that’s a great idea, Fred!” he exclaimed. “Get going?” Daphne questioned. “No way! This place gets more interesting by the minute.” But then, Simone gestured to the setting sun. “But it is getting close to sunset. And the ferry doesn't run at night.”

“Um… we do,” Hitch gulped, not liking the sound of being on this island for an entire night. “We have plenty of rooms,” Simone offered. “You could stay here for the night.”

“Really?” Sunny looked surprised-- these people were being very generous, and she’d have to do something to repay them for all they did. “Oh, I couldn't let you leave without offering some of our famous southern hospitality,” Simone said. “That is, if Lena doesn't mind some extra guests.”

“Sure thing, Ms. Lenoir. I’ll start dinner,” Lena nodded and headed back toward the house. “Dinner?” Scooby licked his chops. “Like, why didn’t you say so?” Shaggy asked, and the group followed Lena’s lead back toward the house. But along the way, Misty got the slightest feeling, and she should probably take care of it before it got to her. “I’ll be right back, Sunny,” she told her friend. “Make sure Shaggy and Scooby are okay, will you?”

“Sure thing, Misty. Meet us back at the house when you’re done,” Sunny nodded, and Misty departed from the group and into the bayou, where she was sure she was alone before turning to look at her necklace. “Opaline? You there?”

The amulet opened to reveal Opaline encased in smoke. “Misty, about time. What have you found out?” Opaline asked. “Well… we stumbled into a mystery with some teens and their dog,” Misty said. “It has zombies and ghosts and everything, and there was this ancient magic that swirled around the skeletons and brought the zombies to life, and… I was wondering if maybe… you were behind it?”

Zombies? Misty, even I wouldn’t go as far as raising the dead,” Opaline said with a frown. “Whoever is behind that magic is powerful though. I might want to do a little inside searching-- see if my own literary solstice has anything useful. As for you, Misty… you are to make sure that Sunny and her friends never return to Equestria… zombies or otherwise, or your cutie mark wish will go down the drain.

“But… the laughter I heard on the boat… it sounded like yours!” Misty argued. “I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean,” Opaline scoffed. “Now get out of my sight.

And just like that, she went back into the necklace, leaving Misty alone and confused… now where was she to start her own investigation? One thing was for sure… she had a feeling Scooby and the gang would be in danger before long… and it seemed that she and the ponies could help them escape it.