• Published 21st Feb 2023
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G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island - ponydog127

On their second Unity Quest, the Mane 5 and Misty meet Mystery Incorporated for the first time and help them solve a caper on Moonscar Island going back over 200 years... all while Opaline lurks in the shadows with her own scheme in mind.

  • ...

Dinner Chaos

Night soon began to fall on Moonscar Island, and Misty returned to the others by this point, still feeling rather confused about her chat with Opaline. If that wasn’t her laughter she had been hearing, than who’s was it?

Currently, Lena was showing the group the rooms where they’d be staying, and they decided to pair up to make it so there were less crowded rooms. And after a few minutes, the room arrangements were made.

  • Sunny and Misty would bunk with Shaggy and Scooby
  • Velma would be paired with Izzy and Zipp
  • Pipp would share a room with Daphne
  • Fred would be paired with Hitch

Lena first opened the door to a large room, where Shaggy, Scooby and their roommates would be staying. “And this is your room,” she said, letting them look around. “I hope you all will be comfortable.”

“Thanks, Lena. What time is dinner?” Shaggy asked, prompting Lena to giggle. “Well, I have never met a pair who ate so much,” she said. “From what I understand,” Sunny said, “being in constant terror makes them constantly hungry.”

“Yeah, constantly,” Scooby nodded. “I wonder if all the cowardly running easily slims them down to make them hungry,” Misty remarked with a giggle. “Your room is this way, Hitch and Fred,” Lena led the way to another room, where she opened a window to reveal the setting sun. “You'll have a beautiful view of the harvest moon tonight,” she told them. “I hope you'll be comfortable here.”

“Uh… thanks, Lena. I-I’m sure we will,” Fred nodded as Hitch patted the bed to see if there were any lumps. Hitch wasn’t used to sleeping in new places-- he much rather preferred his bed back at the sheriff station.

But as soon as they solved this mystery, he’d be able to go back home to it and his favorite little dragon. “And this will be yours and Princess Pipp’s room, Miss Blake,” Lena opened a door, and Daphne and Pipp stepped in with their luggage. The room was nice and airy, and even had a vanity for the girls to touch up on their makeup. “Thanks, Miss--” Daphne tried to thank, but Lena was gone before she could finish. Pipp found that odd… she sure left in a hurry. It could have been she had to go fix dinner… or maybe Zipp was just rubbing off on her.


The night sky was always a pretty sight for Misty to see… especially the stars. She always wondered how people in this world could travel into space however they wanted to… and be as free as a bird whenever they did it.

She supposed that was one problem she came to realize-- Opaline never really gave her any freedom. Maybe if she and Opaline just talked about it--

Suddenly, there was a slight knock at the door. “Come in!” Shaggy called, and in entered Pipp, Izzy and Sunny in some fancy formal attire that Misty’s eyes sparkled at:

  • Sunny was wearing a mint green/blue dress adorned with ruffles on the skirt, sort of similar to the color of her saddlebag.
  • Pipp wore a golden dress, sort of similar to what she wore to the Nightmare Night party a few months back, with her usual wheat-style tiara to go with it.
  • Finally, Izzy wore an off-white dress with flowers adorning it.

“Wow… you guys look beautiful!” Misty said. “Thanks,” Sunny smiled back. “Pipp had the idea to dress up for dinner, to make a good impression. Simone had these old dresses in her closet she’s letting us borrow, and Izzy unicycled them so they’d look okay for ponies to wear.”

“Oh… but… I-I don’t have anything like that to wear,” Misty frowned. “We thought you might say that, so…” Pipp brought out a stunning dress that made Misty gasp in shock-- it was dark blue and violet, with dark shoes with little moons on them to match, and even a moon on the silky collar. “We know it isn’t much,” Pipp said as Misty admired the dress, “but we knew it spoke up to who you are inside.”

“If you don’t like it, we can--” Sunny tried to say, but Misty shook her head vigoriously. “No no! I… I love it,” Misty smiled. “Let me go try it on.”

The blue unicorn trotted from the room to try on the dress, just as Scooby began to watch an owl outside, mimicking the owl's sounds and movements, even trying to twist his head around like it did. “Like, quit bothering the wildlife, buddy,” Shaggy said as he put on a fresh new shirt. “Well, how do I look? Am I gonna turn a few heads or what?”

Scooby's head whirled around to its regular position, making the Great Dane mumble dizzily. “True that,” he said. Just then, the group heard a slight movement at the door, and turned to see Misty standing at the door, rubbing her hoof bashfully at the door, not noticing the others staring at her in total amazement. “Well…? How do I look?” Misty asked kindly. “Misty…” Izzy felt her smile widen. “You look… totally hoof-tacularly sparklerific!”

“I couldn't have said it any better myself. Do you want us to do your mane too? I have a portable frizzing shampoo that you have to try!” Pipp said. “Well… sure,” Misty said. “Maybe later though-- I'm getting sort of hungry. But after dinner, I'm all yours.”

“Eee!” Pipp laughed excitedly as Shaggy rubbed his chin. “Boy, do I need a trim,” he muttered, and grabbed some scissors from his suitcase to trim the stubble until he was satisfied with the look. “Like, much better!”

But as the group looked at the mirror, they suddenly began to see a ghostly image forming with their reflections-- a man in some sort of war suit. “Get away...” he moaned, reaching his hand out for them. “Sunny...?! What is that?!” Pipp pointed her hoof at the ghost, a tad startled. “I don't know, but let's get out of here!” Sunny cried. “Run for it, everyone!”

Get away…!!!” the ghost moaned once more as the group ran out of the room in panic.


Meanwhile, in the next room over, Fred and Hitch were preparing themselves for dinner when Shaggy and Scooby leapt into Fred's arms and onto Hitch's back, making them lose their balance, stumble into the hallway… and crashed right into Simone and the girl ponies, Scooby on top of Simone directly. “Get this beast off of me!” she demanded. “Oh, Simone! We are so sorry!” Sunny frowned as they got up. “Sorry…” Scooby tried to apologize, only for Simone to push him off. “That's quite enough!”

Daphne, Velma and Zipp emerged from their rooms and helped Simone back onto her feet. “Freddy! What the heck are you doing?” Daphne asked. “Well,” Hitch started, “Shaggy and Scooby--”

“Saw another ghost!” Izzy blurt out. “Where?” Zipp asked, and the group fearfully led the group back to their room. “I don’t see anything,” Hitch frowned. “Like, in the mirror!” Shaggy exclaimed. “It’s some civil war guy!”

“If there was anthing on the mirror’s surface, it’s not here now,” Zipp felt the mirror with her hooves. “There’s nothing behind the mirror either,” Velma said when she looked, but suddenly, she could have sworn she saw something on the mirror’s backside. “Wait a minute… there’s somethung under all this dust.”

She blew some of the dust off the mirror, but Scooby's nose was sensitive to dust, causing him to sneeze, and the blow of the sneeze knocked Velma off her feet. “Excuse me.”

“That’s okay, Scooby,” Velma reassured him, and went to clean her glasses, but couldn’t find the cloth she used earlier, which she had stuck into her pocket. “Hmm… must have lost my eyeglass cleaning cloth.”

Scooby took the glasses from her and laid a hot breath down upon them, wiping them with his tail before giving them back to her. “Oh, thanks, Scooby,” Velma placed her glasses back on before her eyes fell on some writing on the back of the mirror. “Property of Colonel Jackson T. Pettigrew 8th Louisiana. Hmm… that sounds like a Civil War regiment.”

“There were Confederate barracks on this island,” Simone said, and this caused Zipp to gasp. “Maybe you guys did see something after all!” she exclaimed. “Like, ghost pirates… ghost soldiers…” Shaggy named off. “What's next?”

“Dinner!” Lena called from the door, just before she looked over at Shaggy and Scooby with a playful grin. “From all the screamin' up here, I'd say you boys must be starvin'.”


Soon enough, dinner was on the table, and a few minutes later, the entire group sat down in their best outfits to enjoy a meal in the candle lit dining room. “Your dining room is beautiful, Simone,” Daphne complimented. “Thank you, Daphne,” Simone smiled. “But, I'm afraid your… dog will have to eat in the kitchen.”

“Dog? Where?” Scooby looked around as he prepared to dig in. “Like, come on, old buddy. Let's chow down in the kitchen,” Shaggy led Scooby out of the room, just as Fred took a bite of some of the food Lena laid out. “Mmm… this gumbo is delicious! And these biscuits are light as a feather!”

Hitch couldn't help but agree-- it was pretty good, and even Sunny seemed impressed. Daphne, however, was focused on something else. “Where's Beau?” she asked. “He usually has dinner in his rooms above the carriage house,” Simone answered as one of her cats jumped into her lap. “I brought him some food,” Lena said, “but he wasn't there.”

“Hmph, figures,” Fred took another bite of his biscuit as he rolled his eyes. Zipp then took out her FlyPad and began inspecting the crime scene photos she took during their stay here. “Zipp, we’re with company! Rude!” Pipp scolded. “Sorry…” Zipp apologized. “But there’s something off with this island… I can just feel it in my hooves.”


Meanwhile, the cats were having their own dinner in the kitchen, munching on their cat food when Scooby walked in and noticed them. “Cats!” he snarled, and Shaggy did his best to hold him back, but the force of the dog was too strong, and Scooby proceeded to chase the cats down the hall. “SCOOBY-DOO!!”


Of course, the others were oblivious to the events. “Exactly, how long has Beau been working for you, Ms. Lenoir?” Velma asked. “Hmmm, several months. And it’s Simone, Velma,” Simone reminded. “To me, that guy looks pretty suspicious,” Hitch said, causing Simone to frown. “Oh, he had excellent references.”

Suddenly, there came a crash, and Shaggy and Scooby were on the ground on their stomachs as one of the cats ran to Simone. “Guys! What happened?” Sunny asked as she and Izzy helped them to their feet. “Like, I don’t think the kitchen was such a good idea,” Shaggy told her. “You know… cats?”

“Cats!” Scooby growled at the one in Simone’s arms, causing its back to arch and a hiss to escape. “Zoinks!” Shaggy cried as he and Sunny tried to hold the Great Dane back. “This is quite enough!” Simone stood up firmly. “The dog will have to eat outside!”

“Outside?! Uh uh!” Scooby shook his head vigorously. “Yeah! They said there’s a dead guy out there!” Hitch tried to reason. “Ms. Lenoir, Scooby doesn’t mean anything by chasing your cats-- it’s just what dogs are born to do!” Misty pleaded. “We promise, we’ll keep Scooby far away from the cats. Just please don’t send Shaggy and Scooby out there to have their brains eaten, or who knows what else?”

“I do not need some meddling little pony telling me how others should behave… especially one like you!” Simone directed her insult at Misty, making her slightly self-conscious. “Whoa, whoa!” Sunny tried to calm everyone down. “I know you care about your cats, Ms. Lenoir, but maybe if we all calm down a little, we can talk about another solution.”

“The dog has stayed far beyond his welcome time here!” Simone growled. “Either he goes outside, or you all can join him!”

Misty didn’t like hearing this language one bit… it was too much of what Opaline sounded like. So, she decided to brush herself off, try to contain the tears, and trotted out of the room. “Misty!” Izzy cried, but Sunny stopped her. “Maybe give her a minute, Iz… she looked pretty shaken up.”

Then, Lena stood up and turned to her employer. “May I make a suggestion?”


Out in the Mystery Machine, Misty tried to convince herself that Simone wasn’t Opaline, and that she was probably just frustrated… she probably wanted to apologize later.

Still… with the way that Simone yelled at her… it couldn't have been real... could it?

Suddenly, Misty’s necklace opened and Opaline was revealed in the swirl of mist, which caused Misty to quickly try and wipe her tears. “Oh… Opaline!” she sniffled. “I-I had no idea that you’d be calling.”

“Yes, well… I wanted to do some reading on this Moonscar Island, and I wanted to che--” Opaline tried to say, but froze with wide eyes when she saw Misty’s attire and tear-bearing eyes. “What… are… you… WEARING?! And have you been crying?! Haven’t I taught you better than that?!”

“O-O-Opaline, b-b-b-but before you go off, I-I can explain everything!” Misty tried to explain, but Opaline raised a hoof to stop her. “No need… you’re leaning more toward the ponies’ side, aren’t you?” the alicorn glared. “N-N-No, I--” Misty tried to defend herself, but Opaline wasn’t finished. “I raise you from the moment I find you, fed you, kept you safe and dry and warm, promised you a cutie mark, and this is what I--”

“YOU WERE NEVER GONNA GIVE ME A CUTIE MARK!!!” Misty finally shrieked, causing Opaline to stare at her for a moment. “Sunny and her friends told me that cutie marks are EARNED, and they can’t be GIVEN. You lied to me just to get what you wanted… admit it.

“I-- but I-- how did--?” Opaline stammered for a moment before she smirked and chuckled. “You’re not as stupid as I thought you were, Misty… I’m actually quite impressed you defied me. However, you still lied to me about making friends and and having fun with the ponies. Which makes me tell you this right now… either stop them from returning to Equestria, or you will NEVER have a home here when you return.”

And with that, Opaline disappeared, leaving Misty alone and in tears… what had she just done?

No… she knew what had to be done but… she never expected it to be in such a manner.

Misty lifted her dress to look at her fake sticker cutie mark, singing softly to the stars above.

A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening…?

I know it’s time
To say goodbye

So hard to let go…

Misty felt the tears finally run down her cheeks to the Mystery Machine’s floorboard, sniffling to herself for a few minutes… which felt like an eternity. She never even bothered to look up when she heard the door open, but instead heard a voice that made her ears twitch. “Misty…?”

She knew that voice… and loved when she heard it. She looked up to see Shaggy, Scooby and Sunny looking down at her, and she wiped her tears away. “Hey…”

“Are you okay? It seemed like what Simone said really bothered you,” Sunny hopped up beside her. “...it did,” Misty nodded. “I… it reminded me of how an old friend spoke to me once.”

“Aww… you wanna talk about it?” Scooby asked. “No thanks… I don’t wanna bring you guys down. Thanks for coming to check on me, though,” Misty smiled before noticing the basket and pot outside the van. “Hey… what’s that?”

“Lena made us a special dish to go,” Shaggy pulled the food inside the van, and the four began to settle down to a quiet meal, consisting of crawfish, gumbo, biscuits, pecan pie and the Moonscar Island peppers that they found earlier. “Mmmm…” Sunny said after slurping down the juice from the crawfish. “Nothing like a good ol’ fashioned crawfish boil.”

“You’ve had this before?” Misty asked, eating some gumbo. “Yeah-- my dad was friends with a local fisherman by the name of Salty Waves,” Sunny said, “and he supplied Maretime Bay with a lot of things before he passed on, and Phylis decided Maretime Bay wouldn’t eat too much fish.”

The four continued to chow down until Scooby pecked Shaggy’s shoulder, causing him to turn and eat the meat from the crawdad when Shaggy wasn’t looking. And when he was finished, Shaggy took a slurp. “Like, not much meat in that crawdad.”

Scooby then put a large paw full of crawdads into his mouth, giggling and slurping out the meat before launching them out of his mouth like a cannon, causing Misty, Shaggy and Sunny to hunker down and wait for the firing to finish. “Here, buddy,” Sunny offered. “Have a biscuit.”

“Thanks,” Scooby said before stuffing nearly all the biscuits into his mouth, leaving Shaggy only one. “Something tells me you're getting the best of this meal,” he said, causing Sunny and Misty to giggle. Suddenly, meows were heard outside the van, causing Scooby to snarl. “Cats!”

At least 15 or 20 cats were watching them with their eyes glowing in the darkness, and Misty couldn’t help but shudder. “It’s kinda hard to eat with 20 pairs of eyes staring… m-maybe we should turn the other way and eat.”

“No good there,” Sunny pointed outside the window, revealing a few more cats coming toward them from the back. And it was then that Shaggy decided to get them out of there to eat in peace, buckling Scooby in the passenger seat and Sunny and Misty took their places in the back. “Like, sit tight, old buddies,” he advised. “I’ll find us a peaceful place to eat.”

With that, he pulled the Mystery Machine into ignition and quickly drove off, knocking the cats off the roof, searching for a place where they could go for some peace and quiet.