• Published 24th May 2023
  • 278 Views, 1 Comments

Rise of the Phoenix - TankFBI

Having come from nothing, Spitfire had only the desire to make her mother proud and prove her father wrong. With war between Griffonstone and Equestria on the horizon, a yellow pegasus will realize that Equestria's future lies within her own hooves

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The steady rumble of the train as it rides along its tracks shifts my body steadily left and right, the pony sitting next to me giving me the side eye as I bumped into them. I pulled my feathers closer to my body, attempting to stave off the chill of the stale cabin air.

Looking straight ahead I am greeted with a view of the sprawling Equestrian landscape, dotted with large, luscious hills, forest, and various other fine details I can not make out through the rain. I know we are getting close to Canterlot, I could feel my feathers ruffling from anticipation.

Staring back at me was the reflection of a mustard yellow pony, a blazing mane adorning its head. I gaze into the black of my own eyes, and I find nothing. I had to keep up appearances, after all, the royal guard is comprised of ponies who had given more than I could ever comprehend to defend Equestria. Who was I? I was a nobody, a reject that not even my own father could stand bare. But that was going to change. I would prove him wrong.

I pull myself out of my own eyes, taking a shaky breath. I look down at the newspaper sitting on my lap, the headline burning through my skull.


I continue reading, my body growing stiffer the more I read. I can feel my forehead tensing, my breathing quickening as the words sprawled across the page echo through my mind. Each one reinforces why I am making the trip to Canterlot.

The Griffons were in the midst of a country-wide famine and had begun accusing Equestria of stealing all of their fertile lands as well as other petty acts. They have been making claims of pillaging and colonization, all of which Celestia denied. Delegates were been sent weeks ago, trying anything to prevent an all-out war, but if the headline was anything to go by, it was obvious that things were heading south real quick.

I crumple up the newspaper between my hooves, crushing it into a ball and slamming it onto the floor, paying no mind to the stares sent in my direction.

How could anyone believe those birds? Equestria has been here for hundreds of years, how could we have stolen land that was already ours?

I can feel my eyes narrowing and my chest tightening, my breathing on a steady rise once again. Though I quickly begin taking deep breaths, closing my eyes, and calming myself. Eventually, my breathing slows and I regain my cool. I will show them, all of them. Equestrians weren’t bugs they could step all over, I would make sure of that.

Rain began to graze the roof of the train car, starting as a small pitter and quickly growing into a thunderous chorus. Even through the pouring rain, I begin to make out the glowing silhouette of Canterlot in the distance. Its dark outline puts a small smile on my face as I lean back in my seat, content with my choices. I was making the right choice to join the guard, anypony who joins the guard is making the right choice in my mind.

I can feel the rhythmic patterns of the rain begin to take hold, my exhaustion from nearly an entire day of traveling catching up with me. My head drooping, sleep begins taking hold.

Spitfire will soon be a name that everypony will recognize, this is my one chance and I’ll be damned if I don’t take advantage. I continue to imagine as my eyelids begin fluttering.

“Be the phoenix… I will Mom…” I mutter, my eyes continuing to fall until the bliss of sleep finally overtakes me.