• Published 24th May 2023
  • 279 Views, 1 Comments

Rise of the Phoenix - TankFBI

Having come from nothing, Spitfire had only the desire to make her mother proud and prove her father wrong. With war between Griffonstone and Equestria on the horizon, a yellow pegasus will realize that Equestria's future lies within her own hooves

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Chapter 2: Rivals

The blaring of a bugle abruptly rips me out of my dreams, the wake-up call doing its job a little too effectively for my liking.

I groan as I struggle to push myself up, my arms feeling like they’re made of jello. Slowly rising up into a sitting position, I rub the sand out of my eyes, my senses slowly coming back to me as the fog begins to leave my head.

I yawn as I open my eyes, stretching my forelegs as I look around and notice that everypony else in the room seems to be in the same boat that I am. Everypony is clearly struggling to some degree to pull themselves out of bed, some even stuffing their head back under their pillow in a futile attempt to drown out the blaring noise.

Thankfully, the head-rattling noise finally stops, causing me to sigh in relief. I think I’ll go insane if they play that every morning. I glance up to the clock above the door that reads 5:30 AM, its hands ticking down the time I have to make it to the dining hall.

“Where the heck is the dining hall?” I mutter to myself, realizing that I have to find the place within the next thirty minutes. Just thinking about having to deal with that mare again subconsciously makes me roll my eyes and let out a small groan.

I haphazardly make my bed, a small attempt to look at least somewhat neat, and make my way toward the back of the room and walk up to Misty’s bunk. Taking extra care to not make eye contact with the pony above her, last night’s incident replaying through my mind.

“Misty, wake up,” I say, nudging Misty’s limp form with my hoof.

“Five more minutes…” Misty grunts from under her pillow, shooing my hoof away.

“Come on, we only have thirty minutes to find the dining hall!” I say as I continue prodding her in the side, her wings flapping in a futile attempt to get me to leave.

Fed up with Misty, I quickly rip the pillow off her head, causing her to shield her face with a foreleg as if she was a vampire in the sun.

I continue to poke Fleetfoot in the ribs, causing her to squawk in frustration. Her frustration continues to grow as I continue the entourage of poking, not letting up for a moment.

“Okay okay, I’m up!” Fleetfoot barks while jumping up, my grinning face now only a few inches away from her muzzle.

“Oh look, you’re awake!” I quip with a smile. “Now let’s find the dining hall before we get our flanks roasted like a changeling at a Canterlot wedding!”

Fleetfoot quickly tidies her hair and her bed, both of us quickly exiting the dorm and heading down the hall toward the main hallway.

Fleetfoot and I quickly spot the dining hall, a steady flow of recruits making their way into the large double doors on the right side of the hallway clearly labeled 'Dining Hall'.

“Hmm, I can’t believe I didn’t see that when I walked through here,” I mutter to myself, looking around to make sure I’m not missing anything else that could be important later.

We quickly make our way to the doors, entering into the large dining hall. It was a simple, large room with long tables and bench seating that extended from one side of the room to the other. The food is served a the far end of the room cafeteria style, and a line of fellow recruits waiting for their meals wraps all the way around the room to the main entrance. Me and Fleetfoot being at the very back of the line.

I fidget in place, the line creeping along at a snail’s pace, thinking about all the neat things we might do. Combat, working out, training, espionage, everything we might possibly do flows through my mind as I wait in line. Each thought gets me more excited than the last for the experiences that lie ahead.

I quickly realize that I am near the front of the line, grab a tray from the stack and slide it along the counter. A paper bowl filled with oatmeal, a cup of water, and an apple is plopped onto my tray. After receiving my food, I quickly exit the line and spot Soarin sitting with a group of stallions a few tables away.

“What’s up Soarin? How was your first night?” I inquire, taking a seat next to Soarin.

“It was great! I met these two guys and we talked all night! This is Thunderlane,” He motions toward a grey pegasus sitting opposite of us. “And this is Sunny,” he says pointing to a bright yellow unicorn next to Thunderlane.

I greet them both, Fleetfoot taking a seat next to me a moment later with Soarin introducing them again.

“So how was your night?” Soarin asks, taking a bite of his apple.

“Ehh… not as good as yours to say the least,” I chuckle, the fight replaying through my mind as I eat.

“She got into a fight with another mare,” Fleetfoot says nonchalantly, her mouth stuffed with oatmeal.

“You got into a fight?!” Soarin nearly shouts, specks of oatmeal getting on my face. “I leave you alone for one night and you get into a fight?! How… why…?” He exclaims with a sigh, rubbing his temples.

“Hey, it’s not my fault,” I defend. “She took my bunk and I gave her a piece of my mind!’ I respond with a shrug, finishing off my apple.

“Tell me you at least didn’t get caught…” Soarin sighs.

“Eh… some cranky mare came in and broke us up. She says she’s got it in for us, but I’m going to show her what Spitfire can do!” I proclaim, quickly noticing that Fleetfoot was looking very quickly between me and something behind me.

“So I’m cranky are I?” Came the harsh voice of the wretched mare.

I exhale with a roll of my eyes and turn around, the grey mare staring back at me. Her eyes are obstructed by a large pair of completely black sunglasses, though I know there is a stern glare back there.

“What do you want?” I respond curtly.

“That’s Sergeant Iron Hoof to you!’ She shouts into my face, her nose nearly pressing up against mine. “And I need you to follow me. Now.” She commands, her tone of voice leaving no room for discussion.

“Ooh, somepony’s in trouble!” Thunderlane mocks, giggling to himself. Sunny hiding her own smile with a hoof.

“Oh shut the buck up you!” I scoff back, glaring into Thunderlane’s eyes. “What are you five? Get a bucking life!” I quip back with a sneer, picking up my tray and quickly trotting away.

I can hear Soarin apologize as I walk away, but I only feel my brow furrow and my wings tense.

“What a baby, pulling some playground banter when I’m about to get my ass kicked,” I grumble to myself in irritation.

I continue to brood in dismay as I follow Iron Hoof through the packed dining hall, grumbling the whole way about how lame Thunderlane is. Depositing my tray above the trash can with force before I begin to calm myself.

We exit the dining hall, Iron Hoof not letting up the pace for a second as I trot down the hall side by side with Fleetfoot. She trots in a perfectly symmetrical form, clearly engrained into her mind after years of rigorous training. Her form never falters for a second an indication of her dedication.

As I walk, I catch Fleetfoot throwing a dirty gaze in my direction, her eyes narrowing as she stares.

I return the glare, eyes narrowing in response. I stare into her cold, calculating eyes. She is a wild card that I would have to put up with for the duration of my stay, nonetheless, I can do it. Though it may not be particularly enjoyable, I would show her.

I screech to a halt, not paying attention to where I was walking, nearly plowing face-first into Iron Hoof behind. I back up a few steps and watch as Iron Hoof opens the enormous door, motioning us through a moment later.

I make my way through the door, the orange horizon visible in the distance with the sun peeking its way out. The cool morning air fills my lungs as we make our way into the courtyard. Stopping in place as we hear the door crash closed behind us, Iron Hoof makes her way in front of us a moment later.

“Last night was something that you both should be ashamed of,” she begins as I shoot another glare at Fleetfoot which she returns. “However, I can see that neither of you seems to think that way and only care about your little inflated egos.”

I feel my eyes narrowing at Iron Hoof, my distaste toward this mare only continuing to grow as she continues talking.

“RESPECT,” she roars, slapping me across the face. “Is what you will treat each other with as well as your superiors, including myself. Addressing me and other officers as yes ma’am and yes sir.”

“What a hypocrite,” I groan under my breath, rubbing my cheek with a hoof.

“What was that?!” She asked, feigning shock, pressing her nose against mine. “What did you just say?!”

“Nothing mam,” I respond through gritted teeth, staring back into her cold eyes.

“That’s what I thought,” She replies, slowly moving backward, her narrow eyes never leaving mine.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Fleetfoot with a grin on her face. I feel my teeth clenching as I resist the urge to knock her flat on her back, nearly digging my hoofs into the ground in frustration.

“Now for that little fiasco last night,” Iron Hoof begins as she starts pacing back and forth. “You two are going to fly laps around this place for…” she taps her hoof against her chin in thought, a smile spreading across her face after a few seconds. “Five hundred laps, does that sound good?”

“Yes ma’am,” Fleetfoot and I respond in unison.

We both knew that that wasn’t a question, but rather a statement. My teeth feel like they are about to explode from how tightly I’m clenching my jaw.

“I can’t believe that I’m serving a punishment for the fight that cyan-colored bird started,” I think to myself, huffing as I glare at Fleetfoot.

“Around the four spires of the main building, you better get to it. And make sure I don’t catch you cutting corners.”

“Yes ma’am,” We both respond, quickly taking to the air.

I quickly reach the sky, I can see the training complex below us, the four spires of the main atrium clearly sticking up above all the other roofs. Each spire several hundred feet from the other.

“This is ridiculous, I’m going to be here forever!” I groan as I feel my body sag, slowly making my way toward the first spire.

Fleetfoot and I begin our laps around the spire, counting in my mind as we make each pass around the building. Each monotonous lap gets me one closer to completion, a thought that I can only dream about.

I look glimpse down and see Iron Hoof standing in the main courtyard, staring up at us and not moving an inch. Her eyes study every movement we make, each breath coming under scrutiny. I can’t believe she doesn’t have anything better to do than stare up at us as we fly in circles.

While the laps continue on, I can feel a small burn in my wings from the exertion start to grow. Though my breathing is still controlled, I know it won’t take long for that to change. I haven’t worked on my endurance in forever, and it is showing. Sweat starts to bead across my fur as I feel my heart rate starting to elevate, the strain on my body beginning.

After about a hundred fifty laps, the sun has fully risen. Its rays now fully laying waste to our drenched fur, amplifying the strain we are under. Yet despite the strain we are both under, I can feel our speed picking up as we complete lap after lap. Not daring to fall behind the other, we fly side by side despite the pain.

On lap four hundred fifty I feel like death itself, my coat caked in sweat, and my body about to fail. My heart beats harder than it ever has, trying in vain to keep my body sufficiently supplied with oxygen. My wings are fully engulfed in searing pain, each one feeling like it's about to fly off in a different direction. All the while, I manage to stay side by side with Fleetfoot who doesn’t look to be doing much better.

Not soon enough, the final two laps approach. I can feel my body being pushed to the brink of failure, each muscle now moving involuntarily based on muscle memory alone. I look to see Fleetfoot pushing herself to her breaking point, her arms strained forward, eyes narrowed in concentration.

As we approach the final turn on the second to last lap, Fleetfoot turns early. I stare at her with a raised eyebrow only for my eyes to widen as I realize that she just cut the corner. The gap between us is now significantly larger, my body tensing up in frustration as I round the corner.

“You cheating bird!” I shout at her with what little oxygen I have left, my wings slowly significantly at that expenditure. I can see Fleetfoot’s ears twitching, yet she’s paying me no mind.

As I near the next corner, I decide that two can play this game. Cutting the corner, I feel my feathers glance off the spire. I narrow my eyes in concentration, frustration, and pain as I feel the adrenaline begin coursing through my body.

I manage to close the gap between Fleetfoot and me, our wings mere inches away from each other as we flapped. I could feel the sweat flying off her body, each drop of moisture grazing my coat as we sped around the next turn.

As we get close to the next turn, I see Fleetfoot contemplating. I glared at her in realization, she was going to cut the final corner.

I quickly redirect my wings, my body flying to the inside of the corner. Fleetfoot doesn’t realize what I’ve done as she nearly plows into me, mouth agape as she realizes that I beat her to it. She quickly grits her teeth, her body moving into overdrive as I fly in front of her.

The final spire lay ahead, marking the end of our torturous journey. I am currently no more than one body length away from Fleetfoot, my tail just out of her reach as I see her trying to grab at it.

With one final push, I scream as I push my wings harder, harder than they’ve ever gone before. I feel my vision darkening, the outside of my vision swimming as I pass the corner. First, I had just beaten her! I feel my body spiraling toward the ground, my wings no longer under my control. I could only flap them uselessly in a feigned attempt to control my body, my exhaustion too much as I try to bring my body back under control.

I crash to the ground, quickly losing my footing as my entire body crumbles into the dirt. I can only lay there in pain as my heart continues to race, my breathing shallow as I gasp for air. My body flaring with pain from any movement, no matter how little.

I hear Fleetfoot wreck into the ground next to me, and looking over I see that we are in the same boat. We both can only lay there for what feels like hours, our bodies trying their best to make up for the abuse they just went through. All we can do is stare at the sky, watching pegasi fly by as our bodies recover.

“What a performance,” Iron Hoof jeers as she approaches, looking down at both of our ailing bodies. “I was expecting you two to try and kill each other, and I was right! I got one hell of a show!” She cheers as she pats both of our barrels, causing us both to groan in pain.

“She… cheated!” Fleetfoot choked out between breaths, pointing an accusing hoof at me.

Iron Hoof snorted, “You good-for-nothing featherbrains both cheated, you’re lucky I don’t make you both redo the whole thing!”

“But she-” Fleetfoot was cut off as Iron Hoof slapped her across the face, her eyes going wide as Iron Hoof got nose to nose with her.

“I DON’T GIVE A DAMN! YOU CHEATED TOO YOU DIMWIT!” She screamed, Fleetfoots head pressing further and further into the earth. “Now, because you both cheated. You are both getting punished, end of discussion.” She states calmly, getting off Fleetfoot and standing between both of us.

I groan as I feel my body finally starting to relax, I don’t know if I can take another moment on my wings. I just want to lay on the grass, relaxing in the sun for the rest of the day.

“But since you two pulled off quite the performance, I’ll be nice and just give you latrine duty for the rest of your stay! How’s that?” She asks with a wicked smile, daring us to complain.

“Yes ma’am,” We both say, not moving as we continue to lay in the grass.

“I’m gonna kill you…” I grumble to Fleetfoot, not taking my eyes off the sky.

“Likewise…” She groans through gritted teeth, causing me to snort with a smile.

The next few weeks will be very interesting…

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