• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 831 Views, 81 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Izzytastic! - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a unicorn who thought outside the box.

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Izzy in the City!

After a good night's sleep, I woke up- and then went straight back to sleep again as my alarm clock hadn't gone off. A few minutes later, my alarm clock did go off.

"IZZY, IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!" it boomed.

"OK!" I said, and bounced out of bed before trotting over to the shower. I had a quick shower, even if I did have a lot of mane to handle with shampoo and similar chemicals, but it wasn't too hard. I wasn't too smelly, even if it had been a while since Zephyr Heights.

I bounded outside and put together some things before taking a bite of toast and putting it in my bag. During my journey I could always take another bite as I walked along. Or possibly two if I was particularly peckish.

I noticed everypony else was fast asleep. I didn't blame them. We'd been on the move for such a long time in rough conditions that everypony must have just enjoyed getting to sleep in a proper bed.

Where did I get all these beds, I hear you ask? Easy. Same place I get everything else. Unfortunately hammerspace doesn't seem to do glitter, and that's annoying, as it would save me a long trip to Vanhoover.

I left the house and closed the door, locking the door behind me and trotting away on a path. The forest was waking up, and other unicorns were wandering around, not doing much.

"Morning Onyx!" I called. "Lovely day, isn't it?"

"Naught but the rhythm, the rhythm of time and space and all inbetween, just the skies burning, burning, burning onwards with no rhyme or purpose but simply to move things forward, with all the power of stars and skies and the limitless void of space. If we move forward with time and space to this..."

I tuned her out as I walked towards the train station. Bridlewood train station sits on the outside of the forest, and provides relatively fast service to Vanhoover. I passed the crystal tea rooms, when suddenly-

"Hey! Izzy!"

I turned to see a familiar gruff stallion. "Hey Alphabittle!"

He frowned. "Where have you been, Izzy? You said you'd be back before nightfall, and you've been gone for days!"

"I got waylaid."

"We were worried sick about you!" Alphabittle replied. "We thought you'd been sold into slavery by an earth pony- they still practice it, after all- or been eaten by a pegasus!"

I could only hope he wouldn't try to go into my house, given earth ponies and a pegasus were in there right now. "Well, I wasn't in either case. And as you can see I only stayed in unicorn lands. So, if all's good, I'll need to be on my way."

Alphabittle trotted closer. "Please don't scare me like that again. Ever since I lost her you're the closest thing I have to a daughter. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. You remind me of her in so many ways."

I nodded. "OK, Alphabittle!" I had to be on my way, so off I went.

"And make sure you get on the right bit of the train! It divides at Mane Vale Ridge!"

"Gotcha!" As I trotted away, I thought to myself. Alphabittle had a daughter? And she was missing? When was this established?

After quite a hectic journey, I arrived in Vanhoover, the unicorn capital. My trip suggested the unicorns were the least technologically advanced of the three tribes. I mean, they used those scrolling departure boards rather than digital displays, and the train was pulled by a steam engine. You don't get more low tech then that!

In Vanhoover proper, ponies either walked past skyscrapers and through streets or they took... well, the locals called them trams, but I'd have called them trolleys back in the world I had come from. I made my way through bustling streets that looked like scenes out of the turn of the century.

Newspaper sellers calling to ponies in the street, reporting news and telling them to read all about it. Bakeries with fresh bread wafting their smells about. And more of the trolleys rumbling past, taking power from overhead wires.

I looked around with a smile on my face. This was the big city, and was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. True, Zephyr Heights was great, but I hadn't really had a chance to explore it properly, largely being confined to a palace.

And I strolled past another stand, selling pastries. They smelled so good that I bought one and ate it as I walked along. Shops with very long names were in the streets- including Moonbow's department store! I queried that, and it turns out one of my relatives owns a department store empire!

So Izzy clarifying she's a Bridlewood Moonbow isn't just a throwaway line! It has world building significance!

Eventually, I reached the store. Buster & Bailey's, it was called. Well, it was actually called Buster & Bailey's Grand Emporium of Supplies and Crafts for the Creatively Minded and Inventive with Hooves, but that takes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long to say!

I bounced in through the door, to hear the last chords of a barbershop quartet singing something or other. No wonder everypony was so musical in this world.

I stopped at the desk. "Good morning!" I said.

The store clerk, a pony with a straw hat, tipped his. "Salutations, Izzy!" he said. "Your usual order?"

"Yes please, just with extra glue and some extra glitter."

"I shall have Barnstoneworth collect it forthwith."

A few minutes of waiting, and the mountain of things I was buying was loaded into a large bag, that was passed to me. "Hopefully you won't do your back in carrying this lot," the clerk said.

"I should be fine," I smiled, and handed over some coins.

"Pleasant travels, Izzy," he smiled in return, and I set off. Once he was out of view I popped the bag into hammerspace and continued on my way. I wonder if I can store other pony's things in there as well? It'd make moving Pipp's wardrobe around a lot easier! How many suitcases does she bring with her?!

After quite a long day in the big city, I was finally home, and got off the train, exhausted but happy to have been out and about and explored a bit more of the world. Just how much was waiting for us to find beyond the confines of what was shown to us in the movie? This place seemed to have limitless potential!

I then made my way from the station after the train had left (I watched it out- interesting sight). I then continued on my way and into the next region, back towards my home. As I climbed the short hill towards Bridlewood proper, the others saw me, and began to back away as I bounced along.

"Beware!" said one old unicorn. "She's been buying crafting things again! And you know what the old rituals say about ponies who buy crafting things!"

Without a moment to hesitate, they all flipped the other way up, turned on their heads twice, then landed on their hooves once more.

That was weird! And that's coming from me!

I went into the forest and made my way back home with a smile on my face and a spring in my step as the evening sunlight cascaded into the forest canopy and down onto all inside the treeline. Being here again made me happy, as after all it was where my Equestrian journey began, and now was about to take a big step forward.

And not only that I was doing it with my friends by my side. Which was super amazing as well, as you can probably attest.

As I rounded the bend to my home and made my way down the hill, I suddenly spotted a hint of blonde near a bush. This was odd. Bushes usually don't have blonde strands in them.

So I trotted round the side of the bush to see what might be causing this strange colour. And what I saw was just so adorable!

Sprout and Misty were sitting there, largely hidden from the outside world by bushes and shrubs. They were holding hooves and gazing into each other's eyes.

Well, this was interesting. I thought Sprout was a bigot at this point in the movie. And yet here he was with a unicorn, with the gentlest of smiles.

I knew then what was going on.


I then spoke up. "You might want to move from there. Trees often dump water on that spot, hence all the bushes."

They both jumped and looked at me. "Uh- erm- yeah, sure, we'll move!" Misty said awkwardly.

"Gotcha, we'll head over," Sprout said, looking equally embarrassed. "Look, what you saw-"

"Your secret is safe with me," I smiled, winking. "Now then, next is dinner. And I have a Bridlewood staple lined up for tonight!"

Author's Note:

Man I tell ya... out of the handful of locations that were mentioned in Equestria during the time of G4, it's a shame that none got the chance to appear in FIM before it ended in 2019.

One of the examples during this chapter would of course be Vanhoover, which as indicated by the name is likely based on Vancouver.

We know that it is a large city, but we never got the chance to see it physically.

Ah well... at least we have some fan art depictions of what could of look like had it appeared in FIM: