• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 832 Views, 81 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Izzytastic! - JimmyHook19

The life and times of a unicorn who thought outside the box.

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That Lucky Old Sun(ny)

I looked at Sunny quite closely, waiting for her to acknowledge me. Come on! Surely she knew who I was, right?

But it seemed my appearance wasn't ringing any bells upstairs, if you know what I mean. Sunny continued to gawp at me, seemingly amazed. It was almost as if she'd never seen a unicorn before!

The awkward silence continued for a few more seconds, before she finally spoke. "U- unicorn!"

What happened next confused me. I knew earth ponies hated unicorns, but I hadn't expected a response like this. Ponies were running and screaming for cover! It was complete madness as they raced about and ran away. You'd think a tank was rolling down the street from the way they were acting! I wasn't that scary, right?

I glanced to Sunny in confusion, who still had the exact same facial expression glued to her face. "Is everypony playing hide and seek?" I asked, before turning my head towards a pony standing behind a trailer, who seemed to be worryingly close to the water's edge. He was behaving very strangely. "I see you!"

"AHHHH!" the earth pony screamed. "IT'S A UNICORN!" And then he jumped off the edge, with a loud splash a few seconds later confirming he had landed in the water.

What in Equestria was causing all of this peculiar behaviour? I looked about. "I was hoping they'd be more friendly. Still, I'd best be careful. Wouldn't want to end up in a trap!"

I kept Sunny in my peripheral vision, and noticed her looking about in a panic. I, on the other hand, began to trot towards the water's edge to get another look at that lovely sea. "Now, if I recall correctly there's a trap about here..."

Some distant bellowing about picking up litter and something about a foal not being somepony's kid briefly registered in my ears before I got pushed to one side. A trap slammed shut just about where I was about to step before I glanced back. Sunny had pushed me out of the way. Silly me! I must have forgotten that trap was there!

Sunny moved her head in the direction of a nearby street. "I've got to get you out of here!" she said, panic ringing through her voice. "There's a side street we can use to avoid the fire from the batteries! Come on!"

I knew what she was referring to. If I recalled the film correctly one of the streets was set up with Splatapaults ready to fire and hit anything in the way. I had to keep my head down and be careful.

I dashed down the same street as Sunny, stunned once more at seeing a place from one of my favourite movies flying past my eyes. "I've never seen this street before! it's so weird seeing the street layout from a first person view!"

Sunny looked back, and it was then I realised she had pulled ahead. "Come on, we have to keep going!"

"What's got you so worked up, Sunny?" I asked.

Her response confirmed my worst fears. "The Earth Ponies are terrified of unicorns, and by logical extension you. We need to escape or else they'll throw you in jail, or maybe worse!"

I knew precisely what she meant by worse. I didn't particularly fancy swinging from a rope, and drew a hoof across my neck. Hangman really isn't a fun game. "I hadn't thought of that. But- STOP! Splatapaults in the next street!"

Sunny stopped and peered round the next corner to check for threats. She needn't have bothered. Splatapault balls are very easy to spot, after all. They are big and green, not unlike a tennis ball!

I noticed Sunny speaking to herself, and then she looked back to me. "Eventually they'll have to stop to reload. That's our opening. When I say go, we go."

I nodded. "Gotcha!" Knowing Sunny was watching the enemy took my mind off things, so I glanced in the other direction. OK, that was a bit alarming.

Plenty of ponies were at the bottom of the pathway, seemingly marching in step. No doubt Hitch had put together an attack force to try and capture me. Well, he isn't getting me! Nothing can slow me down!"

Just then, Sunny brought me back to reality. "GO!"

We sped across the road and avoided heavy fire from the batteries, although I did hear one pony bellow 'death to the unicorn'. That's a bit harsh.

Townsponies were piling into the streets, many of them armed with catapults and slingshots. They were preparing to fire at us. One was wearing some foam thing, clearly worried about a horn. Silly filly! I always watch where I point this thing!

We were now back on main street, running past the cinema. I bounced between the traps as if I were playing hopscotch, but suddenly one of the traps closed.

"Sunny?" I asked, glancing about in surprise. Where had she gone? It was then I clicked she was inside the closed trap. The townsponies were closing in. Some of them had sharp pointy things! They must really dislike unicorns.

"Izzy? Can you hear me?" a voice suddenly said from inside the box. It was Sunny! She was inside the box? But why had she gone inside the box?

"Loud and clear, Mrs. Box!" I replied.

There was a muffled reply from inside the box. "Miss Box. I'm not married. Hit the big red button."

"The big red button on the side?" I asked.

"Yes! Now hurry up before Hitch catches us!"

I punched the button, and the trap deactivated, revealing a rather disheveled looking Sunny on the inside. We exchanged a few words before speeding out of town towards the lighthouse.

The lighthouse looked incredible! Even more amazing than it did in the movie! I made my way around the interior, and took a closer look at the many wonderful things inside after Sunny made a bit of a mess of letting us in. You are normally meant to let yourself in before shutting the door, but the poor girl was probably really stressed right now.

I was stunned at how real everything looked. An actual cooker! Plugged into the wall! True, there seemed to be several different types of plugs in the walls, but it was possible they were changing the voltage over. I took a closer look at the controls. "It's incredible to see all these things in real life. A laptop screen doesn't allow you to appreciate the level of detail the animators put into every object. It feels so real!"

Sunny's voice interrupted my looking. "Izzy, we need to talk."

My heart leaped for joy at hearing her say my name. "You remember my name! That's a great start!" I said, as I turned around to face her.

Sunny blinked. "No, seriously. You shouldn't know who I am at this point in the movie-" She suddenly stopped talking, and jammed her hooves in her mouth.

She was in the same boat as me! She wasn't from this world either! This was such an incredible find! "It's OK. I'm not from here either. I'm from another world! I also know the movie REALLY well, which is handy."

Sunny then asked a very strange question. "Which continent?"

What an oddly specific question. Had she once been a human too? "North America." I stepped closer, noticing her eyes were still as wide as dinner plates, and leaned forward. "Do you Earth Ponies also engage in staaaaaaaaaring contests?"

Sunny backed up, and her face dropped. "Sorry, Izzy. But seriously, if we already have this knowledge, we can skip so much dialogue. So, you know how magic has been vanishing, right?"

"Yes!" I said. I had been counting the number of minutes in my mind, knowing it takes Hitch and Sprout a while to get to the lighthouse. I mean, they do need to get their gear first. "It makes sense to move the plot forward and go and get the pegasus crystal next. It helps I know what's happening. For example, Hitch is about to turn up outside and use a megaphone!"

And just like that- "Sunny Starscout- OW! The settings on this thing are off. Sunny Starscout, you are under arrest! Come out with your hooves up!" Hitch had entered the vicinity of the lighthouse!

"She'll be unable to walk with her hooves up," Sprout said.

I looked to Sunny. "I'll create a distraction. I know how to get Earth Ponies on side."

"Best of luck," Sunny replied.

I went over and opened the door. Normally, I would try to sneak off, but I was only medium sneaky, and as such would probably be unable to get away from two law enforcement officers looking at the building.

"Hi guys!" I said. "Hello Hitch! Hey Sprout!"

Hitch looked confused. "Wait. How does she know what we're called?"

"Now, I know what you're thinking-"

Sprout screamed, and looked at his anti mind reading hat. "She's already reading our minds! These things don't work at all!" He then ran off for some reason. Sprout is weird.

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and glanced back to see Sunny having packed some bags. That was the signal. "Ooh! Look! Giant piano behind you!"

Hitch looked behind him, and the two of us dashed for the pathway out of Maretime Bay. We kept going as long as we dared, before stopping to catch our breath on the cliffside. "You OK, Sunny? You look pretty out of it."

Sunny did seem to be breathing quite heavily, but probably less from exertion and more from the thrill of the escape. "Hitch cannot legally arrest us here as we're outside the town borders."

Wow. She really did reflect her name. The sunlight caught her mane really well. I found myself staring, before Sunny spotted me. "Yes? Is something wrong?"

"You're really pretty. Is it something you did with your mane?"

Sunny seemed flattered by the complement. "Thanks!" She then opened an old book- her dad's journal- and showed me the map. Well, that journey seemed simple enough to complete up the slopes. It looked as though we were off to Zephyr Heights next. "Do you have any food on you?"

I produced my microwave. "Not only do I have food, but I have a way of cooking it! What do you have?"

"I've tossed some sandwiches into my bag for storage, but I'm not sure it's enough," Sunny replied, passing them to me.

I then got out my cool bag and dropped them in. "You should really keep those in a cool bag to keep them fresh. Have they been in a fridge?"

"Yeah," Sunny replied. "Keeping them cool is good in a humid climate like this. Weather's nice for a trip, isn't it?"

"Yes indeedally!" I said, as we set off on our great adventure. The day was lovely. It was a shame I'd forgotten to bring the freezer, but oh well. Things could easily have been a lot worse on that front.

And I was too polite to mention it, but Sunny did smell a bit odd. Like she'd been through a sewage pipe. That left me unable to test my theory as to whether all Earth Ponies smell of fish or not.

Oh well! There'd be plenty of time to ask her about her life!

Author's Note:

I did say we would return back to Izzy Moonbow one day. :3

Well that day is finally now! :D :yay: