• Published 28th Mar 2023
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My Little Pony: Make Your Mark In Love - SamSwordsman123

After everyone thinks they're a couple, Pipp and Hitch realize their feelings for each other and start dating. Meanwhile Zipp, Sunny and Izzy also search for love. Unknown to them, Opaline continues her attempts to take all magic for herself.

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Chapter 13: Zipping Through Dates

Zipp’s phone rang as she and her friends finished their emergency announcement regarding Opaline. She looked and saw her mother’s picture on the screen. She turned to her friends.

“Excuse me for a second,” she said as she flew away to take the call.

“Mom?” she answered it.

“Zipp, oh dear what a travesty!” Queen Haven said as the video call opened. “Are you alright?”

“We’re all fine, thanks to Misty,” Zipp said. “But right now, we need to come up with a plan to protect Maretime Bay, and Zephyr Heights and Bridlewood too!”

“Leave that to me!” Haven said in an unusually serious tone similar to the one she’d displayed when first meeting Sunny and Izzy. “I can have the guards resume their patrols! And now that Unicorns and Earth Ponies are here I can ask them to join the ranks now. Speaking of which we haven’t had the chance to find suitors among them yet.”

Zipp frowned. “Uh I think we need to hold off on that! This is a really serious issue!”

Queen Haven sighed. “I know. Perhaps we will have to hold off on finding candidates among the other two pony kinds. Very well, but you still have three suitors among the stallions that partook in the race we had a few days ago. You need to spend time with them, as I recall your date with your first suitor was scheduled for tonight.”

Zipp had completely forgotten about that. She remembered Right Light was the pony that she had liked the most of the three. She didn’t want to let him down, even though she knew coming up with a plan to stop Opaline was important. She had her duty as a princess, and while she didn’t always like it, she knew it was necessary. For Zephyr Heights and her family, as well as all of Equestria now.

“Alright, my date is tonight,” she said. “I’ll work with the others to see what we can think of and be ready when it comes.”

“Good, and I’ll talk with Alphie about how our different communities can help protect each other,” Haven said. “I must say I never thought we would ever be working against a common foe.”

Zipp nodded. “Bye Mom.”

She hung up and returned to her friends in front of the Sherriff Station.

“Okay, my mom just called,” Zipp said. “She’s gonna work on giving protection to Zephyr Heights.”

“Good,” Hitch said. “We’re gonna need all the help we can get. Maybe we should improve security around Maretime Bay as well.”

“You mean bring out some of those old traps?” Izzy asked, recalling how she’d got caught in one of those.

“Maybe,” Hitch said. “At least this time the friendly Unicorns and Pegasi will be inside.”

Sunny sighed. “I never wanted to see those used again when Ponykind became united once again, but I guess we might not have a choice. If Opaline has an army then-

“Well, most of the ponies that follow her were mind controlled,” Misty said. “Only a few of them followed her of their own free will.”

“That’s nice to know,” Pipp said.

“Traps would make it easier to capture them alive and free them then,” Zipp said.

Sunny nodded reluctantly. “Guess we’ll have to ask Sprout and his mom to get them out of Canterlogic’s basement.”

Zipp then turned to Misty. “Is there anything you can tell us about Opaline that might help?”

Misty thought for a moment. “Well she has a magic pool that conjure things, that’s how she made the ocean lily that lured you and Pipp into the beach cave I trapped you in. Sorry about that!”

Zipp shrugged it off. “Its okay.” She readied her phone to take notes. “Anything else?”

“Well, she can also use her magic pool to spy on you,” Misty said before looking around. “She could be watching us right now!”

They all felt a shiver run down their spines as they looked as well.

“Get to the Brighthouse!” Misty said. “Opaline can’t see us there thanks to the Unity Crystals!”

They dashed there and closed the door.

“Okay, so she can’t see us when we’re in the Brighthouse,” Zipp said. “From now on, whenever we talk about her we’ll do it here. Agreed?”

They all nodded. Misty then remembered something.

“Sunny, the mirror!”

“Oh right!” Sunny exclaimed.

They went up to the second floor and Sunny found the alicorn mirror on her bedside table.

Pipp sighed as she looked at it. “Such a beautiful mirror, it would be a shame to throw it away.”

“I don’t want anything that Opaline made!” Sunny said. “Its an instrument of evil!”

She opened the mirror, knowing now that the so-called inner voice talking to her through it had actually been Opaline trying to convert her to her side. She smashed the glass of the mirror, hitting it several times to make sure not a piece was left intact.

“There, now no pony will be able to use it,” Sunny said. “Take that Opaline!”

“Let me clean that up! Its jinxy to leave broken glass around,” Izzy said using her horn to levitate all the glass shards into the trash.

“Anything else you can think of, Misty?” Zipp asked.

“Not really,” the blue unicorn said. “But I wonder how I can help now? I just got my cutie mark which is of a butterfly. But… what does that mean for me?”

“Well Opaline did say your destiny was to oppose her,” Hitch reminded her. “Butterflies represent beauty, awakening, creativity, joy, and abundance.”

“What does that mean for me, then?” Misty asked uncertainly. “I may have awakened my true self, but I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do.”

“Oh, come on, Misty,” Pipp said putting a hoof on her new friend, or official new friend now, since they’d thought of her as a friend before. “You’re very pretty.”

She got out her own mirror (that wasn’t enchanted with evil magic) and had Misty look at herself. Misty did so for a moment but turned away.

“That’s the face of a pony that wasted her life serving Opaline!” she said. “I don’t want to look in the mirror and find that pony anymore!”

“Oh, maybe you’d like a makeover then?” Pipp asked. “Come on, let's go to Mane Melody.”

They did so. Rocky and Jazz were there running the place.

“Oh Pipp, we’re so glad you and the others are okay!” Rocky said.

“Yeah! I can’t believe there’s an evil alicorn out there!” Jazzy said fearfully. “I’m so scared just thinking about it!”

“Don’t worry, Jazz! I’m here to protect you!” Rocky said wrapping a wing around his marefriend who blushed.

“Thanks, Rocky!” she said leaning into his embrace. “I always lived my life in fear for so long with the rest of the Earth Ponies. I thought maybe it would be peaceful forever, but I guess not.”

“We Pegasi did the same,” Rocky said. “But I guess this is gonna be real danger.”

“It sure is,” Zipp said with a nod.

“Anyway, you remember Misty, right?” Pipp asked. “She needs a new look, she looks in the mirror and sees the bad pony she used to be. Maybe we can give her mane a different color?”

They seated Misty in one of the salon seats then brought over a few mane dye colors

“Try as many different colors as you want Misty,” Pipp said.

“You sure? That’s probably expensive,” Misty said.

“You saved me and all my friends… twice!” Pipp reminded her. “Think nothing of it! This one’s on the brighthouse! Or our home castle, either one!”

Misty smiled. “But… back to my question. What am I suppose to do now? I don’t want to be a burden on you guys.”

“I’m sure we can find something for you to do,” Hitch said. “You can try a few things with us like art with Izzy or make smoothies with Sunny. You might be pretty good with art if butterflies are meant to be creative. You could also bring joy and keep the magic for all pony kind abundant by helping us stop Opaline, or just making tasty smoothies. You’ll be making the world a better place.”

Misty nodded. “Okay. Well, I want to do my part, hoof to heart.”

They putt their hooves over their heart and then put the hooves together. Misty then received a number of color changes in her mane. Green, yellow, pink, purple, until finally they settled on a mixed shade of primarily red, with some purple and blue on her mane.

“How’s that look, Misty?” Pipp asked.

Misty looked in the mirror. Her eyes widened. “I-I feel like a new pony!”

“That’s cause you are,” Zipp said. “Goodbye evil Misty! Hello good Misty!”

“Right, guess we’ll have to come up with a plan now,” Sunny said. “I have to improve my alicorn abilities!”

“And I need to learn how to use magic more offensively!” Izzy said. “Hey, you can probably help with that!”

She looked at Misty who seemed unsure, but seeing as she was the only one had managed to produce a beam of magic, knew there was no choice. They made their way back to the Brighthouse where Misty had stored the books. They got them then went outside as they didn’t want to damage their home. Misty, Izzy and Sunny (who had assumed her alicorn form) all faced the cliffside while Hitch, Zipp, and Pipp watched.

“Okay, Opaline told me you have to gather magic to your horn,” Misty said. “Then release it!”

She brought her cyan light into her own horn and shot it out across the sea where it vanished into nothingness.

“Okay, so its like just lighting up your horn but sending the magic out?” Izzy said.

“Yeah, I guess,” Misty said.

Izzy and Sunny both brought magic to their horns. Sunny had learned to create bubbles on her own which was similar, but she had always been filled with the desire to protect ponies and never wanted to hurt them before.

Izzy brought magic to her horn and tried to push it out, but it only resulted in a little bit of light.

“You need more magic,” Misty said.

Izzy gathered more of her purple magic and shot it out. A beam flew from her horn. Sunny then did the same with her golden alicorn magic. They smiled.

“Thanks Misty,” Sunny said. “Maybe next time we can give Opaline a few burns like she did us!”

“We’re gonna need to practice though,” Izzy said. “Ah well, no artist starts out a master!”

They practiced with their magic, Hitch grew plants and tried to use them to catch Zipp and Pipp while Izzy and Sunny sparred with Misty, using only the lowest level required so as not to hurt each other.

Soon they were out of time and-

“You have to get ready for your date, Zipp!” Pipp reminded her.

Zipp sighed.

“Come on, lets get something for you to wear!” Pipp said.

“Okay, but no crowns!” Zipp said. “And no lipstick!”

“Alright, but maybe just an outfit or accessory at least?” Pipp said.

Zipp sighed. “As long as its not too fancy!”

Pipp thought for a moment then grinned. “How about a pair of sunglasses and a purple blouse? could make a cool entrance at least! But they’d probably block out the color of your eyes.”

Zipp smiled. “That seems fine.”

They got her blouse as well as her sunglasses.

Once she got her attire selected, Zipp showered to wash the sweat from their training session off. She then put on her blouse and sunglasses then waited till it was sunset before heading out to meet Right Light. She found him at their agreed upon spot in the square of the market area. He spotted her with her glasses on. She grinned and raised them slightly off her eyes with her hoof. The purple stallion had abandoned his armor and put aqua colored sweater on that looked comfortable.

“Well hello there!” she said with a wink.

“Hello Princess Zipp,” Right said.

Zipp wished he wouldn’t call her that but maybe that would happen in time. Once they became an official couple, if it got that far.

“I like your sweater,” Zipp said. “Decided not to wear armor huh?”

“I’m not on duty so its required,” Right said. “But I can still be your knight in shining armor.”

He chuckled before looking at her with a neutral expression. “Oh guess you’re not into that huh? Well I’m sure your capable of defending yourself, I heard you fought that evil alicorn that popped up.”

“Yeah,” she said. “But she nearly killed me and my friends.”

“Oh no!” Right Light exclaimed. “Maybe we should have some guards sent to watch over you and your sister and friends!”

Zipp would normally refuse that, but with Opaline out there it might not be a bad idea to have some extra security around the Brighthouse, and Maretime Bay.

“Maybe,” she said.

There was a moment of silence.

“Well, enough shock talk what do you want to do?” Zipp asked.

“I haven’t eaten yet and it was a bit of a flight,” Right said.

As if on que his stomach rumbled. They headed to the nearby hayhouse and themselves some spicy grass and vegetables for dinner.

“Oh that hit the spot,” Right said.

Zipp smiled and nodded.

“So, I know you saw me in the race, but I’d like to see how I’d fare against you,” Right said.

Zipp’s smile widened as he went for her sweet spot. She’d be a bit slower on a full stomach but it was all in good fun. Besides the same would go for him. They paid their bill then stepped outside and spread their wings and took off at top speed (or pretty close in Zipp’s case). They were neck and neck for a while as they circled around Maretime Bay.

“You’re pretty good,” Zipp said as she flew next to him. “Nopony has ever managed to keep up with me at this speed before. But I can go a little faster!”

She flapped her wings and got ahead of him ever so slightly. But to her surprise, when he looked back she saw a grin on his face.

“What a coincidence, I can go a little faster too!”

And he did, he caught up with her and she was caught by surprise as he passed her by an inch, just as they were completed their circle. Both panted from the race then laughed.

“You are something else, Right Light!” she exclaimed.

He smiled at her then looked at the night sky. “Well its getting late. I need to get back to Zephyr Heights, but I’m glad you enjoyed this, Princess.”

Zipp’s smile faltered somewhat. “Uh, can you please just call me Zipp? We are friends now at least so you don’t have be formal.”

He hesitated a moment then said, “Alright if you insist Prin… I mean… Zipp.”

She smiled fully again. “Thank you. Have a safe flight home. See you soon?”

He nodded and took off. Zipp watched him go, having a good feeling about this stallion.

Right Light, however, smirked as he flew back to Zephyr Heights. He then pulled out a dagger from the pocket of his sweater that he wore when he wasn’t on duty. He looked at the blade which had been enchanted just hours ago. Her face appeared on the steel.

“Objective fulfilled my queen, she suspects nothing,” Right Light said.

“Excellent work my new recruit. Succeed in this task and I will make you the new lieutenant,” Opaline said. “And let you keep your magic to be able to fly.”

“Thank you my queen. It wasn’t long ago that only royals were able to fly, or so they said. Soon that will become reality,” Right Light said. “I will look down on all those other common Pegasi! In more ways then one!”

She grinned. “But remember your place as well! Royal though you may become, alicorns are more royal then any mere Pegasi, Earth Pony, or Unicorn. Get close to Princess Zephyrina, or Zipp, whatever she calls herself. If we can control her we can control one kingdom of Equestria. Of course, it’s the only real kingdom besides my own. And they can’t even truly call themselves a kingdom if the monarch is not an alicorn. But it will suffice. This will be difficult given Zipp’s… affinity for meddling and observation. She is perhaps the most difficult of her little friends.”

Opaline seethed as she thought back to the blow Zipp had given her in their fight. But the one whom she hated most of all now was Misty. That pony had betrayed her after everything Opaline had done for her! She’d given her the answer she needed to find a cutie mark and… well… Misty had found it. Some things could not be helped, it was just Misty’s destiny to oppose her. That didn’t stop her from hating the young unicorn the most now though. She’d pay for her betrayal in time though, that was her destiny now. To be punished.

“Continue your mission,” she said to Right Light as her image faded from the dagger.

He sheathed it and thought on what to do next. He needed to make sure nothing could go wrong, even if it meant resorting to some dirty tricks. Of course he probably wouldn’t have resorted to something this sinister before meeting Opaline. But power was all that mattered to him, she’d shown him that in their brief meeting this morning. He turned back to Maretime Bay and went to the hotel he’d secretly booked. Good thing he had a couple days off from Queen Haven’s Royal Guard or she might suspect something was up. Now he could spy on his rivals and take them out, one way or another.

The next day Zipp had another date scheduled. It was to be with Thunder Flap, the guard that she seen quite often but not interacted heavily with aside from a few moments here and there like her flight school. Plus he was the partner of Captain Zoom who was also her mother’s advisor.

She sat in the market sector near Sunny’s Smoothie Stand. Misty was there as well trying her hoof at making smoothies. Zipp watched as the contents of the blender splattered in the unicorns face. She fought back a chuckle.

Finally the green Pegasus showed up. He was in his armor as usual, even though he technically wasn’t on duty. Zipp herself was in her normal state, as Pipp wasn’t around to make her put on an outfit as she was working at Mane Melody today. Even with the impending threat of Opaline they couldn’t forget their everyday careers. Zipp had to patrol Maretime Bay and keep her investigations up, also she’d need to become a better fighter as well. True she’d gotten a blow on Opaline she’d still been taken down pretty quickly. Ah well, that would have to be addressed later.

Thunder landed in front of her and bowed. “Princess… or… Zipp.”

She smiled. He knew she just preferred to be called Zipp, no need for formal titles with her.

“Thunder, good to see you again,” Zipp said.

Thunder smiled. “You… too.”

He looked at her but didn’t say anything for a moment.

She decided to take the initiative, “Uh, so how about we grab a smoothie?”

They walked over to Sunny’s smoothie stand.

“Hey Sunny!” Zipp said once they reached the front of the line. “Peanut butter and banana smoothie for me!”

“And just regular banana for me,” Thunder said.

“Coming right up!” Sunny said.

“Well, looks like both like bannanas at least huh?” Zipp asked.

“Oh… yeah!” Thunder chuckled nervously.

She frowned at him, not in an unfriendly way of course, just in a curious way. “You okay?

“Yeah, just a little nervous. This is my first date you see, and its with a princess!” Thunder exclaimed.

Zipp sighed then put on a smile. “Well its only my second date so no biggie. Just treat me like you would any other pony.”

“Okay,” Thunder reluctantly said. “Well that might be a little difficult.”

“Why is that?” Zipp asked. “Cause I’m a princess?”

“No, cause you’re an amazing pony, princess or not!” Thunder said. “I mean you fly great and you helped bring magic to Equestria, you’re a super smart detective… and I’m just a regular old royal guard.”

He looked down. Zipp gazed at him with sympathy.

“Its okay,” she said. “With that evil alicorn out there who knows maybe you’ll get a chance to shine?”

“Wahahaha!” an evil laugh sounded from behind, causing Thunder to scream and hide behind Zipp who frowned as she saw the source of the evil laugh had been Izzy.

“Izzy!” she and Sunny exclaimed.

“Sorry, you just said evil alicorn and I had to do an evil laugh!” the mulberry unicorn said.

“Your smoothies are ready, Zipp and…” Misty said as she looked out after finishing making the smoothies.

“Thunder!” the green Pegasus told her.

“Thunder! Hope I did them right!” Misty said.

Thunder immediately got to his hooves after recovering from the unexpected fright from Izzy. He took Zipps smoothie from Misty and walked back over to her, attempting to be a gentlecolt. Zipp smiled, while she wasn’t into being treated like a princess she didn’t a few little favors. Thunder was almost to her when he suddenly tripped and fell, the contents of her smoothie on her face.

“Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” Thunder said in remorse.

Zipp sighed and wiped herself off. This one wasn’t as good as the last one.

Little did they know they were being watched. Right Light smirked as he saw the green stallion’s clumsy and rather embarrassing display.

“Won’t have to worry about a loser like him,” he said as he watched while in disguise. “But I think I’ll just make sure the next one doesn’t have a chance.”

He flew off toward the flight path from Maretime Bay to Zephyr Heights, that had to be the direction the last suitor who’d come in third and final qualifying place in the race would come from. He waited, not sure when Dune Sweeper would be here. He had to be patient, and he was. Eventually he almost dozed off, but as he was about to, Right Light saw him. The brown Pegasus stallion was flying in.

Right grinned and drew the dagger that had been in his family for generations. Now it was about to be tainted with the blood of innocents. He flew at Dune Sweeper who like Thunder had stayed in his royal guard armor. His fellow stallion let out a gasp of surprise but was too slow to react as the dagger went straight for his face.

That afternoon, Zipp waited for her final date to show, hoping it would be better than the last one with Thunder at least. But as she stood in front of the brighthouse, something felt off. She waited for ten minutes after the appointed time then sighed.

“It should really be a crime to keep a princess waiting,” Zipp said, half joking.

She flapped her wings and took off for a flight over Maretime Bay, going just high enough to be able to fly over all the buildings. But as she turned in the direction leading to Zephyr Heights, she saw something… or rather, somepony lying on the grond on the outskirts. Blood covered the edge of the forest. She recognized him even from this height.

“Dune Sweeper!” she yelled in horror.

Immediately she called Hitch and he came to investigate along with some coroner ponies.

“A murder in Maretime Bay!” Hitch exclaimed. “This is the worst crime I’ve ever seen! After Opaline trying to kill us that is!”

“You don’t think she might be involved in this do you?” Zipp asked.

“Why would she?” Hitch asked.

“I… don’t know,” Zipp said. “I mean, he was scheduled to have a date with me but why would that be of interest to her?”

“I don’t know,” Hitch shook his head. “It could have just been an attack by a random pony or something. We’re gonna need to investigate this. How well did you know him?”

He gestured to Dune Sweeper’s body.

“Not well,” Zipp said. “He was just the third place candidate in the race recently and a member the Royal Guard of Zephyr Heights.”

“I’m probably gonna have to contact Queen Haven since this is one of her own,” Hitch said.

“I’m sure I can solve it!” Zipp insisted.

“We need to be sure we follow the rules,” Hitch said.

Zipp sighed. If her mom ordered an investigation on this, which she probably would since it was one of her own, she’d probably keep Zipp away from it.

Right cleaned his dagger on the beach which had very few ponies thankfully. He then looked at the blade that had been soaked red just moments ago with his victims blood.

“Queen Opaline?” he asked.

“I’m here, Right Light,” she said as she came into view. “How is it going?”

“Good, I’ve got her in the bag,” Right said. “The second candidate is a loser and the other is no more.”

He smirked and ran a hoof through his neck. Her eyes widened.

“Ah, that was proactive of you,” Opaline said. “Very good. Then we will be ready to make our next move in a few days.”

She laughed and Right Light did as well. The beach filled with the sound.

Author's Note:

Ah, I kind of felt bad for Dune Sweeper, but he was minor and I didn’t really have a plan for him. Anyway, do a few chapters that are a bit more slice of life, then have some action pick up again. Still not sure exactly how many chapters this story will have. We’ll just wait and see, till next week.