• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 2,673 Views, 350 Comments

My Little Pony: Make Your Mark In Love - SamSwordsman123

After everyone thinks they're a couple, Pipp and Hitch realize their feelings for each other and start dating. Meanwhile Zipp, Sunny and Izzy also search for love. Unknown to them, Opaline continues her attempts to take all magic for herself.

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Chapter 3: Zipp's New Duty

Hitch walked Pipp back to the Crystal Brighthouse. Night had fallen over Maretime Bay by the time they got there. They entered the Brighthouse to find Zipp, Izzy and Sunny all sitting on the sofa watching tv. Sparky was there as well sitting between them, they were watching a movie on TV and eating ponycorn. One of the more recently released ones that involved all pony kinds. It was called the Pony Knights: Quest for the Princess. The pair saw the lead pony knight with a sword fighting the evil centaur who had taken the princess prisoner.

Sunny paused the movie as she saw her friends enter. “Hey Pipp, Hitch! How was your date?”

“It was… a little awkward at first,” Pipp said. “Hitch was being Mr. I’m So Into The Rules and trying to follow a book about dating!”

“Yeah, and Pipp was on her phone,” Hitch said. “But we managed to recover pretty soon.”

He approached the sofa as Sparky took a bite of corn. “Hey Sparky, I’m back! How was he Zipp?”

“Oh, he was fine. A little mischievous with the dragon fire. Turned a few things into food you know? But we soon turned those back then got some real food and we actually raced a little bit,” Zipp said.

“You took him flying!?” Hitch screamed in fright.

“Hitch relax, I made sure he didn’t go too high. He’s already flying pretty good though. Might be faster than me someday,” Zipp said. “And he liked it didn’t you, Sparky?”

She patted the little dragon on the head as he nodded and gave a small, “Uh-huh.”

Hitch was uncertain as he looked at the dragon he’d come to consider his son. “Alright, as long as you don’t do anything crazy. I guess I can’t restrict him from flying too much. Just make sure to take baby steps.”

“He’ll be able to fly a lot sooner then any Pegasus has for a long time though,” Sunny said.

“Except for the little Pegasus foals!” Izzy stated. “I’ve even seen a baby or two that can fly! Glad I’m not babysitting one of them! Cause it would be a hoofful to take care of babies that can fly!”

“I bet unicorns and Earth Ponies will be just as much trouble,” Sunny said with a smile. “I mean we all have magic again now so nothing is gonna be easy.”

That caused her friends to giggle. They all sat down and watched the rest of the movie with Pipp and Hitch taking their own sofa with Sparky on Hitch’s leg. They were almost to the end of the movie as the princess (the one in the movie) and her knight were about to kiss after he’d saved her.


Pipp’s phone let off a series of rings as somepony called.

“Whoops!” Pipp said as she heard it and got it out to see who was calling.

Her mom’s picture appeared on her phone.

“Excuse me for a second, everypony,” she said as she flew off to let them finish their movie.

Once she was upstairs and the sounds of the TV were distant she opened her phone for a video call.

“Hey Mom!” Pipp said.

“I saw your livestream earlier!” Queen Haven said on the screen. “How was your date with Hitch?”

Pipp recounted it and Haven put a hoof to her heart.

“Oh, I’m glad you two enjoyed each other so much!”

“And you’re okay with me seeing somepony now?” Pipp asked.

“Yes. I know I always kept you from dating other stallions. I didn’t want some crazy stalker or potential kidnappers that could hold you for ransom after all! But you and Zipp are both old enough to start that I think. Speaking of which I think its time we start something for Zipp.”

Pipp looked at her mother confused for a moment. “What do you mean?” Then she remembered an old tradition involving dating for members of the royal family. Pipp smirked. “Oh, Zipp’s gonna love that.”

“Invite your sister and new boyfriend over for dinner as soon as possible,” Queen Haven said.

“Uh, he’s not my boyfriend… yet,” Pipp said. “We just had one date so far.”

“Ha, I’m sure it will work out,” Queen Haven giggled. “Just be sure that they both come.”

“Will do,” Pipp said before blowing a kiss at her mother through her screen. “Bye Mom! Love you!”

She hung up her phone and walked back down.

“Sorry everypony that was my mom,” she said. “She wants to have me and Hitch over. And you to come as well Zipp!”

“Uh okay,” Hitch said nervously. “Guess I have to get the queen’s blessing huh?”

“She’ll probably be fine with it,” Zipp said. “I just hope she doesn’t have any plans to give me a random princess lesson for when I take the throne.”

Pipp gave a small grin. “Well, I can promise you it certainly won't be one of those random lessons.”

Pipp, Zipp, and Hitch checked their schedules tomorrow and found it was clear.

“Okay, I guess we can all go,” Zipp said.

“Good thing we have the Marestream to fly us there, cause it would be too long for me to walk all the way to Zephyr Heights after work,” Hitch said.

They got into the vehicle that Izzy and Zipp had made. The engines of the Marestream lit up and they took off, heading for Zephyr Heights. Queen Haven stood in front of the royal palace as they landed, a set of Pegasus Royal Guards and her flying Pomeranian Cloudpuff by her side. She smiled as her daughters as well as Hitch and Sparky emerged from the flying magical vehicle.

“Arrf! Arrf!” Cloudpuff barked as he saw his other owners.

“Cloudpuff!” Pipp said pulling the little white flying dog into a hug.

“Zipp, Pipp good to have you both home! You know it feels kind of lonely without my girls here,” Queen Haven said as she walked up and put her hooves around her daughters.

Pipp smiled brightly while Zipp’s was more soft but still genuine. Hitch meanwhile stayed back and waited for the monarch to turn her attention to him.

“Your majesty,” he said with a polite bow.

She smiled at him and nodded. “Sheriff Hitch.”

Sparky waved from Hitch’s back and spoke in his baby dragon voice. “Aye!”

“Hello Sparky!” the Pegasus queen said putting a hoof to the baby dragon’s head. “Come, we have dinner cooking and there is something we need to discuss.”

The two princesses and Sheriff followed her to the royal dining hall. The meal would arrive soon but in the meantime they would talk.

“So, you both started dating,” Queen Haven stated looking at Hitch and Pipp.



They said similar things together, glancing at each other as they did so and chuckling.

“Well, I’m happy for you. My second born is pursuing her first relationship,” Queen Haven said before looking at Hitch. “From what I’ve seen of you Hitch, you are a good Sheriff and quite responsible. I think you could make a good potential husband for Pipp, or Zipp if that had been the pony whom you ended up with.”

This caused the trio of younger ponies to all blush as they looked at each other.

“Me and Zipp?” Hitch asked looking at the older pegasus princess. “No way! I mean… she’s a great deputy and friend. But we’re just partners right, Zipp?”

Zipp smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Maybe in an alternate universe!”

This caused them all to laugh.

“Jokes aside I do hope the best for of you both,” Haven said to Hitch and Pipp before turning to Zipp. “Also, there is something else this event had made me think of. Zipp, it's time we discuss something.”

“What is it, Mom?” Zipp asked with a face that said she knew she wasn’t gonna like it.

“As heir to Zephyr Heights, you have responsibilities and duties,” Queen Haven told her oldest daughter.

“I know Mom, but there’s still so much I want to find out,” Zipp said. “About magic, and also there is something else that I-

“And I’m not going to have you abandon that search,” Queen Haven said. “But you must not forget your royal duty to this kingdom, or your family.”

Zipp sighed. “You sure you won’t consider passing it all to Pipp? She’d probably like being queen more than I would.”

“Hmm… probably,” Pipp said rubbing her chin with a hoof.

“Zephyrina Storm!” her mother said in her stern voice. “You are the heir! And much more responsible and serious then Pipp! She would probably like it more, but she is practically queen of the media already! Also, I doubt she’ll be off her phone long enough to focus on her duties if she were queen!”

“You’re probably right!” Pipp said with her phone out already.

“You on the other hoof can I think,” Queen Haven said.

Zipp sighed, knowing her mother was right.

“Now as heir, you need to have foals to carry on our family line. I’m getting old,” Queen Haven continued, putting her hoofs to her face. “I know I look even older than I actually am. Stresses of being a monarch are quite heavy. I do hope you will have a better reign and that I at least have enough time to see my grandchildren.”

Zipp clenched her teeth, thinking she knew where this was headed. “So, you want me to start… dating?”

“Yes,” Haven said. “You and Pipp are both at the age where it has traditionally been allowed. I’ve put it off for a while but its high time to get a move on. Pipp’s started seeing her first stallion so I think it only appropriate that you begin searching as well.”

Zipp sighed again. “Great, now I’ve got to find some hidden threat out there?” she motioned to a window overlooking the land with her wing. “And a husband?”

“Hidden threat?” Queen Haven asked worriedly.

Zipp looked at her mother for a moment. “Uh, yeah… we stumbled across this old recording in the Unity Crystals. It was a message from Twilight Sparkle, saying there’s somepony out there that tried to steal magic for herself and will try again.”

“Oh my! But if that was in Twilight Sparkle’s time certainly that pony must be dead by now?” Queen Haven said.

“I don’t know, Mom,” Zipp said. “Twilight’s recording said she built protection around Equestria but-“

“That settles that then, we’re safe. So, we can focus on things that matter right now! And what we need to focus on is finding you a potential husband!” Queen Haven said. “We will start with the males in the royal guard and then look at successful nobles in Zephyr Heights. Oh, and beyond as well! Now that we are no longer enemies with the Earth Ponies and unicorns its entirely possible for us to create alliances based not only on friendship but also love as well. Perhaps I will find new love myself. I’ve so missed your father all these years but I know he wouldn’t want me to spend all my days alone.”

“Oh, you have somepony in mind?” Pipp asked excitedly.

“Perhaps,” Queen Haven admitted with a blush. “But our primary concern right now is finding a potential match for Zipp.”

“Wow that sounds exciting,” Hitch said.

Zipp shook her head. “But Mom-“

“No buts Zipp! We don’t need to worry about anything else! Whoever that evil pony is, she is probably long gone never to return!” Queen Haven stated.

At that moment their food arrived.

“Ah, wonderful! Our food is here!” Haven added.

Pipp and Hitch were excited as their plates were set in front of them while Zipp looked uneasy.

Far away, to the northwest of Maretime Bay, another queen was watching them. Opaline stood in her throne room, looking down at the magic pool that she could use to create things and spy on her enemies as well. Misty was there at her side. They watched as Hitch and the royal family began their dinner. They’d listened in on the whole conversation. Opaline was annoyed when she saw the elder Pegasus princess talking, but smiled as the queen decided to focus on finding her daughter a match.

“Ha, foolish old Pegasus queen! You don’t have a right to even wear that crown,” Opaline said with an evil grin.

She looked over at the dragon who sat on his own little seat eating royal made food.

“So, what do we do now? I doubt I can get there to Zephyr Heights before they leave. Should I just head back to Maretime Bay and wait for them?” Misty asked nervously.

“No, you’ve failed me too many times,” Opaline said turning to her assistant/adoptive daughter.

Misty shook, thinking she was about to be punished harshly.

“But I suppose I shouldn’t expect better from a unicorn who can’t even use her magic,” Opaline sighed. “Therefore, I’m going to have you remain here for a few days… while I TRAIN you.”

Misty’s eyes widened. Opaline’s evil laughter filled the room, she slowly joined in as well.

Author's Note:

Okay, so we got Zipp being forced to look for a husband, and Misty is going to be trained to use her magic. Hope you guys like this chapter so far, please point out anything that might contradict tale your tell or make your mark, though whether those two are meant to be canon to each other might be up to debate, as some things I’ve seen are contradictory between the two. Like Maretime Bay Day 2.0 doesn’t show Sparky that I saw and some other things don’t add up when you compare the two. Ah well, can’t be perfect I guess. And I won’t be taking the comics into account as I hate the idea of Discord, and anyone else from G4 still being alive and immortal. But hey I consider this an alternate universe so walls up. Constructive comments and reviews for improvement are always welcome.