• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 4,225 Views, 371 Comments

Spike's Kingdom - Guardian Dragon

Spike decides to start anew with the Dragons with all that he learnt about Friendship.

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Reality Check

Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rarity depart the train at Ponyville Station and notice Rainbow Dash flying as Applejack gallops to Sweet Apple Acres. Pinkie Pie is hopping to Sugarcube Corner, oblivious to recognizing her two best friends standing by the train station. The duo look at each other and sigh in unison, agreeing to divulge the heartbreaking tale of Spike's departure from Equestria and residing with the Dragon Nation as the Dragon Lord.

"Pinkie!" Twilight and Rarity shout to gain their friend's attention. The pink party mare turns and smiles gleefully at Rarity and Twilight.

"Hi, girls!" Pinkie Pie, within an instant, appears with some dust clouds forming behind her due to Pinkie's swift movements to greet her friends. "How was your trip?"

"Not well, Pinkie..," Twilight sadly sighs, trying to muster enough confidence to declare Spike's achievement and status. "You see, Spike is-" Pinkie interrupts Twilight's sad speech.

"Discord stopped by earlier and filled us in on Spike's status," Pinkie exclaimed, her signature giggle punctuating her words. She hoped the news would brighten Twilight's spirits.

"WHAT?!" Twilight and Rarity ragingly exclaim since the Draqonecuus have revealed such information without their consent; also, they feel upset that Discord spied on them and didn't encourage Spike to stand down and uplift his kingship to Princess Ember.

"Yea," Pinkie laughs at the shocked faces; she's clueless about the angry expression written on them. "Discord told us about Spike becoming the new Dragon Lord and his decision to remain with the Dragons to learn more about them."

"More like becoming viciously brutal to every creature that steps in their country, Pinkie," Rarity rudely responds.

"That's not nice, Rarity. We can't assume all Dragons are as mean as we name them to be..," Pinkie Pie understands Fluttershy's frustration when she defends the other Dragons no other Pony has met. "Not all Dragons are cruel and meanie, Rarity."

"Spike is getting an attitude adjustment, Pinkie. Rarity and I nearly got brutalized when Garble and other Dragons wanted to harm us!" Twilight bellows at Pinkie, huffing in her rant that she's losing Spike.

"Girls, are you listening to yourselves?" Pinkie Pie shakes Rarity's and Twilight's heads with her hooves. "We're supposed to represent Friendship, not accuse other species based on personal feelings!"

Twilight and Rarity slap Pinkie's hooves away and step back; they look at Pinkie differently, with their feelings hurt. Twilight is losing Spike to Dragons that would abuse him, while Rarity is without the Dragon she loves. What Pinkie said struck them but didn't go through to their heads.

"I'm going home, Pinkie," Twilight trots away from her friend. Rarity follows, knowing Twilight needs support from somepony who understands her pain of losing someone very close.

Pinkie sighs and hopes Starlight and Fluttershy can help Twilight and Rarity see the reason to believe Spike will be better than they expect of him.

Twenty minutes later. Starlight Glimmer and Fluttershy are having jasmine tea in the kitchen, mentioning the possibility of seeing Spike and Discord with a group of Dragons visiting Ponyville; The two laugh, imagining many Ponies fleeing from the group while the Dragon Lord calms everyone down, allowing the peace to settle and become unified.

Twilight and Rarity enter the Castle of Friendship feeling gloomy when they smell the scent of jasmine tea; it's evident Fluttershy has decided to fellowship with Starlight since she was alone for a while. The two trot to the kitchen, hearing the laughter of friends in bliss.

Starlight sees her friends entering the kitchen and welcomes them with open hooves. "Welcome home, you-" Twilight interrupts Starlight.

"We know you and Fluttershy comprehend Spike's kingship as Dragon Lord. Pinkie told us that Discord came and revealed the info."

"Aren't you glad Spike saved Equestria from the possible wrath of other Dragons and wanted to renew his country into prosperity?" Fluttershy asks her friends; she's eager to know the current circumstances her friends' feelings are in.

"Well..," Twilight froze and hesitated with her answer. Yesterday, Spike achieved his moment of glory by obtaining the Bloodstone Scepter, thus earning the title of Dragon Lord; however, his decision to remain with the Dragons made her upset, like she was losing someone wholeheartedly since the beginning of their bond when Spike got birthed during her entrance exam to potential bullies and monsters. "I was ecstatic when Spike won the Gauntlet of Fire competition and showed kinship with Ember into embracing the glorious of Friendship."

"Twilight and I leapt for joy when Spike declared the victor; however, we expected Spike to come home with us. Instead, he'd fallen in love with the Princess of Dragons.., Ember..," Rarity sheds a tear after failing to admit her love for Spike, though in hindsight, it was a ploy to lure Spike back to Equestria. Now, Rarity feels jealous that Spike's attention is on another lady with authority and high class. "Now.., my little Spiky-Wikey will become corrupt and won't accompany me to the caves to extract gemstones, help me in my boutique or even comfort me when I need comfort!" Rarity burst into tears, curling on the floor. "I LOST MY BEST FR-FR-FRIE-FRIE-FRIE-AHAHAHAH-END!"

Fluttershy flies over to Rarity and softly coos her, rubbing her sides with her wings for comfort. "Spike is not gone, Rarity. It's not a goodbye but a see you later."

"Twilight," Starlight turns to Twilight after Rarity gets emotional. "If you were ecstatic, why are you gloomy?"

"Spike is still a baby Dragon and the weight of being a Dragon Ruler has me concerned, especially when other Dragons like Garble would want to harm Spike despite his entitlement. I genuinely believe Spike will be abused and won't have the protection I can provide him. Also, I don't believe Spike can be a compatible ruler at such a young age."

"I understand the concerns, Twilight, but you're acting hypocritical over Spike's kingship," Starlight responds, knowing the truth will upset Twilight.

"WHAT?!" Twilight snorts at the rude remark from Starlight. "Explain to me how I'm a hypocrite right now!"

"For starters, aren't you the youngest Alicorn in Equestria?" Starlight uses her left hoof to point at Twilight when she makes her claim.

Twilight does a doubletake when she hears about the assumption of being the youngest Alicorn. "Yes! Well," Twilight takes a deep breath. "Princess Celestia is teaching me the steps about being an Alicorn, to become a ruler of Equestria. I've taken precautions to understand my role as Princess of Friendship, and I've taken the liberty of studying the works as Princess of Equestria when it's my time to rule Equestria."

"And, while you're studying, who's there to help you during your studies? Who's there to read your work when someone has to organize your notes whenever you hang out with your friends? Who's been writing the letters and journal entries whenever you or your friends uncover a new Friendship lesson?" Starlight pesters Twilight with questions, referring to Spike and his involvement with Twilight's ascent to becoming a future Princess of Equestria.

Twilight listens to Starlight and becomes sad when the answer is obvious; Spike is much more involved with her elevation than any of her friends combined since he's the one who recorded virtually everything she and her friends experienced. She looks inward and asks herself what kind of friend would assume the worst and not the best. "How can I be stupid? Spike is more mature than any of us and never showed doubt when I earned my Alicorn wings." Twilight flexes her Alicorn wings as a reminder of the day she earned them and looks down in disgrace since she feels like a failure. "He was always by my side, encouraging me, loving me, helping me.., Spike even took care of me..." Twilight shed tears about how she'd viewed Spike and how she sought him. "I've taken advantage of my friend; I left him all alone whenever I went out with my friends.., not even considering Spike my own... Oh, Celestia..." Twilight looks at the ceiling of her castle with the sudden revelation that makes her question the Friendship she created with Spike. Twilight's title of Princess of Friendship makes her blind to the one true friend she mistreated when the memories of Spike's noninvolvement are evident in many adventures, get-togethers, and even parties she and her friends attended. Twilight sits on the floor, covering her face with her hooves with glaring and unfortunate events. She starts panting with more tears streaming down her cheeks. "I left Spike behind on my BIRTHDAY and went to Canterlot! I left him behind whenever Princess Cadance invited my friends and me to the Crystal Empire! The Crystal Ponies adore Spike, and I kept denying Spike the chance to come with my friends and me!" "FORGIVE ME, SPIKE!" Twilight shouts at the top of her lungs, wailing in sadness as more daunting memories flood her mind, reminding Twilight of every event she excluded Spike from.

Starlight trots to Twilight and offers to hug her; Twilight accepts and imagines Starlight as her Spike, the friend she used and forgot on many occasions. Memories of Spike getting mistreated unfairly spawn in Twilight's mind, making her feel awful for not standing up for her friend and defending him whenever somepony were to mock or prank him.

Fluttershy and Rarity wonder what is happening with Twilight and her state of mind, especially with her outburst of emotions when she wants Spike to forgive her for the many errors she committed and not concede them.

"Hmm, well, I didn't think Twilight would have a change of heart." Discord spies on his friends, hoping to see how Twilight reacts to his involvement with the Dragons; instead, he's witnessing Twilight becoming a better Pony. He's disguised as Owlicious as Twilight's pet is elsewhere napping.

Rarity and Fluttershy comfort Twilight, reminding her how great of a friend she is; however, Twilight informs her friends about not sharing the same likelihood with Spike and wants to renew her Friendship with Spike. Twilight vows to become the friend Spike yearned for and becomes more encouraging and optimistic that Spike will become a great Dragon Lord as she will become a great Princess.

"Spike, I have faith that you'll become the best Dragon Lord unlike any other, and I'll treat you as a real friend should, just as I value Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Starlight. I swear in Celestia's name. I'll treat you far better than my Number One Assistant!" Twilight thought to herself and stood up, beaming with pride. "See you soon, Spike!" Twilight smiles, knowing the future is bright for the young Dragon.