• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 4,227 Views, 371 Comments

Spike's Kingdom - Guardian Dragon

Spike decides to start anew with the Dragons with all that he learnt about Friendship.

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Audio Logs: Part 1

Status Report: School Record Retrieval

Submitted by: Bright Light

Establishment: School For Gifted Unicorns' Basement

Date: April 9th

Duration: 10:43 p.m.

Subject: Archives & Theories

Category: Top Secret

Case #1994

{Now playing audio log #2293}

Princess Celestia,

As your lead investigator executing this case, I must inform you; all school documentation regarding Dragon Eggs was erased, burnt, and vanished with traces of magic used decades ago. I compiled magical particles from the evidence pile for further testing and analysis; the results will verify within a few days. I have obtained eyewitness testimony in variants audio logs that will be deciphered and transmitted to the Lunar Guard District Justice Department within a few days.

I have interrogated several retired instructors and judges concerning young Unicorns during their entrance exams and have a vast knowledge of Dragons during the hatching sequence. Each Pony describes the giver as Princess in magic armor concealing her face, body, mane, and aura. The remembrance of the voice from the giving Princess remains unknown from each testimony remembering a different tone within the mouth movement.

My team and I have theorized that Queen Chrysalis is the catalyst for operating the Dragon Egg raids due to glaring issues.

  1. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess Cadance, her youth and magical prowess with inexperience in leadership, would be pressured. Leading a squadron of Royal Guards in invading the Dragon Lands would become too formidable for the young Princess to overcome.
  2. Princess Cadance, during the duration of her youth, during the time of the raiding, babysat Princess Twilight Sparkle before and during her time at your school. Also, she was dating Shining Armor, training to be a Royal Guard.
  3. No other villain in Equestria's history has power beyond Queen Chrysalis' capacities to frame your image and turn you into a scandalous. Lord Tirek remained imprisoned in Tartarus; Discord, Lord of Chaos, stone-statue imprisonment at your garden maze; Nightmare Moon, imprisoned on the moon for another fifteen years.

We will continue to operate until more evidence is available for disclosure. I, Bright Light, Lead Investigator of Celestial's Crime Insurgence, shall continue my research until the truth unfolds.

{End of Recording}

[This audio log will be submitted in a written document and sent separately to the Princess' quarters under Code Black for Top Secret.]

Status Report: Analyzing Magical Particles

Submitted by: Star Blaze

Establishment: Canterlot's Magistry Laboratory

Date: April 11th

Duration: 4:27 p.m.

Subject: Magic Identification

Category: Top Secret

Case #1994

{Now playing audio log #2294}

Princess Celestia,

As a top scientist and conveyor of sorcery, the magical properties within the evidence that Bright Light brought to me are inconclusive. My team and I cannot trace the source of the magic user, spell, and enchantment within our database. Our knowledge of different forms of magic doesn't connect to the particles emitted.

We scanned and read every book, scroll, and note dating back to the days of Starswirled the Bearded and your secret library you forbade the public of entry. We disregarded the books from The Castle of the Two Sisters due to Princess Twilight Sparkle's interference. She has a reoccurring theme of visiting the old castle for conventional wisdom to become a better Princess.

I request the books in Twilight Sparkle's possession be transferred to Canterlot's Magistry Laboratory for further development and study to confirm the origin of the magical particles.

{End of Recording}

[This audio log will be submitted in a written document and sent separately to the Princess' quarters under Code Black for Top Secret.]

Status Report: Deciphering Audio Logs

Submitted by: Moon Shade

Establishment: Lunar Guard District Justice Department

Date: April 13th

Duration: 7:04 a.m.

Subject: Theories & Testimonies

Category: Top Secret

Case #1994

{Now playing audio log #2295}


After hours of listening to all the testimonies from everypony within your school, we have determined that Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess Cadance, has voluntarily sought to possess Dragon Eggs according to a vision she experienced. Professor Lionheart cited the lack of eggs for the next young Unicorns' entrance exams and would need an immediate replacement to meet the requirements and time frame before Princess Celestia's arrival to welcome her new students.

Despite Bright Light's theory of Queen Chrysalis being a catalyst to proceed with the Dragon Egg raidings, during the timeframe, we only had two Princesses before having four. My team and I consider Princess Cadance to commence the invasion, and her vast knowledge of magic wipes her memory to extract all trauma and experience of wreaking havoc on the Dragon Lands.

During your reign before Princess Luna returned, you had Equestria secured in peace for over a millennium. The Changelings as a nation underwent many Queens who did not seek Equestria for love to satisfy their hunger. We believe Queen Chrysalis would not come across the Dragon Nation, provoke their wrath, and withdraw their eggs.

Many instructors remember the tale about the vision and how crucial some Dragon Eggs were for the benefit of Equestria. The purple egg with purple polka dots was mentioned during every audio clip; we now know that every instructor that testified refers to Spike's Dragon Egg and how he played a vital role during his span in Equestria. The judges remember welcoming Spike's infancy for the first time when a young Twilight Sparkle succeeded in hatching and increasing his mass with an overloaded surge of magic power.

My team and I drew some conclusions after reading every document about Spike's involvement in Equestria and the Crystal Empire; we theorize that Princess Cadance's vision resulted in Spike saving us from potential warfare with the Dragon Nation since the raiding, for they have personal vendettas and laws that would spark tensions to a never-ending nightmare.

Until more evidence arrives, Princess Cadance is classified as a suspect until further notice. We need more compelling evidence to override our accusation of Princess Cadance's involvement before proceeding with locating a Changeling willing or conveniently exposing the truth about the Dragon Egg raids.

{End of Recording}

[This audio log will be submitted in a written document and sent separately to the Princess' quarters under Code Black for Top Secret.]

"Good grief!" Princess Celestia sighs heavily after hearing the first three audio clips and reading the case files, each one with compelling discoveries, theories, and evidence to help find answers to solve the mystery.

Princess Celestia is reluctant to involve Princess Twilight Sparkle in the investigation; however, she believes Twilight is best suited for redeeming any Friendship crisis. If Discord didn't renounce his citizenship in Equestria, he would have become either Celestia's shoulder devil or angel, giving her advice and suggestions left and right, allowing her to make the right decision.

Princess Luna enters Celestia's room with a letter from Spike and notices the devastation written on her sister's face. Before rereading the letter, Princess Celestia reveals everything her investigation team uncovered during the first week of Spike's reign in the Dragon Lands; Princess Luna is unsure what to believe after listening and scanning through all documentation, in the back of her mind, Luna hopes Queen Chrysalis is the culprit rather than Princess Cadance.

Celestia asks Luna what Spike mentioned in the letter he wrote; Luna reads the following statement:

Dear Princesses,

I understand wholeheartedly why most Dragons despise Equestrian Ponies after speaking with those impacted by the raidings several years ago. It comes to my attention that many families are disturbed, miserable, and dismayed by the Ponies of Equestria since the younglings endured hardship and trauma during the events. Many families haven't healed, especially with some Dragons paralyzed during the invasion.

Princess Celestia, I understand that you may want Twilight to help gather information to solve our mystery; however, I ask you to refrain from making that decision. Twilight Sparkle has much on her plate as the Princess of Friendship; she may never rest, and I'm not sure how she's dealing with life without me. Twilight Sparkle has her duty to teach Friendship lessons to Starlight Glimmer and the responsibility of answering any Friendship Quest when her cutie mark glows. She has much more to learn, and adding another job that could take decades and maybe centuries of answering is something I don't think Twilight has time for when you and Luna are still teaching her the concepts of ruling Equestria as a future Princess.

I want you and Luna to use any resources to help uncover the 'Princess' that commanded the brigade into stealing Dragon Eggs and finding all other hatched Dragons possibly living in Equestria without anyone noticing. I can't be the only Dragon that got to live, right......?

Dragon Lord Spike

Princess Celestia ponders for a few moments after her sister finished reading the letter; she had thoughts of involving Twilight in solving the mystery; now, she wants to honor Spike's request since Twilight could be stressing herself and trying to become the better Princess of Equestria someday. "Okay," Princess Celestia sighs heavily after making her decision.

"What's the verdict, sister?" Princess Luna hopes Celestia respects Spike's wish of not having Twilight implicate the situation of the Dragon Egg raid.

"I'll accept Spike's request of not involving Twilight Sparkle unless the map in her throne room summons her for the occasion. I'll have a stash of documents hidden for her arrival when the time comes."

"Fair enough, considering the unpredictabilities of the map in Twilight's castle for any Friendship crisis within the lands; perhaps when we're near the answer, all of Twilight's friends would accompany the journey to creating peace with the Dragon Nation."

Princess Celestia writes a response letter to Dragon Lord Spike, indicating his wish not to include Twilight Sparkle in the search and will provide evidence detailing the culprit of the raiding. With what both Princesses know, they decide not to reveal the possibility of Princess Cadance becoming a suspect due to close relations with the Crystal Empire. Princess Celestia and Luna want the Crystal Empire to be affiliated with the Dragon Nation to avoid costly nightmares and warfare.

In the back of Celestia's mind, Discord's statement about being mindful of those closest and neglecting them may ascend them to darkness makes her think about Twilight and a possible descent to madness. "Are you warning me about Twilight or any of her friends? Princess Cadance? Who are you referring to, Discord?" Princess Celestia want answers to Discord's riddle when he departed Canterlot days ago.