• Published 11th May 2023
  • 3,018 Views, 347 Comments

The Ancient Guardians - autobotfan15

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Technological Musical Part 3

Sonata Dusk relaxed on the rooftop on a hotel basking in the sunlight. Beside her were some hypnotized boys dressed as butlers and offering her food. She reached out and grabbed a taco before taking a big bite. "Ahh this is the life."

Suddenly she heard a strange sound. It almost like a jet or a rocket. Curiously she lifted up the sunglasses on her eyes and saw what looked like a giant humanoid robot soaring across the sky. It's head looked like a giant camera.

The strange thing landed right in front of the hotel but it was still taller and it looked down at Sonata Dusk. Sonata then stood up from her lounge chair. Her gem stone necklace shined bright as she leapt into the air and changed into her giant serpent form. "You don't scare me ugly."

The large Camera titan then punched her hard sending her flying backwards into a skyscraper. "Ow that wasn't fair."

"Like you told me too bad so sad." Said a voice.

Sonata's eyes widened as she recognized the voice. She looked up and there standing on the slow walking giant's shoulder was Sunset Shimmer. Just like in their battle she had pony ears, a horn, and a tail on her. She was holding two cables connecting to the titan. "Say goodnight..." She simply said as the titan raised an arm that had a canon and pointing at Sonata.

"Uh Goodnight?"


"Geez can't a girl get some relaxation?" Complained Aria as one of her own servants was giving her a back massage.

She did hear the sound of a ruckus outside but she assumed it was Sonata having too much fun. Then all of a sudden she heard an explosion so loud everything shook like an earthquake. She groaned and snapped her fingers telling her servant to stop massaging and get her bathrobe. "What is going on out there?"

She stepped outside another hotel wearing her bathrobe. "Sonata! How many times must I- WOAH!"

She then saw the blue serpent crashing to the ground in front of her before changing back into a human. It was then Aria saw the destroyed necklace that once had a gem in it. She then saw the giant titan leap into the sky and flew away on a jet pack. "This isn't good I have to tell-"

But when she turned to face the street towards Adagio's territory. She saw another giant but this one had speakers on it's head and shoulders. It also had two canons on it's arms.

She then plucked up courage before transforming into her own serpent form. "You think you and your friend are tough! I'll show you!"

She attempted to launch herself at the giant but she was met with a canon barrel in her mouth followed by a blast. She was sent flying, crashing, and coughing up smoke. "You think that'll stop me?"

"No but that was only a small percent of his power." Said a voice.

"No way! You're still here?"

There was Sunset standing on the giant with speakers holding a cable connecting the head to it's body with one hand and a microphone in the other. "You have your choice take your sister and run or fight my new friend here."

"Over my dead body!" Said Aria as she laid on the ground.

"Have it your way."

Sunset's hands glowed along with the cable and microphone. Aria stopped as she saw the speakers emitting electrical sparks. She then saw Sunset taking a huge breath and raising the microphone to her mouth. It was now she realized what was about to happen and only two words came to mind.

"Oh sh-"


Adagio was in the principal office of Canterlot Highschool going through some drawings of what looked like a large castle. "Yes this school will be forever marked as our first ever claimed territory but even I must have a place of my own honor."

Suddenly the windows shattered and a loud bang was heard outside. Adagio jumped and covered her ears. After recovering and making sure she had no glass penetrating her skin, she groaned as she looked outside. "I swear those two idiots cant even stay out of petty squabbles for one week."

She transformed and took to the sky. But no sooner she began looking she was immediately grabbed by the tail of something and thrown to the ground with a slam. She shook of the debris but when her eyes adjusted she saw a tall giant towering over her. This giant had speakers on it's chest and shoulders but also a giant TV for a head.

The screen showed static before it revealed Sunset Shimmer. Adagio was surprised as only one question came to her mind. How and where did she come across this giant? She didn't think for long when the voice of Sunset Shimmer spoke. "Adagio Dazzle, you've caused enough trouble for me, my friends, and this city. Your sisters have been dealt with Surrender and I'll show you mercy."

Adagio smirked "Like that's suppose to scare me. Minions Attack!"

The TV head went to static as it looked down at the approaching men coming up the street. The screen went red and bright as the army stopped seemingly mesmerized by the screen. Then they all fainted. Adagio was surprised then attempted to lunge at the giant only for her to be grabbed by said giant.

The two locked gazes with each other when the static started to glow brighter and sound was starting to emit from the speakers. To her it almost sounded familiar. Like an electronic orchestra was tuning up with a deep note. She then remembered it from a movie she saw with the the girls. The sound was from a studio logo known for sound. She now began to panic as the sound grew louder and louder.

It got so loud her gem started to crack and then it shattered. The sound died down and she transformed back into her human form falling to the ground only to be caught by a few camera men.


Twilight, Spike, and the rainbooms couldn't believe what they saw out the window. A giant robot controlled by Sunset Shimmer took out the Dazzling leader Adagio. The giant TV head teleported in a puff of black smoke. A few minutes later they heard the door open and there stood Sunset Shimmer. She was smiling as she spoke. "Girls its over."

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