• Published 11th May 2023
  • 3,017 Views, 347 Comments

The Ancient Guardians - autobotfan15

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The Height of a Haunting Epilogue

Twilight Sparkle sat in her office along with the royal sisters. They were discussing the events of what happened and Luna revealed a secret. "So during your time as Nightmare Moon, you actually do come during Nightmare Night and try to terrorize Equestria, but the slender one prevents you from doing it?"

"Yes but those rumors I gobble up ponies were fake. Even if they were true the tall one would always swoop in and stop me. Those scrolls he hides are, not only part of his scavenger hunt game, but those were from foals who were trying to summon him on the nights that I would come to their towns and cause trouble." Explained Luna.

"I may have imprisoned her on the moon, but it came at the cost of her having a small open window on those nights. It was just a thousand years until that small window for a ghost became a big door for a mare." Said Celestia.

"But according to legend he hunts creatures who see him." Said Twilight as she looked through a book about paranormal anomalies. She managed to find a page about this mysterious pony dubbed Slender Stallion.

Luna sighed "He does, but those supposed victims were always found, traumatized but alive. Ever since my return we would often see each other on Nightmare Night and play like old times. We were actually friends in our youth, and still are to this day. He was just misunderstood from being so different, after all how many ponies do you see that have no face and can grow tendrils from their backs?"

Twilight looked at the sisters for a while before closing the book. It was time she addressed another issue. "What about Cozy Glow? What will happen to her."

The sisters looked to each other in worry. Celestia cleared her throat and pulled something out her bag. "We were originally gonna sentence her to Tartarus after her hospital treatment, but somepony found her parents and told them, then we got this letter."

Twilight read the letter Celestia gave her. 'We know what our baby did was wrong but can we at the very least let us discuss her punishment over tea? Sign Firebox Glow and Cozy Bed, Parents of Cozy Glow'

Twilight reread the letter. "Well it is against the law to sentence a minor like an adult, without parent consent. She may have done something evil but she's still a child. And admittedly I may have let her have too much access to the the artifacts. Did you two at least look into her past?"

The two looked at each other again. "Why didn't we think of that?" asked Celestia.

"We'll look into it." Said Luna


Cozy sat in her hospital bed with one hoof chained to the bed. She was under heavy guard considering what she done. Ever since she was admitted she felt like everything she knew was gone. Her ambitions, her plans, and whatever respect she had was now down the drain. She had a new feeling inside but she didn't know what it was. Pain? Hunger? Regret? Anger? Sadness?

Suddenly the lights went out. The guard who was in the room sighed. "Darn stupid fuse."

The guard left leaving Cozy alone in the darkness. She knew even if she got loose she wouldn't get far there were many guards outside at all entrances and closely watching the window. She sighed hoping she'll be out of here soon and maybe just accept what's coming to her.

Suddenly the lights came back on and there, in front of her bed, was Slender Stallion. She wanted to scream but for some reason she couldn't. Slender just stared at her for a bit until he used a tendril to give what looked like a scroll. He placed it on her bed. Cozy shivered as she opened it and read it.
'Hello. Want to be friends?'

Outside the hospital a horned hooded figure watched. "They say absolute power corrupts absolute, but it can also lead to an absolute comeuppance."

He opened a portal and walked right in before closing it.

Author's Note:

Next time, the last epilogue, I know there were a few more villains I hadn't used, but I promise surprises. What they are? You'll have to wait and see.

The friendship between Luna and Slender was based on some old fan comics I saw.
Also funny Grinch reference if you can see it.[removed reference due to comment feedback]

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