• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 837 Views, 28 Comments

White Dragon - Blaze-saber

Whilst going for a job interview, Flash Sentry finds himself inheriting an object of great power. Thrust into a world of danger and excitement, he gain control of his new powers and learn to trust his new partner before his world's future is lost.

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Chapter 1: The End of the Sliver Draco; the Beginning of the Search

Explosions could be heard, as white spaceships blasted off the planet as it began to break apart.

Several more ships were flying around, black ones that were raining lasers down upon the ships that were trying to launch. A few of the white ships exploded, but some were able to escape. And before the black ones could aim at them, they were attacked by white ships that had already launched.

The planet had once been a beautiful place. Full of many forests and grasslands, tranquil oceans and breathtaking landscapes. But that had all been lost in the war, for it was now an inhospitable rock that would never hold life again.

The entire planet had become a battlefield.

On that battlefield, a lone figured had just been thrown through the sky before they crashed landed in a pile of ashes. This figure was dressed in a full set of armor, most of it being made of a silver cloth that looked like it was a bunch of scales sewn together. Gold metal armoring was wrapped around his shoulders, neck and down the front of his chest and back.

He had metal gauntlets around his arms, which were mostly silver but had gold at the back, with the same design being on his boots. And finally, his helmet was silver and shaped like the head of a dragon. That dragon's mouth acted as the visor, with gold glass filling it.

The armored figure got up, holding onto his side before he looked at his hand and saw that he was bleeding green blood. He groaned and as he did, light came out of his back and started forming gold and silver dragon wings. But these wings exploded into lights before they could fully form, the figure falling onto one knee and huffed.

It was in that moment that something came crashing down in front of him, scattering the ash.

That something was a large cloud of black smoke, which began to swirl around into a tornado before someone stepped out of it. A figure dressed in similar armor to the figure, looked down at the injured warrior.

Their suit was dark blue instead of silver, with black metal armor covering the same spots as the first. Their helmet was also different, looking more like a snake then a dragon, with two large curved horns sticking out the top.

The silver figure clenched his fist before letting out a mighty roar, then charged right at the black one. The black one did the same and both armored figures ran at the other, the gauntlets on their right arms either glowing or giving off black smoke as they did. That light and smoke spread up their arms and covered their hands, then extended to form blades that looked like they belonged on the end of something's tail.

The moment they clashed, a pulse was sent out everywhere that only caused more damage to the area around them. The silver figure then pulled his left arm back as a transformed into a blaster, which they aimed at the black figure before firing.

The blast was at such a close range, that the warrior didn't have time to block it. The laser sent him flying backwards and he crashed into the base of a mountain. As he did, the silver warrior placed his hand on the side of his helmet. "Zena...prepare the...ship. We need to...leave." He panted, clearly exhausted from his fight. "He's more powerful...than I anticipated..."

"I'm locked onto the Silver Draco's signal," a voice replied before the white armored figure was blasted from behind.

"AUGH!" He was thrown forward and slammed into the ground, rolling along it until he came to a stop. He groaned and picked himself up, then looked around to see what had hit him.

Sticking out of the ground was a long black metal cord, with a spinning drill on the end of it. It spun fast as the tip fired a laser, which the armored figure leapt to the side in order to avoid. It then tracked back into the ground and as it did, the dark armored figure pulled himself out of the rubble.

He walked towards the silver figure, the same black cord sticking out of his back that was connected to the ground. The end and the drill eventually pulled itself out and tracked into him, exploding into a shadow when it touched his back.

The silver figure raised his arms, forming a blade and a shield, but the dark figure suddenly exploded into a cloud of shadow that shot towards him.

The silver warrior slashed at the clouds as they surrounded him, forming a tornado, but the blade did nothing against the darkness. Instead, the silver figure was stuck by something and cried out as he was knocked staggering back. He tried to protect himself with his shield, but the darkness managed to bypass it and hit him again.

He was fighting a losing battle, unable to get a single hit in whilst his enemy constantly landed attacks. Nothing he did worked.

Then, figure appeared in front of him and thrust his arm cannon into his chest before firing. This blasted him out of the shadow cloud and sent him flying, as pain rocked his body. As he flew through the air, the battlefield began to break up.

Eventually, he came crashing down on the side of a cliff overlooking a massive trench.

He groaned as he tried to pick himself up, only to get slammed by the dark shadow and knocked over the edge. But before he could fall, the black figure materialised and grabbed him by the neck.

Now held over the edge, the two armored warriors stared one another down. "The Silver Draco was a fool to pick you," the black warrior announced. "But no matter. Soon it shall have a new host. And with the Silver Draco and Dark Wyrm, I'll become the king that rules this world."

"What...world?" The silver warrior announced. "This war has...destroyed it. There's nothing left...to rule?"

"With the power of these two relics, I'll be able to reforge this planet in my image." He reached out and formed a blade, "you failed. You failed as the Silver Draco. Failed to defeat me. And failed to save this planet."

"Maybe," the Silver Warrior choked through the grip, "but I saved my people!" Then, he clenched his fists. "And...I'm not...done..." The Dark Wyrm then saw his body glowed bright and before he could stop him, a sudden burst of energy exploded out of the Silver Warrior and knocked him far away.

As the silver warrior started to fall over the cliff, a large spaceship that looked like a dragon colored white and blue appeared.

It flew into the trench and caught him. A platform then lowered him to a cockpit where a white robot help them up and over to a metal chair. "We must go now," The robot spoke in a female voice. "The leaders decided to destroy the planet in hopes of slowing him down."

"Let's go...Zena," he breathed out as he rested on the chair before the robot went over to the controls. A holographic screen appeared before her, as the spaceship then lit up its eyes before turning upwards to the sky. Its dragon wings expanded out before taking off to space, as a powerful beam shot down to the planet below.

The ship made it out of the atmosphere and left the planet's orbit, as Zena pulled up a holographic screen of the planet.

Both her and the silver armored warrior watched, as the planet was completely destroyed in a massive explosion. Larger ships appeared on the other side, likely the ones that blew it up, as some of the debris went flying towards the dragon ship.

It crashed into the ship, doing damage before Zena was able to stabilize it. They then saw the larger ships started planting devices into space around what was left of the planet.

When the last one was placed, they activated and formed a massive energy sphere, which started shrinking. As it did, the remains of the planets were crushed together, forming a massive sphere of molten rock.

"Are they...?" Zena started scanning what they were doing. "They're using what's left of the planet to seal away the Dark Wyrm. Not only that, but the destruction of the planet also damaged it," She then turned to the Silver Warrior. "This will give us time."

He nodded before flinching, holding his side in pain. "Take us to an habitable planet...and fast..." As he said that, the lights inside the ship turned red.

"Oh my..." Zena gasped before pulling up a holographic blueprint of the ship, which showed a few spots that were in the red. "We will have to use hyperspeed to get to the planet of your choice, because our ship has taken major damage from the debris of the planet."

"I already have...just the planet...i-in mind..." He gasped before he put in the coordinates. Their spaceship then fired up its engines before taking off in hyperspeed.

The spaceship soon reached the Milky Way galaxy and the planet known as Earth.

However, the ship showed no signs of slowing down when it entered Earth's atmosphere. Pieces of the ship started to fall apart as it was burning up, with those inside attempting to brace themselves for the impact.

The spaceship soon crash landed in the mountains of China, a massive explosion occurring as the ship smashed into the side of the cliff. The explosion caused the snow above the mountains to come loose, threatening to fall at any moment.

Within the ship, sparks flew as Zena emerged from some of the wreckage. She got up and quickly made her way to the chair that held the Silver Warrior. Once she removed all the wreckage on top, the armor on the figure started to disintegrate and vanish to reveal a lizard like alien with bright blue scales underneath.

"You're vital signs are weak and you had lost too much blood," Zena told the alien as he was panting heavily. "I'm afraid you don't have much time."

"I...kn-know...but th-the Sliver Draco will...choose another..." the alien wheezed before he let out a heavy cough. "Y-You need to repair the ship...a-and wait for its new host to come here...no matter wh-what..." With that, the alien closed his eyes and his arm slid off the arm of the chair, lifeless.

The eyes on Zena went sad at the sight of her fallen master. She then heard something from his back. It sounded like a small baby creature before she saw a small metallic claw climb up to his shoulder and pull itself up.

It was a silver dragon, with golden light coming out the gaps of its armor. It had golden eyes and once it was on his shoulder, Zena held out her hand.

The metallic dragon jumped on to it, Zena carrying him outside the ship before placing it on the ground.

"Go, find a new host and train him or her well." She told the small little dragon. It stared at her for a moment, then turned to fly off using its little metal wings. She let out a sad sigh before her arms transformed into tools and she began to work on repairing the ship.

As she did, the snow above them finally came loose. Within seconds, it began to fall and create an avalanche.

Zena saw this and gasped before rushing into the ship, slamming something on the console and causing it to light up. Whatever it was, caused a small force field to form at the mouth of the newly made cave. Seconds later, the snows came crashing down and covered the cave entirely.

When the snow finally settled, it completely hid the cave and the ship lying in wait within. Lying in weight for the next wielder of the greatest weapon in the universe. Lying in wait, for the White Dragon.

Author's Note:

If you all enjoyed it, please leave your thoughts on the first chapter in the comments below.

Also, this is Zena:

And so much thanks to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/284583/Banshee531 for helping me with this chapter.