• Published 9th Apr 2023
  • 837 Views, 28 Comments

White Dragon - Blaze-saber

Whilst going for a job interview, Flash Sentry finds himself inheriting an object of great power. Thrust into a world of danger and excitement, he gain control of his new powers and learn to trust his new partner before his world's future is lost.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Revelations

Thanks to Dusk Hunter and his plan, Sombra was able to get enough data on White Dragon for another plan to get the Silver Draco. He soon entered a large factory line before he walked over to a mainframe computer. "The Silver Draco may not be at full power, but it's still plenty strong." He said as he began to type something on the computer. "And just like all heroes, they can't help but help all those in trouble. So, this will definitely draw you out and bring me the Silver Draco."

As soon as he was done typing, the machinery on the factory line started to activate and began to work on something. Sombra had an evil grin on his face as the machines created robotic limbs and torsos before combining to each of them. Once one of the machines attached a head to one of the robots, the robotic eyes glowed red as it was powering up.

Meanwhile at the Sparkle residence Twilight, Flash and Scootaloo were being looked down by the grown-ups with thousands of daggers. Twilight explained that Chemical and Raven came up to her at the party after Dusk Hunter went to fight White Dragon and her parents overheard them why they asked about Flash and the Silver Draco. "This is aggressively uncomfortable." Scootaloo whispered it to her brother and Twilight.

"Look, just come clean and tell us about this 'Silver Draco.'" Misty told them as Raven came in with a pot of tea. "Miss Raven and Mr. Chemical told us about it, now you just need to explain to us how it ended up with you."

"Well, Raven sort of gave it to me when the building was sort of being attacked by an out of control Glider." Flash started explaining as he rubbed the back of his neck. "She told me not to open it or to let anyone have it before I decided to take it home."

"Then Flash told us about the box it was in and I just grew curious as to what was in it." Scootaloo added.

"That's when she opened the box and we saw the Silver Draco." Twilight chimed in.

"But when I reached to touch it, it shocked me and it activated." Flash continued. "We didn't know that it would jump on and latch onto me."

"What do you mean by 'latch onto you'?" Chemical asked before Flash stood up and turned around. Flash then lifted up the back of his shirt before the grown-ups gasped to see the Silver Draco had most of its body dug under his skin while the back of it was sticking out. They could see lights going down his spine while Chemical let out a gag. "I shouldn't have asked!"

"Well that's just rude." Flash heard Silver say before she detached herself from his back and her holographic form covered over to the table. "You humans do things I find disgusting yet you don't see me complaining."

"So, this thing is supposed to be the Silver Draco thing?" Night Light asked as he leaned down to get a closer look at Silver.

"I mean seriously, you just take off your clothes before going into a--" Everyone quickly shouted as Twilight covered Scootaloo's ears. "What?! I was just stating the facts!

"Well, it's clear that it doesn't know boundaries, especially when there's a child in the room!" Velvet exclaimed before she looked back at her daughter and Flash. "And what exactly happened after it latched on to you?"

"Well, Silver sort of transformed me into some armor, the one from the news and she thought I asked her to take me into space." Flash explained as he looked at his mother nervously.

"That explains about the boards on the ceilings." Misty mentioned before she looked at Silver. "So, how long have you been on Earth?"

"I'm not really sure to be honest." Silver replied before she looked at Flash. "But thanks to that electric shock we got from Dust Hunter, I got back some of my memories. Although one of them is very confusing." She then projected the memory of someone wearing the armor fighting against someone with black armor.

"Well, that's a familiar figure." Flash mentioned when he saw the figure wearing similar armor before he looked at the black armored figure. "But who's that guy in black?"

"I'm not really sure, but it kind of gives me a bit of chills when I look at it."

"Okay, that's enough!" Misty spoke up before she picked up Silver. "I'm gonna have a little talk with this thing, and you can examine my son to see what else this thing did to him." She told Chemical nodded before he began to examine Flash. Misty took Silver into the kitchen and set her down on the center island counter. "Tell me, do you remember me?" Silver looked at her for a moment before she gave an unsure look while she shook her head as Misty let out a sad sigh.

Somewhere in the city, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were walking from Sugarcube Corner and having a conversation on an interesting topic. "I'm telling you that White Dragon has to be some sort of robot from the future!" Rainbow exclaimed. "How else was he able to create all those weapons to beat Wildfire in London?!"

"I don't know, but I doubt that he's a robot from the future." Applejack argued. "He must be some type of alien from outer space or something." Before Rainbow could argue back, they heard an explosion not too far from where they were. Concerned for anyone that might have been caught in that explosion, the two rushed down the street and saw a large hole in the side of the bank. Just as they entered through the hole, they quickly ducked down when they saw a laser blast being fired at what looked to be a robotic version of White Dragon. The robot itself had glowing red eyes with blasters attached to its arms. "What in tarnation is that?!"

"Don't know, but we gotta get those people out of here!" Rainbow pointed out a few people that were ducked down on the floor. "I'll get them out of here while you call the girls and tell them what's happening!" She told Applejack before she used her super speed to zip around the bank and get people to safety. Applejack took out her phone and started texting the rest of the Rainbooms just as Rainbow got the last of the civilians to safety.

But just when Rainbow ran back in, one of the robots knocked her off her feet and she was sent flying into a table. "Rainbow!!" Applejack called out when she saw what happened. The robots then walked up to the knocked out Rainbow Dash before aiming their blasters at her. Before they could fire however, Applejack used her strength to throw a big piece of rubble at them and knock them back. She then rushed over to Rainbow Dash and helped her up. "Let's get out of here!"

She carried Rainbow Dash over her shoulder just as the robots recovered from that surprise attack. She managed to get out of the building before she quickly took cover behind a car when the robots started to fire at her and Rainbow. "This would be a good time for White Dragon to show up! Where is that varmint?!"

Back at Twilight's house, Twilight is seen sitting on the roof of her house with Spike laying on her lap. She pets him while she lets out a sign before she looks up at the night sky. "I thought I might find you up here." She turned to see Flash climbing up before sitting down next to her. "Your folks said that you sometimes come up here when you have a lot on your mind."

"Yeah, I guess I do." Twilight replied. "I'm just a little worried about what my parents do now that they know about Silver."

"Hey, I'm sure they'll understand once they get to know Silver." Flash assured her. "I mean, they were a little shocked when I told them that Dusk Hunter was hired by someone in Dusk Industries."

"He was?!"

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you about that." Flash rubbed the back of his neck before he looked at her. "I was just as surprised as you are when Dusk Hunter told me that."

"But the only person who would have enough money to do that is Sombra." Twilight mentioned just as Spike looked up at them.

"But why would a CEO of a famous company that helps people put people in danger?" Spike asked.

"Chemical explained everything about silver and why she was there in the first place, but you can hear it from him later." Flash said before they looked up at the night sky. "It's a very nice night."

"Yeah, it is." Twilight agreed before she looked at him. "Hey Flash, you ever think how things would have been if things were different?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if Sunset hadn't come to our world and magic never came to our world, do you think things would be different?" Twilight elaborated. "I didn't tell my parents about my magic, or that Spike can talk now because I was afraid they might never let me see my friends again or take Spike away."

"Hey, don't worry." Flash told her with a warm smile. "I'm sure that your parents wouldn't do that to you. Your parents seem to care for you and everything. Your parents would understand if you tell them about everything that has happened involving magic." He was then surprised when Twilight quickly pulled him in for a hug before he hugged her back.

"Hey Flash, we got a…" Silver called out when she flew up to the roof but trailed off when she saw them hugging. "Do you both need some privacy or something?" They both looked at each other before they broke away from their hug with blushes on their faces.

"Oh don't mind them, they were just having a little moment." Spike told Silver. "So, why did you come up here anyway?"

"Okay, I'm going to ask about the whole talking dog thing later. But right now there's trouble happening uptown. There's been some explosions happening and I believe we are needed." They were both shocked to hear this before Twilight got an alert on her phone. She pulled it out and saw it was a text from Applejack about robots attacking a bank uptown.

"Oh boy, it looks like Silver is right." She spoke in a worried tone. "Applejack just texted me about some robots before she sent another text saying that Rainbow got hurt and they're pinned down!"

"Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and see if I can help." Flash mentioned as he stood up. "I'll meet you and the rest of the girls there."

"But how am I supposed to get there?" Twilight asked as she stood up. "I can't ask my parents to drive me there."

"Twilight, I get that you're afraid that your parents will never let you see your friends if they find out that magic exists and you have it. You can't let fear stop you from helping those you care about." Flash then jumped off the roof before Silver quickly attached herself to his back and transformed him into the armor while spreading the dragon wings. "Time to take a leap of faith, Twilight." He then took off to help out Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

"Are you really going to ask your parents for a ride?" Spike asked Twilight as she thought it over.

Meanwhile, Applejack throws a mailbox at one of the robots before quickly talking down when they return fire. "Dadgummit, how many of these things are there?!" She grunted before she looked over at the unconscious Rainbow Dash. "Come on Rainbow, I really could use your help right now!" Just as the robots advanced closer, White Dragon was seen flying in as he extended his two arms forward. Then in a flash of light, they connected to become a battering ram which he used to knock a few robots back before landing in front of the car AppleJack and Rainbow Dash were hiding behind.

"Not cool firing at a couple of girls, even if you are a bunch of robots." He exclaimed before he saw the robots taking aim at him. In a quick flash of light, the wings on his back quickly transformed into a shield and placed itself in front of him. "Oh thanks, Silver."

"No problem. But it seems your friend has a major injury." White Dragon turned to see Applejack next to an unconscious Rainbow.

"Is she okay?!" He asked Applejack.

"She took a pretty big hit to the head, but she's still breathing." Applejack replied. "Thanks for coming."

"No problem." He replied before he got blasted into a wall. White Dragon recovered before he saw that the robots had blasted towards his feet while his back was turned. "That came out of nowhere. Stay down till I finish off those robots!" Applejack nodded in response before he launched himself off of the wall and his hands transformed into blades in a flash of lights. He then manages to slice three of them in two before roundhouse kicking four in the heads, causing them to fly off their bodies. Silver detected a danger from behind before she created shields to block the attacks.

More robots closed in before a bright light covered his shoulders and soon appeared a couple of rocket launchers that aimed towards the robots. Soon missiles in the shape of dragon heads were launched right towards some of the robots and destroyed them before his right arm transformed into an arm blaster in a flash of light. However, that didn't seem to slow them down as their arms folded out to become blasters themselves and aim towards him.

"These things are relentless! Is there no end to them?!" White Dragon got ready for the countertop, only for it not to come. Both he and Silver saw the robots were just standing there and doing nothing. "Uh, why aren't they attacking?"

"White Dragon," each of the robots spoke with a familiar voice at the same time. "I knew you couldn't resist."

"Sombra." White Dragon grunted as he clutched his fist while Applejack was surprised when she heard the voice as well.

"I prefer if you called me Umbra Lord," Sombra responded through the robots. "But now that I have your undivided attention, we have business to discuss regarding my Silver Draco."

"It's not exactly yours, if you stole it from someone that was killed by someone you hired."

"You honestly don't have the slightest clue of what you possess, do you? The Silver Draco has been on this planet for many years, and you're not the first person it latched itself onto. The stories of a dragon around the world came from that very thing on your back. It holds very powerful weapons and its power could take out an entire city with just a thought. Just imagine that very power in an army."

"Is that what you were doing with Silver in the first place?" White Dragon grunted. "You've been trying to get that data out of her so you could create a whole bunch of copies of the power she has?!"

"Well, aren't you a clever boy." Umbra Lord responded. "Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Surrender now and give me the Silver Draco back or I will take it over your dead corpse. These robots were programmed to anticipate each of your moves and you have zero chance of succeed."

"I think you already know my answer to that." White Dragon then took a battle stance and was prepared for a tough and long fight. He then saw each of the robots power up their blasters before firing. The blast however didn't hit him as they were blocked by multiple diamond shields that created a dome over him. He quickly looked over his shoulder to see Rarity, Fluttershy and sunset had arrived as Rarity was using her magic to keep the shield up. "Talk about timing."

"So you're White Dragon?" Sunset asked as she walked up to him while Fluttershy went over to check on Rainbow Dash. "What's going on here?"

"Well other than your friend got injured and a bunch of robots are on a rampage, I can only say nothing much else." White Dragon told her with a shrug.

"Isn't she your ex-girlfriend and why does her hair look like bacon?"

"But why are there robots attacking in the first place?" Rarity asked as she struggled to keep the shields up.

"Let's just say that they're here for me and I'm not going to let them have their way." White Dragon told them before he noticed cracks started to form on the shields. "That's not good. Looks like we're gonna have to fight our way out. Silver, do you think you can give Sunset a weapon to use?"

"Let me see what I can do."

"Who are you talking to?" Sunset asked before White Dragon took both her hands, causing her to blush a little. She was then blinded by a flash of light from his arms and when the light died down, she was suddenly wearing bracelets with a gold and white pattern on both her wrists. "What are these?" She then noticed the bracelets blinking before they suddenly transformed into arm blasters. "Whoa!"

"Those are to help get us out of the situation." He told her before he looked towards Fluttershy. "Stay down and keep that rainbow head girl safe until it's all clear." Fluttershy nodded in response as Applejack walked over and stood by his side while he looked over to Rarity. "Get ready to drop the shield on my mark. One…" Applejack cracked her knuckles as she prepared to fight. "Two…" Before he could get to three, a pink explosion destroyed a few of the robots before they saw Pinkie Pie charging in and throwing cupcakes at the robots.

"Let's light them up!" Pinkie exclaimed as she used her magic to charge up a cupcake before throwing it. The cupcake then exploded and took out a few robots as she continued to bombard the robots with her cupcakes and explosions.

"I…guess that's our three." White Dragon shrugged before Rarity dropped the shields. His arms then transformed into blames in a flash of light as he charged forward and slashed down at least five robots while Sunset used the blasters he gave her to shoot down six more. Applejack used her super strength to throw a manhole cover to decapitate seven robots in a row while Rarity used her shields to cover Applejack's back before using them to crush the robots together.

White Dragon and the girls fought off the robots and looked like they were winning, only for more robots to come flying in. "Oh come on!" He complained as they continued to fight and destroy the robots. This went on to what felt like hours as he and the girls were getting a little tired. "How…many robots did his company…make anyway?!"

Soon more robots came flying in and started to overwhelm them. One of the robots caught Applejack's fist when she tried to throw a punch at one of them before it threw her right towards a car. Another group of robots were able to smash through Rarity's shields before one of them grabbed her by the throat while Sunset was being backed up into a corner by a group of them. White Dragon saw that they were in trouble while a bunch of the robots were approaching Fluttershy and the unconscious Rainbow Dash but wasn't able to help them as a bunch of robots dogpiled and started beating on him.

"Hang on!" Sunset called out when she saw him in danger. She then aimed the arm blasters at the robots on top of him and started blasting them off. However, her guard was down and one of the robots took this opportunity to kick her right in the ribs and sent her flying into the same car Applejack was knocked into.

"Sunset!!" White Dragon called out before more robots piled on top of them and began to beat down on him. He then looked over and saw the rest of the robots powering up their blasters as they aimed at the girls. "Silver, they're going to kill them!! Do something!!"

"I think I can handle all these robots, but only if you let me take full control of your body."

"F-Fine, whatever! Just hurry!!"

"Initializing host control in 3… 2… 1!" There was a sudden burst of white energy that knocked the robots on top of White Dragon away. White dragon then began to move very quickly as his arms were now blades and he had a tail down his back as he began to slash down each robot at a fast pace. The robot that was choking Rarity soon got impaled by his tail before being thrown around and used like a hammer to smash a few more robots. His arms were then transformed into blasters in a flash of light before he began to fire multiple blasts and destroyed the robots.

"Whoa, look at him go!!" Pinkie exclaimed as she and the girls watched White Dragon take on the robots. They then watched as a pair of wings appeared in a flash of light before he flew up and a pair of arm blasters appeared in a flash of light. He then used said blasters to destroy more robots. It seems like he was winning as he had the robots almost all destroyed as there were two robots standing on a nearby rooftop. They seemed to move a machine with a claw at the end of it aimed towards White Dragon. They then fired the claw right at him and when it latched on to him, hundreds of volts of electricity ran through the cord connected to the claw and electrocuted him.

Both Flash and Silver screamed in pain as electricity ran through them. Silver started to see more images of her past as she saw herself attached to different men and women throughout the centuries. They had the same armor in different styles on them while they seem to have different styles of fighting. There was one that was still blurry as it was with a teen boy about Flash's age but she can tell that they were close. But one image in particular really got her attention as it was with the fight between the silver armored warrior against the black armored warrior.

Soon the lights edged in the armor went out as white dragon fell and crashed off of a car and onto the ground. "White Dragon is down!! White Dragon down!!" Pinkie exclaimed before she and the others quickly ran over to him.

"Do you think he's alright?" Rarity asked as Sunset checked.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling there's going to be more on the way." Sunset mentioned as she looked up. "We need to get out of here, now!"

"I don't think we'll be able to get away from them, especially since Rainbow is unconscious." Applejack pointed out before a large van drove up.

The side doors then opened up and revealed Twilight and Scootaloo inside. "Get in here, quickly!" Twilight called out as more robots came down, just down the street. Applejack quickly picked up White Dragon while Fluttershy and Rarity carried Rainbow Dash over to the van. Once they got inside, they saw Twilight's parents, Misty, along with Raven and Chemical at the front seats.

"Close the door and hang on tight girls!" Chemical called out as he put the van in gear and drove off. The robots soon took flight and started to chase down the van. "Is he okay?!"

"Can't tell, he has all that armor on!" Sunset mentioned before they quickly held on when Chemical took a turn to avoid a blast from the robots. "So uh…nice to see you again Misty!"

"Yeah, last time I saw you, you nearly got my son in trouble for something!" Misty told her which made Sunset look away with embarrassment.

"I was going through a phase?"

"It's very nice to meet the girls Twilight made friends with!" Velvet spoke up before Chemical took on another turn to avoid another blast. "Although I kind of wish it was under different circumstances!"

"You can say that again…" Spike said as he stuck his head out of Twilight's bag and looked a little nauseous. "How many robots did Sombra make anyway?"

"Wait, Sombra, as in Mr Sombra, founder and CEO of Dusk Industries?!" Rarity asked with a shocked look on her face.

"Tell y'all later!" Applejack spoke up as they all tumbled forward when the robots aimed at the back of the van and fortunately missed. "We could use some help right about now!!" A robot took aim right at the van and was ready to fire before a golden laser shot down and destroyed it. Soon more golden lasers fired down and destroyed the rest of the robots before a large shadow cast over the van.

"What the hell is that?!" Raven exclaimed when she looked up to see a giant flying ship in the shape of a dragon flying over them. The head of it looked down and opened its mouth as a tractor beam started to come down and brought up the van.

"What's going on?!" Scootaloo asked as she held on to her mom.

"We're caught in a tractor beam by an alien spaceship and I have a bad feeling about this!" Chemical exclaimed as the van entered the mouth and it closed up. The ship itself then took off at high speeds as it suddenly vanished from the sky.

"NO!!! NONONONO!!!!" Sombra shouted with rage before he punched a nearby wall.

"Is…Is everything okay, sir?" One of the scientists asked before Sombra grabbed a lamp and nearly missed them when he threw it.

"Find where that damn ship went now or you all are fired!!!" Sombra demanded with range before he marched off.

Meanwhile inside the dragon-like spaceship, the group huddled together in the back in hopes of staying together. It was dark and they couldn't hear anything outside the van except for Chemical's heavy breathing. "We've been abducted by aliens!" He breathed out in a panic.

"Shhh! Chemical, calm down!" Raven whispered harshly. "You might let the aliens know we're still in here!"

"I'm hyperventilating!!" He shouted before Applejack quickly put his hood up before pulling the strings to close the hood. This caused him to choke a little before he glared at her. "I said I couldn't breathe and then you put this thing over my mouth?!"

"Just stay calm and hopefully whoever abducted us won't know we're still in here." Night Light whispered as they waited for something to come for them. They soon heard moaning before they noticed Rainbow Dash was coming too.

"What happened…?" She asked as she sat up and held her head. "It feels like my head just went one-on-one with a steel pipe."

"Rainbow, glad that you're still alive." Fluttershy whispered with relief. "But you're going to have to keep it down because we're in a--"

"Whoa!" Rainbow shouted when she saw who was next to her. "Is that White Dragon?! Awesome!!" Everyone in the band quickly shushed her before a robotic arm burst through the back of the van and grabbed White Dragon's leg. They all then saw him being dragged out of the van very quickly. "What was that?!"

"We're in an alien spaceship and they just took White Dragon!" Twilight shouted before she ran out the van. The others soon followed and followed the scuff marks that were left behind by the dragged away White Dragon.

"Wait, since when are we in an alien spaceship?!" Rainbow questioned as they ran past a corner.

"We'll tell you everything after we get White Dragon back!" Sunset told her before Twilight quickly put her arms out to stop the others. She then gestures to an open doorway with lights coming from the room. They carefully looked into the room and saw a robot with a female figure removing the claw off of White Dragon before hooking him up to some odd machine. They saw the robot touch its head to his as if it really missed him before it took the wings from his back and walked over to a console.

"What hay is that thing doin'?" Applejack whispered as the robot plugged the wings into a console before typing something. Then right above White Dragon, something came down that looked to be liquid metal before it started to cover his head and travel down his body. Twilight and Sunset looked at each other before they carefully snuck their way over to him. They then noticed that he was strapped onto the machine before they tried to get him out of it. However, the sound of a weapon powered up before they looked and saw the robot with angry eyes had a weapon pointed towards them.

"Whoa, hey no need to bring a blaster into this!" Twilight quickly told the robot as she and sunset put their hands up. The rest of the girls and the adults ran over before they saw the robot's other arm transformed into a blaster and aimed towards them.

"Who are all of you and what are you doing here?!" The robot demanded in a female voice. "Answer me or be destroyed!"

"Okay, first of all, it's really exciting that you are an alien robot and welcome to Earth." Chemical told the robot with a nervous chuckle.

"Second of all, we were helping him get away from the robots that were trying to kill him." Raven quickly added as Misty pulled Scootaloo close. "So please, lower your weapons because we mean you no harm."

"Move to the corner and stay there until I'm finished." The robot told them as they quickly complied. They moved over to the corner before she put away the blasters as they saw then turned back into her arms before she went back to typing something on the console. They then noticed the edges on White Dragon vanish and could guess that his armor disintegrated but couldn't tell with the metal covering his whole body, including space. "Vital signs, good. Bring waves stable. Huh, that's odd…"

"What do you think it's doing to him?" Scootaloo whispered.

"I think she's running diagnostics on him or something." Twilight guest before they saw his head started to move. Muffled sounds can be heard underneath as he sounded confused before the robot noticed him moving.

"Looks like the Silver Draco's healing process is complete now." The robot said before she pressed up on the console and the metal covering his body lit up before the metal on its head started to move down. The Rainbooms, except for Twilight, had shocked looks on their faces when the face of the White Dragon was revealed to them.

"Flash?!" All six of them exclaimed in shock.

Flash blink of your times as his vision was a bit blurry while his head was hurting a little. "What's going on…?" He groaned before he stepped out of the machine. He then got a look of where he was before looking down at his body. "What is this stuff on me and where am I?"

"Uh, Flash…" He heard his mother's voice before he turned to see her, his sister, Twilight and her parents, along with Raven, Chemical and the rest of the Rainbooms here as well. Flash then felt a cool air hit his face before he realized that he was not in his armor or his helmet.

"Okay…uh, I can explain…" Flash told the girls before the robot walked up to him.

"Flash Sentry, I am Zena and it's a pleasure to finally meet you." She said with a small bow. "I have waited for over three-hundred years to finally see the new wielder of the Silver Draco, however I'm surprised that it has chosen a young one such as yourself."

"Uh, okay…? Wait, what happened to Silver?"

"I am running some diagnostics on it, but something about it seems a bit off." Zena explained as she gestured to the small wings on the console.

"Well if you know so much about it, do you think you can fix her memory core or something? It got damaged somehow."

"Thank you for that information." Zena thanked him. "I run a repair cycle for it. In the meantime, you and your comrades are free to explore the rest of the ship. Just try not to blow it up."

"Thanks…?" Flash replied before he looked towards the others. "And I guess I'll give us some time to tell you how this happened."

Sombra was seen painting around his large office as he had a furious look on his face. He had just been told that the ship that picked up the van that had White Dragon in it had vanished and was unable to be traced. "Enough games…" He growled in a dark tone before the doors to his office opened up and a couple of scientists were bringing a containment unit in. "Is it ready?"

"Y-Yes, but--"

"Then get out!" Sombra quickly ordered as the two scientists quickly complied. He then walked up to the containment unit and placed his hand on a scanner. Once it had confirmed it was him, it opened up to reveal some sort of EXO armor inside that looked similar to White Dragon but it looked to be made of some sort of black metal with a red visor. He then pressed a button on the arm which made it fold into a small spine and a mechanical dragon head which he took out. "Now is as good a time as any to test out the prototype."

"So after it went into you, it just formed that armor from before and just kidnapped you?" Sunset recapped after she and the girls got the explanation from Flash, Scootaloo and Twilight, as well from Raven and Chemical while the entire group was exploring the ship.

"That pretty much sums it all up." Twilight confirms as she rubs her arm. "It was really a sight to behold when we first saw him transform."

"It wasn't exactly pleasant for me on my end." Flash mentioned as they entered a room.

"Wish I was there to see it, and I mean you fighting Wildfire in London." Rainbow mentioned before they all gasped in surprise as the room they were in was bigger than they expected. Along the walls were what they believed to be trophies from different alien races that were either horns or weapons while there was also a small pod on a pedestal. "Just look at this place!"

"Do you think Zena got all this stuff?" Scootaloo asked as she went over and looked at a large sword on the wall.

"I don't, but maybe it's best that we don't touch anything like she said." Misty mentioned as she pulled her daughter away from the sword.

"But this stuff is pretty magnificent if you look at it." Rarity mentioned as they were all examining all the trophies along the walls. "I wonder what kind of fashion aliens even wear in space."

"That's what ya wondering after looking after all this stuff?" Applejack questioned. "Ya should be wondering what kind of alien species are out there."

"Yeah, looking at the stuff makes you think that if Iron Man and Batman got hitched, all of this would be their baby." Pinkie told them.

Batman and Iron Man are fascist compared to all of this!" Chemical quickly replied as Spike went up to the pod and gave it a sniff.

"I wonder what this thing is." Spike said before he noticed a button on the bottom of the pod. He grew curious as he pressed the bun and the pod opened up to reveal an orange-coated dog with purple ears and small horns on the side of its head while it was licking itself. The dog noticed the pod was open before it gave a frightful scream when it saw Spike. The two of them then treated screens before the orange dog growled at Spike.

"Close it or I'll bite your head off!" The orange dog demanded in a female voice.

"Okay, sorry for disturbing you!"

"Whoa wait, did you just talk back?" The orange Dragon asked as Spike nodded in response. "What happened to your horns? Did the Keeper of the Silver Draco get you two and remove your horns?"

"I never had horns before, or at all for that matter." Spike told her, which got her by surprise.

"Wait, are you saying that you're not a dranine too?"

"Spike!" Twilight called out before she raced over and picked him up. "Zena told us not to touch anything!"

"A humanoid?" The orange dog said before she looked around and saw the others as well. "Are we not on Dragyrm Five anymore?"

"'Dragyrm Five', is that an alien planet where this ship is from?" Flash asked the orange dog. The orange dog got a good look at him as she noticed the suit that covered his body.

"Hey you, turn around." She told Flash. "If you're wearing their traditional battle suit, I want to know if you have it."

"What, you mean this?" Flash turned around and she could see the Silver Draco in his back.

"So Tamx'ko finally bit the dust hasn't he?" She said before she stood on her back legs as she gave a small bow to him. "It's a very special honor to meet the new holder of the Silver Draco. I am Smolder, the Dranine from the planet Dralando."

"Nice to meet you too, I guess?" Flash replied with an unsure tone. "But who's Tamx'ko and how do you know about Silver?"

"Oh him, he was the first one to ever use the Silver Draco so long ago or sometime ago." Smolder said as she scratched her head. "I have been in that stasis pod for a very long time so I have no idea how much time has passed."

"Oh but you're so adorable." Fluttershy said as she picked up Smolder and cuddled her in her arms. Smolder had a look on her face that said to keep it together and not bite Fluttershy's face off. "By the way, why were you in that pod in the first place?"

"Oh I wish I could tell you, but this collar around my neck has a bit of a dampening on my Powers a bit, as well as my memories." Smolder mentioned as she pointed to some sort of high-tech dog collar on her neck. "I tried to get it off, but you know, I only got paws and no hands. Maybe if you get it off me, I might be able to tell you more."

"I don't know about this…" Velvet spoke up with concern. "What if there's a reason she has that collar on?"

"Oh but I can't say no to her cute little eyes." Fluttershy said as she held Smolder close.

Smolder's right eye twitched when she heard the word cute. "Yeah…just get this collar off of me. There's a button on the back that you can press to release it." She used her tail to point to the button for Fluttershy. Fluttershy was about to press it before a familiar hand went in and slapped her hand away from it. Fluttershy let out a yelp when that hand slapped hers before they looked back and saw Zena by the door.

"What happened to not touching anything?" Zena asked as she walked over and grabbed Smolder by the collar. "Especially this little troublemaker right here."

"Gah, Zena… you are a real buzzkill…" Smolder complained before she stuck out her lizard like tongue at her.

"Why, what would happen if we took the collar off of her?" Raven asked Zena.

"Well if you must know, this form of the Dranine species seems harmless at first but it's only to draw in their prey before they pounce." Zena told them as she placed Smolder down. "Here's the true form of her species when they do pounce." She then projected a holographic image from her eyes which really got the group by surprise. The holographic image looked like Smolder, but she looked larger with scales all over her body with only a bit of fur on her claws with purple skills running down the back of her head and her back. "Smolder here was sent by her ruler to kill Tamx'ko and take the Silver Draco from him. But she failed miserably and that collar keeps her from changing forms."

"Again I say, you're a buzzkill." Smolder repeated before Zena pressed the button and closed the pod.

"Now, follow me as the repair cycle on the Silver Draco has been completed." Zena instructed as she gestured for them to follow her. They followed her back into the room where Zena was doing diagnostics and repairing Silver before they noticed a few lights going down the room.

"What's all this?" Velvet asked as she noticed that the lights were in the center of a few columns.

"You'll see." Zena replied as she was typing something on the console before each of the columns lit up. Then one by one, each of the columns had different men and women appear wearing clothing from around the world over the years.

"Whoa, who are all these people?" Scootaloo asked as they saw these holograms.

"These are all of the people I chose to wield the power I hold." They heard Silver answer before they saw her standing on the same console. "I've been on this planet for over 300 years and I have met so many people during my time. These people you see before you, are the ones I've chosen to be the wielder of a great power that I have. Mostly from China." Silver then hovered off of the console and over to them as each of the people in the columns were covered in a flash of light before they were placed in similar armor that Flash had worn, but in different styles.

"You mean, you were attached to all of these people throughout the years?" Twilight asked as she was amazed by this information.

"Well yeah, but there's one you and your sister should see most of all, Flash." Silver mentioned before she looked towards Misty. "Am I right, Misty?"

"What's she talking about, mom?" Scootaloo asked as Flash was wondering the same thing.

Misty looked at her two kids before she let out a sigh. "I guess you have the right to know…" She said before she followed Silver. "You see, before you kids were born and when we were your age, there was a hero called 'The Silver Defender.'"

"Oh yeah, I remember him." Nightlight spoke up. "He was a hero among heroes, at least that's what everyone said about him. He pulled out at least sixteen people out of a burning building and put it out in ten seconds."

"I always fantasized about marrying him when I was your age Twilight." Velvet admitted with a small blush.

"Okay, but why him up now?" Flash asked before they stood in front of a column with his father, Trail Blazer, in it. "Wait, you… you mean…?"

"My husband, your father, was the Silver Defender." Misty told them as the holographic image of Trail transformed into armor that looked nearly similar to Flash's in a flash of light.

Author's Note:

I really hope you all enjoy this chapter, because I may have did a little change in chapter 2. Here's a little link to it if you all want to see what changes there have been:


Comments ( 1 )

Great chapter worth the wait good way to bring in the space ship can’t wait for the next chapter ⭐️:eeyup: :pinkiehappy:

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