• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 799 Views, 170 Comments

Forbidden Love - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

He was the only one who paid attention to her. She can't help but think of him...

  • ...

Chapter Ten

Forbidden Love

Chapter Ten

"You may have found a way to control me… to hold me back; to restrain me… but I am not powerless. If even a word of this is told to anyone; if I am even mentioned to anyone, even that sister of yours…" A dark chuckle is heard. "There will be much more at risk than the wellbeing of your sister. I will ruin you completely, and I will bring Equestria to the ground. I might be captive; no more than a prisoner in your head, but my power… is more than you can imagine."

"But why? Why do you want to hurt Luna so badly?"

"I care not for her; it is you whom I desire to bring pain to."


" Yes, you. "

"But I haven't done anything to you!"

" Oh, really? Do you really think that you are innocent of what I accuse you of? Do you dare to think that… Estrella? "

As the hood is thrown back and the light falls on his face, showing his features, the Princess gasps. That nickname was one that only her parents addressed her by… Only the staff who worked in the old palace knew it... "I-How-"

"Yes, my sweet darling. It. Is. I. Are the memories coming back now? Are the gaps in your mind being filled? You must be astonished. Like, you're thinking something along the lines of 'this can't be possible'. You must want to throw yourself on your knees and scream a long scream of anguish, disbelief and agony to the heavens."

"You thought that I was dead, didn't you? Demons don't die so easily, sweetheart. You thought that you were rid of me forever. I remember that day as clearly as if it were yesterday… Do you know why I killed your parents, Celestia?"


He mutters something incomprehensible and chuckles bitterly. "Your parents weren't exactly 'heirs to the throne '. Hardly anyone remembers, but there are a few people here and there who can verify it for you if you doubt my words; not that I give a fuck if you do. Equestria belonged to my father...and then your parents came and killed him, thinking that they'd look like some sort of hero," He spat bitterly. "So what if demons eat human souls? We weren't getting all of them killed. Your parents stole my throne. My rightful kingdom. And they took my father's life. I will not rest until I avenge him. "

"..." Celestia was silent.

"Remember, Estrella. If you say a word of this to anyone, there will be hell to pay. " Lightning strikes the ground in front of Celestia, and she barely manages to avoid it, jumping with a small scream. As the skies begin to turn black and the world seems to fade, His voice is the last thing she hears.

"Fear Interitus… for I am He. Heed my words, for if you stray from my orders…"

His voice fades, but she can still hear dark, sinister laughter.

The Lunar Princess is awoken by the sound of knocking on her door. She groans, and opens the curtains to see that it is the day.

Who is that?

The Princess contemplates just going back to sleep, because whoever was on the other side should know that she slept during the day.

There's only one person who would be coming now… and on this day… but no, she'd never knock. If it was her, she would just burst in and wake me by casting some sort of torture spell…

The knocking continues and Luna yawns. She sits up and levitates her gloves to her. Once she has worn them, she gets out of bed and opens the door to see...Celestia.

Luna recoils, closing the door in a panic and her eyes dart around as her heart beats faster.

She doesn't know what she's looking for. Her mind is overloaded with fear and panic.

"Luna...Please… I'm sorry for everything," Celestia pleads from the other side of the door . The Solar Princess knows that Luna most likely would think that this is a trap. She would probably think that Celestia was just trying to fool her, just to rub it in later.

And I wouldn't blame her… After all, if someone treated me like that and then suddenly seemed to turn over a new leaf… I wouldn't trust them either.


Should I just tell her about… it? No… that could make her worried… It would be better for her to know that I truly love her, and He's making me act this way… but she'd feel helpless, knowing that I can barely control my actions.

"Remember, Estrella. If you say a word of this to anyone, there will be hell to pay. " Lightning strikes the ground in front of Celestia, and she barely manages to avoid it, jumping with a small scream. As the skies begin to turn black and the world seems to fade, His voice is the last thing she hears.

"Fear Interitus… for I am He. Heed my words, for if you stray from my orders…"

No… I can't tell her… but how can I get her to trust me? I know that I should give her time… and that this new behaviour will arouse suspicions in her mind… But I want to make this birthday different from her other ones, in the sense that she'll actually be able to enjoy it.

"L-luna…." Celestia weakly pleads. "Please… forgive me."

While her sister is on the other side of the door, Luna is wondering what to do.

She sounds genuinely remorseful for her actions… But it could be a trap…

There is silence. The Lunar Princess contemplates her next actions.

I am not a fool. She is most likely pretending. Celestia might be a terrible actress, but she excels in the field of faking emotions. After all, she does deal with nobles all day… Does she really think that after all she's done, that I'll just forgive her in a heartbeat? No, she's done too much.

Luna opens the door, bearing a cold look on her face. She takes a deep breath and gathers her courage for her next words. "If thou really art sorry, then do Us a favour and leave Us alone for once."


"No. Cease thine begging for it is of no use. Doth thee take Us for a fool? Doth thee actually think that after all thou hast done, that We would forgive thou so easily? After all the shit thou hast done to Us, after all the shit We have had to put up with, thou should count thyself lucky if We ever choose to forgive thou. Never forgive...Never forget."

With that said, she shuts the door and locks it, not desiring to look at Celestia's heartbroken face any longer.

Celestia shakily walks away, knowing that it would take a miracle for Luna to forgive her.

I deserve her hatred… I did more than enough to earn it.

Luna removes her gloves and snaps her fingers, changing her clothes back to her pyjamas. She checks on the burn, unwrapping the bandage and nearly retches upon smelling it.

I don't know why it smells like this, but maybe it does need some air…

She discards the bandage, deciding that she'd properly dispose of it later.

Next, she looks at her thumb and sees that it's sealed now. Which is a relief because she was honestly getting tired of having to bend her thumb like that.

Once she sees that she can now freely move her thumb without fear of reopening the cut, she ponders what to do about the burn.

It still did smell pretty bad...and she didn't want it to somehow get infected…

I'll just magically heal it. While magic shouldn't really be used to heal wounds...I don't think I'll be able to bear this awful stench.

In the blink of an eye, the burn is now nothing more than a huge scar. With that done, the Princess gets back into her bed, curling up beneath the covers.

The scene that had occurred a few moments ago replays in her mind, and she wonders what caused the sudden change in Celestia's behaviour.

Why would she even bother pretending to feel remorse for her actions? Perhaps to just make it sting even more when she reverts to her old ways, but even so, I cannot understand why she'd do all this. This is not like her at all…

Author's Note:

Now have a little faith in me, dear readers. I'm not that cruel.

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