• Published 19th Apr 2023
  • 800 Views, 170 Comments

Forbidden Love - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

He was the only one who paid attention to her. She can't help but think of him...

  • ...

Chapter Thirty

Forbidden Love

Chapter Thirty

Princess Luna looked absolutely stunning in her wedding dress, which was white and ended just below her knees, and had sleeves made of net while she wore long gloves. King Sombra watches her walk down the stairs and when she finally reached him, it took everything within his power not to kiss her right then and there. No, he had to wait just a little longer…

He holds her soft hand in his as they walk through the aisle and the bridesmaids throw rose petals upon them. At last they were at the stage where they would put their rings upon each other's hands after saying their wedding vows.

"I swear to remain by your side through all hardships, through wealth and poverty, through good health and illness," says Sombra, putting the ring onto Luna's finger.

She does the same, and Radiant Hope, the ring bearer, announces, "You may now kiss the bride."

However, as he lifts up her veil to finally kiss those sweet lips which have been present in his mind all throughout the wedding, the doors of the formerly relaxation room, now wedding hall burst open, instantly drawing the guests attention as they all wondered who the newcomer was and why, if they were invited, they had chosen such an entrance.

A familiar figure, at least to the now newly married couple, enters, and smirks as malice shines in his blue eyes. He takes a moment to absentmindedly flick back a strand of brown hair, and then, focusing his gaze on the Lunar Princess herself, asks, "Hello Luna, did you miss me?"

The Crystal Guards tense as he strides through the aisle and towards the couple, not knowing whether they should stop him or leave him, but King Sombra raises his hand and they stand back.

"I suppose you forgot me, huh? I've been by your side for so many years and you didn't even bother to send me an invitation to your wedding. That really hurt, you know, " he says, and Luna gazes at him, and struggles not to show concern on her face as she notices that his face is heavily scarred.

"What happened to you? " she asks at last.

He chuckles darkly and bitterly replies, "What happened to me? What a very interesting question indeed… Well, your oh so beloved sister thought it'd be a good idea to torture me as a way of hurting you even more, so, here we are, Luna. "

"So," asks Sombra coldly, "why choose now of all times to come and guilt trip her?"

He laughs. "Have some sympathy, hm? You stole her heart and it's only because of you that she rejected me."

"Nonsense! She never felt any feelings for you! "

"Well then, let's fight it out. Whoever wins gets to keep Luna."

"Keep Luna? She's not some sort of object, and I no longer wish for you to disrupt my wedding. Either leave by yourself or I shall get my Guards to drag you out. "

"Seems like-" Shadowlance began, but the Crystal King clenched his fists.

"Guards," he shouts, having had enough, "take this man and throw him out of the Castle!"

The Guards step forward and begin to drag Shadowlance away, with the Vampire not resisting, but as soon as they pass the aisle, his eyes glow red and magic shoots out of his hands, instantly decapitating the Guards, whose limp bodies drop to the ground as the guests stare on in horror.

Sombra's eyes widened- he had not been expecting such a violent and gruesome attack from the former Guard, and especially not a magical one as he had never seen him use magic. He stands protectively in front of Luna as the former walks back to them, a huge grin on his face.

"Well," he slurs, " you don't want to play my game, hm? Then I'll just have to take her by force. "

Before he can advance any further, Sombra punches him in the face, causing him to stumble backward. "If you cannot get over being rejected, it's not my problem, or anyone else's. You have absolutely no right to barge into my wedding and murder two of my Guards. Leave and give up this delusion of yours or I shall have to take -"

" Blah blah blah. You rulers are just like I'm gonna do this to you and all these grand speeches- I'm sick of it. "

Shadowlance stands up straight and as Sombra casts a magical shield, he launches an attack which bounces off and hits the door as he ducks to avoid it.

Something isn't right here, and Sombra looks at the former Guard with askance, narrowing his eyes. Now that he thinks about it, he can feel some sort of strange energy in the air- one he's never felt before. No, whatever energy this is, it's not from this realm, he deduces.

He had studied about magic, different types, and knew that there were three realms - the realm of the Angels, Humans, and Demons. Luna once told him that her parents were Angels, and so, she had Angel blood in her veins. And if Angels existed, that meant Demons also existed.

Is this, then, Demon magic? Has he been possessed or sold his soul? he pondered.

No sooner than the thought had entered his head did a fireball come whizzing past them, and to Sombra's horror, burst through the barrier.

Fortunately it did no harm to Luna, but now he had a new priority. I'll need to get Luna somewhere safe and then fight back… But if I take her to a safe place and cast some spells to make it safer, he'd still find her if my theory is correct. Perhaps she's safer here…

By now the guests had all decided to flee for their safety, but the Vampire sealed the doors shut, grinning wickedly. He snapped his fingers and some sort of liquid fell from the ceiling.

Gasoline...Does he plan to commit arson? I can't let him do that. Looks like I'll have to use my last option…Dark magic.

Closing his eyes, Sombra concentrated and unlocked the Dark Magic he had locked away in fear of hurting someone. This type of magic was generally used for nefarious purposes and long term use led to corruption of the user, and as much as he despised using it, this time, he must. It was much more powerful than regular magic and perhaps, he would be able to face the Demon and have a chance of winning.

He opens his eyes, which now had red pupils with a green sclera and purple smoke around them. The Crystal King sends an attack of crystal spikes tainted with black smoke at Shadowlance, who was busy making sure the entire room was coated in gasoline.

He merely tuts as the spikes lodged themselves in his back, and shook his head as he turned around. "My dear King...I would suggest you to be careful lest I decide to retaliate with a fireball, which would not only set this whole room on fire, but also claim the lives of all these people. Now, I'll give you two options. Either hand Luna over, and I'll leave you and your people alone, or continue to fight and keep her but at the cost of their lives. "

Sombra growls. He's trapped. If he attacked now, he would be responsible for the deaths of a few hundred people, yet if he didn't attack and gave Luna, he would be able to save them. But Luna was the most precious person to him and he could not let her get hurt, let alone betray her by giving her up.

"And before you try, let me tell you- the seal I put on the doors is also going to stop any sort of teleportation."

The King looks at Luna to see how she's handling all this, only to see she seems to be in deep concentration.

Seconds later, a white blur travelling at the speed of light slams into Shadowlance, who is engulfed by it, shrieking as it burns his body.

The Princess turns her head away and squeezes her eyes shut, no doubt feeling guilt for the pain her former friend was going through, but she knew it had to be done.

Sombra looks at her in awe. "Is that the mystical Pure Angel spell I've read about?"

She nods. "It is supposed to be the most powerful spell, or at least, one of the most powerful…"

The Princess glances at Shadowlance just in time to see his entire body explode into ashes and a dark cloud surrounds the place he had been, only to fade away and reveal...Ineritus.

" Hm… " he says, looking around. "I suppose the enchantment banishing me from this realm has worn away… He was an easy one," the Demon comments, gesturing to the ashes of Shadowlance with his foot.

"Who are you?" Sombra asks defensively.

"Who am I…? You can call me, Ineritus, the King of Demons…"

"You are surely here for some nefarious purpose," Luna states. I think I heard his name before somewhere…

" My, my. Gotten a little braver, have we, Princess? And a little more expressive. "

The Lunar Princess concentrated, trying to think of where she had heard that name before, and unbidden, a memory long suppressed by a waning enchantment arose.

Luna was scared. It had been hours since her older sister, Celestia had left her alone, and now she could hear lots of loud noises and screaming, even though her tower was separated from the Castle.

She desperately wanted to know what was happening, but couldn't leave the tower because of the barrier that kept her in. And as she tried to push against it for the fifth time, she suddenly smelt smoke.

Looking up, she gasped as she realised it was on fire, and try as she might to put it out with the various water spells she had learnt from spell books that her sister would sneak up to her, her efforts were futile for nothing happened.

She began to hyperventilate as she knew that for her, there was no escape. Unless someone came and saved her somehow, she would burn to death with the tower.

"Luna," a voice called, "I'm coming!"

" Celestia?! Please save me! "

The last thing she saw before she blacked out was her sister's tear stricken face.

When she awoke, she was in a forest and her sister was by her side. "Celestia?" she mumbled , sitting up. "What happened? Where are we?"

"Some Demon King by the name of Ineritus came and killed our parents...and burnt the Castle to the ground. But don't worry, I'll protect you. "

Luna didn't know what to say, so she kept silent, and that silence was only broken when her sister asked, "Luna, can you close your eyes?"

" O-okay. "

She did so and shuddered as she felt magic surround her head. She wanted to know what her sister was doing.

But she trusted her. Celestia would never hurt her…

Luna opens her eyes, gasping as she realises that she'd never had the childhood she thought she had. Her parents had been her jailers, and Celestia had been her saviour.

Celestia had also been the one to replace most of her memories.

But even if Celestia was nice to her in the past, she wasn't now, and Luna still felt sick at the thought of her.

But if she cared about her before, why had she suddenly changed? Could He have possibly done something?

She clenches her fists and turns towards the Demon.

"Ineritus" she growls.

" What is it, Princess? " he asks mockingly.

"What did you do to my sister? "

"To Celestia? Nothing at all. Just because I'm a Demon, that doesn't mean I have to be blamed for everything."

" So, Ineritus, was it? Sombra asks suddenly. "Fire at him while he's distracted," he murmurs to Luna.

" What? "

"If you're truly a Demon, why do you have the wings of an Angel?"

He opens his mouth to speak, but Luna aims at him with the Pure Angel spell, which is supposed to be able to eliminate the one who it is aimed at.

But surprisingly, nothing happens.

"Using dirty tricks now, are we? You certainly have gotten bolder, Princess. " He chuckles, and with a wave of his hand, creates a small candle which he lights before chucking it in a random direction. The gasoline that Shadowlance had drenched the room in before plays its part, and soon, the entire room is on fire. "I'm not entirely heartless though, so I'm just going to unseal this door here. I only hate Equestrians anyway, so don't take it as anything personal. I just want that Solar Princess to feel even guiltier. I'm also going to borrow your bride, okay?"

The question was clearly rhetorical as he unseals the doors, teleports next to Luna and leaves with her after punching Sombra in the face before he can react. "That's for being so slow."

As black dots begin to form in Sombra's vision, he yells, "Activate the heart!" and falls, unconscious .

Luna groans as she returns to consciousness, only to see that she's in her room in the Canterlot Castle.

She jolts upright, panicked, and her expression becomes one of fear and hatred as she sees Celestia.

" Hello Luna, it's been a while, hasn't it? "

"Why am I here?" she questions .

"Simple," laughs Celestia . "I wanted you here. It's been so long since I've had fun with you, too long…"

The Princess glances at her sister's eyes, wondering if she was possessed, but her pupils were their usual teal colour.

"Where's Ineritus?" she hisses.

"He saved you from our parents- be grateful, hm? But I think I'll have to teach you how to be grateful. You've forgotten… "

She really tried to put up a good fight, but was overpowered. Luna winces as one of the wounds Celestia had inflicted upon her began to sting, and glances around, looking for an escape.

She ignores the pain as she stands up and walks to the door, but it's guarded by Solar Guards who brandish their spears at the sight of her. Upon entering the balcony, she finds that it has some sort of force field around it.

Great...We're trapped in here…

She returns to her bed, defeated, and lies down. Unless We find a way to escape, We'll have to endure her torture everyday…

King Sombra groans as he opens his eyes to find himself in his chambers. Hope is bedside him and her worried expression fades when she sees him move.

"Sombra, you're awake! I was so worried…"

He sits up and asks, "Is everyone safe?"

" Yeah, they activated the Crystal Heart to put out the fire, just like you said. "

"I suppose Luna's been taken?"

" Yeah… "

"Am I injured badly?" he questions , despite not feeling any pain.

"No, the doctor said that you have some minor wounds but nothing serious. "

"Good. Hope, come with me," he says, getting off the bed. "We need to make a plan. "

Sombra teleports them back to the Castle, to the throne room and sits at a table in the middle of the room. Hope joins him as he conjures a piece of paper and a quill.

"Ineritus took Luna, and he, no doubt, supports Celestia, and her castle is most likely where Luna is. It may have some defences and I won't be able to rescue her if I get caught. Next month is the Grand Galloping Gala, in which the nobles of Equestria are invited to the Canterlot Castle for a dance and stuff. As there'll be lots of guests, it'll be easier to infiltrate it and figure out where Luna is. As much as I hate to wait that long, it's the only way that I'll actually be able to save her, because Celestia will be busy with her guests. "

He writes all that down, and turns to Hope. "And this is where you come in. As you're highly skilled in illusion magic, I'll need you to make the two of us look like guards. When I find Luna, you'll stay outside and warn me if anyone comes. Do you agree? "

She nods.

The days all merge into one, and Luna's hope of escaping fades. The Solar Guards never seem to leave her door, and the force field refuses to yield to her magic.

The door suddenly slams open, revealing Celestia who has a crazed look in her eyes.

Luna tries not to empty the contents of her stomach as her tormentor's grin widens, and the door closes.

"I've realised something," she begins casually , as if it were a normal conversation and the person to whom she was speaking didn't hate her guts. "You shouldn't really get to use your magic at all, being the worthless human you are. I'm going to take it, okay?"

Knowing that it's not a choice and more of a thing that will inevitably happen, the Lunar Princess doesn't resist.

It's only been a month, but it feels like she's been here forever.

Princess Luna lays on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Tonight's the Grand Galloping Gala, due to which, Celestia will be occupied with other things. However, the twisted Solar devil promised she'd 'make it up with extra fun' later.

There's no escape from this. Sombra tried to protect Us, and he ended up getting trapped in a fire along with who knows how many people. Shadowlance was Our friend, and he ended up being possessed and then killed in the most excruciating way possible. It seems as though anyone who helps Us or has some sort of intimate connection with Us will always get hurt…

She sits up and walks over to her desk, opening the fifth drawer. Hidden under numerous artwork is the blade she had while previously here.

Her magic may have been stripped away but she doesn't need it for this. She stares at the blade as she returns to her bed.

She will always find some way to make Our life a living hell...And this time, We art helpless…

Sombra dashed through the corridors of the Castle, with Hope following him. At last a chamber which was surrounded by guards came into view, and he stopped.

I'll need to find a way to get them to leave…

Fortunately, Hope had already prepared for this, and cast a spell to make it seem as if she were Celestia, and walked forward.

"My dear guards," she began just as the Solar Monarch would have, "I would like it if you all were to leave. I have some...business to attend to. Perhaps it would be best if you all were to resume your post downstairs."

The Guards nodded and left. Hope smiled and let out a breath of relief. "Now, let's go," she whispered to an astonished Sombra.

As he entered the chamber, she stood there and he closed the door.

Advancing to the bed where he saw the figure of his beloved lying, he rushed to her side, only to freeze in shock as he saw her bleeding wrists.

She lifted her head up to look at him, and a sad smile fell upon her face.

"Roses are red
Violets are blue
Fresh slits on my wrists
I'm dying it's true
Petunias are purple
Lilies are white
Feeling numb in my bed
I am losing this fight
Tears keep on pouring
My body feels sore
Dark clouds slowly forming
I can do this no more
After storm there is calm
In dark there is light
Red ink flows from my palm
I'm lost in the night
Now flowers are wilting
And the plants, they are dying
I said I was okay
Guess what, I was lying."

He fell upon his knees as she took her dying breaths. "I love you Sombra," she whispered , her voice weakening, and the light faded from her eyes.

Luna was dead…

It couldn't be true…

But it was…

"Fuck you Celestia!" he cried out in anguish , and then the tears began to fall.

Author's Note:

Here we are. The ending. For once, I've completed a story in less than a year...

The poem at the end was written by a user on Reddit, and can be found here- https://www.reddit.com/r/selfharmteens/comments/149a3zy/hey_guys_heres_my_take_on_roses_are_red/

Don't forget to vote/like, comment, favourite, follow and share.

I would also like to give a special thanks to Bronycommander and Majestic_Donut for commenting on every chapter.