• Published 8th May 2023
  • 619 Views, 80 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Find your Voice - JimmyHook19

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I've been Running High when you're Screamin' my Name

It is said that in times of danger, heroes will come together to face the rising tide of evil, and fight back to preserve the light. These heroes can come from the strangest of places.

This is the story of one such hero. Although she appears to be Pipp Petals, you may be surprised to learn her true origins...

Good morning Pippsqueaks! This is going out to all my fans on my socials. I know I seem pretty busy, but-

Hang on, got somepony at the door! See you in a moment, Pipp Pipp Hooray!"

Oh, you're the reporter who wanted to interview me. Totally. I'm certainly up for that. I was just finishing up a stream, is all.

Now, what was it you wanted to ask about?

Ohh, the strange things that happened a few months ago! Of course! Totes telling you all about that. But- oh, wait, a new follower! Isn't that great? Seashell is such a sweetie.

But I think you're more interested in my story than who's following me. My story begins somewhere else far from here.

I imagine for a pegasus it's quite hard to imagine what living by the sea was like. But that was my life, next to the water. It was pretty fun being able to just dip in and head about the local waves without getting sucked into the sea.

And the ocean sure was super nice that morning as I made my way down to the local park. Not as a pony, you understand. One of these odd things called... what was it? A hoo-man? Wait, got it! Human! I think one might live in the forest where that big battle happened a long time ago.

I was heading along down this pathway to the park, as a super special summer event had been planned. It was music in the park, an effective way of persuading people to come out of their houses and enjoy the sun and some fun.

Hang on, let me answer that... OK, done! Let's continue.

I was now nearly there, as I was keen to hear a local band perform. They were called the Thunder Bay Rockets, a rock band (so TOTALLY not me these days, but YOLO), but when I arrived something awful had happened!

There were lots of people standing about looking very annoyed. They were asking where the band was.

The organizer spoke to them. "Terribly sorry," she said, "but the band had to cancel at the last minute. Something about sardines in the tank. But we do have a brass band instead!"

The people were quite upset at this news, but there was little they could do. I, however, had spotted something shiny in the field nearby.

And I still have the shiny thing now! Pretty, isn't it?

Anyway, I was totally keen not to overdrama on the situation and simply went around the back to look at it. I picked it up.

"Hey, not every day you find a coronet out here," I said, looking closely at it.

Suddenly, it began to heat up. No, seriously, I dropped it because it would have burned my skin off!

"Arise, brave hero!" said a voice. "Take her place!"

It seems the coronet had transferred some sort of energy to me, as in the moments given I began to change. It began by causing me to shrink through my clothes. Hey, at least somebody else would be able to wear them, and it disguised something else that was going on.

The first thing of note was fur. Lots of it. Pink fuzzy stuff all over the place, so I looked like a slightly wierd teddy bear. There was that. It wasn't too bad, all things considered.

Seconds later I felt a tail emerging as my gender inverted. Oh, I forgot to mention I was a guy during that time. Sorry for any confusion.

My teeth were flattened down as my mouth and nose were pushed forward to create a muzzle, and my eyes changed colour to a distinctly emerald green that seemed to glow in the darkness. I was mostly getting clues as to what was going on from the sensations I was feeling, rather than any light.

A quick feel confirmed my former facial hair had been recycled as fur. Not long after I saw something shiny within the mass of clothes. I brought it up. It was a hoof! And a golden hoof at that! I'm pretty certain that's not an evolutionary feature.

There was no time for horsing about, though, amiright?

My hair was pulled up into a purple mane atop my head, and the bulk of it dropped down one side of my face, mainly on the right hoof side. Curiously, my vision didn't seem to be particularly impaired.

My body had already been reshaped into a distinctly equine form, and my arms and legs were converted to pony limbs, complete with hoofs. It was then I realised operating a phone would be rather difficult in these circumstances.

More bits were added after that. Two pony ears appeared, replacing my old ones which resulted in drastically improved hearing. One small lock of my mane ran down the side of my left ear. Moments after that, the most notable feature of my biology joined the fun.

Two wings emerged from my sides, though I could feel something wasn't quite right. They felt oddly... fluffy. Almost downy in feel, rather than the feathers most pegasi have. Perhaps it was a strange genetic defect? Only one way to find out.

It was time to try and sneak my way out of the clothing. I shifted backwards to get the shirt free, and the jeans came loose with a little shaking. Come to think of it, my hips were wider now. I pulled my way out, and noticed a few other changes that had been added whilst I was in there. The coronet was now in place atop my head, and the other bits all seemed to be there as well.

I looked in the personal camera on my phone. "O- M- GORGEOUS!"

I was pretty confused when it all ended, but I soon was able to get my bearings and wander across the field to try and find where I was meant to be. It was then I heard voices.

"Mom, look!" said a voice. It was a child. Children are like fillies or colts. "It's Pipp Petals!"

So that's what it was all about? Crafty people, huh?

His dad was less impressed. "It's probably just an animatronic," he said. "Hate to break it to ya kid, but Pipp's not real."

I was wondering what was going on here. Social media connected to bronies had been completely lit up by footage recorded by a person in England claiming to show Zipp Storm in the real world. Now I knew how they connected.

I trotted over to the kid. "Hello!" I said. "Are you a Pippsqueak?"

The kid grinned. "Totally!" they looked over to the organizer. "We have a performer here!" She indicated to me.

The organizer looked baffled. "That's a statue."

I huffed. "I am TOTES not a statue!" I said, as I cantered over. "Would a statue walk?"

The organizer blinked again. "So, it's not a statue," he said. "Just some really convincing robot. Can you perform at all?"

"How about YES?" I replied, and headed for the stage to warm up. I only hoped they had the backing tracks for one of my hits. They probably didn't but that was less of an issue at that moment.

Minutes later, the mic was rigged up and adjusted, and I'd suggested a backing track to the operator, so I spoke up. "Good morning, everypony!" I called.

"Everypony?" somebody asked. "We're people. I didn't come to see a Vocaloid performance!"

"Shhhhhhh!" said somebody else.

"So, I imagine you want to hear some music, right? Well, luckily, I got just the song for you!"

I turned to the turntable operator. "Hit it!"

They nodded, and I started to sing. It was a song only 2011 kids would get, but I doubted the crowd would mind.

"There- is a place/
Where the grass is what's for dinner!
Charmed, fun, and wild!
There must be something in the water!"

"Sippin' rainbow juice!
Talking Elements of Harmony!
Our bronies/
Hang out too!
'Cause they know we're awesome fillies!"

"You could travel the world!
(You could travel the world)
But no one can groove like/
the girls with the hooves!
Once you party with ponies/
You'll be seeing Rainbooms!
O-oh o-oh o-ooh!"

"Equestria girls/
We're kinda magical!
Boots on hooves, hats are on top!
Furry coats, so cute/
We'll blow your mind!
Aoaoah oh, aoaoaoh!

"Equestria girls!
We're pony-fabulous!
Fast, fine, fierce, we trot 'til we drop!
Cutie marks represent/
Now put your hooves up!
Aoaoah oh, aoaoaoh!"

Then things went a bit weird. A void seemingly opened up below me, and I feel downwards into a tunnel consisting entirely of rainbow light.

It seemed as though my adventure was just beginning. Things were gonna get wild!

Author's Note:

And now it's time for the focus to shift on over to Princess Pipp Petals for of the next entry of my side of Rebirth of Magic! :D :yay:

Out of all the main characters in G5.... I can somewhat relate to Pipp in terms of being an Influencer.

Though in the case of me... I would best describe me being a Semi-Influencer.

Meaning that of course.... I don't use a phone but I do have plenty of online accounts on my laptop for sure. =3