• Published 8th May 2023
  • 619 Views, 80 Comments

Rebirth of Magic: Find your Voice - JimmyHook19

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Everytime you're Down, I can Make it Right

Ugh! That was TOTALLY the WORST. DAY. EVER!

There is no way any other day could possibly be more worse than that, at least I thought at the time. Me and Zipp had gone out into town to visit the shopping district (they had discounts on sunglasses at Maretime Sunware), and whilst there I peered in the windows of Crandall's to see what they were doing. Crandall's is a department store, in case you're wondering. With internet shopping a thing I have no clue how they stay in business, but it seems in person shopping is an in-thing in Zephyr Heights these days!

And you would NOT believe what was in the windows. IT WAS A SUMMER DISPLAY OF STUFF I'D SPONSORED! No wonder they like us so much! Seriously, they send me so much stuff for unboxing videos!

Zipp didn't seem to be so impressed. "Pipp, you are aware you can just buy that online, right?"

"Urgh," I said. "Do you always have to be so antisocial?"

"Look, just because I don't feel like engaging in consumerism for one day doesn't make me a grinch, OK?"

"Whatever," I replied, as I bounced along the ground. The place was pretty packed. People were taking advantage of the early morning day to shop before it got too hot. Sensible ponies.

I stopped in the square to suddenly see a huge crowd assembled. This was why we were really here.

I heard Zipp groan behind me as we got further forward. "Do we really have to do this, Pipp? I don't really do this whole 'meet and greet' thing. You know I'm useless with kids."

"Zephyrina Storm!" I said.

I saw Zipp visibly flinch when I said this. Clearly the old trick of 'say somepony's full name and they'll do as they tell you' worked here. "Fine," she grumbled.

"Hey, let me sweeten the deal. You do this, I'll get us lunch at Outingdale's, OK?"

That cheered Zipp up. Seems bribing people with food often does the trick as well.

I'm happy to say the meet and greet went well. It's really amazing seeing the Pippsqueak's smiling faces and getting to talk face to face. Normally we only interact on opposite ends of a stream. Naturally, I did sign some stuff for them, and they treated the signatures as if they were made of solid gold.

I could have done solid gold signatures if I wanted, but they would have taken SOOO LONG to dry.

Zipp seemed to get into it as well, even if her statement about being bad with kids was holding up. She preferred to talk with ponies her own age, which I guess is understandable.

After all of that, which went great, I'd say, we headed off for Outingdale's. It was Zipp's favourite place to eat if she had time to spare- otherwise she liked going to McWing's. The former had a varied menu, which was always nice, seeing as I liked variety in my diet. Did you know fish used to be super expensive around here? Zipp usually had something from the hayburger section of the menu.

But when we were on our way, something terrible happened! Some idiot left a banana skin out in the road, and Zipp slipped on it. She slid across the ground and crashed into a lamp post!

"Zipp!" I shouted, and dashed over, checking her over. It was bad. The impact had seemingly left her in a delirious state, and her eyes looked glazed over as she looked about. "Zipp, can you hear me?"

"My butterfly went dancing in the pantry," she said randomly, and then seemingly slipped off into unconsciousness.

I started to panic. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911, waiting for the connection to complete. "Hello?"

"Zephyr Heights Emergency Service, how can I help you?"

"This is Pipp, as in Petals. My sister's just crashed into a lamp post and is unconscious."

"Where are you, over? Please give street names."

I glanced up and spotted a road sign. "I'm at the confluence of 52nd and Berrow."

"52nd and Berrow, roger. An ambulance will be with you shortly."

A crowd had gathered around us as I kept a close eye on Zipp. When the ambulance arrived, I asked if I could ride with them in the ambulance. They said no as they had to do some treatment, but stated she would be shipped to the Royal Suite at Zephyr Heights General Hospital.

I thanked them, and checked my phone to find where that was. OK, so it was part of the plateau that the Palace sits on. Obvious place to put a hospital. As the ambulance thundered away, I called a private Sky Cab and was flown there tout de suite.

That means very quickly, by the way.

When I got there Zipp was already being treated by doctors. Mom arrived a few seconds later. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here sooner!" she said, seemingly trying to apologise to the doctors. "I dropped everything when I heard the news and travelled as quickly as I could!"

"It's not a worry, Your Majesty," the doctor said. "Princess Zephyrina is stable. Now all we need to do is wait for her to regain consciousness."

Mom and I took position next to the bed Zipp was in. Seeing her wired up to all this stuff was surreal. Obviously I was pretty worried, but mom seemed to be taking it the worst. "Faust let her be OK," she repeated over and over again.

A few minutes passed, and then I heard some noises coming from Zipp's direction. Her head was slowly moving as she began to vocalize some sounds.

"Mom! She's waking up!" I said.

Mom looked at Zipp as well, and a look of relief passed over her face.

"Where am I..." Zipp began to say, as she looked at us. She then stopped speaking, and her eyes narrowed as if in fear. She then brought one of her forelegs up and looked at it.

What happened next caused me to jump. Zipp started to thrash about uncontrollably whilst screaming so loudly she could have woken the dead!

I was totes scared. "Mom, what's going on?"

"I don't know," mom replied, "but I suggest we let the doctors handle this." Something in her response felt... off. I was soon unable to process it as Zipp suddenly leaped out of the bed and was out through the doors before anypony could react.

"Zipp!" I cried, and chased after her down the corridors. It wasn't hard to follow her trail. She'd bucked the doors so hard several had dents in them.

"To all assets! Princess Zephyrina has escaped the Royal Ward! Intercept her immediately and return her for further treatment!"

I continued to follow the trail of clues until I arrived outside the hospital. Zipp was looking out over Zephyr Heights, her face locked in that same expression of terror she'd had a few moments ago.

"Zipp?" I said, trying to get her attention.

Zipp wheeled around so suddenly I backed up slightly. "Pipp?"

I nodded. "Yes. That's me. I'm glad you seem to be at least physically OK, Zipp. Do you need any help? Is there a problem?"

Zipp then asked me a question that seemed very odd. "Pipp, have you heard anything from Sunny recently?"

Sunny? Why would Zipp know who Sunny is? Neither of them have met yet. I had to maintain my cover story, as I didn't feel I could reveal the truth yet. "What? Who's Sunny? I don't know a Sunny. Zipp, that bang to the head must have been pretty bad for you to be hallucinating friends of mine!"

We talked for a bit longer about things concerning us, before the doctor from earlier came back and asked us to go back inside.

After Zipp was cleared to leave, mom decided we should do a city tour to get some light relief and perhaps jog Zipp's memory. Flying over the city was still pretty remarkable, and I soon got more clues that Zipp wasn't entirely herself when her muzzle was squished up against the glass.

She also seemed annoyed about me posting she was OK on social media. What, I had like gazillions of ponies asking me about her! I wasn't going to ignore that!

After we returned from the trip and had dinner, I was still worried. I knew Zipp might struggle if this place was totally alien to her, but at the same time I couldn't reveal who I was either. It wouldn't help anypony if both of us ended up on the funny farm. I went to her door as she went to turn in.

"Zipp, if ever you need anything, just let me know, Kay? Sisters and all that?" I said.

She turned and the faintest of smiles flashed across her face. "Sure. Thanks Pipp."

As she went in, I popped into my room as well. It helped all the doors were together in one place. I had to find a way to help her get up to speed around here. But if she was also a former human as I suspected, how many more would there be?

Author's Note:

And now we start to head into the events that began for "Zipp" in G5 Equestria by the 2nd chapter of this story:

TRebirth of Magic: Zipping It
The life and times of a flightless princess.
The Blue EM2 · 31k words  ·  28  2 · 1.1k views

Only difference is.... this is via from Pipp's POV. :3