• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,410 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter X

“So what exactly do I do here?” I raised an eyebrow and glanced around curiously at the train tracks and the table. A clear plastic bin sat in the corner, full of train and pieces of wood painted to look like trees and other parts of nature. I sat with my legs folded under me while she sat cross-legged on the floor.

“You just play. Have fun. Use your imagination!” Ruby giggled as she placed a train on the tracks and pushed it. “See? James is going to the trainyard to pick up some cargo to deliver.”

“What is he going to do next?” I asked with a smile. I’ve never been all that good with kids, but they loved me for some reason. Back in Equestria, I’d get swarmed by them randomly.

“Uh I don’t know. I didn’t think that far ahead to be honest. I usually just with the flow,” Ruby admitted as she stuck the magnet on the back of the red train to a few train cars. “Choo choo.” I reached into the bin and pulled out a large green train.

“Who’s this?” I asked curiously as I looked at it.

“That’s Henry. He’s a fast train,” Ruby explained. I put him on the track and pushed him back and forth idly.

“Who’s your favorite?” I asked curiously. Ruby’s eyes lit up and she grinned.

“Thomas obviously. The show is named after him, after all! Then you got James and Emily and Percy and Toby the tram, Molly and Lady,” Ruby shouted.

“Who’s Lady?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Lady is a character from the movie Thomas and the Magic Railroad. She was hidden away in the mountains because a evil meanie wanted to destroy her. She’s awesome!” Ruby grinned. “We should watch the movie while you’re here.”

“Maybe. How did you get this franchise?”

“Mom introduced me to it. Apparently she watched it when she was a kid. It’s really funny show. It’s my favorite.” Well, good thing I bought her a bunch of Thomas the Tank engines for Christmas in three days. And a few sets. I may have gone overboard trying to win everyone and Mom over. It sounds stupid as fuck now that I think about it. Well, I can remember that next year.

“Sounds like a good show. Anything else you like?” I asked. She gave a shrug.

“Nah, not really. I like coloring but that’s about it,” she pushed the train off the tracks and feigned horror. “Oh no!” I let out a uncharacteristic giggle at her antics.

“Having fun?” Berry grinned as she rested against the doorframe with her arms folded.

“Yeah. Sunset is asking me about the Thomas the Tank Engine universe. Can we watch the the movie while she’s here pleaseeee?” Ruby begged and put her puppy dog eyes. She really had that skill down pat.

“Yeah sure. Time for dinner you two.”

“What time is it?” Ruby pouted.

“Six pm. You’ve been up here for a few hours playing,” Berry answered. “Might wanna hurry up before Cherry comes up here. She’s way more energetic than me. And people say I’m the wild one. Just wait till I show you the pictures of your mom in highschool wearing a very short cheer leader outfit with a blue bow in her hair. Now that was an interesting day.” She gave a wink at me.

“You better not!” Mom shouted up the stairs. I couldn’t see her but I imagine she was blushing. Berry rolled her eyes before leaning in close to me.

“Stay up after they go to bed and we will talk,” Berry whispered in my ear with a mischievous smirk.


I snuck out the bedroom and opened the door to Moms room slowly, listening to her even breathing and quietly shut it before slipping down the stairs to the living room where Berry was on the couch with a glass of wine reading a book.

“Ah you’re here,” she set her book down and sipped her wine. I sat down across from her on the couch.

“Yeah. You said to come here,” I covered my mouth and yawned. I was pretty tired. I didn’t really stay up late because of Mom’s rules. She was being a bit more lenient for winter break because of the holiday.

“Here’s the picture,” she slid it to me and I stared in shock at it. She had been telling the truth, holy hell.

“Wow. Mom looked so different,” I mumbled.

“So Cheerilee told me you’re having some trouble in school,” Berry said nonchalantly and I got tense.

“Maybe I am,” I answered cautiously. Berry rolled her eyes and held up a hand.

“Don’t get defensive. She mentioned you used to be run the school and have regrets. You can turn the bad into good.” I raised and eyebrow.

“And how’s that?” I asked curiously.

“You remember Ruby Pinch?” Berry nodded upstairs. I gave a nod and she continued. “Let’s just say, I didn’t necessarily consent when I got pregnant with her. I turned a bad thing into something amazing: her.” My eyes widened at the implication.

“Why didn’t you get an abortion?” I asked. Berry gave me a disgusted look.

“I don’t believe in abortion. There’s a lot of families who can’t have kids who would kill to adopt a baby or anything like that. Just give birth, put the baby up for adoption and boom. You’ve made a happy family. After Cheerilee lost her baby, it just made me even happier that I didn’t get one. Made me realize how lucky I was to be able to actually give birth when so many can’t. She was excited to be a mom and then she just lost her sadly. It hurt me and Cherry too. We wanted so badly to be aunts. But what hurt the most was seeing how depressed Cheerilee became. I’ve never seen my sister like that in her life. So I’m glad I never thought about getting rid of Ruby. She’s changed my life for the better,” Berry answered with a sad look. “We never talk about our political beliefs here because me and Cherry would get into fights over it.”

“Mom never talks about what happened. What happened to the guy who you know?” I asked hesitantly. Berry let out a dark chuckle.

“I admitted to Cherry and Cheerilee what happened. They tracked him down and beat the shit out of him. He ran away and moved away after that.” I stared at her in shock. Mom didn’t seem like the type to hurt anyone.

“Mom actually did that? I didn’t see her as the type to fight anyone.” Berry let out another chuckle.

“Nor did I. She got so mad. Hell, according to Cherry, Cheerilee did the most damage. Broke his jaw and everything. Learned real quick to never make her that mad,” Berry smirked. “Heard you were getting bullied too. I have some advice if you want it.” I leaned forward eagerly.


“Trust no bitch, take no shit. If someone fucks with you, you wait till they swing first. After that, anything you do next is self defense. Pick the biggest person at your school you can find and make them mad. Let them hit you first and then you beat the fucker up. Make that bitch eat concrete. After that, everyone will leave you alone. I’ve learned real fast that people respect strength first hand. I’m not saying go out and rule by fear like you did once. Just don’t roll over and take the abuse. And I know you got hit because I can see you limping slightly. I won’t tell Cheerilee, don’t worry but if it happens again and I see it again, I will tell her. We just want the best for you,” she leaned back and sipped her wine.

“I just don’t want to go back to the old me,” I admitted. Berry rolled her eyes again and groaned.

“Self control is key, Sunset. You seem like a smart kid who can control herself and not cross the line. Just remember to stand up for yourself when necessary,” Berry finished her wine and set the glass down. “I’m going to bed now. I’ll see ya tomorrow. Been nice talking to you and meeting you. Thanks for distracting Ruby so me and my sisters could catch up.” She stood up and patted my shoulder.

“Goodnight Aunt Berry,” I smiled. Inside, I was thinking about what she said. I really didn’t want to tell anyone but maybe she was right. I’d save it as a last resort if it comes to it.

“Night kid.”