• Published 25th May 2023
  • 1,410 Views, 84 Comments

Being A Parent Is Hard - TheKing2001

Sunset deals with the effects of the Fall Formal while Cheerilee learns how hard being a parent can be. Together, the mother and daughter learn more about each other and deal with more challenges.

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Chapter XVI

I sat with my legs tucked underneath me next to Sunset’s bed as her legs kicked back and forth as she idly strummed her guitar. Derpy was spinning around on her chair and Bon Bon was laying on her back tossing a bouncy ball up into the sky and catching it before throwing it back up.

“So Cheerilee adopted ya huh?” Bon Bon finally broke the silence. “That’s cool.” Sunset looked over at her.

“Yeah it is,” she continued playing and groaned in frustration. She had been trying for a few hours to play an Aerosmith song perfectly. “Nice to have a family on this side of the portal.”

“What about your family back in Equestria?” I asked curiously. She never really talked about them.

“I have a mom and dad just like everypony else. Got a brother too,” she answered as she stood up and set her baby blue guitar down on it’s stand, stroking it with an affection that I easily recognized. I stroked my lyre back home the exact same way.

“That’s cool,” Bon Bon commented as she looked around the room. “You have a very interesting music taste.”

“I see you added some new posters,” I pointed to the Slipknot and Beastie Boys posters. Good bands in all honesty. I haven’t listened to them since freshman year when I went through my punk rock and rap rock phase.

“Yeah. Aunt Berry and Aunt Cherry got me them for Christmas. I didn’t know who the bands were to be honest but Aunt Cherry played some for me. Psychological and No Sleep Till Brooklyn are pretty good songs. Fight For Your Right and Intergalactic are awesome as well,” Sunset answered. God, hearing those names was a trip down memory lane.

“I don’t know any of those songs,” Bon Bon admitted. I rolled my eyes. As long as we had been dating, all she ever listened to was classical music and the opera. She and Octavia bonded pretty quick over it. Me and Vinyl bonded over our love of loud music, dirty jokes and action movies. Me and Derpy just loved the same movies and baked goods. Well, she liked baking them. I liked eating them. I wasn’t that great at baking like she or Bon Bon was.

“Because you listen to god awful music,” I grumbled. “Hurts my ears with how tame it is.” Bon Bon groaned but kept her mouth shut. My eyes drifted to a black piece of plastic hooked up the TV.

“You got an Xbox now?” I asked as I stood up and admired it.

“Yeah. Aunt Berry gave me it so we can play gta and some other games together. There’s a game called Sniper Elite I wanna play,” Sunset answered. “Just have to figure out how to get a credit card and my money on it to buy it.”

“That’s a good game. I’ve only ever played it at Vinyls house,” I sat back down. “We play gta together all the time. Damn good game. Bon Bon hates it.”

“It’s just so violent. You’re killing people in horrific ways and stealing cars. Pretty much everything our parents raised us not to do,” Bon Bon retorted.

“Whatever. Anyway,” I focused on Sunset. “Wanna play Uno? Derpy brought cards.”

“Uh I’ve never played Uno,” Sunset admitted. “I’d do bad at it.” Bon Bon fixed one of her blue and pink curls in her hair before straightening her bright blue skirt.

“Well, no one is good at everything their first time,” Bon Bon smiled.

“That’s what she said,” I muttered.

“Shut up Lyra.” Sunset smirked and sighed.

“I’m in.”


“Reverse. Back to you Sunset,” Derpy placed a blue reverse down and I let out a growl. Uno brought out the worst of people. The game to end all friendships.

“Uh okay,” Sunset muttered as she placed a blue one. “Your turn Bon Bon.”

“Sorry Lyra,” Bon Bon said in a tone that didn’t sound very sorry as she placed a blue skip. “Go ahead Derpy.” Derpy nodded and placed a green skip.

“Sorry Sunset,” Derpy apologized. Sunset waved a hand.

“It’s all good. I don’t really understand this game.” Bon Bon smirked and placed a green five.

“You’re so lucky. If you placed another skip or any draw twos or a draw four, I’d be fighting you,” I growled as I placed a green six.

“Sure you would,” Bon Bon taunted as we watched Derpy place a green three. Sunset looked over her cards and shrugged before placing a draw two.

“Nice job Sunset!” I grinned. Bon Bon groaned as she picked up two cards.

“I’ll get you back for that. I never forget. Ask Lyra,” Bon Bon sighed. I gave a solemn nod.

“She’s telling the truth. She still hasn’t forgotten the Sweet Leafs incident of twenty seventeen,” I admitted as I placed down a card.

“Ah yes. The infamous Sweet Leafs incident of twenty seventeen,” Derpy chuckled as she placed a card down. “Never forget. That was insane she did that. Like what does stripping have to do with climate change?”

“And painting herself green,” Bon Bon added in with a shake of her head. “And here I thought Vinyl and Lyra were hard to understand.”

“I normally would get offended at a comment like that but I agree. She’s weirder than me,” I sighed.

“You’re pretty normal. You’re not weird,” Sunset announced. Bon Bon snorted as she placed her card down after Sunset went.

“Have you been to her house? Her room is filled with- hmph!” I covered Bon Bons mouth with my hand.

“Ignore her,” I told Sunset hastily who raised an eyebrow at us. “Ow! Don’t bite me bitch!”

“Then don’t use your hand to cover my mouth!” Bon Bon shot back. The door creaked open a bit.

“Language girls,” Cheerilee poked her head in. “I brought cookies as well.” She held up a plate of cookies and I grinned. She made the best cookies. Don’t tell Bon Bon this, but they were better than hers.

“Thank you Miss Cheerilee,” Bon Bon smiled as Cheerilee set the plate down in the middle next to our sloppily made Uno pile.

“Just Cheerilee at home please Bon Bon,” Cheerilee smiled. “And it’s not a problem. Anything for my daughter and her friends.” Sunset turned a faint color of red.

“Mom. I love you but you’re embarrassing me a little,” Sunset admitted. Cheerilee grinned wickedly.

“Love you too. And it’s my job to embarrass you as a mother,” Cheerilee commented before disappearing and shutting the door.

“Your mom is so nice,” Derpy commented as she bit into a cookie.

“We go to school with her. We already knew she was nice,” Bon Bon pointed out. “But I know what you mean. Sunset is really lucky.”

“I know,” Sunset placed a yellow reverse. I didn’t even know the color had changed to be honest. I was just going on autopilot at this point.

“So we are keeping this a secret, right?” Bon Bon asked as Derpy placed a card down.

“Yeah. I don’t want her harassed because then I’d be breaking a jaw,” Sunset answered as I placed a card down.

“Makes sense. Uno!” Bon Bon shouted.

“Shit,” I muttered. Sunset said nothing as she placed a card down.

“We can’t let her win,” Derpy announced and placed a yellow four down. I gave a wicked smile and placed a draw four. Bon Bon gave me a dirty look.

“Fuck you Lyra.”