• Published 13th Jun 2023
  • 425 Views, 2 Comments

The Irregular Misadventures of the Equestria Girls (Volume 1) - ShopperBrony90

Regular Show rewrite, but with the Equestria Girls and the other students and staff of Canterlot High.

  • ...

Memory Eraser

It all started at the park where Rainbow Dash was kicking and keeping the ball in the air as she was counting how many times she kicked it in the air.

"96, 97, 98, 98, and 100!" She then performed a bicycle kick and the ball shot to the nearby goal net. "And I score!" Her own celebration was cut short when she saw Sunset walking by, holding a guitar.

"Yo Sunset, nice guitar you have there." She complimented.

Sunset stopped walking and smiled at her. "Actually, this guitar is not mine. I promise Flash to buy him a new one after the last one broke. Anyway, what were you doing?"

"Oh you know? Practicing for our game against Crystal Prep at Crystal Prep Academy? I'm totally going to show them in their place!"

Sunset chuckled. "Let's just hope you are, Dash."

"Hey. Mind if I tag along? I could use a break for a while."


The two walked to Flash's house and rang the doorbell. "The door is open." His mother's voice was heard.

The girls went inside, and they were greeted by Flash's mother who was holding a tray of chocolate chip cookies.

"Hello, Mrs. Sentry, we're here to give Flash this new guitar." Sunset said.

"Oh, he's in his room." She replied.

Rainbow Dash picks one cookie and takes a bite. "I'll just stay put and dig my face into these cookies." Sunset stared at her. "What? I'll share them. Don't worry."

Sunset rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Sure, you are."

Sunset went inside Flash's bedroom and the water was heard running inside the bathroom.

"Flash. Yo, Flash. I bought you that new guitar I promised." She placed the guitar on the bed and turned around and only saw Flash coming out of the shower and he wasn't even wearing a towel!




She catches a glimpse of his "Junk mail" and Sunset quickly runs out of the room while Flash runs back to the bathroom. Sunset ran downstairs in panic and went out of the house.

Sunset ran away as fast as she could but was stopped by Rainbow Dash who just caught up with her with the help of her super speed.

"Geez, it looks like you saw a ghost. What happened back there?"

"When I went upstairs, Flash was getting out of the shower."

"Yeah, so?"

"And he didn't have a towel."

RD cringed.

"I tried not to look and just give him a new guitar, but I saw his…"

"His junk mail?" She began to laugh.

"No, Dash, I'm mentally scarred. I've never been this scarred ever since the Fall Formal and the Anon-A-Miss incident! The image is glued inside my eye contacts. Every saggy, wrinkled, shriveled, pasty…

"Hey, hey, don't put that in my head!"

"I need help, Rainbow Dash! You have to help me."

"As a loyal friend, I'll do anything to help one of my awesome friends."


The girls were at the arcade at the mall and they're standing in front of the Tyrek's revenge arcade game machine.

"What you need is some Tyrek's revenge!"

"Let's do it.

The girls were about to pass Level 1 but then Sunset saw the characters in the game were turned into versions of naked Flash. She shrieked and ran away.

"Sunset, wait!"

The girls were at Sugarcube Corner where they're having coffee.

"If this doesn't take your mind off of Flash, then nothing will."

"What, coffee? Thanks, Dash, but I don't see how this is going to work."

"Well, drinking one of your favorite coffees here should take your mind off of him."

"I don't see how this'll work."

"It will work. Just trust me."

Then Sunset can smell the scent of the drinks, especially her favorite on the human world.

"Okay. It worked."

"It's nice to see you girls again." Mrs. Cake's voice was heard, and her face looked like Flash's when Sunset looked up to her. "Can I get you something to drink, Sunset?"

Sunset screams again and runs away.

Cuts to the movie store where they'll be checking movies to watch that'll Sunset. When Sunset looks at all of the movies on the shelf, most of them are covered with Flash naked. She covered her eyes and groaned.

"See anything you like?" She asked.


"Okay. I'll go see if they have good girls, bad girls." Rainbow Dash went to the checkout counter and the employee is watching something and he looks like he just came back from the dead or something. "Hey, man, do you have any copies of Good Girl, Bad Girl?"

"Sure. Just let me check for you." He then searches for copies of that said movie.

"So, it's a no?"

"Oh, yeah. No." He replied.

"Okay. Just these and whatever my friend's getting."

Cuts to Sunset looking at the Daring-Do poster and covers her eyes and groans like she saw a naked Flash instead.

"I guess just these." She puts them on the counter and sees what the employee is watching. "What are you watching?"

"Galaxy Chasers: Moonlight incredible." He said.

"Is it anything good?"

"I watch Galaxy Chasers: Moonlight incredible. All day, everyday, all day, everyday,"

"Aw, how do you watch that? It sucks!"

"I watch Galaxy Chasers: Moonlight Incredible. All day, everyday,

"You already said that." Rainbow said.

"I watch it all day, every day."

"Dude, you just said that. Don't you remember?"

"All day, every day."


Rainbow Dash looked at the video again and found it was a shot to help her friend. She ejects the tape and grabs it.

"I'm just going to borrow this."

At Sunset's house, Rainbow Dash puts the tape in the VCR.

"Trust me, Sunset. This will make you forget."

Sunset still covers her eyes. "No, no. I'm not looking at anything ever again. Every time I open my eyes, I only see Flash naked."

"Just give it a chance." She insisted.


She grabs her arms. "Just look at it!"

"Let go! I'm not looking at a stupid-"Her eyes widened when she saw Galaxy Chasers: Moonlight Incredible and its outstanding content of the film.

"I told you!"

Then rolls of films fly out of Sunset's eyes and it was sent to the T.V screen.

The film reel shows each piece of Sunset's memories that includes her good times with her friends, her back-story at Equestria and her darker days were being taken to the movie as the film ended.

"Sunset! Do you remember seeing Flash naked?" She doesn't reply to her. "Flash naked? Nude? In the buff? Naked Flash, Naked Flash, Naked Flash!" She still doesn't respond. "Awesome! Dude, it totally worked! Up high!" But Sunset doesn't give her a high-five. "Let's…get you some coffee."

The girls were back at Sugarcube Corner and they're usual seats.

"Mrs. Cake, the usual two coffees, please. Better make that expresso."

Then Mrs. Cake came by. "Hey Sunset, dear, you're back! Feeling any better?"

Sunset groans.


Sunset groans again.

She nervously walks away to her husband.

"Is anything alright dear?" He asked.

"I don't know. She looks like she's been working out."

"Sunset snap out of it, we're finally gonna have some fun stuff! Just two friends hanging out, letting the good times roll! Like old times!"

The montage begins with the Rainbow Dash doing fun stuff with Sunset. But Sunset just stayed still in her empty expression since she watched the video and much to her frustration and yells.

"Give me back my friend!"

Rainbow Dash called their friends for an emergency meeting at Sunset's place as the fiery haired girl unconsciously sits down on the couch while Rainbow Dash explains the situation to them.

"She's been like this ever since she watched the video." Rainbow Dash said. "Now she doesn't remember anything at all. She doesn't even remember who she used to be and her old life at Equestria."

Twilight suddenly figured what's going on. "I saw the same thing that happened to Sunset before back at Crystal Prep. That video was Galaxy Chasers: Moonlight Incredible, was it?"

"That's the video."

"Okay. When Sunset watched the video, all of her memories and her own mind and consciousness were inside that video tape. Which means Sunset was in that tape."

"Then I reckon we should break that darn thing to get her out of there." Applejack suggested.

"No, we can't do that! We might hurt Sunset as well so that's not an option."

"What are we going to do?" Fluttershy asked.

"It's simple." Twilight replied. "We have to watch the tape. Once we're in there, we find Sunset and get her out of there."

Twilight presses the remote button and the music plays. The girls are pulled into the T.V via film reels on their eyes. They finally landed on an empty dark void of nowhere.

"Alright, we're here!"

"But where are we? This place looks scary." Fluttershy said.

"You girls are in the tape." Sunset's voice was heard behind them.

"Sunset Shimmer," Twilight exclaimed, hugging her friend and Sunset hugs back. "We're so glad you're okay. We're here to rescue you!"

They let go of each other as Rarity stepped towards her. "You are alright, Darling?"

"Never better," She replied.

"Alright," Rainbow Dash took 2 steps forward. "Before we leave and destroy the tape, I'm going to ask; Sunset Shimmer, do you still remember what you see?"

Sunset sighs and shows an emotionless expression. "Whether I'm here or out there, I can't forget about seeing Flash naked."

Rainbow groaned. "You're still thinking about that? Just get over it already. What happened to "My Past is not Today"?"

"You don't get it, Dash! It's not something you can just un-see."

"But you had a dark past and you got over it. But how can you get over what you saw this morning?" Twilight asked.

"I'm mentally scarred by that, Twilight. I've never been this scarred since you girls defeated me. It's everywhere every time I see!"

"So that's what started this whole mess." Applejack said.

"Freaky-deaky!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Then Twilight got an idea. "I got it! We're going to change your memory."

"What do you mean?"

"If we find your memory of Flash and cover it, you won't remember seeing naked at all."

"At least that suggestion is much better than the memory stone." Rarity said.

"Where do we start?"

"Your memories are over there." She gestured towards a lot of doors of other people's memories and once a door that says, "Sunset Shimmer's memories," they went through the door and found themselves back in CHS.

In there, they see different Sunset Shimmers in her old bully attire, formal attire and her current attire. It also shows the memories of Sunset's time at Canterlot High. Like one memory shows Sunset giving the Dazzlings a tour around the school, and another memory shows Sunset wearing earmuffs while walking through the halls when their geodes are getting overpowered, another one shows Sunset confronting Trixie about the memory stone.

"Why are they in CHS?" AJ asked.

"These are her memories." Twilight replied.

Then Rainbow Dash sees the memory of Sunset and friends being laughed at by the entire school when they were making their way to the picture taking room while wearing vegetables and fruits. "Hey, hey, I remember that!"

"I still remember how corny my jokes were that time!" Pinkie said.

"This isn't the memory we need."

"Yes. We need to find Flash's room."

"Easy: Let's get to his house. There's the exit."

They went through the exit door and they're inside the video store and see the employee watching Galaxy Chasers: Moonlight Incredible.

"All day, every day, all day, every day,"

"Memory isn't logical. We'll have to keep looking."

Then through the door was the way to Flash's house.

"We're getting closer."

The girls entered the house, and the stairs grew to a lot of times higher than its normal length. The girls ascend their way up to his room and after for like 3 minutes. They're standing in front of the door which is Flash's room.

"This is his room." Rainbow said.

They open the door, and they see Flash naked in front of them. The girls except Sunset blushed and covered their eyes while Rainbow Dash was grossed out.

"Aw, sick! I need to get that out of my head too!"

Twilight took a glimpse on the blanket. "Quick! Cover him with that blanket!"

Sunset and Rainbow Dash grab the blanket and attempt to cover Flash, but he leaps onto the roof and crawls on like a spider and jumps away.

"Get him!"

The girls give an epic chase on Flash through the door; they fell and later landed safely on the ground. The chase continues as they chase him through a crowd of Sunset's friends being at her when they believe her to be Anon-A-Miss.

"You secret Stealer!"

"You're not our friend!"

"How could you do this? After all we've been through together?"

"I'm sorry but you did this to us. Tell whatever secrets you want. But we don't have to listen."

The girls flinched when they said those things to her during that time.

"I really regret turning your back on that, Sunset." Fluttershy said.

"I know. But we have a problem right now, Fluttershy."

Flash escapes through an exit door and the Equestria Girls follow suit. They emerged from a chair inside the classroom with all other chairs. Big and small and they chase Flashback in the tape as he is still running. Rainbow Dash tried to catch up with him with her super speed, but he was surprisingly faster than her anyway.

"Flash isn't really like this. Not even the other Flash Sentry at Equestria. How can he be so faster than I am?"

"It's Sunset's memories!" Twilight said. "She remembers everything so fast even though she remembers what started this mess in the first place!" Then Flash's new guitar fell on the ground. "Okay. If we're going to catch up with Flash, you use your memories to catch him."

"Okay!" Pinkie tried to remember something, but nothing was working.

"What she meant was that Sunset's memories were to our advantage to catch him!" Applejack said.

"Think of something!" Rainbow ordered.

Sunset tries to remember something, and Rarity's limo appears, but it was half.

"Have you forgotten what her limo looks like?"

"I'm trying!"

She remembers again and the limo was complete.

Sunset, Rainbow and Twilight took the front seat with Sunset taking the wheel while the rest were at the back. Sunset steps on it and drives towards Flash.

"He's still too fast!"

"Remember something to block his path!"

"I can't!"

Then Rainbow Dash remembered something. "Sunset, remember that day when we're at the yacht and the storm king attacked our friends?"

"Yeah, and if you hadn't run off then we wouldn't have what we need to stop Storm King."

Then Storm King appears in the sky and tries to strike lightning on Flash, but he dodges it.

"I remember my She-Demon form after I put on Princess Twilight's crown during the Fall Formal!"

Then her Demon form appears up in the sky and breathes fire on Flash in which he is fast enough to dodge that. Sunset tried to her best not to get burned alive by her own Demon form along with her friends as they safely passed by the Demon.

"I may have a dark past, but my past is not today."

"We have to cut his path!"

"Uhh…" Then a memory came back to her. "I remember that bumpy route that Granny Smith drove us to!" Then that said route appeared on their path. "Ha, ah, now he's got nowhere to run."

But Flash is still not slowing down.

"I don't think he's slowing down."

Flash gracefully dives off of the edge and Sunset hits the brakes and she and the rest step out of the limo and see him fall. Sunset had this determined look on her face and pulled out the blanket.

"Let me do it, Sunset." Rainbow Insisted. "I'm the one who got you in this mess, so let me do it."

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash but let me do it. But let me do it." Then Sunset runs towards the edge much to their shock.

"Sunset, darling, what in the name of heavens are you doing?!"

"I'm getting rid of that memory."

Then Sunset leaps and went closer to Flash as they were falling, Sunset covered him with the blanket. Then the blanket was found empty, and she realized that's in grave danger and began to scream in fright. But as she was about to hit the ground, Sunset found herself a height from herself to the ground. She's being carried by Twilight's telekinesis power as Twilight gently puts her down on her feet. And her friends gathered around her.

"Oh Darling, we may face a lot of danger many times, but don't you ever do such a stunt again!" Rarity scolded.

Sunset sheepishly scratches her head. "I'm sorry guys. I'm just trying to get rid of it."

"So did it work?"

"Well, it did work. So how do we get out of here, Twilight?"

Twilight just shrugged.

"Seriously, you know how we're getting in here, but you don't even know how to get out of here?"

"How should I know? I didn't get inside this tape by myself."

"I think I can help."

They turn around and it was none other than that guy from the store.

"It's the guy from the video store!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"There's a tape sticking out of that wall over there. Grab onto it you should be home free."

"Don't you wanna leave, too?"

"Nah, I'm kinda into not having to work for the rest of my life."

"Well suit you ah' guess." AJ said.

The girls walked to a massive video tape and T.V screen as the employee waves goodbye to them. They grab onto the tape feeling a bit nervous.

"Well, here goes nothing…"

Then the Galaxy Chasers: Moonlight Incredible music plays in reverse and the tape reels flies out of the T.V and back to their bodies.

"It's gone!" Sunset exclaimed. "Naked Flash is gone! I don't remember it anymore!"

"Well, ah'm glad ya' don't remember it anymore, Sugarcube."

"Oh, and Sunset, I'm so sorry that I got you- or should I say all of us into this mess together."

"It's okay Rainbow Dash. You're just helping me and that shows how loyal you can be to all of us."

"Well, what matters the most is that we're all okay."

"Then this calls for a party!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Um…maybe later Pinks."