• Published 13th Jun 2023
  • 425 Views, 2 Comments

The Irregular Misadventures of the Equestria Girls (Volume 1) - ShopperBrony90

Regular Show rewrite, but with the Equestria Girls and the other students and staff of Canterlot High.

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Celestia Be Gone

It was afternoon at CHS where the school Superintendent Strom Storm was inside Principal Celestia's office, looking over the reports that have been happening at CHS lately.

"Destruction during the Fall Formal," He read the reports. "Destruction during the Friendship Games, graffiti marks around the halls, and $500 worth of prank phone calls, it's ridiculous! What are you doing to your school, Celestia?"

"But sir, none of these incidents is my fault." Principal Celestia said. Pointing at one of her reports, "It's right here in my report."

"Are you the school's Principal, Celestia?"

"Yes sir." She replied.

"Then everything that happens around here is entirely your fault!"

"But sir-"

"Say it."

She went silent for a moment and spoke. "Everything that happens around here is my fault."

Then suddenly, Sunset's car crashed into her office.

"Goodness gracious!" He exclaimed.

She lowered her tint window. "I'm so sorry Principal Celestia. When Twilight modified my car and made some upgrades on the stick shift, well I'm really excited."

"I already told Sunset to take it easy on the stick shift." Twilight said.

"Why do these students purposely crash into your office like it was not a big deal?!"

"But sir I have faith in my students that they never intended to cause vandalism such as what Sunset just did. But she didn't mean to do that when she's already changed since the Fall Formal."

The girls went silent for a moment and Sunset spoke, "This is getting awkward. So, we're going to take off."

"Sunset is careful with the stick shift!" Twilight shouted. But it's too late, as Sunset firmly pulled the stick shift to reverse. Her car flew backwards as if it's being thrown away and later hit a school bus causing it to flip sideways.

"That's it! Tomorrow the entire school is going to have an important meeting at the auditorium! Things will be changed around here!"

The next day, the entire school was sitting at the audience seats as the staff members and the school superintendent Strom storm were on stage with him holding the microphone.

"Okay, I know you're wondering why we're having an important meeting here today. So, this meeting will be short and nothing else after this. So, your school's former Principal, Celestia, is being demoted."

"Say what?!" Snips asked in surprise.

"Everyone, I would like you to meet Discord. He'll be taking over Celestia's duties as the principal of this school."

Then a man shows himself, wearing a black suit. (You know that this is his counterpart. So, you all get the picture) Taking the microphone from the Superintendent's hand.

"Thank you, Mr. Superintendent Strom Storm, first I like to thank Celesta for agreeing to step down from her position."


"I know this school has many umm, supernatural occurrences but we're here now, and we're going to make this school a better place with the Discord way! Well. I would like to call myself, Principal Discord of Canterlot High."

"And Celestia will be a teacher for advanced physics class as well." Strom storm added.

"Wait, what?"

Meanwhile, the meeting was over, and the students were continuing their normal day at school. Well…let's just say that Principal Celestia is quite shocked of being demoted as she was standing there in the advanced physics classroom for almost an hour. Her students were watching her, but none of them ever dared to speak or raise their hand for permission to use the restrooms. But then, Rainbow Dash decides to break the silence.

"Umm, Mrs. Celestia, are you standing there or what?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity scolds. "Clearly, the poor woman must have disliked the decision of being demoted!"

"But Celestia really missed the old days of being a teacher." Twilight said.

"Well maybe being the principal of this school meant so much more to her." Fluttershy said.

"I…I can't do this." She finally spoke.

Then the bell rang, and the students silently went outside except for her and the Equestria Girls.

"Look, we know you're bummed out about getting demoted, but if you give it a chance then you'll see it's not that bad." Sunset offered.

"Thanks Sunset but…I don't know what to think."

"You're just in a bad mood. Look, how about a teacher/student bonding to get your mind off of it."

"Yeah, we'll just chill and have some fun around here!" Rainbow added.

"Like going to the library, reading books, doing history reports." Twilight suggested.

"Or feeding the animals outside," She suggested. "You'd like to give her a treat."

"Besides, we only got 2 hours before our next class starts. You go back to teaching after we have a great time." AJ said.

Celestia thought about it for a moment and finally she looked at the girls and gave them a smile. "I guess we'll give it a try. As long as there is no other equestrian magic involved as a threat or something."

The montage begins with the woman hanging out with her magical students doing the things they'd like to do. That includes doing a chemistry experiment with Twilight, beating Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash in a game of stick hockey table (Which was owned by Mr. Cranky) And so one. The montage ends with Celestia in a good mood and having a great time.

"So how do you feel?"

"I feel great!" She replied.

"Now that you're in a good mood and give it a chance, does that mean you'll be teaching advanced physics now?"

Celestia laughed. "No."

The girls were surprised by her reply.

"Wait, what?" Twilight asked. "But you need to get back to teaching eventually."

"Yeah right, I'm never going to teach again."

"No seriously, you need to start teaching. Principal Discord's coming!" Then Discord approaches the group.

"Ha, what's he going to do?"

"Girls, the bell rings in a few minutes and I'm expecting you all to be in your next class." Discord said sternly.

"Oh uh, we're just about to!" Sunset replied. "Umm, Mrs. Celestia, I think it's time to be in the advanced physics classroom right now!"

But she didn't listen as she leaned against the wall. "I'm not teaching anything."

"Celestia, why did you not wish to teach the youth?"

"Cause I don't feel like it."

"Get back to work or I'll fire you!"

"Yeah? Do it!"

Discord was taken by this. "Excuse me?!"

"I've wasted my whole life dealing with troublemakers in this school. So, I'm not wasting another second of work from you." She then shrugs. "So go ahead and fire me."

"Okay Celestia, you're fired!"

Then Celestia shouted. "Oooohh!" not like the Celestia they knew. "Well girls, this is it! Thank you all for everything!"

"But wait, this is not what it's supposed to be like!"

"Well suit yourselves I guess."

When she's gone, her expression becomes a somewhat evil look and looks at the girls. "Go to class!" Then the girls rushed to their next class and turned her attention to Flash. "You with the blue hair put that guitar down and go to class!" She then points at Trixie. "And you! Go to class and stop slacking off!" She runs off to her classroom. "GO TO CLASS! GO TO CLASS! GOT TO CLASS!"

Then the entire school is being told as they now feared him, especially the Equestria Girls.

"I don't want to study under Principal Discord anymore!" Rainbow Dash said.

Then Sunset somehow grows Discords hair. "Yeah, I know."

They noticed that her hair had changed.

"Sunset?" Applejack asked.

The scene transitions to outside of CHS where Celestia was sitting by the destroyed Wondercolt statue.

"Ah, jobless. Not a worry in the world." Then a piece of paper landed on her. "Take that piece of trash for example. Normally, I do my duty as the principal of this school and pick it up, but I say I like to be someone else's problem, like nature's."

She blew the piece of paper away as she sighs. Then she sees a hobo sitting next to her.

"You said it sister. Who needs something like a job?"


"What does a job get to ya? Some lousy money so you can buy things?"


"My name is Roxanne by the way." She introduced herself.

"And I'm-"

"I know who you are, Celestia. Former school's Principal, now full-time slacker."

"How did you know?"

"Used to be a school's Principal somewhere at Canterlot West High, and just like you, I gave it up for a life of slacking. The garbage compost is my pillow, the grease on my face is my shower." Celestia realized that she'll be a hobo without a job. "Yes, ma'am can't beat the life of a slacker, I'm proud to be the one to welcome you to your new life." But then Celestia runs off. "Hey! Where are you going?"

"I gotta get my old job back!"

She went back inside and walked to the hall to the office and stopped when she saw Discord's back.

"Discord, I need my old job back." Then he turns around and it shows that Sunset Shimmer has turned into a Discord look-alike and so does Pinkie Pie.

"Celestia, you're here!" She exclaimed.

"What did she do to you?" She asked, walking towards them.

"Well, the more we do what she says, the more we turn into her and now we're all Principal Discords!" Pinkie explained.

"He must've been corrupted by Equestrian magic, and he uses it on all of us!"

"Well can't you all change back to normal?"

"We can't. Our geodes powers can't be activated like this!"

"Then you two needed to stop doing what he says!"

"We can't."

"Why not?"

"It happened." Discord's voice was heard behind her back. "And why on earth did you come back here?"

"You're turning them into you, you can't do that! And because of you, they can't use their geodes powers to free themselves! And this is not how you manage students!"

"Well, it's too late now!" He hissed. "As long as these magical girls can't use their magic, nothing can stop me!"

"You're right. They may not use their geodes like this, but there's one true magic that still remains in them. The Magic of Friendship!" She then gave them their instruments. "Girls, I want you two to play your instruments!"

"But we're supposed to go to class!" They argued.

"Play your instruments, now!"

Then the girls are playing their instruments and it's working, as the magic of friendship slowly changes back to normal. "Play harder! Come on!" Then for the most part, they finally morph back into their normal selves and at the same time, they transform into their pony-up forms. Discord was not pleased seeing this.

"That's it! Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie, go back to class!"

"No, you don't, keep playing and embrace your magic inside you!"

Then all students went to see the commotion and they're all Discord-ized.

"Look!" Sunset pointed out as she looked at all of her friends In Discord form. "Flash, Wallflower, Trixie, Micro Chips, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Derpy, and our friends too! Discord must've turned them into Discords too!"

"Turn that off and go to class!" Derpy commanded.

"I don't think so." Celestia said. "Equestria Girls get your instruments now and start playing!"

Then the girl's despite in their Discord forms pick up their respective instruments and start playing and their magic helps morph back into normal and change into their pony-up forms.

"Okay girls, time to change them back to normal as well!" Sunset said.

The rest nodded and faced the crowd and blasts a wave of the magic of friendship to all of them as it turned them back to normal.

"Hey, they did! We're back to normal!" Flash shouted. Then the rest of the crowd shouted and cheered at the Equestria Girls. But the moment was ruined as Discord growled like a monster and flew upwards above the building and then formed into a more monstrous demon than Sunset, Twilight's demon form.

"GO TO CLASS!" He shouted.

Celestia shielded all of her students. "Don't listen to him!"

"NOOO! THERE IS ONE WAY TO DEAL WITH STUDENTS LIKE YOU!" She walks back and later comes back and holds a house. "IMMEDIATE EXPULSION!"

"He's going to kill us all!" Scootaloo shouted.

Celestia then turned her attention to the girls. "Girls, you know what to do."

"You got it!" Rainbow said.

Then the Equestria Girls joined hands and their geodes vibrated and transformed into their crystal guardian forms and used the Magic of Friendship to defeat demon Discord once and for all.

Few moments later, they found Discord sitting outside of CHS with everyone looking at him and Celestia up front. He looked up with tears streaming from his eyes.

"I'm so sorry." He spoke. "I just want to be a principal of a school and manage students with discipline…but I didn't mean to go this far…"

Celestia firmly pulled him up and gave him a smile. "It's okay. Two of my students have been where you are. Going by their experiences, they'll forgive you."

Then Superintendent Strom storm who saw the whole thing and approached them.

"I saw everything." He spoke. Then he looked at Celestia. "Maybe demoting you didn't seem to fix this school as well."

"Hey, everything that happens here is my fault before I get demoted." She replied. "But that's all in the past. It's best we move on and keep on making this school a better place."

"Hmm, I suppose you're right." He spoke.

"So does that mean I-"

"Yes. You can have your old job back as the principal of this school." He turned his attention to Discord. "And as for you Discord, you can be as strict as Celestia and her sister but using magic is not the answer. So, instead of firing you, I'm demoting you to be an advanced physics teacher. How's that sounds."

He thought about it for a moment. "Well…Advanced physics is my favorite subject, and it will always be!"

"Group hug!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Glad that things turned back the way they used to be." Sunset said.