• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 455 Views, 19 Comments

The Saiyan - Blood fallen

When a Saiyan finds him stranded in Equestria after being in suspended animation for 52 years he must choose between his nature and new feelings of friendship.

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Chapter 4: S1 E6

It had been a few days since Rodas had been found by Fluttershy and met her friends imparticular Twilight Sparkle who he was currently staying with for lack of better options, Rodas was currently walking with Twilight and Spike through the streets of Ponyville while Spike praised Twilight for her magical know how, only for Snips and Snails to crash into Spikes as they were running and carried him a little way off before stopping, after they stopped they mentioned a new Unicorn who was in town and claimed she knew more magic than any other Unicorn in Equestria. "Sounds like empty boasting to me." Rodas said as he looked at Twilight.

"So where is she?" Twilight asked.

"Town Squair, come on." Snails said rushing off followed by Snips.

"Might as well see what this is all about." Rodas said and followed Twilight, when they got there a large crawd had gathered around a wagon that folded out into a stage when a mare dressed as a magician with pointy hat and cape included called Trixie appeared on the stage and began boasting about her magic before humiliating Twilight's friends. "Cheap tricks, for a cheap show." Rodas said as he began walking off.

"What's the matter monkey, afraid of losing to the Great and Powerful Trixie?" the show mare said when she saw Rodas leaving from the front row, Rodas stopped in his tacks when he heard what she had called him.

Rodas turned on the spot and began powering up. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!!" Rodas shouted so loud that he scared the whole crowd as a white arura of power flowed over his body pushing everything and everyone close to him away.

"What kind of magic is this?" Trixie said looking at the enraged Saiyan as he released his full power.

"Go on, call me that again, give me a reason to hurt you." Rodas said just about ready to kill the pony who had insulted him.

"Rodas calm down." Twilight called out, Rodas took a deep breath and powered down only to shoot off into the sky using the flying technique.

Rodas landed on mountain side cliff and began pacing back and forth. "The nerve of that damn pony, if I wasn't playing the long game I'd killed her for calling me that, seriously calling me that in public, it's one thing to put up with it from the Frieza force but from a damn weakling, she's lucky I have self control or I'd rip her limb from limb." Rodas said borderline shouting.

"Hay Rodas, are you ok, what happened back there seemed to get to you?" Rainbow asked landing next to him on the cliff.

"No, I'm not ok, I'm furius." Rodas said still pacing back and forth.

"Come on, it cant be that bad can it?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh it is that bad, what she just called me is the same as if I called pony a hours." Rodas explained turning his back to Rainbow Dash.

"Oh right, say no more I'll give you some space to cool off." Rainbow said as she took off.

"That would be for the best." Rodas said through gritted teeth. Later that night Rodas was still on the cliff, he hadn't moved from the spot since Rainbow left, he took a deep breath then opened his eyes. "Right, finally calmed down." Rodas said as he noticed it was night, then he suddenly he heard the sound of roaring coming from Ponyville. "What the hell." Rodas said walking over to the edge of the cliff and saw the Ursa Minor attacking the town. "Well I'll be damned, the thing really does exist." Rodas said watching the carnage unfold. "What kind of warrior would I be if I stayed up here where its safe." Rodas said flying back to Ponyville at his top speed not noticing the full moon in the sky.

Trixie, Snips and Snails were cornered by the Ursa Minor, Trixie's lightning spell having done nothing but anger the beast, it pulled back a paw to attack but before it could Rodas flew in and punched it off its feet onto its side. "Why, Why did you save Trixie after what I called you earlier?" Trixie asked as she looked on in amazement at the Saiyan floating in the air.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for my pride as a warrior." Rodas said looking down at the show mare with rage in his eyes.

"Rodas look out." Twilight shouted as she got closer, Rodas turned back to the Ursa only to get hit by a paw shattering his battle armor ripping his body suit and sending him flying into a house, the Ursa the turned its attention back to Trixie, but a roar of challenge kame from behind the Ursa and everyone looked on in both amazement and horror as Rodas now looking at the full moon transformed into his Grate Ape form, when his transformation was complete he roared and pounded his colossal fists on his chest.

"Now you in for it beast, in the from I'm ten times as powerful as I am normally." Rodas said his voice now a thundering roar in its own right, the Ursa took one look at the Grate Ape snarled and attacked only for Rodas to dodge and pin the Ursa to the ground fully intending to repeatedly smash the Ursa's head into the ground until it was dead.

"Hold it down." Twilight said as she began to use her magic to put the Ursa to sleep get it milk then carry it off back to its mother, after that was done she and the other girls looked up at Rodas. "Rodas is that really you?" Twilight asked in amazement as she looked up at the Saiyan's monstrous transformation.

"Of cores it is, who else do you know wears armor like this." Rodas said pointing at himself, then he noticed his armor was broken. "Damn it, my armor is broken." Rodas said casually kicking a large rock many times the size of a pony away in frustration, by sun rise Rodas had turned back to his base form and was cheered by the citizens of Ponyville as well as Twilight as a hero for dealing with the Ursa.

"How did you transform like that?" Twilight asked as Rodas was trying to sleep.

"It's a Saiyan thing." Rodas said hiding his head under the bed sheets trying to get some rest after spending all night in his Great Ape form for nothing.

"Oh come on Rodas, you've got to explain how it works." Twilight said gently shaking him.

"Breerus damn it Twilight, I'll tell you but only after I've gotten some rest." Rodas said annoyed that she had been preventing him form sleeping for the last hour.

"Ok, but you'll tell me what your awake again right?" Twilight asked leaving the basement.

"Cross my heart." Rodas said as Twilight left him in silence to sleep.