• Published 28th Jul 2023
  • 451 Views, 19 Comments

The Saiyan - Blood fallen

When a Saiyan finds him stranded in Equestria after being in suspended animation for 52 years he must choose between his nature and new feelings of friendship.

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Chapter 5: S1 E26

It has been a few months since the incident with Trixie and the Ursa in that time Rodas resaved a new set of clothes made by Rarity to replace his damaged battle armor and body suit, the clothes he was given was a blue short sleeve t-shirt a set of lose fit grey trousers with a red fabric sash to go around the waist, black flat shoes, a pair blue seat bands witch were given to him by Rainbow not Rarity and lastly a white sleeveless long coat which had been sent to him by an anonymous sender in the mail.

The night of the Grand Galloping Gala is finally here Twilight and the Girls were at Rarity's shop the Carousel Boutique getting ready for the night of the Gala while Rodas waited out side the changing room with Spike "Come on you guys let us in." Spike said banging on the while Rodas waited patiently leaning against the wall behind him.

"Leave them be Spike, there changing." Rodas said as he watched the little dragon.

"Come on Rodas, we've been in the same room as them when they've changed before." Spike said like a whiny child.

"Yeah, when there was a curtain up between them and us." Rodas said calmly, the last few months in Equestria having done wonders for his stress levels and personality, think android saga Vegeta to GT Vegeta the SUB not the DUB.

"I guess your right Rodas, but I can't believe we forgot to get you a ticket too." Spike said turning around to face Rodas.

"Its fine, I didn't want to go any way." Rodas said dismissively.

"I know, it just feels wrong to leave you behind after every thing that's happened since the Ursa incident a few months ago." Spike said.

"Besides you'll be with them all night, and who know maybe I'll gate crash and show up half way through the night." Rodas said with a smirk.

"Yeah, Twilight won't like that." Spike said as he scratched the back of his head.

A few hours later.

"Ok so your not going to follow us to the Gala?" Twilight asked as she and the others waited for the stallions pulling their carriage to arrive.

"Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I don't have an invite so I wouldn't even get past the gates." Rodas said crossing his arms while looking down at Twilight.

"Really, you expect me to believe you would take the gates, even though you can fly?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ok fine, I'll drop in and say hi, is that what you want to hear." Rodas said turning away from Twilight.

"You had better not, I still haven't figured out a way to tell Celestia your on this world." Twilight said putting a hand on Rodas's shoulder to turn him back to her.

"Don't take this the wrong way Twi, but that's a you problem." Rodas said with a cocky smirk.

"Hay Twi, the carriage is here." Applejack called from outside.

"Well don't just stand there go on go." Rodas said gently pushing her towards the door.

"Alright right Rodas I'm going." Twilight said rushing over to the carriage and closing the door as it pulled off, Rodas closed and looked the went up stairs to the balcony and watched as the carriage the girls were in disappeared into the distance heading to Canterlot.

"Good, now for phase two, gate crash that party." Rodas said opening the balcony window closing it behind him and flying high in the sky to Canterlot just behind the carriage carrying Twilight and her friends, when the carriage arrived Rodas face palmed when he saw the girls brake out into song and dance. "Would it kill them to go one day without a musical number." Rodas said feeling embarrassed for them. Rodas then stayed in the air above the castle watching the party and dodging the occasional firework when he saw Rarity in the garden by a rose bush with rather handsome stallion in a white tux, while the stallion was admiring his reflection in a water fountain Rodas landed behind Rarity. "So how's the blind date going?" Rodas asked quietly as not to alert the stallion.

"Badly." Rarity answered only to snap to attention and turn around when she realized who was behind her, quickly she pulled Rodas out of sight. "What are you doing here, You don't have a ticket?" Rarity asked in a panic looking around.

"Relax no one is going to see me and even if they do, it's not like they can catch me." Rodas said with a smirk as he spotted Fluttershy from the corner of his eye.

"That's hardly the point darling, you told us you were going to stay in Ponyvile." Rarity said sounding disappointed.

"Hay Rarity." Rodas said.

"What?" She asked annoyed at Rodas's uninvited appearance.

"Your blind date is is leaving." Rodas said pointing at Blue Blood as he walked back to the castle entrance and Rarity chased after him.

"Well that's one down, five to go." Rodas said sneaking over to where he saw Fluttershy and sure enough he found her strangely having no luck with the animals. "So any luck yet?" Rodas whispered into Fluttershy's ear after sneaking right up next to her.

"Rodas, what are you doing here?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Do have any idea how boring it is to play a board game with one player." Rodas said giving the yellow mare a look that said I was board out of my mind, before Fluttershy could say anything she saw an animal behind Rodas and chased after it. "Ok,
bey, I guess." Rodas said as he watched Fluttershy round a corner and snag her dress a little. "Oh yeah, Rarity isn't going to like that after all the hard work she put into those dresses." Rodas thought jumping into the air and flying over the castle grounds again, after a while he saw Applejack at her stand with her head on the counter and landed in front of the stand tossing a few bits to his friend. "Two candy apples please." He said and Applejack immediately sat up.

"Rodas what are you doing here sugar cube?" Applejack asked.

"Two candy apples please." Rodas repeated pulling a Gala ticket from his pocket just enough to show AJ for just a second.

"How did yawl get one?" Applejack asked handing Rodas his candy apples.

"All in good time AJ." Rodas Said passing one of the candy apples to her. "Here you look like you could use a pick me up." He added.

"Well you ain't wrong sugar cube, sales just ain't been what I was expecting." Applejack said as they both ate the candy apples.

"Have you seen Rainbow, pinkie and Twilight?" Rodas asked.

"I saw Rainbow with the Wonderbolts, last I saw of Pinkie she was hanging around the musical band and Twilight is with Princess Celestia, Why did you want to know any way?" Applejack asked finishing the candy apple Rodas bought for her.

"Like I said, all in good time." Rodas answered as he finished his own candy apple and put the stick in a bin AJ had brought with her.

"Well I'm off then, see you later you crazy cowpony." Rodas said walking towards the castle entrance.

"You too, you alien warrior you." Applejack said her spirits renewed after talking with Rodas, Rodas showed the guards at the door his ticket and they let him in. "Now then, lets see who I can find next." Rodas said under his breath as several nobles gave him strange looks but he didn't care, in the distance he spotted Pinkie and began walking over to her, Rodas snuck up behind her and poked her under the ribs making her jump. "Got you Pinkie." Rodas said as the pink party mare turned around.

"Rodas what are you doing here?" Pinkie asked surprised to see him and even more surprised that her Pinkie sense didn't let her know he was here, but then again Rodas had always been undetectable by the Pinkie sense for some reason.

"This party's a little stiff, need some help livening it up?" Rodas asked not answering her question.

Pinkie got a wide smile on her face as she looked at the Saiyan. "Do you think you could hide my party cannon behind the stage?" She asked her smile growing impossibly large.

"Of cores I can I'm a Saiyan remember." Rodas said quickly taking the party cannon back stage using his speed and returning to Pinkie in the same instant "All done." Rodas said with a smile.

"My Saiyan." Pinkie said and they bro fisted before Rodas walked off into the crowed. Rodas searched the crowed looking for any sigh of Rainbow and after nearly half an hour before he got a glimpse of a rainbow tail through the crowed. "There's only one pony I know who sports that many colors." Rodas though as he made his way over and put his arm over Rainbow's shoulders. "So did you convince them to let you join yet?" Rodas asked looking directly at the Wonderbolts who looked back at him in wide eyed amazement having never seen a Saiyan before.

"And who are you?" Spitfire asked placing a seductive hand on Rodas's muscular chest. "Who me, I'm Rainbow Dash's friend, but I'm not even half as cool or as fast as she is." Rodas said hyping Rainbow up to the Bolts.

"What are you doing?" Rainbow whispered through gritted teeth.

"I'm hyping you up, now go on and show them what you've got." Rodas whispered back lightly shoving Rainbow forward with the hand he had over her shoulders until then, with a smirk Rodas watched as Rainbow talked with Spitfire at length. "Well I had better go see the Princess now." Rodas thought as he left Rainbow to bond with her role modals. "And now for the final surprise." Rodas thought as he made his way to Princess Celestia and Twilight he kame up that steps on Celestia's right and tuned to face the ponies greeting Celestia. "Mission success." Rodas said getting Twilight's attention.

"Rodas, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked looking at him as he stood on Celestia's other side with his arms crossed.

"All in good time Twilight?" Rodas said with a smirk, when suddenly all hell broke lose, Pinkie took over the music, Fluttershy chased a bunch of animals into the castle shouting. "Your going to love me!" Rodas and Celestia both looked on in amusement at the utter chaos that unfolded before their eyes. "Well, that wasn't part of the plan." Rodas said as he and Celestia stood outside of Pony Jo's.

"I know we didn't mean for things to get out of hand, but at least no pony got hurt." Celestia said looking slight up at the Saiyan who stood just a few inches taller than her if she didn't have a horn.

"Well there's nothing we can do about that, so we might as well come clean to them." Rodas said looking at Celestia who was preparing herself to seem composed and then she walked in, then he walked in a few moments later. "You guys should have seen your faces when I showed up." Rodas said pointing at the girls as he laughed his ass off.

"Rodas, you said you'd stay in Ponyville." Twilight said puffing out her cheeks in frustration as she glared at the alien.

"Well about that, me and the Princess here had a different idea." Rodas said shrugging his shoulders.

"Twilight I don't blame you for not telling me about Rodas sooner, after all he introduced himself and explained everything." Celestia said with a worm smile.

"But when did you meet the Princess, Rodas?" Pinkie asked looking the Saiyan as he stood next to Celestia with his arms crossed.

"Do you guys remember that young flyers competition in Cloudsdale a few months back?" Rodas asked.

"Yeah, I saved everypony and pulled off a sonic rainboom." Rainbow said with a cocky smile.

"Well after you guys went home I stuck around for a bit just to look around and I bumped in the Princesses before they went back to Canterlot, and as the saying go's the rest is history." Rodas explained as he pinched one of the uneaten doughnuts from the table.

"You could have said somethin." Fluttershy said softly as she sipped at the tea she had ordered.

"Indeed, you could have said something darling, I would have made you a nice tux." Rarity said finishing a piece of doughnut.

"Rarity I'll burn down your shop if you try putting me in a tux or any kind of formal clothes." Rodas said with a scowl as he turned his back to the girls.

"Well at least we had a good time." Pinkie said pulling the girls into a group hug, after everyone finished with their doughnuts and drinks the girls went back to Ponyville in their carriage while Rodas flew back on his own getting there before the girls and got home and took himself to bed.