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Puerto Caballo 4

Breakfast was still delicious, even with Sunset's brain being prodded by her three Severyanian companions. Thankfully, Boris offered to help Dona Yuca clean the dishes which would finally allow Sunset to have a chance to digest. Dealing with two other ponies was much easier than dealing with three. Any more than that would just be a headache, and talking to more than five at once would just bring back bad memories. Sunset didn't need friends anyways, despite whatever protest Twilight threw her way. The unicorn's back was already bloodied from the five knives her 'friends' in the human world stabbed her with.

Not literally of course.

"So, what are your plans for today?" Alesia rested a hoof on the table. Sunset stopped counting how many mugs of coffee the older pony drank after the fifth time her mug was refilled. "You won't be able to explore as freely with the Guard and protestors clashing in the streets."

Sunset's grimace was hard to hide. She'd hate to have to cut her stay here short, but she also didn't want to get stuck in the middle of a war. Writing to Princess Twilight would most likely just be a waste of time, as much as Sunset wanted to.

"I'll probably see if they're letting ships leave the docks." Sunset shrugged, wiping her muzzle with a floating napkin. Sunset didn't pay Dona Yuca much anyways, so she wasn't going to try and get a refund if she managed to leave early.

Alesia nodded slowly, tapping her hoof against the table lightly. "I shall go with you." It was a demand, not a request.

"Huh?" The sound escaped before Sunset could even think. She really didn't trust these Severyanians, with their talks of shooting the protests last night, Reds and the Zarca guy. This wasn't going to end with Sunset dead in some dark, forgotten alleyway right?

"What? Why?" Vera had an easier time putting her thoughts into words. She gave her Boss a weird look. "I'll go with you!"

"To ensure that the docks remain open of course." Alesia answered easily. "And no, you're to stay here with Boris and ensure that our other venture proceeds smoothly."

Vera looked like she wanted to protest, but a harsh glare quickly killed any chance she had at disagreeing. "Very well."

Alesia's cold smile returned. "And besides, we don't want to draw too much attention. Isn't that right, Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset really didn't like the way she pronounced her name.

The former human forced a smile onto her muzzle. "Of course."

It was quiet outside, unlike yesterday when the streets around Dona Yuca's house were crowded and full of life. Today everything looked deserted, with nopony in sight. Even the old stallion who sat on his porch was missing. It made Sunset feel on edge, she felt like somepony, or someone was watching her. Alesia looked undisturbed, with her head held high as they trotted down the old street. The older mare had worn a light green jacket that blended well with the color of her coat.

They were five minutes into their walk, when Alesia finally broke the silence.

"You're from Canterlot." Alesia said slowly, casually even. She said it like she already knew the answer.

Sunset sighed internally. She was starting to get tired of people guessing where she was from. "It's the accent isn't it?"

Why was everypony focused on accents here?! Equestria, granted Puerto Caballo was its own country, wasn't like this when Sunset left all those years ago! She did remember Blueblood mentioning something about Sunset talking like a poor person back at the Royal Military Academy. Afterwards, the young prince mysteriously tripped, fell into a muddy puddle in public which ruined his pristine white coat and reputation for a while. He never brought up such a thing again. The mental image made Sunset want to laugh, but she managed to just barely keep her composure.

"That's just part of it." Alesia answered cooly. "Your hat is from an expensive boutique in the upper levels. Nopony outside of nobles are able to afford it. Your accent just confirms it."

Sunset suddenly felt very self conscious. She'd have to double check the rest of her clothing and hats, some of which were gifts from Twilight and her friends.

"It's a gift from a friend." Was Sunset's only defense. It was the truth too. She eyed a glint of metal from beneath Alesia's collar out of the corner of her eye.

"There's no shame in admitting you come from a noble family, as long as you remember to care for those beneath you." Alesia continued, ignoring Sunset.

"I'm not a noble." Sunset sighed loudly. "I'm an orphan." Everyone assuming that she was a noble was getting on her nerves.

Alesia raises an eyebrow as they turn the corner. This street was as empty as the last. "Celestia's Home for Lost Foals?"

"Yup." That was the only orphanage worth mentioning in Canterlot, and had been Sunset's home for the first couple years of her life, until Princess Celestia found her.

Alesia seemed to relax just a tad. "I see. I heard that a few foals from there managed to gain entrance into Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. That's quite a feat, considering how difficult the entrance exam is."

"It's much easier than you would think." Sunset's ears twitched. The closer they got to the docks, the more noise started to flow through the air. She shared a glance with Alesia, who had also picked up the noise. They continued walking, speeding up their pace ever so slightly.

"What do you mean, 'easier than you would think'?" Alesia said, causing Sunset to pause midstep.


"I applied to the School for Gifted Unicorns and the Royal Military Academy." Sunset shrugged, avoiding Alesia's eyes. Nopony needed to know that she used to be Princess Celestia's student. "I attended both with a scholarship, it beat being stuck in the orphanage hoping that my cutie mark could land me a job in the future, so I spent all my time studying."

Alesia narrowed her eyes, but nodded approvingly. "I used to serve in the Royal Guard."

Sunset's breath got caught in her throat. Alesia was old enough to have served in the castle when she was still Celestia's student. Was that where dhe recognized Sunset from? Did she know everything? Or was she playing dumb to find out more information?

"Why did you leave?" Sunset asked. The noise was getting louder, and her nose was starting to catch a faint whiff of the sea.

"The Stalliongrad Revolution." Alesia's neutral voice hardened. The streets started to show more signs of life, with a pony here and there. They stared at the duo cautiously. The noise intensified.

"Y-You fought in it?" Sunset winced. The noise sounded like a symphony of shouting, even this far from the docks.

Alesia scoffed, glaring at a little colt that drew a bit too close with a soccer ball. He quickly backed off. "I fought the Reds, not with them."

They finally reached the main road that sat on top of a small hill and stopped in their tracks. The road that was within eyesight of the docks was filled to the brim with ponies, griffons and other creatures. Sunset even spotted a minotaur or two carrying expensive looking bags.

Everyone was trying to flood the docks, where a large barricade was placed right at the front entrance. Ponies and other creatures tried pushing their way to the ships, only to be repulsed by the dozens, if not a hundred soldiers in dark green uniforms that guarded the docks, their weapons at the ready.

Yet, that wasn't what caught Sunset's attention, nor was it the agitation and fear that was clearly felt in the air.

It was the cruiser that sat in the bay of Puerto Caballo.

"Well, Sunset Shimmer, it looks like none of us are going to be able to leave soon." Alesia formed a grin, which Sunset didn't think was even possible. It nearly made her spine shiver. "Let's head back before a riot starts, I've already learned everything I need to know."

Sunset tore her eyes away from the heavy cruiser and nodded.

"Let's go."

Author's Note:

If you have any OCs that you think would fit the story, send me personal message on here or discord.