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Puerto Caballo 7

Sunset Shimmer was an interesting unicorn, in Alesia’s opinion at the very least. A former student from Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns and a former student from the Equestrian Royal Military Academy in Puerto Caballo at the onset of its revolution? And ended up staying in the same hostel as herself? Now that was too much of a coincidence to be taken seriously. Alesia sat in the living room of Dona Yuca’s hostel, a fresh cup of coffee in her hooves. It was a Puerto Caballian specialty, and one of the few luxuries that she allowed herself to partake in. In small quantities of course, caffeine was still a drug like smokeleaf that could grow addicting. She wasn’t a simpleton that would turn into an addict.

Alesia took a small sip of the hot black liquid. She’d have to contact a few of her former subordinates that still served in the Guard in Canterlot to find out if Sunset Shimmer wasn’t lying, but that would honestly take too long. Alesia would be long gone from Dona Yuca’s hostel by the time an answer arrived. That would be a waste of paper.

“Would you like more coffee, Dona Alesia?” Dona Yuca asked, her tone respectful. She eyed Alesia’s half empty mug indiscreetly. The mare had been a good host during their stay here. She always knew to remain silent during Alesia’s more clandestine conversations with her subordinates, or at the very least, knew that she had to act like she was deaf to not do something unfortunate.

“No, thank you.” Alesia finished the last of her coffee with a few small sips. “This should be enough for me.”

Dona Yuca nodded. “I left dinner out for your two friends, it’ll be cold when they come back, but they’ll have something to eat.” The slightly older mare always went to sleep early, to wake up early the next day to start breakfast.

“I am sure they will appreciate it.” Alesia said dryly. She didn’t particularly care if Boris or Vera ate, as long as they were able to fight when needed. The two were out running ‘errands’ that would be essential for the rest of their stay in Puerto Caballo. They wouldn’t return until the dead of the night if everything went well.

Dona Yuca offered a practiced smile. “I’ll be turning in for the night. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.”

A moot offer, Alesia wasn’t a glutton that would need a full meal during the nighttime.

“Unneeded, but you have my thanks.” Alesia tilted her head forward, dismissing the hostel host. Dona Yuca left without another word, disappearing up the stairs, leaving Alesia alone in the living room.

Sunset Shimmer was also in her room, disappearing as soon as dinner was finished. If everything that she claimed about herself was true, then she would be a fine addition to Alesia’s company. She was always in need of competent creatures, and engineers.

Alesia was going to need one if she was to complete her newest contract. Ponse Cocktail and his Partido Armónico de los Caballos may have held most of the power in Puerto Caballo, but they were far from the only political party that had support. Roca Roja and his Reds had been one of their political opponents, and with the spread of Marksism, they had quickly gained support from the poorer ponies who had been left behind by the government. They were nothing more than an infestation that needed to be purged.

Alesia placed her mug on the nearby coffee table with ease. President Cocktail and Royal Captain Bucktista’s ousting of the Partido Socialista Popular had scared the other parties, who were trying to gather their own support for protection. Desperate ponies lead to looser wallets. Everypony was trying to outbid the other to gain control of Alesia’s mercenaries. She’d support any of them, for the right price of course. Even the Reds if they had the money, though she’d make sure their revolutionaries would take the brunt of the casualties.

Alesia’s muzzle formed a small, thin, and cold smile that was barely visible. Conflict was a way to climb the ladder of society, and was an excuse to cleanse the world of communist. Puerto Caballo was nothing more than a playground. Her ears twitched, catching the sound of steps coming down the stairs. She caught a flash of orange out of the corner of her eye.

“Sunset Shimmer.” Alesia said simply. The unicorn hesitated for a second, before taking the seat at the far side of the room. They were still close enough to talk without raising their voices. “I assumed you were asleep.”

“I’m too nervous to be tired.” Sunset admitted. She refused to meet Alesia’s eyes. “What about you? Worried about your friends?”

The curfew had been in effect for several hours now.

“No.” Her subordinates were not her friend, but Alesia did trust them more than the average pony. Vera and Boris had served under her during the war in Severyana. “They know how to take care of themselves.”

Sunset pursed her lips together, and nodded slowly, remaining silent.

“Are you looking for employment?” Alesia asked. She had a pistol hidden in her room, along with a few Lila rifles that Vera and Boris used. If Sunset refused Alesia’s offer, then her silence must be ensured.

“You’re offering me a job?” Sunset blinked several times.

“Yes.” Alesia leaned back against her seat, to appear more casual. “With the unrest in Puerto Caballo, I’m sure you’ll run low on funds by the time we’ll be allowed to leave, even with bits being worth more here.”

“Why?” Sunset Shimmer looked confused. She asked too many questions, which was a good and a bad trait to have.

“My company could use someone with your expertise.” If Sunset was lying about her education, Alesia would ensure she wouldn’t live to see the next day.

Sunset’s forehead tensed up as she narrowed her eyes in thought. She remained silent for a few seconds before she finally answered. “You’re a weapons dealer, aren’t you?”

A close enough answer, Alesia did sell some weapons on the side after all.

“From a certain point of view.” Alesia shrugged. “I ensure that ponies and creatures are able to protect themselves.” It wasn’t a total lie.

Sunset licked her lips nervously. Did she realize that there would be certain consequences if she answered incorrectly?

“I’ll have to think about it.” Sunset said carefully.

“In three days we’ll be departing for the countryside, that should be enough time.” Alesia said. Now that was a lie, but a necessary one. She wasn’t going to give a potential security threat, her real plans. The Severyanian was also taking a risk here.

“G-Got it.”

It was just business.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long! Writing Alesia’s POV was a bit harder than I expected and I was on vacation in South Korea.

Comments ( 3 )


This is very intriguing!

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