• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,238 Views, 284 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...

Breaking In

Author's Note:

Surprise release of two chapters at once since I will be busy with my tests till 23rd October!

Rainbow threw a grappling hook towards me and did some random hoof gestures that I didn't understand.

I nodded anyways and we both scaled up the castle walls.

I was glad my coat was a greyish color and mane dark blue.
It made it much more easier to blend with the shadows, which would be harder with bright colors.

We both stuck towards the shadows as the guards passed by us, illuminating the way with their magic.

As we navigated the dimly lit corridors, Rainbow Dash whispered, "We gotta be quick and silent, Doc. I go right, you go left."

I whispered back, "Get back Fluffy without getting caught."

With more hoof gestures, which I had no idea the meaning of, Rainbow went the other way, leaving me alone in the dark, eerily silent hallways.

As I ventured deeper into the castle, regretting this with every step I took and every guard that passed by me, I heard a familiar sound.


"Fluffy...." I whispered as I held my breath.
I saw a warm golden light emitting from the room where the noise had come from.

I froze as I saw the guards standing outside the door.

I was just wondering how to get past the guards when I felt a hoof tap me from behind.

The hoof covered my mouth before I could scream.
I turned towards the figure and relaxed when I noticed it was just Rainbow.

Her hoof gestures seemed more animated.

I nodded, pretending I understood whatever that meant.

To my horror I saw Rainbow fly right past the guards at a speed I couldn't comprehend.

"Halt! Who goes there?"
"Identify yourself, intruder!"
"After the intruder!"

My eyes widened in horror as the guard's voices echoed through the corridor and the sound of galloping hooves filled the air as they hurriedly followed Rainbow Dash's dark blurred form.

I stood there gaping for a while before I realized that Rainbow had diverted the guards' attention, so I could get Fluffy.

Swiftly, I made my way to the room where I had heard Fluffy's voice earlier.

I found the door was locked to my disappointment.

Panicking as I heard Fluffy's voice, I used my magic to break right through the door and quickly rushed in.

To my surprise, I saw a white coated alicorn with an ethereal mane and tail that was flowing, which was colored in a gradient of pastel hues.

Her eyes wide with shock, she stumbled backward and fell to the floor, startled by my sudden presence.

Instinctively, I levitated nearby pillows with my magic, quickly cushioning her fall and ensuring she was unharmed.

She looked rich...
There was no way I would risk having to compensate for her expensive medical expenditures.

"Oh my...." She seemed at a loss for words.

"Rawr!" A happy manticore licked my face as we reunited at long last.

The alicorn had a serene expression as she looked from the manticore to me.

"Is this one yours?", Her eyes were kind and warm, and voice surprisingly gentle as she spoke to me.

I looked around and noticed Fluffy seemed remarkably relaxed, there were some snacks and chewed toys strewn across the carpeted floor.

"Yes, I...." The guards stormed in before I could complete my sentence, witnessing the scene of the fallen princess and my lit up horn, clearly misunderstanding my intentions.

Oh...They must have assumed I was responsible for the princess's fall.

"Stop right there intruder! You're under arrest for breaking into the palace and attacking a member of royalty!" one of the guards shouted, pointing a spear towards me.

"Step away from Princess Celestia right now and surrender yourself peacefully!" Another demanded.

Ah....that was the Sun Princess's room I just broke into, I realized noticing her cutie mark.

I was royally screwed....
No pun intended.

I raised my hooves as I slowly backed away from the princess and swiftly mounted Fluffy before they could react,

"Let's get out of here!" I yelled urging the manticore to move.

My heart pounded as we dashed away, escaping the chaos behind us.

The guards' voices faded into the distance as we raced through the castle, at a speed that made me feel slightly ill.

I held on firmly onto Fluffy's fur for dear life, as it swerved making another sharp turn.

"Ugh...Slow down." I closed my eyes as everything began spinning around me.

Rainbow Dash flew right towards us, easily keeping up with Fluffy's speed to my surprise.

Her eyes widened in concern. "What happened back there? I heard an explosion!"

"There's no time to explain now," I replied, my voice urgent. "We need to get out of here before the guards catch up. I might have broken the princess's door..."

I groaned wondering how on earth this pegasus could keep up with us, almost seeming to be casually flying beside us.

"By Celestia's Sweet Flank! YOU DID WHAAT?!" She yelled looking horrified.

Their expressions of astonishment related to Celestia sure were unique here...

"I will explain later! I panicked okay?!" I stopped suddenly as we made it towards the garden.

My eyes fell on a strange statue.
A lifelike draconequus with various animal parts, it had mismatched features and seemed like a fusion of different creatures, a goat's legs, a lion's paw, and a snake's tail.

I froze in awe, unable to take my eyes off it. I felt myself approach it, drawn by this artistic masterpiece.

It almost seemed to resonate with something within me.

"Snap out of it! What was that all about?" Rainbow clapped her hooves right in front of my face, bringing me out of my trance.

Did it's expression change slightly...No, It must have been my imagination.

There is no way a statue could move on its own after all.
Must be the dark shadows playing tricks on my eyes.

"Uhh....I don't know. Oh yes, let me teleport you back!" I blinked in a daze.

I teleported Rainbow and Fluffy back to Fluttershy before attempting to perform it on myself.

I froze in horror as I realized I could not teleport myself back.

Perhaps, the magical barrier allowed only for something to be teleported out, restricting self teleportation magic.

Perhaps, I could teleport to another familiar pony since it was resistant to me teleporting towards Fluttershy.

The strange statue fell down suddenly as I accidentally bumped into it and I noticed a slight crack on it due to the fall.

I quickly put it up again before the guards could notice but the sound resonated through the silent night.

"Do not resist! We have you surrounded intruder!" A voice ordered from a distance.

I used my teleportation magic again, in a hurry as I saw the guards begin to approach me.

Without any particular location or pony in mind, I let the magic lead me, which seemed to work to my surprise.

I ended up materializing in the air, right on top of Shining Armor, the captain of the royal guard, I had met earlier while saving the young griffin.

He seemed to be conducting training exercises.

Before I could yell a warning, I found myself sprawled on top of him, who to my shock, passed out beneath me due to the impact of my weight and sudden fall from a height.

Guards quickly rushed to his aid, ordering for him to be taken to the medical facility.

I was promptly surrounded by a circle of spears, their sharp tips glinting dangerously close, in the moonlight.

"You are under arrest for trespassing within the castle, attacking Princess Celestia, and assaulting the captain of the royal guard!" The guard chasing me earlier yelled from the distance as he rushed towards me.

Great....more charges to add to my already pending charge of tax evasion.

I sighed, not bothering to even resist as I was swiftly apprehended.

I was led away, my hooves bound, and we paused outside a dimly lit, cold cell within the castle's dungeons.

"You'll remain in here until you're summoned for interrogation," The guard who escorted me to my cell stated firmly, as he uncuffed me.

The heavy iron door clanged shut behind me, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I glanced at the rat on the floor, who stared back at me with it's beady eyes. "I suppose I should be thankful. At least the accommodations come with a charming rodent companion."

The rat squeaked in response, as if in agreement, making me laugh despite the dire circumstances.

I simply laid down to rest in the lower part of the bunk bed, hoping Rainbow and Fluttershy didn't worry too much about my absence.

"At least Fluffy is alright...." I muttered, distractedly petting the little rat snuggled up beside me.

I stiffened, suddenly getting up as I heard the doors clang open once more.

"Your new cellmate. Behave in there." The guard simply said as a blue coated unicorn was thrown in my cell unceremoniously.

"Arrested for letting off fireworks in a residential area.....and maybe starting a fire. Still this is ABSURD! How can the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE possibly wow the crowds without a grand fireworks display?"

My cellmate sure was noisy.

She shrieked in terror, on seeing my new pet rat.

"Ugh, this is simply unacceptable! Trixie demands better accommodations without any dirty, filthy rodents!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing off the stone walls.

"How rude....Ratty is a very well behaved rat. Let's just all try to get along in here for now. " I glared at her.

Ratty gave an indignant squeak at her as it hid in my mane, content with the warmth it provided.

"Fine, Trixie will stoop to such levels, but only because she cannot leave this wretched cell! So what are you in for?" She asked rolling her eyes at me.

Trixie's eyes widened in disbelief as I recounted my charges, "Breaking in? Attacking the princess? Assault on the captain of the royal guard?"

"What other kind of nefarious trickery have you been up to, you vile criminal fiend?" she gasped, her voice a mix of horror and awe.

I simply ignored her, trying to get some sleep.

Trixie, kept going on and on about the unfairness of her arrest, lamenting how something as innocent as fireworks had led her to this dreary dungeon.

I covered my ears with the old dusty pillows, trying to desperately escape her endless complaints.

"Please, Trixie, I beg you. Your grand and powerful plan must involve silence," I pleaded, my voice laced with desperation as she began telling me about her great escape plan, very loudly.

Trixie's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, as she continued endlessly. "Fear not, fellow cellmate! THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE'S magical prowess knows no bounds. Together, we shall escape this wretched place and prove our might!"

Maybe, if she stopped yelling 'Great and Powerful Trixie' in every sentence she said, she would have a greater chance of success with her escape.

Being in the same cell with her was torture....

Wasn't torture of undertrial prisoners against the Geneva Convention or something?
I really wished, I had spent more time reading the law books instead of simply farming all day.

"I beg for solitary confinement. Anything to escape this endless torture!" I pleaded to the guard watching us, unable to bear this hell any longer.

He looked at me with sympathy but shook his head, with a regretful expression.
"Sorry. I am not authorised to do that."

I was seriously considering breaking out and risking adding prison break to my already long list of charges, when a guard approached our cell.

"You are free to leave, Trixie Lulamoon. Please step outside." He said as he escorted her outside.

I sighed in relief as I heard her indignant voice slowly fading away in the distance.
"Unhand me, you insolent ruffians! Is this any way to treat a respectable mare?! Do you not recognize the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE? The audacity to.... "

The guard outside cast a sympathetic glance my way, his eyes reflecting a look of absolute pity.

I sighed at went back to sleep, not even having the energy left to retort.