• Published 5th Oct 2023
  • 5,196 Views, 284 Comments

When A Scientist Becomes A Pony - SamParks10

Dr. Nikolai Volkov, one of the world's most renowned scientist experiments on time travel but ends up dying in an accident. He wakes up as an equinous creature in a strange forest. Embracing his newfound existence, he ventures the unknown.

  • ...

Royal Investigations

Author's Note:

This chapter has a shift in the usual POV and shows a different perspective on events.

Princess Celestia stood regally on her balcony, her eyes gazing out over the land she ruled.

The gentle breeze ruffled her flowing ethereal mane as her thoughts turned to the recent Timberwolf attack that had threatened the safety of her subjects.

She was worried when she received news of two timberwolves that had boldly crossed past the Everfree forest and stolen food from the Apple Acres.

With a deep frown, she swiftly made her way to the royal chambers, her mind set on finding a solution to enhance the kingdom's security.

It won't do to have dangerous creatures cross past the everfree forest and bring harm to her subjects.

Inside the grand chambers, Princess Celestia summoned her most trusted advisors, including Raven Inkwell, the Royal Archivist knows for her genius analytical skills and the valiant Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor who was extremely proficient with combat magic and defensive spells.

As they gathered around a polished marble table, the princess addressed the urgent matter at hoof.

"My dear advisors, Equestria is facing an increasing threat from Timberwolves. We must find measures to bolster our security and ensure the safety of our citizens," her voice commanded respect and authority, yet was calm and gentle.

"Your Highness," Raven suggested, her eyes briefly meeting Shining Armor's before focusing on Princess Luna. "I have a suggestion. What if we reinforce the magical wards around our borders? Timberwolves are quite powerful, but with a strong barrier, we could stop them from entering our territory."

Shining Armor, nodded in agreement.
"I am confident in my abilities to create a powerful shield that would be able to deter the creatures of the Everfree forest from entering and causing further harm to the civilians."

"Additionally, we should conduct regular drills and training sessions for the Royal Guard to improve their readiness in dealing with such threats. Preparedness and coordination are the key to defending Equestria effectively." Brave Heart, A key member of the Elite Royal guard added.

Princess Celestia considered their suggestions carefully, her mind sharp and analytical.

"I concur with both of your proposals. Strengthening our magical defenses and ensuring our guards are well-trained are crucial steps. Furthermore, I believe it's time to establish a network of watchtowers along the borders, equipped with advanced communication devices. This will allow us to respond swiftly to any potential threats and coordinate our efforts effectively."

Her advisors exchanged approving glances, recognizing the wisdom in her words.

With a sense of purpose, they gave a respectful bow before taking their leave, setting out to implement Princess Celestia's directives, their determination matching her own.


In the quiet hours of the night, Princess Luna, with her ethereal mane shimmering like the night sky, took over her duties, raising the moon and casting a soft, comforting glow across Equestria.

Princess Celestia gracefully let the sun down, leaving her sister to watch over the kingdom at night.

"Rest now, Tia. I shall take over." The princess of the night spoke, smiling at her sister.

She smiled back warmly however, the tranquility was shattered when a royal guard, her armor clinking with urgency, burst into the room.

Her eyes widened as she bowed down deeply, addressing both princesses. "Your Highnesses, I apologise for the sudden intrusion, however something peculiar is happening that require your immediate attention!"

"You may rise and speak freely." Celestia spoke gently to the slightly trembling guard.

"We have been trying to reinforce the magical barrier, but there's an incredibly powerful force within the forest warding off our attempts. It's as if the barrier itself is protecting something from within." The pegasus guard, Orange Ember informed as she got up gracefully.

"Captain Shining Armour is the most skilled pony when it comes to defensive shields, but his attempts proved to be fruitless as well." She elaborated confidently, feeling more at ease.

Princess Luna's eyes narrowed, her mind sharp and focused. "This is most concerning. The creatures of the Everfree Forest hath never ventured beyond its borders before, a boundary they hath always respected."

"Gather a team of skilled unicorns and investigate the source of this disruption in barrier formation post haste!" She ordered the guard.

Princess Celestia, her expression grave, nodded in agreement.
"Be cautious and thorough in your search. We must understand the nature of the source of this magical disturbance and ensure it poses no threat to Equestria."

With a determined salute, the guard hurried off, the echoes of her hoofsteps fading as she left the room.

Luna turned to her sister, her concern mirrored in her eyes.
"Sister, this situation is unlike anything we hath encountered before. I fear there might be forces at play that seek to disrupt the harmony of our kingdom."

Celestia nodded solemnly, her aura of wisdom and calm radiating reassurance as she looked into the distance.
"Don't worry Lulu. We shall face this challenge together. No force, whether from within or beyond, shall threaten the peace of Equestria. We must be prepared for whatever may come."


Another day passed without any significant results regarding the timberwolf investigation and Princess Luna was beginning to grow even more concerned as she got several reports of suspected underground trades and illegal dealings that were brought to her attention.

Since these crimes were allegedly committed discretely within the shadows of the night, the matter at hoof fell under her jurisdiction.

A green flame and a letter falling on the ground beside Celestia brought her out of her thoughts.

Princess Luna's brows furrowed with concern as she read Twilight's letter, her eyes scanning the words carefully.

"Sister, it seems Twilight Sparkle hath sensed a disturbance surrounding the Elements of Harmony while investigating the magical disruption amidst the forest. Methinks we should take her words seriously," Luna said, her voice laced with worry.

Celestia's expression mirrored Luna's concern. "The Elements of Harmony are the foundation of our realm's balance. My student's findings are worth investigating."

With a determined glint in her eyes, Luna reassured her sister, "Fear not, dear sister. I shall dispatch the Night Guards to investigate this matter in the Everfree Forest. Their skills are unmatched, and under the cover of darkness, they shall navigate the shadows and uncover the truth behind this disturbance."

Celestia placed a hoof on Luna's shoulder, her trust in her sister's capabilities evident. "Thank you, Luna."


In the dead of night, a nervous guard rushed into Luna's presence, his voice trembling with fear.

"Princess Luna, the Elements of Harmony....they...they are gone!" Light Beam stuttered.

Luna's eyes widened with disbelief and horror. In a voice that echoed through the castle halls, she used her Royal Canterlot Voice, shaking the very foundations of the castle.

Her commanding tone echoed through the chambers, rousing Princess Celestia from her slumber. Celestia's eyes widened in alarm as she quickly understood the gravity of the situation.

The two princesses exchanged a brief, determined glance before they both headed to the forest themselves to investigate along with Twilight Sparkle, hoping that her expertise in magic would prove to be reliable.

Under the shadowed canopy of the Everfree Forest, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia, accompanied by a visibly distressed Twilight Sparkle, and several night guards ventured forth in search of the missing Elements of Harmony.

Twilight's voice quivered with anxiety as she exclaimed, "This is bad, very very bad! The Elements, they're gone, missing, disappeared, vanished without a trace....."

Princess Luna grew slightly concerned for Twilight's sanity but seeing Celestia's neutral expression, assumed it was normal for her student to react like that.

Her eyes narrowed in determination. "Fear not, Twilight Sparkle. We shall not rest until we reclaim what is rightfully ours. The darkness may try to hide its secrets, but it cannot escape the vigilant gaze of the night."

Beside her, Princess Celestia nodded, her reassuring presence lending strength to their resolve.
"Indeed, Our main priority should be to find the Elements and restore their power. Equestria's safety depends on it."

"This...this way your majesties." Light Beam interjected nervously as he showed them the path ahead.

"The tree of harmony seemed to be connected to some kind of device within the old castle that we suspect caused the magic drain." Orange Ember pointed towards the wiry snake like lines that were connected to the tree and extended towards the abandoned castle.

"I was sent on patrol duty last night and observed what I am certain was a pony along with several shadowy figures beside it" Sharp Eyes interjected confidently.

Princess Celestia and Luna glanced at each other worried before they followed the lines to the now abandoned Castle of The Two Sisters.

Twilight seemed to be muttering calculations all the way to herself as she skimmed through some notes she had with her.

"Princess! The magic from the elements were drained to power up this device!" She gasped as she used her magic to study the remaining traces.

"I think I can find out what they used the magic from the elements for if I just...." She bagan muttering calculations again excitedly.

"Truly?! Thou art most capable Twilight! Do tell what nefarious purpose was the elements used for by this vile criminal?" Luna's mind raced with curiosity as she pondered the dark intentions that could lead somepony to drain and steal such powerful artifacts.

"Of course, Princess!" She beamed as she began performing an archaic spell, now only familiar with ponies specializing in historic ruins.

"That can't be right....." She gaped speechless. "Maybe if I calculate again?"

"Did you find something?" Celestia asked as she looked around the artificially created, now abandoned structure.

".....um yEs? MAYbee?!" Her eyes flickered around nervously.


"Um...it's uh....." She whispered something that was incoherent.

Celestia shook her head, sighing at her sister's use of the royal canterlot voice that made Twilight even more nervous.

"Apologies...Old habits." Luna coughed awkwardly. "What did thou say? Was it a mind control spell, necromancy perhaps? Destructive mass enchantments?"

"A teleportation spell.....basic level." Twilight looked away.

"WHAT DID THOU JUST SAY?! DOST THOU INTEND TO DECEIVE ME?", Princess Luna's voice resonated with authority, her booming words cutting sharply through the air.

"I...No! Never princess! I wouldn't dare!" Twilight shook visibly, growing even more nervous.

"Calm down sister. I doubt Twilight would make a mistake in a historic scrying spell. I can vouch for her potential in magic, her being the element of magic as well must be considered." Celestia sighed.

"I can see how Princess Luna has her doubts", Twilight spoke feeling slightly reassured by Celestia's presence.
"Even little foals can perform basic teleportation when they are only 2 months of age."

"To think somepony used the elements of harmony for something as simple as basic teleportation...ludicrous." A now calmer Luna shook her muzzle in disbelief.

Finding nothing else apart from their findings, they left the forest, deciding to gather Twilight's friends for assistance, should they be unable to find the elements.


Luna sighed as she had to cancel night court in order to investigate the matter relating to illegal trades and second attack from the Everfree creatures.

Today was a busy night for her.

The citizens were growing even more fearful after a manticore stole some apples as well.

She ordered for an increased security detail for the Apple Acres, which was now surrounded by nightguards for safe measure.

There were reports of a brave stallion that managed to subdue and tame the manticore, but both the stallion and the manticore were nowhere to be found.

A pity. The unnamed stallion deserves recognition and reward for his brave actions.

Luna sighed as she shifted her focus towards the issue of the illegal trade of goods that she was shocked to discover was a crime committed within the supposedly peaceful Ponyville.

A newspony, Gossip Love allegedly had connections, who would be able to give them access to the hidden underground network.

Disguising herself as a unicorn, she went along with Gossip Love and Shadow Mist, one of her bat pony guards who specialized in discreet undercover operations.

She wore a dark blue robe, embedded with silver gems and put on a matching mask.

Her mane was a lighter shade of silver blue rather then her usual night sky appearance.

Gossip Love wore a flashy red dress and a matching red mask decorated with feathers, saying it was her usually preferred style while Shadow Mist wore a plain black cloak and mask that made him seem almost unnoticeable.

The princess learned that wearing a mask was a requirement to enter and while cloaks, robes and dresses were optional, they were preferred among the underground members.

The masks helped to conceal the identities of the ponies who would rather not have anypony be aware of the nature of their clandestine activities or interests.

Gossip also gave the princess and the guardpony golden hoofcuffs to wear with the letter 'B' on it that she informed would give them unrestricted access to the underground market.

Gossip led them down through a dark alley and stopped when they reached a hidden door.

"Password?" A bored sounding voice asked.

"Honey~ It's me!" Gossip whispered in a sultry voice.

"Love?! What are you doing here?" The door opened and a muscular earth pony
asked before looking suspiciously at the two ponies behind her.

Gossip Love promptly leaned in for a hug and smacked his neck when he hugged her back.

"Let's go in before anypony notices!" She tilted her muzzle forward as she stepped over the unconscious stallion on the floor.

The princess and the guard kept on staring at her in shock and disbelief as they followed her.

"What? How else do you think I get all the juicy gossips for the Equestria Daily?" She shrugged.

"The bouncer told me everything he knows about this place when I gave him a little too much cider." She chuckled as she led the way.

Gossip opened the doors gracefully as she strutted in confidently.

The place was filled with ponies in masks dancing or talking quietly amongst themselves, as well dressed bartenders served them drinks.

"Looks like an ordinary nightclub." Shadow pointed out quietly, seeming to be invisible till he spoke.

A blue haired unicorn with large purple sunglasses instead of a mask blasted music that reverberated through the air. The spectators roared with excitement, cheering and dancing wildly to the catchy beat.

"It is an ordinary club but the 'special dealings' are reserved for the more secretive VIP class." She informed as she kept glancing at the flank of one of the stallions.

"How do we tell apart the very important ponies from the rest?" The princess asked.

"Don't make it too obvious but do you see that gentlecolt in a silver green suit, wearing a golden hoofband with the letter 'S' on it? That's a first class seller. Red and Silver are the two other lower levels. The rest without any hoofbands are just ordinary ponies here to have a good time in the club."
She explained as she grabbed a drink from a passing waiter.

The waiter offered drinks to Shadow and the Princess as well, who both accepted with a slight nod.

Shadow immediately disposed of the drink in a nearby plant discretely.

"On duty. Can't drink." He explained solemnly when a curious Gossip noticed.

"We will need to keep an eye on the green suit stallion. If he has a golden hoofcuff, he is a dangerous one." Gossip added as she glanced at him discretely.

"We hath always thought ponyville was quite peaceful. To think such crimes would be going on within our lands, unnoticed." Luna sighed as she noticed a large number of well dressed ponies wearing hoofbands.

"You will be surprised princess. There are a lot of quiet, peaceful ponies that have a really strong influence and nasty reputation down here." Gossip Love chuckled as she nursed her drink.

"Fluttershy....?" Shadow spoke as he looked into the distance.

"Fluttershy represents the element of kindness and is one of the most kind ponies, I assure you. She would never mingle amongst such ponykind." The princess sounded slightly offended at the implication.

"No...I mean I see fluttershy over there by the decorative statue dragging a suspicious looking box with her." Shadow pointed out a nervous looking Fluttershy who was wearing a pink mask and a silver hoofband with the letter 'B' on it.

"WHAT?!", two pairs of hooves suddenly silenced the princess.

"Shh...we are undercover remember?!" Gossip whispered hastily.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO! BUT IT WAS YOUR STALLION WHO APPROACHED ME FIRST!" Gossip huffed seeing the curious glances directed towards them.

There were a few muffled whispers of ponies, shaking their muzzles in disbelief and going back to doing what they were doing before.

"There, now they won't suspect we are here to investigate." She whispered to the embarrassed looking princess.

"What I am concerned with is the fact that silver hoofcuffs are usually reserved for those dealing with animal meat." Gossip whispered turning a bit green. "Fluttershy had a 'B' on her hoofcuff which means she must have bought meat in that large crate of hers...."

"She takes care of animals. If this is how she procures food for her pets, it seems reasonable." Luna reasoned calmly.

They noticed the silver green suit stallion with bluish black mane approach a nervous looking Fluttershy seeming excited to see her.

"He is the only one we had seen so far with a golden hoofband. Fluttershy could be in danger." Shadow seemed worried as his hoof reached for the concealed weapon underneath his cloak.

"Sheath your weapons for now Shadow, however should matters get out of hoof, thou hast my permission to apprehend him discreetly," Princess Luna allowed, her tone firm yet measured.

They all stood there gaping in disbelief as they saw Fluttershy drag the stallion in a nearby private room.

What was obviously Prince Blueblood without the mask and two mares were roughly thrown out of the room with magic.

Prince Blueblood quickly put on his mask and took his leave hurriedly, leaving the annoyed mares alone who yelled at him to give them the bits he owes.

Luna's eyes twitched in annoyance.
"I will have to speak to dear Tia about Blueblood's behaviour later."

The room Fluttershy and the green suit unicorn were in was covered in a magical noise cancelling barrier that made them blush.

"The element of harmony and an underground no good rich stallion. This is juicy content." Gossip Love's eyes sparkled in excitement.

"....Remind me to use the memory erasing spell on her later when we are done with the investigation."

"Of course, your majesty." Shadow nodded.

The barrier was gone in a minute and the stallion walked out looking content.

"That didn't last as long as I hoped it would." Gossip sounded disappointed.

"Gossip Love. I hereby order you to remain silent, should thou harbor intentions of uttering another crass remark." Luna ordered.

"I assure you, nothing untoward happened in that room. The gentlecolt merely teleported her back home." Shadow informed, looking slightly relieved for some reason.

"And how would you know what happened in there?" Gossip questioned looking doubtful.

"Batponies have ultrasonic senses. If I focus, I can sense every moment through soundwaves, regardless of whether a soundproof barrier was used." He explained calmly as they discreetly began to follow the stallion they suspected to be involved, who himself was obliviously unaware.

"But you never know with the quiet ones.....what if Fluttershy despite how she looks would just love to mount...." Gossip began.

"Requesting permission to sue Gossip Love on the charge of defamation of character if she makes another disparaging remark about one of the key elements of harmony." Shadow turned to the princess with a neutral expression.

"Permission granted. I could reserve the first hearing in tonight's night court." Luna replied, a concealed smirk playing on her lips as she observed how her words silenced the mare instantly.

"Much obliged, your highness" Shadow acknowledged with a respectful nod, his expression carefully neutral, though a hint of amusement glimmered in his eyes, carefully concealed from view.