• Published 30th Oct 2023
  • 347 Views, 8 Comments

Fun Time Halloween - AmethystMajesty25

In an alternate universe, it's Halloween night in Cantervania and the monstrous personas of Fun Time Rush come to light.

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Chapter 2

Back at the community center, Beryl was pretending to read a newspaper with hockey gloves to hide his shaggy hair. Then, Shining Star exited the elevator until she spotted her boyfriend.

“There you are. I've been looking for you everywhere and you never came back to the picnic.”

“Well, you know what they say. "Whoops!" I gotta go.” Beryl scooted his way to the elevator. “Bye.”

“Wait. What time are you going to pick me up for the…”

The elevator closed and Beryl tossed the newspaper aside and the hair grew more on his face.

Then Sunset appeared in her demon form and greeted, “What's up, Star?”

Star told her, “I think Beryl just blew me off.”

She-Demon Sunset understood her, “Oh, bummer.”

“CLOUDBURST MAD!” Franken-Cloud continued his rampage in the lobby while everyone moved out of the way. “CLOUDBURST SMASH AGAIN!” He then ran towards the door and broke through.

While everyone ran away, Dr. Rockenstein and Shelly entered the lobby with corn dogs in their hands.

“Here, Franken-Cloud Here boy!” Dr. Rockenstein called.

Shelly continued, “We have corn dogs!”

Dr. Rockenstein asked, “Where is he?”

Something tells me that we should go that way,” Shelly pointed to the door with the hole in the wall that’s shaped like Franken-Cloud.

“Megafranken Cloudburst!” Dr. Rockenstein shouted.

“Megafranken Cloudburst!” Shelly called too.

Back to Diamond, he continued running away from Reina the Vampire Slayer and arrived at the pool area again.

“Diamond!” Reina shouted.

Vampire Diamond was looking for a way out until he had an idea. He grabbed a flower pot and a bottle of water to disguise himself as a fountain. Reina arrived and was on the hunt, searching for Diamond. While she looked away, Diamond drank some more water and pretended to spit water like a fountain again.

Reina sighed and put her stakes down as she turned around, “Seriously, you thought I'd believe you were a fountain?”

“What? You don't like fountains?”

“No, I love fountains.” Reina answered. “And sandwich cookies and fuzzy bunny slippers and slaying vampires.”

“I love those things too!” Vampire Diamond said. “Except for the last one.” He then sprayed water at Reina with his water bootle until it was gone. “Bye,” He ran away after that.

Reina retorted, “Okay! That was rude!”

“Needed my life here!” Vampire Diamond stated and Reina resumed chasing after her target.

Back to the lobby, Zombie Tempo was coming up with a plan with Righty.

“Okay, Righty. Let's get down to business. It's time we trap DJ and get our foot back!” Tempo said and brought out a whiteboard with a drawing of his trap on the board.

Righty gave him a thumbs up as Tempo continued, “Observe DJ and sees tasty arm. That's you.” Righty gave him the okay sign. “He drops the foot, goes for the tasty arm but before he gets there, the white doves take flight, triggering a cattle bounce, and drops the cage on said stupid mutt.” Righty gave him another thumbs-up after that.

Zombie Tempo moved the whiteboard aside until DJ and Spike suddenly appeared in front of him and growled.

“Hey, dogs!” Zombie Tempo called. “I was totally kidding about the stupid mutt thing. Heh heh.”

“How dare you call my pal a stupid mutt!” Spike growled. “Get him!”

DJ and Spike pounced on Tempo and picked off his body parts one limb at a time.

Zombie Tempo cried, “Spike, DJ, no! That's my arm! Where's my legs!? My leg!”

Meanwhile, Dr. Rockenstein were still searching for Franken-Cloud and the raging monster left a huge mess in the alleyway.

“Well, my hot boy band machine doesn't make great boy bands but it does make great, scary monsters.”

“It means we need to find Franken-Cloud and tranquilize him before an angry mob finds him and tears him apart.” Shelly informed her plan to Dr. Rockenstein and brought out her tranquilizer gun.

Then, they heard Franken-Cloud screaming and running away from an angry mob with pitchforks, torches, clubs, and other handheld weapons.

Shelly cringed, “Too late.”

“New plan!” Dr. Rockenstein explained to his assistant, “You save Franken-Cloud, get the rest of the fun time monsters and get them back to my lab.”


Dr. Rockenstein answered, “I don't know. Meanwhile, I'll fix the hot boy band machine so they can perform at Filthy Rich's party tonight.”



With Rockenstein’s plan set in motion, the two split up while Franken-Cloud ran away from the angry mob in the opposite direction.

Back at Tempo’s house, Beryl asked Tempo’s mother, “You think she'll notice?”

Gloria and Virtue saw Beryl almost covered up with lots of hair and the werewolf transformation was almost complete.

“It depends.” Virtue answered while stirring the pot.

Beryl noticed his werewolf transformation and tried to shave the fur off, but it won't work.

Gloria walked up to him and shouted, “Beryl! Stop!” He stopped and listened. She continued, “If a girl can't acdept you for who you are, then maybe she's not the girl for you.”

“Just poof me normal.”

“Can't we just poof up a cake?” Virtue asked loudly.

Gloria turned around and answered, “We can make a cake without magic.” She then turned her attention back to Beryl. “You need to tell Shining Star the truth, now!”

Shelly then burst through the door and panted for air after running. She said, “Beryl, I need you to help me save Franken-Cloud from an angry mob.”

Beryl thought about it and wondered, “Hmm. Tell Star the truth or face an angry mob?” He made his decision and answered, “Let's go Shelly!”

Gloria frowned and Beryl ran off with Shelly, exiting the house. Gloria turned around and noticed her witch daughter having a tough time containing a little tentacle monster into the pot.

“Maybe I used too much tentacle monsters,” Gloria admitted.

Meanwhile, Beryl and Shelly continued running in the neighborhood and Beryl suggested, “Shelly, I got some friends of mine who can help me save our friend.”

“Let me guess, Diamond and Tempo?” Shelly asked.

“Nope. Just some other monster friends of mine who can help us.”

Back to Vampire Diamond, he was pinned on the wall in the hallways of the community center by Reina with a stake in her hand.

“A vampire and a vampire slayer walked into a restaurant.” Diamond then pinned Reina on the wall.

“The waiter says, "What can I get for you two?"”

Reina returned the favor and Diamond replied, “And the vampire says I'm just here for a quick bite.”

Vampire Diamond pinned her on the wall again and Reina replied, “And the slayer says,” Reina pinned him again, “…you should try the stake.”

“Time out. Want a kiss?”


The two enemies kissed for a brief moment until Vampire Diamond said, “Time in. Bye!”

The vampire stormed out of the hallway while Reina shook her head and went back to chasing Vampire Diamond.

Back in the lobby, DJ and Spike growled at a beheaded Zombie Tempo.

“What do you want? There's nothing left?”

“How about you back off before we do more damage to you.” Spike barked.

Then, Righty used a squeaky ball and made squeaky sounds. The two dogs turned their attention to the ball and Zombie Tempo smiled, “Righty!”

Righty tossed the ball away and DJ ran off to get it.

“Oh crud. You stay right here, Tempo. I'm gonna go get that ball.” Spike said before running after DJ.

“Oh, good thinking, buddy!” Zombie Tempo said and gave Righty a thumbs-up.

Then, Vampire Diamond arrived at the lobby and told his pal, “I need to not be a vampire fast!”

“Golden's working on a machine that is supposed to make us all hot normals.”

The handsome vampire liked the sound of that idea and nodded, “Let's roll!”

“Wait!” Zombie Tempo shouted. “I can't leave Righty.”

Then, a female zombie arm that resembled Watermelody’s appeared from out of nowhere and scooted right next to Righty. The zombie arms waved at each other and held hands.

Vampire Diamond gave them the okay sign and Zombie Tempo said, “Never mind. All right! Let's head out!” Zombie Tempo said and Vampire Diamond grabbed Tempo’s head before exiting the lobby.

Back to Franken-Cloud, he was surrounded by an angry mob in the alleyway. He was trapped and scared all alone with no help coming.

“Boy band!” Franken-Cloud screamed.

“Viva sandwich!” Angry mob person #1 said.

“That's my car!” Angry mob person #1 exclaimed.

Suddenly, Beryl leapt in and was fully transformed into a werewolf. Not only that, his monster friends in the form of the Ninja Turtles, Dazzlings, and Rainbooms appeared to help Franken-Cloud.

Leo as a mummy, Raph as a vampire, Donnie as a Frankenstein turtle monster, Mikey as a werewolf, She-Demon Sunset, Rainbow as a ghost, Applejack as a goblin, Rarity as a mummy, Aria as a zombie, and Sonata as a werecat.

They all growled at the angry mob and the angry mob ran away.

“Wait, where's the rest of your friends?” Werewolf Beryl asked.

“They're at the Big Night of Fright party.” She-Demon Sunset answered.

“Oh, okay.” Beryl understood.

“Beryl and friends save Cloud.” Franken-Cloud smiled.

“No problem, Franken-Cloud. Monsters like us gotta stick together.” Werewolf Mikey said before he and Franken-Cloud fist bumped.

“Alright, can we go to the party now?” Vampire Raph asked.

“Oh yeah. Our friends are waiting for us. We gotta go, darlings.” Mummy Rarity told them

“See you later, boys.” Werecat Sonata said and the monster ninjas exited the alleyway.

“Beryl good friend.” Franken-Cloud patted Beryl on the head.

“Oh, and Shelly loves that Beryl is a werewolf.” Shelly came by and hugged Beryl.

Beryl realized, “You know what? So do I. I'm going to tell Star that this is who I am.”

“Yeah, there's no time.” Shelly unfortunately told Beryl. “We have to get you back to the studio.”

“No. This is something that I have to do.” Beryl the werewolf told them and walked off proudly.

Shelly sighed, “And this is something that I have to do.” She used her tranquilizer gun and shot the tranquilizer at Beryl’s rear end.

“Nappy time,” Beryl said before he fell down and went to sleep.

“Quick! Drag him back to the studio.” Shelly informed Franken-Cloud.

“What about Beryl's girlfriend?”

Shelly picked up Beryl’s phone on the ground and told him, “Just text Star and tell her that something bubbly just came up. It will be fine!” She passed Franken-Cloud Beryl’s phone and he started texting.

Back at the lobby, Shining Star was waiting and sitting on the couch until her phone buzzed. She picked it up and got a text from Beryl.

She read, “Me Beryl, you go away! P.S. Fire bad!” Shining Star assumed, “He's breaking up with me in a text?”

Then, Reina came down from the stairs and bumped into Star.

“Hey. Have you seen a vampire? He's about yay tall, really hot.”

Star answered, “No. But, I think I know where I can find him. And my boyfriend.” She received the wooden stake Reina threw to her and stormed out of the lobby.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rockenstein was almost done repairing his invention and Vampire Diamond arrived with the severed head of Zombie Tempo.

“Doc, you have to make me normal. A vampire slayer is chasing me.” Vampire Diamond pleaded.

“Oh, boo hoo. A hot girl is chasing you? I'm just a head!” Zombie Tempo complained.

Dr. Rockenstein ordered them, “Get in!”

The two monster boys entered the machine and Shelly arrived with Franken-Cloud and a sleepy Werewolf Beryl.

“We got Beryl! We got Beryl!” Shelly shouted.

“And they have to sing in ten minutes!” Dr. Rockenstein informed her and the other two monster boys entered the machine.

“Um, what happened to Beryl?” Tempo asked.

Franken-Cloud answered, “Shelly shot him.”

“Oh.” Franken-Cloud’s buds replied in unison while Dr. Rockenstein looked at his sheepish assistant.

Golden pressed the button and the door was closed. “If I recalibrate the molecular levels to hotness, set the do-hickey to spickel spasule, cross the streams, and add perfect hair.”

Then Star and Reina entered the lab with wooden stakes in their hands.

“Where's Beryl?”

“Where's Diamond?”

Then Devil Filthy Rich magically appeared in the lab. “Where's my hot boy band?”

Everyone was confused until Dr. Rockenstein said, “Press the button for mad scientist moment!”

Shelly pressed the button to activate the machine and a spark of lightning came down on the mad scientist’s hands. Golden manically laughed and pulled the lever down to maximum level. Few minutes later, Dr. Rockenstein pulled the lever back up and the machine was done. Out of the smoke were the boy band in their normal human forms, which made Filthy Rich satisfied.

The boy band looked at themselves and they were astonished.

“We have a body!” Tempo smiled.

“Yes!” Golden and Shelly cheered.

Tempo added, “And my lips don't fall off.”

“I'm not a vampire anymore.” Diamond told Reina and she put her wooden stake down.

“And I'm not green!” Cloudburst then realized, “Whoa! I can pronounce!”

Shelly and Golden fist bumped while Beryl said, “And I'm not a were…”

He then realized that his girlfriend is right in front of him. “That you are here.”

“Oh, but you think you can break up with me with a poorly written text?! P.S., I know fire's bad!” Shining Star exclaimed.

Beryl glared at a nervous Cloudburst and explained, “I did not send that text. But I do have something to tell you.”

“What? That you're breaking up with me?”

“Is this story going to take long? I kind of have a big night planned here.” Filthy Rich complained.

With Pinkie the ghost being invisible and playing intense music in the background, Beryl confessed to his girlfriend, “Star... I'm a werewolf.”

While everyone leaned in, Shining Star deadpanned, “…Duh!”

“Come again?” Beryl retracted.

“You think I didn't notice all the hair on your clothes, chasing cars while we're on dates, and that weird marking your territory thing?”

Beryl scoffed a little to himself. “So you're okay with this?”

“Why do you think I always bring a frisbee when we hang out?”

Filthy Rich then made Star and Beryl hug each other with his magic. “Very touching. But the last time I checked, it's not Valentine's Day. It's Halloween! Now, you have rich people to impress!”

“Then let's party!” Everyone celebrated and exited from the studio to going to the Halloween party.

After Fun Time Rush performed their new song onstage, they shook hands with some rich people with Golden, Shelly, and Filthy watching.

“Well you did it again, Golden! The boys were amazing. The board members and investors loved the goodie bag.” They then noticed a board member struggling with a snake. “Except for that guy.”

After Filthy walked away, Dr. Rockenstein looked at his watch and Shelly asked, “Why do you keep looking at your watch?”

Dr. Rockenstein explained, “I only have enough power in my hot boy band machine for a temporary hot boy band transformation.”

“What does that mean?”


The boy band were transformed back into monsters again.

“Yikes!” Dr. Rockenstein said.

The boys were upset while Reina sighed and walked up to Vampire Diamond.

“So does this mean we're back to the whole…” Reina interrupted him with a wooden stake in her hand, making Diamond frightened.

Reina told him, “I'll give you a five-second head start.”

“Thanks!” Vampire Diamond replied and ran away while Reina chased after him.

Shining Star approached Werewolf Beryl with two glasses of punch. She handed him a glass and complimented Beryl, “I think you look really cute as a werewolf.” She petted Beryl’s head and made him tap his foot repeatedly while wagging his tail, meaning that he liked it.

Beryl contained himself, “Sorry.”

Meanwhile, Gloria and Virtue were upset that their disgusting cake was untouched.

“Nobody even touched our cake.” Virtue stated.

Gloria groaned and crossed her arms, “Oh, fine. Go ahead.”

Virtue smiled and with the help of Witch Twilight and Witch Adagio, they used their magic wands and poofed up a nice, delicious cake for everyone to enjoy. Few seconds later, the Monster Ninjas and some of the party-goers went to grab a slice of Virtue’s cake and enjoyed the rest of the Halloween party while Reina continued chasing after Vampire Diamond.

“Diamond!” Reina yelled.

The scene zoomed out to reveal a drawing from a paint brush that was adding a bit more orange paint to the background surrounding the drawn picture on a comic panel. And the one who was painting it was Amethyst Majesty, dressed up as a pirate at his desk in his bedroom.

“There. All finished.” Amethyst smiled, as Sensei Wisecrack, dressed up as a vampire, and Sensei Quickstrike, dressed up as a werewolf, walked up to him and saw the comic.

“That looks great, Amethyst. I'm sure your friends and Fun Time Rush would love to read your comic.”

“Thanks, Sensei Quickstrike. All this work has made me tired. And hungry too.” Amethyst said.

“You earned it. So, you ready to go to the Halloween party?” Sensei Wisecrack asked.

“Eeyup. It's almost time. Our friends are waiting for us there.” Amethyst got up and stretched before walking off with his senseis following him, “You think they're going to like my comic idea?”

“I hope so. You made copies for them, right?” Sensei Wisecrack questioned.

Sensei Quickstrike told his twin brother, “Let's not worry about that right now and focus on going to the party.”

It zoomed up to the comic book cover reading Fun Time Rush and the image on the front was of the boy band, Fun Time Rush, in their monster looks. The wind mysteriously opened the window and flipped the comic to the back cover with the message on the front read…

Happy Halloween from Fun Time Rush


Step it up

Get in gear

Go for broke

Make it clear

Kendall Schmidt as Cloudburst/Franken-Cloud

James Maslow as Diamond Glow/Vampire Diamond

Carlos Penavega as Beryl Fury/Werewolf Beryl

Logan Henderson as Mind Tempo/Zombie Tempo

[Mind Tempo]

Gotta go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Make it work

Get it right

Change your world

[Beryl Fury]


Rebecca Shoichet as She-Demon Sunset

Tabitha St. Germain as Mummy Rarity

Andrea Libman as Pinkie the Ghost

Kazumi Evans as Werecat Sonata

Greg Cipes as Werewolf Mikey

Sean Astin as Vampire Raph


Gotta dream Fun Time

[Mind Tempo]

Oh woah!

Alexa Penavega as Shining Star

Challen Cates as Witch Gloria

Ciara Bravo as Witch Virtue

Stephen Kramer Glickman as Dr. Rockenstein

Tanya Chisholm as Shelly the Alien


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Give it all you got now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

"Weird Al" Yankovic as Cheese Sandwich

Ryan Beli as Zephyr Breeze

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Brian Drummond as Filthy Rich

[Diamond Glow]

Isn’t it a rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh.

Oh-oh, oh!

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

Author's Note:
Comments ( 2 )

Happy Halloween


Happy Halloween to you as well. :pinkiecrazy:

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