• Published 10th Nov 2023
  • 1,028 Views, 18 Comments

The Witchblade: Origins - 13 Potatoes

The Witchblade grants great power, but requires great will. Sunset has no choice to wield it if she wishes to clear her name, and discover who is Anon-A-Miss. Will she discover the truth, or will it consume her?

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(Case 1-2: The Masked Woman): Iron and Steel

“We outnumber you eight to one!” The changeling scowled. “You don’t stand a chance!”

Sunset raised a hand and willed out fire to erupt from her hands which engulfed the changeling. The creature screamed for a short second as it fell to the ground, smoldering and charred black. However, it still breathed, and slowly crawled away from the fight.

“What an idiot.” Another changeling scowled. The six remaining changeling rushed towards Sunset, their weapons raised which consisted of metallic batons which sparked with electricity.

The changelings swung at Sunset. She could sense their movements, their intentions and predict their strikes. It seemed that along with strength, Witchblade granted her increased strength, reflexes, perception, and senses. She ducked under one strike and struck the changeling in the stomach, flinging it into a burning cop car.

Two came at her, their batons raised up high. She ducked and weaved through their strikes as they swung wildly, trying to get a single hit in, but failing each time. When she saw an opportunity, she struck suddenly and swiftly, striking one of the changeling’s skull and knocking them out. She caught the baton of the other in her claws as she willed three inched blades to extend out from her right hand. She cut the changelings arm off before then kicking it into a car.

The last three rushed her with the masked woman behind them, twirling her sword around. Sunset caught a figure lurking around in the background, right behind a cop car, and could feel their gaze focused on her. She didn’t have time to focus on them as she dodged and weaved between the strikes thrown at her by the changelings. After dodging a strike, she saw an opening and used her blade to cut off the hand of one before ducking and stabbing them in the knee. The second came up behind her with their baton raised over their head before swinging down towards her.

Sunset transformed one of the blades into a shield and blocked the strike before deflecting it to the side. The changeling stumbled back so Sunset took this opportunity to dash forwards with her blade and stab it right through its shoulder, causing them to drop their baton. She grabbed their arm and lifted them up off the ground before throwing them into the ground with a thunderous ‘crack’. The creature laid there, eyes rolled into the back of its head, leaving the last one who just stood there, shaking in its boots.

It ran towards one of the cops laying on the ground and grabbed the man’s pistol. Sunset saw this and reached a hand out, willing out metal wires to extend and envelop the creature. It struggled and fired the pistol into Sunset which hit her torso. She felt the sharp pain as the bullets pierced her body, but she also felt the parts regenerate just as fast. She clenched her fist, causing the wires to contract, cracking the changelings carapace, causing it to cry out in pain and drop the gun. She then dropped it onto the ground in a trembling heap as it crawled away.

“Well done!” The masked woman exclaimed behind Sunset. She turned to see the woman pointing her sword, as if challenging her. “The witchblade chose well!”

“You …”Sunset’s eyes widened as she recognized that voice, the mannerisms, and their sword. It was the woman from the warehouse …Nottingham.

“Me …” The Nottingham nodded. “You know I thought about paying a visit to that girl …what’s her name …Gilda?” She scratched her chin. “However …it seemed she left earlier today.” The woman shrugged. “I’ll find her, you know.” She smiled. “And maybe I’ll mount her head on my mantle.”

“NO!” Sunset roared as she rushed at Nottingham. Their blades clashed, Nottingham grinned under her mask as she saw the fury in the girl’s eyes, the anger and hate, but most of all the fire. She could feel the heat radiating off the witchblade wielder and it made her blood boil with excitement.

“Good movement!” Nottingham shouted before kicking Sunset back with inhumane speed. “But poor technique!”

“Don’t you dare touch a single hair on her!” Sunset roared as she swung at Nottingham . The woman deflected it easily and twisted her blade downwards into Sunset’s stomach before twisting it. Sunset cried out in pain as the masked woman sliced open her abdomen, splashing blood all over the ground before she grabbed Sunset’s neck and threw the girl into a cop car.

}}}This woman is dangerous! We must retreat!{{{

‘She will hurt Pinkie and Gilda! I can’t let her do that!’

}}}If you die we can’t protect the both of them!{{{

Sunset felt the armor begin to move. She looked down and noticed that the armor started to extend over her chest and cover the rest of her body before she was fully covered from the neck down in metal. In the process, she saw the stomach wound she had begun to close which felt like the world’s worst stomach ache. She got up off the ground as Nottingham approached her, playfully swinging her sword around.
“I’m going to kill you for what you did at the warehouse! For what you did to my school!”

Nottingham rolled her eyes. “Anon-A-Miss? That wasn’t me. I just simply took advantage of it.” The woman looked to the side and her eyes focused on Pinkie who was watching the whole thing unfold in front of her at the sidelines. She thought back to how the witchblade made it her first priority to save the girl. She smiled as she pulled out a gun and pointed it at the crowd, aimed right at Pinkie.

The crowd that was gathering around screamed as they fled the scene, realizing that now they were in the crosshairs. Nottingham smiled as her finger touched the trigger. “Though I have to admit …having people know you’re not Anon-A-Miss is bad for business.”

“NO!” Sunset screamed as shot fire at Nottingham, catching the woman off guard for a second. However, this was what she was hoping for. She extended out her hands and the runes on her back and arms started to work as she absorbed the energy of the witchblade.

Nottingham felt power surge through her while Sunset felt as if it was being drained from her very being. Nottingham felt her body throb, the heat within her roar to live as her heart raced, as if trying to escape from her chest. She had trained her entire life to stay cool, to keep her composure, but nothing could prepare her for the influx of power she received. A frenzy filled her mind, and the only thing she could think of was to kill the unworthy being in front of her.
}}}Sunset! That woman is draining my power! We need to flee now or else be torn to shreds!{{{
‘We need to get Pinkie to safety first!’

Sunset got up off the ground and made her way towards the sidelines, her arm outstretched to grab Pinkie and run. However, a stern hand grasped her arm and tossed her away to the side and into the ground. She looked up to see Nottingham standing over her, breathing heavily.

“Your power …GIVE ME MORE!” Nottingham rushed forwards, her sword raised over her head, the blade now glowing a bright blue.

Sunset got up from the ground and braced herself for the incoming strikes. She was wholly unprepared for the rapid and successive strikes that assailed her. It felt as if she was being assaulted by four skilled warriors as the blade struck every part of her body in what felt like to be a second.

Using her enhanced reflexes, she deflected as many as she could, but the strikes found gaps that she couldn’t defend. The blades cut her body open through the metal, and blood poured out as each wound healed was quickly replaced by another one. She could feel her energy draining as her mind screamed for every strike she felt incoming, but couldn’t defend. Nottingham grasped Sunset by the throat and lifted her up from the ground.

“A valiant effort! But you are outmatched!” Nottingham roared as her hand clenched over Sunset’s throat. “I wonder how I will kill you! Maybe I’ll skin you alive! Maybe I’ll slowly rip you limbs off one by one and see how fast you can regenerate!”A cruel grin found its way upon her face. “I know! I’ll do it all at once!”

}}}Sunset! Focus!{{{

Despite all her efforts, she couldn’t escape from the women's grasp as she raised her glowing blue sword, aimed right at her neck. A maniacal laughter escaped Nottingham’s lips as she prepared to strike. Sunset braced herself as her mind raced to think of a way to escape, but it only focused on Gilda and Pinkie.

‘Was this always my destiny? To die such a cruel fate?’ Sunset wondered. ‘My teacher princess Celestia once taught that every pony had a destiny, whether for greatness or evil. When I asked who chose their destiny …she simply smiled and said [they choose their own]. Now I wonder …if this is the consequences of my actions. After a life of sin …did I choose this destiny and fate?’Sunset grit her teeth. ‘Then I walk into it willingly.’

Before Nottingham could stab Sunset with her blade, the figure that was hanging round the perimeter suddenly jumped in. The stranger moved with amazing speed and struck the woman’s face, knocking her mask off. Nottingham stumbled back before she was kicked in the stomach, causing her to double over.

Sunset let out a gasp as she was released from its grasp. She looked up to see who was her savior. The woman turned around …and what Sunset saw shook her. The face of Adagio Dazzle stared at her, meeting her gaze. The siren who caused her so much trouble during the battle of the bands was now standing there, saving her.

‘Idiot! How could you so easily be consumed by power!’ Adagio berated Nottingham in her mind. ‘You were supposed to absorb the witchblade not kill the first user in decades! This was not part of the plan …and I’ll deal with you later!’

“RUN!” Adagio exclaimed as Nottingham looked up at her.

“Wh-why?” Nottingham muttered quietly before Adagio kicked the woman in the face, shutting her up. Adagio heard sirens begin to approach, so she looked around for the witchblade. She noticed the woman slip away into the darkness so she began to follow as cops began to appear.

“Freeze! CCPD!” A voice exclaimed as Adagio fled the scene, disappearing into the shadows behind Sunset.

Sunset ran into an alleyway, shaking as she leaned back against a wall. Her breath was stuttered, and she tried to regain her composure after that near-death experience. The witchblade had retracted from the full-body and back to barely covering her breasts and womanhood. She shut her eyes and steadied her breathing. Her nerves were completely shot, and it made her feel like a wreck. When she just started to feel powerful …she was tossed down again, and by the same person in the warehouse. She felt helpless and useless, but was thankful that at least Pinkie was safe for the time being.

}}}To your right.{{{

Sunset looked over her shoulder and nearly jumped out of her skin as Adagio Dazzle walked out of the shadows. The woman let out a sigh before taking off her jacket and handing it over to Sunset. The jacket was a nice shade of violet with pink frills on the inside. Dazzle had a purple suit and violet trousers underneath it which had stars ingrained in neatly ordered lines.

“Take this. It is cold outdoors.” Adagio said as Sunset hesitantly took the jacket.

“Adagio …?”Sunset muttered, getting the woman’s attention.

“Have we met before?” The woman raised an eyebrow.

Sunset shook her head. “I guess not …”

Dazzle reached out, but Sunset flinched. “Don’t touch me. I …I’m not comfortable at the moment …”

The woman nodded. “Stay safe out there.”

“Don’t follow me …”Was sunsets only response as she ran out into the street. Adagio watched as the witchblade extended out her wings and flew up into the night sky, and continued until the wielder had disappeared into the clouds. The woman stared stoically before turning around and walking off. She had a certain Blaze to deal with.


Sunset woke up in her bed, completely naked with only Dazzle’s jacket around her. She let out a groan as she sat up, rubbing her neck as she recalled last night's events. She rubbed her eyes and remembered Adagio Dazzle, or at least her counterpart saving her out of nowhere. She didn’t know how to feel about it, and was conflicted because though the siren was dangerous, petty, and vindictive …the human had saved her life.

}}}That was too dangerous. I was almost completely drained of my power.{{{

Sunset rolled her eyes as she got out of bed. She tossed the jacket to the side before walking towards her closet. “I had to go save Pinkie.” She muttered.
}}}The woman’s target wasn’t your friend. It was us. She just did that to lure us out.{{{

“Well …I’m not going to just sit around and let her skewer my friends.” Sunset snapped as she took out a fresh pair of clothing from the closet. She scoffed. “Besides …I am no stranger to life and death situations.”

}}}You are reckless. Headstrong with a complete disregard for your safety. There is a difference between bravery and foolishness.{{{

Sunset was silent as she slowly put on her clothes. She let out a heavy sigh when she turned around to look a the jacket that laid on her bed. She picked it up with one hand and found it be quite heavy. She pressed her face into it, and found it to also be extremely fuzzy.

“Do you have to shred all my clothes every time I transform?” Sunset asked as she put the jacket around her. “I would like to keep some intact.”

}}}Not all the time …but most of the time. It depends on the situation.{{{

“Fantastic. I’ll either have to make sure to strip before I transform or ask Rarity to make new ones for me because at this rate my wardrobe will empty out.” She grumbled. She then looked down at her bracelet. “Why didn’t you give me the full armor when we first transformed?”

}}}I transform based on the danger that you are in. The changelings were a low threat. The woman with the sword was dangerous.{{{

“Well I would prefer a full transformation to begin with.” Sunset grumbled. “I don’t want to look like some stripper when fighting monsters.”

}}}I would advise you to show more respect. The wielders before you have worn that armor and altered the fate of the world itself and etched their name in history.”

“Maybe in this universe.” Sunset muttered as she stretched her arms and legs. “I wonder if you have a parallel in my dimension.”

}}}Unlikely. I have sifted through your memories. Though there are many parallels of my world and yours, it is not a pure copy.{{{

“Maybe I should tell Twilight about this …” Sunset muttered absentmindedly, not paying attention to the witchblade as she looked at her Journal which sat on the nightstand. She rubbed her chin. “If there is an artifact like this in Equestria …it would be prudent to ensure it doesn’t fall in the wrong hands.”

Before she could continue pondering, her bedroom door slammed open. It was Gilda and she had a wild expression on her face. “Sunset! Did you see the news!?” The girl exclaimed. Sunset followed Gilda downstairs where she saw Celestia and Luna watching the news.

{The deadly attack left many officers and members of the Pie residence injured. However, nobody had any lethal injuries and are expected to make short recoveries.}

The news brought up the image of the wreckage in front of the Pie residence. The cop cars had stopped burning but their burnt ruins laid there in full display. Trucks were towing the wreckage away in the clip as police and detectives swarmed the area.

{The assailant was unknown but the dead bodies of seven were recovered. They were identified to be gang members belonging to an unknown faction. The FBI has explained that many people that night was hysterical and mistook the gang members armor for insect carapaces.}

A blurry picture of a changeling appeared on screen. However it was so heavily blurred and distorted by the fire around the area, one could mistake the creatures for a strangely armored mercenary.

{The FBI and police arrived, but the gang members managed to escape through the inferno and ensuing chaos. There is also a question about the strange rogue cop that many bystanders claimed to have seen that night. Here is a photo}

The next picture caused a chill to go up Sunset’s spine. It was a photo of her in all her glory wielding the witchblade with Pinkie in her arms. Bat wings extending out from her back along with her black eyes and turquoise irises were quite pronounced in the photo. The scene then switched to Shining Armor who stood in front of the scene.

{We do not know who this woman is …but she is either a vigilante or a rogue cop with high tech. We already had suspicions that ChangeData may be involved in the mystery murders, but now we have hints they may be involved in this incident as well.}

{Chief Shining Armor. Are you saying that this and the mystery murders are connected?} A reporter asked.

{What I am saying is that there are a lot of coincidences. I won’t comment further than that. All you need to know is that the task force is working diligently on bringing these criminals to justice.}

Sunset wrung her hands nervously as the news then shifted to the most recent Mystery Murder. It was a woman who was mysteriously fried from the inside out, something that was described as being impossible. Gilda let out a heavy sigh right besides her while shaking her head.

“Looks like we got a lot of work to do.” The girl muttered. Sunset couldn’t help but agree. This was just the beginning, she looked down at her bracelet, and she felt the path she was treading was about to get messier.


“Your cousins are loose cannons and are out of control. Did you read the last report?” Adagio growled as she leaned against the wall. Aria Blaze was tied up within a large black suit, with only her eyes showing. Adagio let out a scoff. “What I believe is that we should cut them out. Anon-A-Miss has already handled most of the heavy lifting.”

Adagio paced back and forth in the tiled room the two women were in. The walls and the floor were tiled, looking to be recently cleaned and buffered. Aria scowled under the suit as she gripped her hands into fists. The power that flowed through her was impossible to control, and it filled her with bloodlust not even she could resist. If Adagio was to be overwhelmed with it, she too would fall, but the women needed to blame Aria for her failure.

“They can bitch and moan about it all they want. Without support, they are nothing but rabid dogs. Very powerful …but with nothing in those thick empty skulls of theirs.” Adagio stopped and listened in to the other voice on the other end. “Yes …my acquisition of the witchblade has been delayed. Thanks to a certain variable …” Adagio turned and glared at Aria with a scowl.

“But I can get it soon. Don’t worry about that, she shouldn’t be anything to worry about.” Adagio suddenly tense up, her eyebrows raised. “Really? Those four? Thought they couldn’t manifest without a huge amount of energy.” The voice on the phone continued and Adagio nodded. “A gambit …a gambit we most likely have to take.”

The conversation continued and Aria felt like nodding off, but an elbow from Adagio prevented it. “Of course. I’ll get it done as soon as possible. Who was Anon-A-Miss again?” The caller’s voice was too far to reply and Aria watched as Adagio nodded. “The Canterlot Movie Club right, and the fourth?”

The voice seemed to continue on, and Aria could hear a bit of hesitation and agitation in from the other side of the phone. “True …the fourth is too hard to control and too destructive.” Adagio nodded in agreement. “Three will be more than enough. I’ll get them, do not worry. I’ll update you when I do.”

Adagio put her phone away as she turned towards Aria with a disappointed and angry frown. “You were supposed to absorb and control the power, but instead let it get into your head!” The woman snapped. “You almost ruined a perfectly crafted plan that could have set us back decades!”

Adagio let out a scowl. “I entrusted you with a gift …with an ability many would dream of just having for a couple of seconds.” She continued as she paced around the dimly lit, tiled room. She shook her head and let out a disappointed sigh, trying to shake off the fury that raged within her. “And you have proved yourself incapable.”

The woman leaned forwards and glared at Aria. “Take this time to reflect on your failure last night, and think of this as a lesson about how to handle power.” Adagio walked over towards a table and opened up a control panel. Aria finally took notice of the wires that came from the panel which was connected to each one of her limbs.

“This won’t be enough to kill you, especially with all the enhancements within you.” Adagio reassured as her hand hovered over a switch. “And make sure to take this lesson to heart, otherwise it won’t be just a hundred volts next time.” She paused and turned to look Aria in the eye.

“I’m doing this because I care, because this is important. Don’t worry …I'm sure you’ll come out of this a wiser person.” Adagio smirked as she grasped the switch. “Think of this as a lesson on how to control your power.”

Adagio then flipped the switch on.


Sunset sat in the cafe right next to Gilda with untouched coffee right in front of them. The SugarCube Cafe had gotten back to business quite quickly after the little skirmish Sunset had with the monsters two days ago. There were customers, but not many, probably because everyone heard what had happened and had chosen to avoid the area like the plague.

However, Sunset found comfort in the small cafe. It felt like home, like family to her, but yet she felt a bit empty. As if there was something missing. Gilda was good company, but she by herself couldn’t fill the hole Sunset felt within her chest. They sat in silence as Sunset looked out the window at the pedestrians walking up and down the street.

They were told that it wasn’t a good idea to go out, especially with killers on the run who were getting bolder every single day. The incident at the Pie residence shook the entire police department, and making the double the amount of security at both residences. Though it made it a bit more obvious, Shining Armor had told them that he wasn’t taking any more risks. They were really starting to clamp down hard on the Mystery Murder Cases it seemed.

“This entire city is going crazy.” Gilda finally muttered before taking a sip from her coffee.

“Tell me about it.” Sunset nodded as she followed suit. She put her mug down and let out a sigh. “And all of this because I decided to pursue Anon-A-Miss.”

Gilda shook her head. “Nobody blames you.” She let out a scoff. “If it was me …I’d be cracking heads left and right.” She snorted.

Sunset couldn’t help but smile as well. “Reckless bunch the two of us aren’t we?” She smirked. “Running into danger headstrong, and blowing stuff up.” She let out a sigh. “It’s just not in my nature to be passive though. If something is going wrong …I don’t take shit laying down.”

Gilda nodded as well. “Understandable.” She raised her coffee mug in the air. “However, it is good to take a break once in a while. I’ve learned firsthand that it’s good to unwind once in a while.”

Sunset nodded as she looked down at her bracelet. “I agree.” She muttered.

}}}To be effective in battle, one must learn how to conserve their energy.{{{

‘Yeah, yeah. I know. Duty and all that.’ Sunset said within her head. She leaned against the cafe window.

}}}My powers is a blessing as much as it is a curse and a burden.{{{

‘How cheerful of you.’

}}}Thank you. I am the epitome of positivity.{{{

‘Did any other wielder tell you otherwise?’

}}}Yes. I was always described as being too serious, tense, and tone deaf.{{{

‘Do you take constructive criticism?’ Sunset raised up an eyebrow.


‘Duly noted.’ Sunset signed under her breath and sat back in her seat. She looked up at the menu and thought about what pastries she would like to eat. Her mind somehow connected sweet with an image of principal Celestia. The woman looked to be less stressed and better that morning, but there was still a weight upon her shoulders.

When Sunset asked Luna and Celestia what was on their mind, they just shrugged it off. The two then told Gilda and Sunset to stay home that day and out of trouble, but the two elected to ignore it and go hang out in the cafe instead. It was a pain convincing the police officers to let them free though, and they were forced to take a small radio she was certain that was being tracked. The attack at Pinkie’s had made everyone paranoid, it seemed that even the cops were vulnerable now.

Sunset saw two cops hanging outside in their car enjoying their coffee for the day, but she had suspicions they were keeping an eye on them, as if they were too helpless to defend themselves. She rolled her eyes and focused back on Gilda who looked agitated, tapping the floor with her feet, and on the table with her fingers.

“What’s on your mind?” She asked the white haired girl.

Gilda shook her head. “It’s nothing.” She muttered as she continued on fidgeting in her seat. Sunset rolled her eyes as she noticed that the girl was rubbing her fingers, as if there was something on them which was bothering her.

“What’s up with your fingers?” Sunset asked, catching the white haired girl by surprise.

“I do it from time to time. Bad habit from a different time.” She explained. “I used to wear these very uncomfortable gloves when I was younger …” She looked to the side, as if in shame. “It’s something I am not proud of.” She muttered.

Sunset wanted to continue, but she decided not to press since the other girl looked extremely uncomfortable about the subject. So she decided to try and segway to something else entirely, one which wouldn’t ruin the small number of allies she had at the moment.

“Is it about the news?” Sunset asked. Gilda looked up and the two locked eyes.

Gilda finally nodded. “Yes …that is part of it.” She muttered. “Right after the warehouse, something like that happens.” Gilda let out a sigh. “An attack of that scale at the Pie residence after the warehouse?” The girl shook her head. “That isn’t a coincidence.”

Sunset nodded as she pulled away from the window and sat back in her seat. She had to admit that it obviously wasn’t a coincidence, anyone could see that. The people she was trying to expose wanted to silence any witnesses, however what confused her was the masked woman. She was trying to steal the witchblade from her, and Pinkie just seemed to be a way to draw her out. There were so many questions and so little answers.

}}}We were the main target of that attack, there is no doubt about it. We must be more careful about the fights we pick otherwise we will end up dead or worse.{{{

‘But why? The warehouse …the attack …Anon-A-Miss …ChangeData …how are they all connected?’

}}}Let us hope we survive to find out.{{{

Sunset rolled her eyes at witchblade’s comment and was about to answer Gilda when a voice interrupted them. “The cops are on it. That’s all that matters.” A husky voice replied as a woman sat down next to Sunset in the shop.

Gilda’s eyes widened, and Sunset turned to see the figure of Adagio Dazzle sitting right next to her. The woman was wearing a jacket which was purple and laced with violet frills. It had a smooth and polished gleam to it, along with a nice pattern upon it. However, the only difference was that she wore an iron mask which covered her features. It was coloured in a way which made it look jagged which shone in the light. There was a certain elegance to it, the roundness of it, along with the two eye holes which allowed her magenta pupil to shine through.

“Do we know you?” Gilda asked as she leaned forwards. “Because you look familiar.”

“I have been told that before in this area.” Adagio Dazzle nodded with a laugh. She took out a menu and opened it up. “Do you want anything?” She asked.

“I’m good, thanks.” Gilda narrowed her eyes. Adagio shrugged and snapped her fingers. Mrs. Cake walked over with a notebook.

“What do you want?” The older woman asked.

“One of everything.” Adagio answered before placing a platinum coloured credit card in the menu and handing it over to Mrs. Cake. The woman’s eyes widened before scurrying off to the cash register to slide the card. There was a second, and Sunset could see the woman’s brain begin to process the order before she ran back to the table and handed Adagio her credit card and receipt back. The woman then turned around and headed into the back of the restaurant.

“Can you even finish all of that?” Gilda snarked.

“I have been asked that before.” Adagio nodded, with a hint of amusement in her voice. She tilted her head. “Do you know who I am?”

Gilda shook her head. “No …don’t keep up with rich people.”

Adagio nodded again. “Fair enough.” She tilted her head. “I am the Iron Lady of Canterlot City …” She straightened up. “You may have heard that title somewhere.”

That name caused Gilda to recoil back before leaning forwards a little. “I heard you died.” She muttered with shock on her face.

Adagio let out a hearty laugh before putting her hands out in front of her. “It’s a family title.” She explained. “Yes …my mother died …but I took her mantle.”

“What is your name?” Gilda asked.

“Family secret miss Grimshaw.” Adagio put a finger up to her mask as if silencing herself. “But you can call me Mrs. Irons.”

“How do you know my name!” Gilda demanded, but only got a laugh in response.

“I know everything around here.” Adagio put her hands out. “I own a successful technology company, the electrical grid and water system.” She leaned forwards. “My family was one of the city's founders, you see.” She whispered.

“I’ve never heard of your family being a founder of this city.” Gilda narrowed her eyes.

Adagio shrugged. “Many don’t.” She then turned towards Sunset. “However. This young woman has.” She placed an arm around Sunset.

Sunset flinched but the the embrace didn’t feel hostile, but rather laid back and warm, like she was talking to a friend rather than a foe. There was a certain element to the woman’s voice that made her sound approachable and friendly. It made the air seem lighter and more relaxed.

“When did you two meet?” Gilda narrowed her eyes.

Sunset pursed her lips and looked to the side. “It’s complicated.” She muttered.

Adagio nodded. “Our first meeting was …messy.” She explained.

“Let me guess. The warehouse?” Gilda asked, an eyebrow raised.

Adagio let out a laugh and shook her head. “No no no. Though I have relations with ChangeData I am not that influental.” She smiled. “It was related to it though.”

“Did you send the demons after Sunset?” Gilda snarled. Sunset felt uncomfortable as she felt the air begin to shift. Gilda’s temper, suspicion and impulses was beginning to make the air around them tense up.

“Demons?” Adagio laughed before she leaned forwards. “Please. I would never associate with such disgusting creatures who cause only destruction and mayhem.” She leaned back. “Although it is unfortunate that ChangeData was reckless enough to allow such creatures into their warehouse.” She shook her head. “How disappointing of them.”

“Gilda.” Sunset spoke up, getting the girl’s attention. She put her hands in front of her on the table. “She’s not an enemy.”

“Is she a friend?” Gilda looked over at Adagio with a snarl.

“Am I?” Adagio glanced at Sunset, her features covered by her mask, but there was a hint of curiosity in her voice.

“That depends.” Sunset narrowed her eyes. She felt suspicious of the woman, appearing out of nowhere to help her when she was on her last knees. Though she was pretty certain the woman wasn’t an enemy, she wasn’t sure what her goals were.

“Let me prove it to you.” Adagio reached into her suit and procured out two cards. She handed one each to both Sunset and Gilda. “If you need help or guidance …call me. I’ll always be available.” The woman turned to Sunset and pat her on the shoulder. “I wish I could stay here and chat, but I have a meeting I got to go to.”

Adagio got up from the table and put a hand upon Sunset’s shoulder before leaning up to her ear. “I know you have many questions, and I have your answers. If you wish to know more, meet me at my building listed on the card whenever you want.” She than straightened herself, and walked out of the cafe.

Sunset followed the woman and saw her get into a sleek, polished, and slim black car with a long hood with pearl white engravings on it. She watched it pull out from the curb and into the street before disappearing into the distance.

“You want to tell me what that was about?” Gilda growled angrily as Sunset turned back to face the girl.

“She …well it’s hard to explain.” Sunset muttered. “She saved me.”

“When?” Gilda raised an eyebrow.

“A while ago.” Sunset looked to the side. She felt bad for lying to Gilda, but she didn’t want the girl to know that she currently held a magical artifact that gave her the power to fight demons. She especially didn’t want the girl that she then fought someone who was very much not a demon and got her ass handed to her on a silver platter.

}}}I do not like that woman. Your friend is right to be suspicious.{{{

‘She saved us that night though. I can’t think of any reason why she would.’

}}}To gain our trust. To let our guard down.{{{

‘What if she is just friendly?’

}}}What if she is not.{{{

Sunset paused as she pondered the witchblade’s words. She looked out the window down the street where Adagio had disappeared. She then looked down at the card she was given and saw the address for the building, her phone number, along with the company name. ‘Iron International’ was written upon the card. The woman seemed nice enough, but had a hint of mystery and mystique surrounding her, and it piqued Sunset’s curiosity.

“I don’t like this.” Gilda shook her head. “Anon-A-Miss, the attacks, and then that woman.” She leaned back. “Something ain’t right.”

“Gilda. We need allies.” Sunset finally sighed. She didn’t want to admit it, but at the moment, the two were quite outmatched. The masked woman, the so-called ‘Blade of Iron’ she fought the night before was able to cut through the witchblade, and she wasn’t sure how. “Especially concerning Anon-A-Miss.”

“But we also can’t afford to be pulled into deeper shit.” Gilda explained. “How do we know that Harlot won’t screw us over the first chance she has?” The girl asked.

Sunset smiled. “Well.” She looked up. “I’ll find out when I can.”

“Yeah.” Gilda sighed. “Thought you would. Caution isn’t a word you understand well.” She muttered before being interrupted by Miss Cake.

The woman had a cart full of sweets of every variety along with every drink, shake, pastry, ice cream and courses the small cafe had to offer. It looked to be enough to feed a large family, and the cart towered over the two and was between six to seven feet tall. Sunset could only gawk as a large cake, three drinks, and a large tub of ice cream was placed before her.

“Diabetes the meal.” Gilda muttered.

“Where was that lovely woman who was talking with you?” Miss Cake asked.

Sunset let out a sigh. “She left already.” She muttered. “Guess it’s just us two.”

“Oh, that’s a shame.” The owner shook her head as she gave Gilda her meal. “She seemed nice.”

“Yes …she seemed nice.” Gilda muttered before looking back at Sunset. The two stared at each other, both having multiple things going through their head.

Sunset was thinking about all the situation she had found her in, and about what her next course of action should be. Gilda was wondered how Sunset kept finding her way in dangerous situations, almost as if the girl was a magnet for trouble. Miss cake was wondering if she could ever find such a well paying customer ever again.

‘Hey witchblade. Can you eat all of this?’ Sunset asked in her mind as she poked at her food.

}}}I will increase your metabolism and store some of it for energy later.{{{

‘Thanks.’ Sunset took a bite of ice cream. ‘You seem used to this.’

}}}You would not believe the unhealthy diets of many past wielders.{{{

“Well if we don’t die from demons, monsters or a government conspiracy …” Gilda grumbled as she took a bite from a large pink cake. “We can die happily after eating ourselves into a food coma.”

“Now that is the Canterlot dream.” Sunset chuckled while raising her shake in the air. The two shared a hearty laugh as they tried to eat the food that was in front of them


Adagio sat around the table, staring at the four wendigos sitting in front of her. Aria blaze sat next to her, glaring daggers at the woman, probably because of her little disciplinary action. She paid no attention though, for Adagio was sure Aria would get over it sooner or later and not whine about how she was unjustly treated.

“So …let me get this straight.” Adagio pointed at the four demons in front of her. “After months of being freed …all you have done is jack shit. Faffing about like morons and getting nothing done.” She snapped.

“The Anon-A-Miss situation is almost ready to burst.” Hybris interjected. “It is close to exploding. It just needs a couple more weeks to fester.”

“A plan you have now put into jeopardy because of your fucking overfeeding!” Adagio snapped. “You have brought the police down on us. Not to mention reporters, police and private investigators.”

The woman shook her head and spun her chair around to face the window of her suite. “Why is it that I have to clean up other people’s mess?” She spun her chair to face Aria. “What do you think?”

Aria grit her teeth and snarled out. “Maybe we should wait and decide if it was their mess and ensure they aren’t Unjustly and Wrongly punished.” She felt the stares from the four wendigos int he room but she didn’t care. She was too busy glaring daggers at Adagio who sat innocently in her chair. She gripped the pistol under the table, thinking of the pros and cons of blasting the woman in her face.

“Whatever do you mean?” Adagio gestured towards the wendigos. “They chose to gorge themselves upon the native populace like it was a buffet.” She raised an eyebrow.

Aria grit her teeth and whispered, ‘Damn you Irons,’ under her breath.

‘You best control your temper Miss Aria. You are delirious.’ Adagio whispered back to her bodyguard. ‘Did you forget that I was the one who saved and woke you up?’

‘Who put me there in the first place?’ Aria sneered as she noticed the four wendigos in the room was starting to shift. They were beginning to become agitated from the secret dialogue between her and Adagio.

“We understand our wrongdoing.” The wendigo Hybris bowed. “I will ensure that my brethren won’t make the same foolish mistake again.” She turned and glared at the other three in the room.

“And of the rogue three currently on the loose?” Adagio raised her eyebrow.

“I’ll take care of it Mrs. Irons.” Hypnos walked forwards. Her expression and demanor was stoic, without a hint of emotion within her voice. “I know how to contain them.”

“Always the reliable one.” Zelus scowled, a sneer forming at the edges of her lips, her face scrunched in wrath. “Mommy’s little PET!”

“Zelus enough.” Ninkasi rolled her eyes as she took a drink from her bottle. “You’re going to give me constipation with the bitterness in your voice.” The woman than tipped the bottle over her mouth and started to drink from it without taking a breath,

“That’ll be a first fatass.” Zelus sneered.

“Enough!” Adagio finally slammed her hand down upon the table, causing three of them to flinch, but Hybris stood firm. “I have called our benefactor and she has proposed a solution to our little problem.” She finally explained.

“Chrysalis? What does she suggest?” Hybris asked, her hands interlocking with each other.

“I wished to cut you off completely.” Adagio explained. “Finish the whole Anon-A-Miss project myself.” She sneered. “That’s how unreliable you all have become.”

“Well fuck you too.” Zelus rolled her eyes.

“But Chrysalis has offered a solution.” Adagio leaned back. “We can bring in the four. Their power and expertise will bring the plan into fruition.”

“The energy expended will be enormous.” Hybris scowled. “Is my plan not sufficient enough? The energy that will result from it will be enough from everyone. For us …for the changelings …and for your little witchblade” The lady scoffed.

Adagio narrowed her eyes. “My use for the energy is of my concern only.” She scowled. “Your plan has been compromised, our time frame has moved up especially now that the cops are investigating ChangeData.” She opened up her arms. “Chrysalis isn’t happy, and you know what happens when she is angry.”

Hybris bowed her head, but with apprehension and thinly veiled rage. The plan was her work, and she was proud of it, it was connected to her pride after all. “Who do you propose to be the subjects to be?”

Adagio smiled and turned towards Aria. “Yes …the subjects.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Who were the volunteers again? You were …tied up when I was discussing the new plan.” She smiled.

Aria scowled. “I believe they were the Canterlot Movie Club …and Diamond Tiara.” She finally answered. She looked at the wendigo Hybris and saw the woman stiffen, hearing the last name. She smiled, she had offered Diamond Tiara knowing that it would hit her hard, and glanced at Adagio, who also seemed to do a double take. This wouldn’t go well with Hybris and they both knew that, and she was the closest to a leader of the seven. It wasn’t much, but it was the best she could do to get one over Adagio at the moment.

“Diamond Tiara?” Adagio muttered in surprise before turning towards Hybris who was wringing her hands. “Ah yes. Diamond Tiara. Of course her.” She nodded before raising an eyebrow. “She will be a great host. This won’t be a problem will it Hybris?”

The wendigo shook her head, but with apprehension and stiffness in their neck. They looked down, their face twisting, as if there were two minds warring with each other. “No …it won’t be a problem Mrs. Irons.”

“Perfect than!” Adagio clapped her hands. “And if this doesn’t work …we can always use other freshman from the school.” She sat there as silence permeated the room. “That was a joke.”

“What about the witchblade?” Hypnos asked. She looked stoically at Adagio while Aria flinched and started to shift in her seat. “Have you found who she is?”

Adagio wrung her hands before nodding. “Yes.”

“Will you tell us?”

“That concern is mine only.” Adagio scowled. “In fact it is a good thing the only person in this room other than me is Aria because knowing you four you would mess up any plan I have.” She glared at Ninkasi.

“When can you make her a non-threat?” Ninkasi scowled. “We have had bad experiences with the witchblade before …and would appreciate it if we weren’t skewered by her.” The wendigo snarled as she reached into her stomach and procured out a bottle.

Adagio gave a sly smile under her mask as her eyes focused on the four wendigos. “I have a plan for her. One way or another …either she or the witchblade will be under my control.”


Sunset sat in her room with her laptop open in front of her. Gilda laid on her bed while tossing a ball up in the air. The girl was obviously tired and full from the massive breakfast, lunch and dinner they had thanks to Adagio earlier that day. When Sunset and Adagio realized they couldn’t finish, they decided to take it home so as to not waste food. They ended up needing a cart to move the treats back home which they borrowed from Mrs. Cake.

When Luna and Celestia got home, they were greeted by the sugary treats which filled up their fridge. Sunset explained the whole thing to them and they agreed to help finish it up. It turns out that Celestia could eat lots of sweets, way more than Sunset could, and she ate it with a bit too much enthusiasm. She then went into a food coma, with a very grouchy sister looking over her.

Sunset took out the card Adagio gave to her and analyzed it. It had the womans name, phone, and company name written upon it. She let out a sigh and put it to the side as she looked at the page in front of her which gave the details of the company. They mostly dealt with the utilities, and they had control of many which somehow didn’t break any laws.

Other than that, this world’s Adagio Dazzle looked clean. She didn’t seem to be associate with any criminal activities or any controversies. In fact, she donated a lot of money to different charities on the daily basis. She seemed to be quite the upstanding citizen in this world.

She had also tried looking into Nottingham and who the woman was. Apparently she was a notorious assassin who struck fear into those she hunted. She was known for assassinations, assaults against entire gangs, and for her ties to yakuza. It didn’t help that nobody knew her true name, or who she truly worked for.

“So I was thinking.” Gilda muttered groggily. “What if it was your friends. Like Rarity.”

“What …why?” Sunset scoffed.

“Well someone had to get the photos from your phone.” Gilda scoffed as she caught the ball she was tossing. “And she has a motive …and the means to do so.”

“What would her motive be?” Sunset turned around to look at Gilda.

“Well …didn’t you cause her dress to fall apart during the spring fling that one time?” Gilda asked. Sunset froze as the memory came back to her. It was painful, and she had tried to push the memory to the side, but now, it stared her in the face. “I mean …it was hilarious.” Gilda snickered which earned a glare from Sunset.

Gilda cleared her throat and continued. “But …I’ve seen Rarity. That girl can hold a grudge. What better way to get back at you than frame you for a crime you didn’t commit.” She coughed.

“She forgave me.” Sunset muttered.

“For someone who forgave you, she was quite quick to dump you.” Gilda sat up from the bed. “Listen. They aren’t your friends. They only pretended to forgive you as a favor to some exotic princess from another continent.”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Where did you hear that?” She asked.

“Pinkie Pie told that story to everyone.” Gilda explained. Sunset couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Out of anyone who could make up such a story, it would in fact, be Pinkie Pie.

“But what would she get out of it?” Sunset asked.

“Satisfaction.” Gilda shrugged. “Revenge. Euphoria.” The girl let out a sigh. “Take it from me …people don’t need that much of a motivation for crimes.”

Sunset looked up at Gilda and saw the girl had her head hung low. She looked to have the whole world upon her shoulders at the moment, and her eyes were staring straight into the ground.

“Want to talk about it?” Sunset asked, getting Gilda’s attention.

“What do you want to know?” Gilda grumbled, twiling the ball in her hand around.

“When you tried to change …what happened?” She asked. “Who attacked you.”

Gilda paused and looked away. Sunset saw the girl’s arms sag, her hand go limp. She knew at that moment that she had hit the nail on the head.

“High schoolers are fucking bloodhounds. They sense weakness, and they come rip the person to shreds. Look at what they did to Diamond Tiara” Gilda turned back and looked Sunset in the eye. The girl’s eyes were weary, tired, and heavy, Sunset could see that this wasn’t easy. “Sometimes …I-I wonder if it was even worth it.” Gilda choked.

The girl wiped her eyes. “What’s the point of trying to change if people will just line up to beat you down the moment you let your guard down?” She sniffed. “Shit …” She cursed as she looked away again.

Sunset got up from her chair and walked over to give the girl a huge. She pressed her face into the girl’s jacket, and could feel their chest heave up and down. “I’m sorry.” Gilda muttered.

“For what?” Sunset asked.

“For being weak …” Gilda hung her head down. “How can I protect anyone if I can’t even protect myself.” She muttered.

“I know how hard it is.” Sunset sighed. “How hard it is to get people to forgive you.”

Sunset felt Gilda nod so she pulled away from the girl. “But that’s not why we change.” Sunset smirked as Gilda turned back around to face her. “We change because it’s the right thing to do. Because we want to be better …whether they choose to forgive us or not …that is beyond our control.” She whispered.

“So we just take the beating without fighting back?” Gilda scowled.

“No.” Sunset looked up and gripped the girl’s shoulder. “We find others who are like us …and we help each other.” Gilda looked up at Sunset, who just smiled. “We stand there with them …and they stand there with us.”

Sunset placed a soft hand on Gilda’s cheek and gently brushed it. “I won’t abandon you Gilda Grimshaw. I’ll be there for you …you can be certain of that.”

Gilda gently grabbed Sunset’s hand and leaned into it. She closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. “Thank you for that miss Shimmer.” The girl gave a small smile as she gently laid down in the bed.

Sunset couldn’t help but smile as she pat the girl gently on the back. She got up and went back to her laptop and looked on the screen. She looked down and glanced at the card in front of her which had the address to Adagio’s company building. She clicked her tongue as she tried to decide what to do tomorrow.

}}}I don’t trust that woman. She is too suspicious.{{{

‘What choice do we have?’ Sunset asked in her mind. She turned back towards Gilda. ‘We don’t have many allies …and it’s obvious she knows something.’

}}}We must proceed with caution and not rush in head on.{{{

‘I’m always careful.’ Sunset smirked.

}}}Really? Like that time when you rushed in to fight several students assailing the girl, Diamond Tiara?{{{

Sunset froze in place. ‘You can see my memories?’

}}}I can. I do not like what I see. I am not happy seeing my wielder letting her be subject to beatings and torment, mental and physical.{{{

Sunset shook her head and let out a sigh as she collapsed in her seat. ‘If you can see my memories, then you should know I deserve it.’ She looked out the window. ‘I was a demon back then.’

}}}And then you changed. You saved their lives and fought of the three sirens. Why do you roll over and accept their transgressions?{{{

‘Because I am better than them.’ Sunset looked down at her arms which had many scars from the multiple altercations she had found herself in after Anon-A-Miss. ‘I will not stoop to their level.’
}}}There is a difference between aggression and self-defense. If they attack you again, I must implore you to defend yourself.{{{

‘I’ll be fine.’ Sunset thought to herself as she looked at the screen of her laptop one more time. The image of Adagio Dazzle in her mask sat in front of her. Her name was the Iron Lady of Canterlot, but the reason behind that name was puzzling. There were some legends she managed to dig up in the past, but it all seemed to be hearsay.

}}}I hope so.{{{

Sunset closed her laptop and got up from her chair. She walked up to Gilda, who looked to be in a food coma like Celestia. She smiled, glad to see the girl taking a break, she was always so up in arms about it. She reached around the girl and took off her jacket and put it to the side. The girl looked too comfortable to move, and Sunset didn’t want to disturb her.

Gilda was wearing a white crop top under her jacket. Her brown skin shimmered in the light, her toned muscles and rough skin showing the years of toil it had gone through. She wore a pair of blue jeans which well worn, and loose. Her face was a bit rough and had a rugged surface, with a firm jaw, but it also had a certain elegance to it, well formed and shaped. Her white hair with a purple streak helped with the imposing air she gave off, but Sunset found it graceful in a way.

Sunset wondered if she should get the girl’s pants off, but decided against it. She instead opted to just take off her shoes, and drag her up so her head rested on the pillow before putting the blanket over her. She then went off to change her clothes to her nightgown and prepared to go to bed.

She thought about sleeping downstairs on the couch and letting Gilda rest, but one, she would probably be chewed out by Gilda. Two, the bed was extremely comfortable. Sunset shrugged and shut the lights in the room before crawling in bed with the girl. She grabbed an extra pillow from the closet and laid right next to her. She could feel Gilda’s heavy breathing as she laid there, staring up at the ceiling.

“Sunset …” Gilda muttered before letting out grumble and rolling over. Sunset let out a sigh and rolled to the side away from Gilda to give the girl some privacy. She was then promptly interrupted by having the girl suddenly wrap her arms around her. “Don’t leave …” She muttered.

Sunset held her breath as she felt the girl’s heavy breathing on her neck. She started to sweat as she tried to ignore Gilda’s mumblings. She felt the girl let out some sobs and slowly held Gilda’s hand which seemed to stop it.

“I’m sorry Gallus …I’ll do better …” Gilda finally sighed. “I have another chance …” The girl muttered. Sunset felt Gilda grip her hand and hold onto it tightly.

}}}You should consider this girl for a mate. She is quite reliable.{{{

Sunset couldn’t help but blush. ‘W-what?’

}}}She handled the changelings pretty well. She’s reliable, she’s attractive, and she cares about you. She meets all the requirement for an adequate partner for a witchblade wielder.{{{

‘Did you comment on previous wielders choice in partners as well?’ Sunset asked while trying to fight off her blush.


‘Did they appreciate it?’

}}}Them trying to ignore my helpful advice is on them. I advise you to follow mine.{{{

Sunset rolled her eyes. ‘Whatever.’ Before shutting her eyes and falling asleep.


Sunset stood in a long golden hallway with a pair of gleaming double doors at the end of it. She heard a voice call out to hall, speaking to her very soul. It was a stern, but dignified voice, with a degree of civility to it.

“The witchblade may make you feel powerful, but it takes away more than you could ever imagine.” The voice spoke to her. She felt compelled to walk towards it, and found herself approaching the double doors at the end of the hall.

“Where am I?” Sunset asked out loud as the doors of the hall began to open up towards her. It revealed memories of her time as the witchblade, her reign over Canterlot High, and then her banishment from the castle.

“Within you …or rather what you can be.” The voice answered. “This is a part of you.”

“I don’t understand.” Sunset muttered, a feeling of lightness feeling her, as if she was floating. She couldn’t help herself as she felt a tug at her very soul dragging her towards the double doors. A feeling of relief washed over her mind as the doors opened, letting out a bright light with a figure in the middle. It was in the shape of a tall woman with a sword sitting upon her back, with a mask over her face.

Sunset was pulled through the door and abruptly found herself in a small room which looked like an office. There stood the masked woman, Nottingham.

Aria Blaze smiled as she approached Sunset, her hand outstretched towards the girl. Sunset felt the witchblade cover her in armor, and a blade formed at her arm which she pointed at the woman. Aria simply smiled as she watched the witchblade suddenly disappear, leaving Sunset in the nude and vunerable.

She took another step forwards as Sunset covered her breasts as a dress suddenly appeared and covered her. It was a crimson corset over a white dress which stretched from her neck all the way down, and flowed from her body and into the floor around her. Her stuck up in the air, radiating energy, lighting up the air around her. The white of her eyes were black, her turquoise pupils sticking out with a ruby hue around her eyes.

Aria lifted Sunset’s chin up and leaned forwards as her heart pounded in her chest. “You need my help. I can relieve your burden and give you comfort nobody else can.” She whispered as she softly brushed Sunset’s face. Sunset couldn’t help but lean into the woman’s hand before letting out a soft sigh.

“But it is a burden only I can bear.” Sunset croaked as a feeling of warmth washed over her. “I’m so tired, but I must. For the good of my family, of my friends. How can I ever live knowing I endangered others?” She sniffed before looking away.

“How can I ever live knowing I didn’t help a girl when I could have?” Aria whispered as she brought Sunset’s eyes back to meet hers. “Someone who could finally understand me …who is my equal.”

“But I don’t even know who you are.” Sunset whispered as she leaned forwards.

Aria paused, and without hesitation, slowly reached over towards her mask and took it off revealing her face. Her purple hair flowed from her head and over her shoulders, her violet eyes looking into Sunset’s turquoise pupils. She smiled and leaned forwards, her lips and Sunset’s almost touching each other.

“I once took an oath to only show my face to those who are worthy.” Aria whispered. “I would follow you into hell itself.”

“But why?” Sunset asked while shaking her head.

“Because our connection is something …that will last-” Aria started until the double doors slammed open, a blinding light escaping from it. The two turned to stare at what came through until-


“FOREVER!” Aria Blaze shouted as she sat up in her bed, covered in sweat. She felt her heart beat as she touched her lips, the sensation still there. The dream felt so real, like the girl was right in front of her. She looked to her dresser and saw her mask still laid on the top of it. She got up from her bed and walked over towards her mirror and stared at the reflection which looked back at her.

She then turned around and walked to her dresser and took off the mask which sat on the top of it. Aria closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath as she gripped it in her hands. She then turned to look out the window as a name sat upon her lips.

Aria gripped her heart to still it as she stared out into the night sky. She let out the name that sat upon it, which was barely a whisper.

“Sunset shimmer.”

Author's Note:

Hello there Hi
As you can probably tell by now, but I am awful at writing fight scenes. I wasn't sure how to demonstrate the witchblades powers and make Sunset Shimmer fight off multiple changeling drones as well. Also, if you couldn't tell, I like the Gilda and Sunset Shimmer ship.
The reason why I wanted to pair Sunset Shimmer and Gilda was because I wanted to make a theme about being better. Gilda is almost always portrayed as a complete sociopath at best and psychopath at worst. I think she deserves better than that, especially since in the show she got marginally better.
Also we finally introduced the 7 deadly sins! It was so hard to find the names for the 7 demons. It took me forever looking up different gods from different pantheons, but I finally did it lads. I made the demons.
As for the next Story Arc, I am trying my best to follow closely to the Kenneth Irons arc as close as possible, but I will be making some changes since it couldn't do a complete conversion.