• Published 10th Nov 2023
  • 1,028 Views, 18 Comments

The Witchblade: Origins - 13 Potatoes

The Witchblade grants great power, but requires great will. Sunset has no choice to wield it if she wishes to clear her name, and discover who is Anon-A-Miss. Will she discover the truth, or will it consume her?

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(Case 1-4: The Masked Woman): For the Glory

Sunset Shimmer sat in the crimson limo, unable to sit still as it pulled up to the curb in front of the large, lit up mansion. She awed at the ivory columns, the marble floor, the pearl white walls and stone statues. People lined the walkway, talking and socializing while making their way towards the open double doors. The tiled walkway, the silk curtains, all of it reminded Sunset of Canterlot back home at the palace.

“We are here.” The driver announced.

Sunset took in a deep breath before stepping out of the limo with Iron’s servant. The older woman smiled as she took Sunset’s hand and lead the girl down the walkway, passing by many of the night’s ball participants. All of them wore masks which covered their face, each one detailed with paint and carvings in the shape of different animals and creatures.

Sunset shyly touched her own mask, one in the shape of a phoenix. The feathers were carved into each cheek, the beak and eyes over her nose and forehead. Many of the woman in the crowd smiled and gazed at her as if she was celebrity, or a goddess manifesting herself on the planet. It caused a bit of her old pride to flare up as she brushed her curled hair to the side.

“Who is she?”



Those were some of the words Sunset heard, and it made her nearly want to break into tears. The entire winter break, she was berated, insulted and accused of being Anon-A-Miss by other students and even her own friends. Yet here, among strangers, she was being praised, awed, and admired by everyone. It gave her memories as a foal during her times with Celestia at balls.

Even then, those were glares of jealousy, and she was constantly insulted behind her back by nobles who thought she could not hear their words. At the gala, everyone constantly gave her back-handed comments and found every opportunity to push her down and criticize her to elevate their own status. Yet in this ball hosted by Adagio, she felt at home, and not a stranger in one of the few moments of her life.

When she walked through the double doors, she could see Adagio with a fiery orange and purple suit talking with a dark cyan skinned man. Her two guards stood next to her with their iron gazes focused forwards. The man wore a black tuxedo which had spikes down the middle which matched up nicely with his spikey hair. The mans eyes were vivid opal in color, and he seemed to be in deep conversation with Adagio. The rest of his face was covered by a mask with the talons face of an ant carved upon the surface.

“Why who do we have here.” The man immediately turned his attention to Sunset Shimmer. He walked up to her before lifting up her right hand and politely kissing it. “What may your name be?” He asked.

Sunset Shimmer invoked all of her training with the nobility when she was a foal studying under Celestia to act like a proper lady, at least what was deemed proper in Canterlot. She hoped dearly that those mannerisms also were mirrored in this world as well.

“Perhaps this lady can know the gentleman before she reveals her secrets?” Sunset smiled.

The man grinned and bowed. “Pharynx at your service m’lady.” He looked up. “So bright …like the sun itself.” He covered his eyes jokingly and looked away. “It is so blinding …a mortal such as me cannot bear lay my eyes upon such beauty.” The man said in jest.

Sunset let out a scoff and gently took the man’s hand. “Oh please, you flatter me too much, it’ll make me blush.” She laughed as Pharynx straightened himself back up.

“A worthy praise for someone such as yourself.” Pharynx smiled before Adagio got in between them.

“Sunset. I see you have met my useless friend Pharynx.” Adagio smiled as she placed a hand upon the man’s shoulder. Pharynx snickered.

“You’re the hopeless romantic.” Pharynx pulled Adagio close, much to the woman’s chagrin. “Did you know she chased after a woman for ten years without any success?” The man laughed. Adagio covered her eyes with her hands and pushed the man away who continued to laugh.

“You’re hopeless.” Adagio scoffed.

Sunset couldn’t help but smile at the two’s banter as they laughed it off like old friends. Adagio took Sunset’s arms and pulled her forwards. “Care for a dance?” Adagio asked Sunset.

Sunset couldn’t help but smile. “Can you keep up?” She whispered.

Adagio let out a hearty laugh. “You are challenging the wrong person Miss Shimmer.” The woman warned as she pulled Sunset along into the middle of the ballroom. There were other couples there, but they took the center stage. The took each others hand and shuffled around like the other couples while taking in the smooth music in the background. Adagio’s guards stood on the edges, but Sunset didn’t give them much mind.

“You are beautiful …” Adagio started before pausing. “I …see that you are wearing the necklace.” The woman continued after some deliberating.

Sunset smiled. “I never knew I was so important to you.”

Adagio let out an awkward laugh. “I guess it was quite heavy handed.”

“Why didn’t you send it to me yourself?” Sunset asked, curious as she watched the woman struggle internally.

Adagio shifted a bit before answering. “Because I knew if I saw you …I would be speechless.” She finally answered. “That was how Pharynx was able to mess with you …I-god this is embarrassing …I was too stunned and froze there.” The woman finally admitted.

Sunset smiled and leaned forwards. “Want to get a better view?” She smirked.

It was unfortunate that Adagio’s face was completely obscured by her mask, because she would have loved to see the woman’s face after that remark. Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to tease further because Pharynx snapped his fingers and stepped forwards.

“Come on! What kind of friends and family reunion is this?!” Sunset and Adagio looked up to see Pharynx stepping next to the band. “Let’s spice this up a small bit!” He pointed finger guns at the drummer. “Come on! Let’s see how fast these love birds can go!”

One of the band players shrugged his shoulders. The man began hitting the drums at a faster pace and the rest of the band followed. Everyone at the dance floor began to laugh as they started to pace quicker. Pharynx clapped his hands, and the spectators around the dance followed suit.

The music began to weave, twist and turn in a joyful and playful way. The dancers followed suit, turning around more, and pacing in their movements faster, and began to use more complicated dance moves. Some locked arms and spun around, some twriled their partners around, and others switched dance partners in the middle.

Soon, people began to exit the dance floor, tired and dizzy, all while laughing. One by one, everyone left, until there was one couple left. Adagio and Sunset were the last ones, the two of them laughing as the music reached its peak, before then ending right there and then. The two parted and bowed to clapping.

Sunset couldn’t stop smiling and it seemed Adagio felt the same way because she was doubled over laughing. The two walked back up towards each other, each grasping their hands together.

“Thank you Irons.” Sunset smiled.

“Call me Adagio.” The woman whispered gently.

“Well …you two seem to know what you are doing.” A voice suddenly interjected. The two looked over to see an obsidian skinned woman walking up to them, a smile on her face. She was wearing a teal colored dress that went down to her ankles with a jade crown upon her forehead. She reached out and shook hands with Sunset Shimmer as their eyes met, the woman’s face covered by a mask with the expression of an winged ant carved into it. “Chrysalis Queen. Honor to meet you.”

“Chrysalis?” Sunset gasped, unable to hide her shock.

The woman nodded. “The CEO of ChangeData itself.”

“Pardon my friend's shock.” Adagio grasped Sunset’s shoulder and pulled the girl under her arm. “She was assaulted in one of your warehouses by certain creatures.” The woman seemingly scolded Chrysalis.

Chrysalis let out a sigh. “I am doing an investigation to prevent such events ever happening again.” The woman shook her head. “When a company gets so big …it’s so difficult to manage.” She explained.

Chrysalis turned towards Sunset and bowed. “Please …accept my apologies for your unfortunate experience.” The woman straightened up with a finger raised up. “Can I buy you a drink?” She asked.

Sunset waved her hand. “I don’t drink.” She muttered. She was worried that the stories about the Chrysalis back in equestria would match up with the one in the mirror world, but that didn’t seem to be the case just yet. However, the queen of the changelings was known to be able to put on multiple facades, so she didn’t want to give the woman in front of her the full benefit of the doubt.

“Respectable.” Chrysalis nodded before turning towards Pharynx. “You hear that! The girl doesn’t drink like a sailor!” She snapped.

“Oh sod off!” Pharynx replied before drinking a bottle of whisky. “It’s not an alcohol problem. It’s an alcohol solution.” The man managed out after taking a breath.

“Apologies for my little brother.” Chrysalis sighed before walking off too possibly scold Pharynx. Sunset and Adagio watched as the woman approached the man, and seemingly berate him.

“They are eccentric, but they are some of my best friends.” Adagio sighed before turning back towards Sunset.

“Are they also immortal?” Sunset asked, shuffling uncomfortably. From what she had heard, Chrysalis had lived for a long time, for nearly a thousand years if the legends were true.

Adagio confirmed her suspicions and fears with a nod. “Yes. But not from the grail like me. They are of a different mettle, and even I don’t know the source of their longevity.” The woman let out a snort. “You are sure taking this immortality business well.”

Sunset let out a sigh and shrugged. “I know a thing or two about immortals.” She admitted.

“Oh? Do tell.” Adagio snickered under her mask.

Sunset leaned forwards. “A story for another time. What about another dance?” She asked.

“I can do you one better.” Adagio said as she removed her hands from Sunset. “I told you I remove my mask only for worthy people, did I?” She asked.

Sunset nodded in response as she watched the woman’s movement carefully. “There is a second part. I vowed to only ever remove my mask in public, if I was ever to finally settle down.” Adagio chuckled. Sunset’s eyes widened as she watched Adagio carefully remove her mask.

She heard gasps around her as Adagio’s hair spilled out from under the mask, her golden skin and raspberry eyes shining out. Sunset felt her heart skip as she felt Adagio reach forwards and slowly take off Sunset’s mask, revealing both of their faces to the masked crowd.

“It’s good to finally see you out in the open Sunset.” Adagio smiled before leaning forwards, her lips aimed at Sunset’s

Sunset’s brain was trying to explain mathematically how to navigate the whole situation, and it somehow came up with an imaginary number. Sunset was frozen as Adagio pulled her in for a kiss which caused the entire ballroom to go wild.

At that moment, Sunset decided that she would act as she always had. She would go with the flor, and make her own way through life. It was how she got the attention of Princess Celestia, how she discovered the mirror portal’s secret, and how she ended up here. So instead of pushing away, she pulled Adagio forwards instead.


“Okay we’re here!” Silverstream exclaimed, quickly jumping out of the car. Thorax and Gilda followed as they rushed behind Silverstream as they headed towards the high-rise. “She lives in the penthouse all the way at the top.” The woman informed as they rushed into the building.

It stretched up into the black clouds above Canterlot City which loomed over the area like a bad omen. It was as if even the heavens itself knew something was transpiring in the background, and today was going to be an important day. The high-rise’s blue surface was covered by the blackness of the sky, making it seem bleaker than it would normally look like.

The three of them made their ways to the front desk. Silverstream slammed her gauntlets onto the desk, getting the secretary’s attention. “Hello. We’ll like to get into Adagio Dazzle’s penthouse. You know her …the Iron Lady of Canterlot?” The woman asked quickly.

“Are you a friend of hers?” The lady at the front desk asked.

“In a way.”

“Do you have a keycard?”


“Let me call her.” The lady started, but Silverstream grabbed her hand.

“No need for that …just let me in.” The girl gave a wild smile which caused the secretary to recoil.

“Sorry, but for security reasons I can’t do that.” The woman apologized, but it only earned a harsher glare from Silverstream.

“You do realize I can snap your neck in a second right?” The girl threatened.

Seeing the situation escalate beyond reason, Gilda pushed the girl aside and put her hands on the desk. “Apologies for my friend here. She ate too much sugar and is now hyper.” Gilda took in a deep breath while the secretary relaxed a bit. “Do you know where we may find the Iron Lady of Canterlot?”

“W-well …she’s at a reunion right now …” The woman stammered.

“Fantastic.” Gilda leanded forwards causing the lady at the front desk to recoil. “Did you see anyone else go in with her?” She asked. Before the front desk could answer, a security guard approached them with his hands stretched out.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re causing a scene.” The man ordered her.

“I’ll leave when I get answers.” Gilda snapped.

“You’re leaving now.” The guard grabbed her by the shoulders and began to pull her away.

“And I said I’ll leave when I get ANSWERS!” Gilda roared as she pulled away from the guard before punching him backwards across the floor and into a potted plant. If there was any hope for de-escalation, it ended there because immediately after the rest of the guard froze there as they watched their comrade squirm on the floor.

The rest of the guards immediately pulled out their weapons and pointed it at Gilda. However, they soon found their hands empty suddenly as a light magenta blur passed by all of them. Silverstream appeared next to Gilda and dropped all of the guards weapons on the floor in front of her. In reponse to this, one of the guards ran over towards a red button and slammed it down.

“Well …if this was meant to de-escalate the situation …” Thorax smacked his lips. “This certainly did not help.” He remarked as an loud alarm blared throughout the building. The guards put on gloves which sparked with electricity.

“Hey …can you take off their gloves?” Gilda asked Silverstream.

“I can run fast …but not that fast.” Silverstream pursed her lips. “It’ll be easier just knocking them out at this point.”

“Been a while since I knocked heads together.” Gilda clenched her jaw as she readied herself. She hunched down in a combat stance, her fists raised in the air. “Time to get back into motion!”

Two guards lunged at her which was a mistake they wouldn’t have time to regret. Gilda ducked in between them and punched one in the stomach with her taloned hand, before sweeping her leg and tripping the second one onto the floor. The first guard keeled over, gripping his stomach and dry heaving while the second tried to stand up. Gilda slammed her heel into the man’s back hard, the metal of her shoe striking the man’s spine. She then brought her leg up to the other guard’s chin, knocking him out onto the ground.

She looked over her shoulder to see a third rush her. She dodged the man’s kick, and ducked under his fist. She grabbed his arm, twisted it over her shoulder, and threw the man into a potted plant. While she was distracted, a guard grabbed her from behind and tried to choke her out while his mate rushed up to her front.

Gilda kicked the guard in front of her back before using her talons to stab into the arm of the man grappling her. The man let out a scream and loosened his grip, giving Gilda the opportunity to slip out and deliver a punch into the guard’s jaw.

As the guard fell to the floor, she saw a bear grab a guard in its jaws while swatting two others into a wall. The bear threw the guard in its mouth into the ground with a mighty ‘crack’ before barreling into a fourth, knocking the man over and behind the front desk.

Silverstream quickly ran circles around five, quickly delivering fast punches while also tripping them while she had the opportunity. Her guantlets cracked as her fists struck the guard’s faces and bodies. The five helpless chaps tried to land strikes upon the girl but ended up dizzy and confused. Before the five knew it, they were on the ground in a heap. Silverstream took this opportunity to grab each one of them and throw them out the window into the sidewalk.

“I committed multiple felonies today.” Silverstream smiled. “Today is a good day.”

“It’s great that you think that way. Can you take that enthusiasm and find a way to the penthouse?” Gilda snapped. Silverstream rolled her eyes and quickly ran to the front desk and began typing furiously. She snapped her fingers, and as if on command, one of the elevators opened.

“Everyone hop in.” Silverstream ordered as she ran into the elevator. Gilda followed while the bear transformed back into Thorax, and the two stood in the carriage as it slowly made its way to the top.

As they waited, Gilda couldn’t help but ask, “How did you get access to the penthouse?”

“I was taught how to hack.” Silverstream snorted. “It’s useful having a hacker that is also a speedster.” She remarked as the elevator doors opened. The girl rushed out and started to dash around the penthouse, her afterimage stretching all over the area as every door in the penthouse opened.

Gilda couldn’t even get a word in before Silverstream appeared back in front of her. “Found something. Follow me.” Silverstream snapped as she ran over towards a pair of double doors. Gilda followed the girl’s lead with Thorax and found themselves in a velvet room with multiple paintings and curtains.

She walked up to one of the paintings which showcased a medevil knight with a metallic gauntlet on her right hand. Her other hand wielded a spear which she raised high up into the sky. Gilda narrowed her eyes as she rubbed her right hand, remembering the night at the warehouse.

“I recognize this …it’s the witchblade.” Thorax muttered, betting Gilda’s attention. “I heard rumours about Adagio’s obsession, but I guess this confirms it.”

Gilda walked around the room and tried to think back to the warehouse. She turned towards Thorax while rubbing her chin. “This witchblade …does it look like a gauntlet …with a red, blue and yellow gem on it?” She asked.

Thorax did a double take. “Y-yeah. How do you know?” He asked.

Gilda pointed at the painting. “I recognize that gauntlet. I put it on when I was kidnapped by your pals.” She scowled before narrowing her eyes. “It rejected me though, hurt like hell as well.”

“If this is where she keeps the witchblade …then where the hell is it?” Silverstream pointed into the interior of a vault. The vault was one of three, and was situated in the back of the room, covered by crimson drapes.

Thorax quickly turned back towards Gilda. “Who else could have gotten their hands on the witchblade?!” The changeling quickly asked, rushing towards Gilda, grabbing her clothes. “Who?!”

Gilda’s brain began to run on fumes as she tried her best to think who else could have possibly put on the magic glove. “The only other person with me that day was Sunset and the lady with the sword.” She finally managed out.

Thorax froze and so did Silverstream. Gilda looked at the two confused before her brain also managed to connect dots after some rebooting.

Before she could say what they were all thinking and try to deny it, a large explosion rocked the very sky itself. The three of them ran out of the display room and into the main chamber where they looked out of the large glass wall. In the distance, there was a large fire, billowing black smoke into the air, and it came from the wealthy district, where the biggest mansions were.

She didn’t want to believe it, but Gilda knew that wherever fire was, she could be sure to find Sunset Shimmer. The only question was if she could get there fast enough, or if she will watch another one die in her hands.


Sunset Shimmer was still frozen in place even after Adagio parted her lips away from hers. She was stunned as her brain tried to process everything that had happened. She didn’t even hear the clapping and cheering around her until a strong hand gripped her shoulder. She looked over to see see Pharynx smiling with a shit-eating grin on his face.

“Well Adagio. Finally got someone don’t you?” The man smiled as Adagio approached them. The man gave Adagio a friendly punch in the shoulder. “Nice catch here.”

“Thank you Pharynx.” Adagio smiled.

“Well. Since that is out of the way …” Pharynx took off his mask and tossed it aside. Sunset was a bit shocked at that, but then noticed the other party members were also taking off their masks around her. “It’s good to see you smile again Adagio.” Pharynx sighed before giving Adagio a small pat on the shoulder.

“Thank you Pharynx. Now if you excuse me, I need to talk with my fiance.” Adagio smiled before taking Sunset’s hand. Sunset felt overwhelmed and her heart skipped a beat. Fiance? She was taking things a little too fast wasn’t she?

“Fiance already?” Pharynx scoffed. “Moving a bit fast here aren’t we?” The man asked.

“I was always the impatient one.” Adagio chuckled.

“W-what’s going on?” Sunset finally got out, getting the two’s attention.

“Ah.” Pharynx snapped his fingers. Sunset finally got a good look at the man’s face. He had a slim face with a sharp chin. His dark cyan skin looked hard and had the appearance of chitin rather than skin. “We all wore the mask whenever Adagio hosted a reunion because of her vow. Because she took it off, we can finally stop hiding under the mask, just like she did.”

“That’s …nice.” Sunset managed to whimper out while she still tried to process the string of events that led her to this position.

“It is.” Pharynx smiled before turning back to Adagio. “Going to leave you to it now. Have fun you two.” The man smirked with a suggestive wink.

Adagio rolled her eyes and grabbed Sunset’s arm. “Come on.” The woman smiled as she took a lead Sunset away. As they passed by the other partygoers, congratulations was thrown at them. Adagio shook many hands, and introduced Sunset to many of them, though she wasn’t able to catch all of their names.

When she finally got ahold of herself, she found herself being lead up a flight of stairs to the top floors. The room was completely dark other than a dim chandelier above that only made the place barely visible. It had a large window that spanned the entire wall which looked out into the city whose lights shone bright in the night. She hadn’t even realized how far into the night it was, she had been completely immersed during the entire event.

Adagio ordered her two guards to stand guard at the door before shutting and locking it behind her, leaving her alone with Sunset. Sunset was then led by Adagio over towards the the large window. The two looked out into the starry sky, admiring the view for a minute. Adagio broke the silence after a minute staring out the window

“It is a beautiful night tonight isn’t it?” Adagio smiled as she turned towards Sunset.

Sunset nodded meekly. “Y-yes it is.”

Adagio slowly took Sunset’s hand. The woman’s fingers and palm felt warm, and Sunset could feel a sort of energy course through her as she did so. It was a warm feeling, but she could feel her mind being muddled, though she wasn’t sure if it wasn’t from the suddenness of the kiss from earlier.

“Since the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were a perfect match.” Adagio smiled as she took Sunset’s hand.

“When was that?” Sunset asked.

“When you fought Nottingham. Your bravery, courage, and determination spoke out to me, like a dream from long before.” Adagio whispered as she caressed Sunset’s cheek softly. The woman gave a soft smile as she pulled Sunst close. “A dream that held firm even after so much hardship.”

Adagio closed her eyes. “I know how much you struggled, even before Nottingham. I heard how you struggled against false accusations, and being assaulted for the false beliefs in others.” Her voice was like a gentle whisper in the wind, it was warm like the sun in spring. “I can see why the witchblade chose you, and it endeared me to you.”

Sunset couldn’t even get a word out as Adagio continued to entrance her. The warmth over her hand beginning to stretch all the way up to her elbow. “But nobody should bear that burden alone. I can give you rest, reprieve from the rest of your classmates. I can protect you. You don’t have to see them ever again.” Adagio offered.

Sunset admitted the offer sounded tempting, especially after what her five former friends did to push her away. “Don’t you just want to rest? To sleep?” Adagio whispered. “We can both live in a dream together.”

Sunset could feel the warm stretch all the way up to her shoulders now. It was comforting, and she could feel herself slip away. “When I saw you …I saw a dream that I had yearned so long to reach again.” Adagio’s voice was deafening yet soft. It reminded Sunset of Princess Celestia’s voice, and it gave her comfort.

Adagio reached into her pocket and lifted up a crimson red wedding ring. The body being made of gold, and the gem looking to be a ruby. “Can you grant me the honor of allowing me to indulge that dream for the rest of my life?”

Sunset felt her heart skip as she heard those words. “W-what?” Was the only words she managed to get out as the warm reached her neck and began moving up her head.

“Sunset Shimmer …will you marry me?” Adagio asked, her voice like a soft breeze in the wind.

Sunset felt dizzy as if all her blood was rushing from her head toward her heart. A part of her yearned to say yes, but another part, a small part pulled her away. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she could feel it screaming within her, trying to get her attention.

After Anon-A-Miss, she had fought so much. People vandalized her locker, pushed her, ganged up before beating her into the ground. She remembered all the awful memories and how she pushed through those horrible events. She always held onto HOPE. Hope that things would change, hope that she could live through it to see another bright day again. But she was getting tired, and her exit ticket was right here, right in front of her. She could live with Adagio, and never worry a day in her life ever again.

As Adagio began to slip the wedding ring upon Sunset’s finger. Sunset opened her mouth and said-

A memory hit her. A memory of Pinkie and Gilda. Her two friends that believed in her, one whom she saved, and the other, who looked up to her. How could she face them if she ran away right now, after all the effort that was made? To slip away into a dream world and give up after fighting for so long. She was never one to give up. She never gave up proving herself to Celestia when she was a villain, and she didn’t give up against the sirens, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to give up now.

Sunset recoiled her hand away from the wedding ring and turned around, ripping her hand out of Adagio’s grip. The warmth disappeared and the blood seemed to return to her head, yet she still felt a bit dizzy. An icy, cold glare bore into her back, and she didn’t need to look behind her to see the look of wrath upon Adagio’s face.

“I’m sorry.” Sunset whispered as she looked over her shoulder. Her heart nearly froze, seeing Adagio’s eyes glow in the dark, a nasty scowl upon her face. “We’re moving too fast and …I don’t want to give up on my friends yet.” Sunset looked away, trying to pretend she didn’t just see this world’s version of Adagio as a demon. “I also …don’t feel the same way for you. A friend …but not a wife.”

Sunset gasped as she felt Adagio’s iron grip clasp around her wrist. She tried to yank it free but the woman’s grip was too tight. She was pulled in, and an icy grip closed around her heart as she stared into Adagio’s glowing red eyes.

“I can give you everything!” Adagio roared. “Your own kingdom! Your own empire! Infinite wealth, don’t you understand?!”

Sunset clenched her jaw. “I don’t want it!” She cried back. “Your friendship is enough. It is all I need. Please let go!”

But Adagio didn’t let go. Instead her head lowered, and her grip tightened. The warmth that enveloped her turned into a raging fire, and Sunset could feel it burning through her limbs. She let out a scream as her body felt as if it was being torn apart by a raging inferno.

In a desperate attempt, she willed witchblade to activate. This time, only extending over her wrist and hands. It was enough to get Adagio to lose her grip, causing Sunset to fly backwards. She tripped over her dress and tumbled to the ground, hitting her head on the floor. Adagio stood over her, and in a panic, Sunset pointed her right hand at Adagio, the witchblade primed with a dart.

“You foolish girl. We both could’ve gotten what we wanted.” Adagio sneered as she clenched her fist. “I could’ve given you a pleasant dream, one in which you could live in bliss for eternity.”

“W-what are you talking about?” Sunset whimpered as she tried to crawl backwards, but her limbs felt lethargic and heavy, so she didn’t get far.

“I set up everything!” Adagio finally roared, causing Sunset to flinch back. Her heart began to shatter and her eyes began to water. “Nottingham! The wendigos! If I wanted to I could have torn you apart and made you suffer for eternity!” The woman marched towards Sunset as tears began to run down her face. “But I chose to be merciful and grant you a gift! One that you threw in my face!”

“W-why?” Sunset sobbed. “Did you ever mean anything you said?”

“I only care about one person in this world, and she was taken from me.” Adagio Irons sneered. “You are merely a stepping stone, and you always will be. Why do you think your ‘friends’ abandoned you so quickly?” She gave a cruel grin.

Sunset’s hand trembled as she felt her entire world give out from under her. This was the same feeling she had felt when Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy abandoned her in the hallway. She wanted to curl up in a ball and sob her sorrows away, but she didn’t have that luxury. Tears streamed down her scrunched up face despite how hard she tried to keep composure.

She heard a thud next to her. She looked over to the side, and her heart stopped. Behind her was the human world’s Aria Blaze, or the Nottingham. There was a Katana each in both her hands, which was pointed directly at Sunset.

“Aria. Redeem yourself and complete the ritual. Absorb the rest of the witchblade and kill the girl!” Adagio ordered.

Aria approached Sunset with a grim look upon her face. Sunset raised a hand up. “Please don’t do this …” She whimpered, but her hand was knocked to the side by the flat side of Aria’s blade.

“You are too naive girl. Holding onto hope when all is lost.” Aria growled as she walked up to Sunset. She knocked Sunset’s witchblade arm to the side, which fell to the side as Sunset felt her will slipping.

Aria grabbed Sunset by her dress and lifted her up from the floor. She glared into Sunset’s eyes. “Hope …is all you have left, and look at where it has gotten you.” Aria whispered. Adagio smiled, but Sunset could see some apprehension within Aria’s gaze. “Hope …is all we have …when all seems to be lost.”

Sunset grit her teeth and prepared for the worst, but Aria was just frozen there. Adagio scowled and walkedup behind Aria. “What the hell are you waiting for?! Absorb-!” Was all Adagio got out before Aria suddenly spun around, slashing her swords across Adagio’s face, splattering blood over the floor.

Adagio was knocked to her knee, but quickly regained her composure. She looked at Aria with wrath within her eyes. “You dare betray me?!” She roared.

“I am not your servant!” Aria howled as she knocked Adagio to the ground. “I am your sister! Not your puppet! Did you not think I would figure out what the rune upon my hand was for? What your plan for the witchblade was?!” The woman shouted as she lifted both her swords over Aria’s chest. “How you planned to substitute me with Puresoul?!”

Aria stabbed down, but Adagio caught both blades inches away from her chest with a snarl. “You overstep your bounds girl! I am your elder!” Adagio snatched the blades away before kicking Aria backwards who crashed against the window, causing glass to scatter over the pavement below. Aria leaned against the frame as she got up.

Adagio lunged forwards at Aria with the two blades, but the assassin simply raised up her hand and shot out a plume of fire which knocked the other woman back. The fire set ablaze many of the fabrics in the area, and smoke began to billow out from them Sunset began to get up, but could feel herself starting to stumble as her mind began to drift away.

“You dare?! You dare use the witchblade’s power against me?!” Adagio roared as she swung the swords at Aria’s neck. “You are not worthy!”

“It is you who is not worthy!” Aria sneered as she blocked the blades with her arm. “You never were! That is why Puresoul, Katarina, abandoned you! Because you are nothing but an obsessive, power hungry woman, who only knows how to control others!” The assassin pushed the blades away as she spat her poisonous words at Adagio.

Adagio let out a roar of anger and threw a blade at Aria in a fit of blind rage. Aria caught the blade in midair and used it to parry Adagio’s blind strike. She landed a kick into Adagio’s chest, knocking the woman backwards.

“You will never control the witchblade wielder, because you are nothing but a pathetic sniveling coward. And every witchblade wielder will have ten times more will then you.” Aria finally sneered as Adagio got up off the ground.

“If I can’t have Pure Soul with me in the mortal realm …” Adagio sneered as she turned towards Sunset Shimmer. “Then I will join her in the witchblade itself.”

Adagio dashed over towards Sunset with blinding speed, her hand raised outwards towards Sunset. The doors burst open and Adagio’s two guards rushed in, their weapons ready. Sunset couldn’t react as the last thing she saw was Aria with her hand raised, fire rushing outwards. Then the world exploded into flame as she and Adagio was knocked back, but not before Adagio managed to get her hand on Sunset.


Gilda fell to the ground woozy but stumbled into the Silverstreams car while Thorax transformed back into his human form from his teradactyl form. They didn’t even get a chance to buckle in their seat belts as Silverstream rushed down the street, ignoring all traffic safety laws.

“How long do we have?” Gilda asked.

“Well the mansion is on fire.” Silverstream pointed out. “And some documents I managed to find in the area while rushing through talked about runes to control the witchblade.”

“So how long?” Gilda asked again, but with a bit more irritation.

“Depends. She could be dead by now, or we might have five minutes. Depends on how much will she has.” Silverstream pursed her lips as cars honked at her while she weaved in between traffic.

“Then she’ll be fine.” Gilda muttered. “She has the strongest will out of anyone I know. She can pull through.” The girl continued.

“Hey, you said it not me.” Silverstream shrugged as Gilda’s phone began to ring. She pulled it out and saw that it was Pinkie Pie again.

“What?!” Gilda snapped after answering.

“Where is Sunset? Is she at the mansion?!” Pinkie asked desperately.

“Why do you want to know?” Gilda asked.

“Because I am watching the news right now! There was a huge fire at the Iron Lady of Canterlot’s mansion!” Pinkie sniffled. “Is Sunsets there?”

Gilda hesitated. She didn’t want to worry the party girl, but she also didn’t want to lie. After some deliberating, she decided the girl deserved to know. “Yes. She is.”

“Why does she keep on rushing in alone?” Pinkie sobbed. “Doesn’t she trust us anymore?”

“She just wants us to be safe.” Gilda sighed while rubbing her eyes. “She cares about you enough to want you to be safe. It is just how she is.”

There was a second of Pinkie sniffling before the girl replied back. “Bring her back safe, will you?” The girl asked.

“I will.” Gilda promised. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

“At SugarCube corner?” Pinkie asked.

Gilda smiled. “Sure thing. Ten tomorrow we’ll be there.” The girl answered.

“That late?” Pinkie let out a weak chuckle.

“I sleep in late.” Gilda shrugged.

Gilda slammed her hand on the seat. “Step on it!”

“I am!” Silverstream snapped.

“Step on it harder then!”

Silverstream scowled. “Hey do you want to drive?!” She snapped.

“I will if you continue at this pace now go!” Gilda snapped. Silverstream rolled her eyes, but the car rushed forwards while letting out a wail and a trail of skid marks behind it.

After a minute of rushing through traffic and weaving between cars, they finally made it to the burning mansion. Everyone outside was standing away from it, either panicking, or stunned at the view. Gilda jumped out the car first and rushed towards the mansion with Thorax and silverstream right in front of her. For Silverstream, it made sense, but Thorax was deceptively fast.

The people standing out of the mansion were all wearing dresses and formal wear. Gilda could see tables in the mansion so she deduced that there was a party going on before the fire began. She pushed past the partygoers as they gave little resistance to her and the other two. She could hear sirens in the distance, and she hoped it was from the firefighters and not Pinkie Pie.

Gilda rushed into the mansion, covering her eyes as the flamers licked at her, singing her eyebrows. “Are we certain she is here?!” She heard Thorax ask.

“Where there is flames, there is Sunset Shimmer!” Gilda stepped further into the burning mansion. “Sunset! Where are you?!” An answer came from the sound of crashing from the floor above her.

“Upstairs!” Gilda snapped as she made her way up the staircase. She could hear the wood cracking as the flames devoured the mansion around her, but yet she pushed forwards. As she made her way up the second floor, she could see what was causing the noise.

There was a woman fighting off two changelings who had much thicker armor than Thorax, while a man knelt over the lying body of an orange haired woman on the ground. This man’s skin was a dark cyan, his skin seemed to be hardened and looked akin more to plate armor than actual flesh.

“Pharynx!” Thorax shouted. “Stop this madness!”

The man turned around, and stood within the roaring flames. “Thorax!” The man sneered, his disguise fading away revealing his insectoid form. It was bigger than Thorax’s, he stood taller, had thicker armor, no, on closer inspection, it was chitin. The man towered over Thorax, and in his hand was a gnarly polearm scimitar. The same one she had seen pierce her parents body during their house robbery. She would recognize it anywhere.

“Thorax my brother!” Phyarnx scowled. “My disappointment of a brother! I knew you would betray us eventually!”

“I saw what Chrysalis was leading us towards! It is madness! Why do you insist on helping her and those she work with?!” Thorax pleaded.

“It is the way …and it has always been the way!” Pharynx snarled. “Soon the world shall be remade with us as the masters! You have no vision little brother!”

Thorax shook his head and took out a small metallic cylinder. In an instant, it extended into a large metal polearm with two crescent blades along with the speartip at the end of it.

“You go help Sunset. I’ll take care of my brother.” Thorax hissed.

“But …”

“Now! You can’t outpace him Silverstream!” Thorax snapped. “Now go!”

Silverstream nodded and quickly rushed towards Sunset Shimmer. However, before she could grab the girl, a large force knocked her back. Gilda ran after the girl, but ducked as instinct as a ball of flame rushed bast her hair. She looked up to see the orange haired woman rise up from the flaming floor.

“Adagio …” Silverstream gasped.

Gilda felt her heart freeze as Adagio raised her arm, now covered in metallic tendrils and veins which stretched from her hand all the way up to her shoulder. It even extended down her body and covered her right breast and ribcage. Adagio’s eyes glowed red, her veins bulging out but silver instead of red. Adagio finally controlled the witchblade like she said she would, one way or another.

Adagio was kicked backwards in the head and went skidding across the ground. The woman who was fighting the two changelings was here now. The woman turned towards Gilda, her purple hair and light blue streaks covered with blood.

“No talk, plan now!” The woman snapped.

“Aria?! Why are you here? Why are you helping?” Silverstream exclaimed.

“I said no talk, plan now!” Aria snapped as Adagio slowly got up off the floor. Gilda also noticed the two changelings making their way towards them as well.

“You take Adagio, we’ll take the two changeling guards.” Silverstream snapped her fingers.

“Of course, I always do the dirty work.” Aria snorted, but rushed forwards anyways at Adagio. With blinding speed, she swung her blades at the woman, but they were just parried away by the metallic arm. Aria didn’t let up though, continuing to pressure Adagio from all angles, holding her ground.

Gilda didn’t have time to admire the fighting technique as she barely ducked under one of the changelings guard’s polearm. If she was a second later, it would have taken her head off at worst, or knocked her out cold at best. She flexed the claws on her gauntlet and struck forwards at the changeling, but it dodged out of the way before slamming her head with the pommel of its polearm.

She stumbled back and stepped to the side just as it stabbed forwards. She grabbed the shaft with her left hand and slashed at it with her right. The blades of her metallic talons missed as it simply stepped back, yanking its polearm out of her grip. Gilda grit her teeth, it didn’t matter how fast she was, the distance advantage of the polearm gave the changeling a huge advantage. It also didn’t help that it was extremely fast and strong.

Meanwhile, Gilda noticed that Silverstream was also having trouble as well. The changeling guard spun its polearm around it, parrying and blocking Silverstream punches and kicks. It the suddenly swung it’s blade across the ground, forcing the girl to dodge over it before calling to the floor.

Silverstream let out a curse as she flexed her fists. She dashed forwards and the changeling responded by swinging his polearm up at her chin. At the last second, she jumped in the air and twisted, dodging out the way of the blade. She then landed on the ground, and struck the changeling guard hard in the stomach, knocking it back. Despite the nice blow, the changeling guard just straightened itself up and walked back up to her.

Silverstream grit her teeth and looked over to see how Thorax was doing. It seemed as if he and Pharynx was in a stalemate as their spears clashed, causing sparks being thrown over the ground as the metal blades slid off each other. Pharynx stabbed at Thorax’s chest, who in turn dodged it before slashing his weapon towards Pharynx’s neck.

Thorax and Pharynx began their second bout. The two began a pattern of stabbing, parrying and riposte over and over while they circled each other. They continued to test each other, waiting for one to slip up. In a split second, Pharynx stabbed at Thorax, but the changeling managed to catched the tip within the crescent blade of his spear. He twisted it, but Pharynx got it untangled just in time to step back away from Thorax’s swing.

While those two were sparring, Aria fought against Adagio. The purple haired woman had the ability to catch bullets, to react to a speeding car. However, both had drunk from the holy grail. Before they were evenly matched, but now, with the witchblade, Aria felt herself giving away ground as Adagio pushed forwards.

Adagio swung the witchblade upon her arm aggressively, yet somehow focused and precise. It was as if her movements were guided by instinct, movements that were practiced over and over again, but was not hers. The witchblade cut the air Aria’s face was a few seconds ago. However, Adagio needed time to recover so Aria readied her blade and lunged forwards with a stab. She aimed at Adagios neck, but in a split second, saw Adagio’s arm turn into a claw which was also aimed at hers. Aria was forced to abandon her attack and duck under the strike to preserve her own life before stepping back.

“What are these things made of?” Silverstream snapped as she ducked under another swing.

“Good question. Thorax?! How do we beat these things?!” Gilda snapped as she barely jumped over the blade as it swung down at her ankles.

“You don’t!” Thorax answered through the flames.

“How encouraging!” Gilda snapped.

Gilda decided to try a gambit and lunged forwards. As expected, the changeling guard readied it’s spear and aimed it right at her heart. However, she twisted herself to the side, using her talons to grasp the spear tip. She pulled it towards her, but the changeling remained stern, so she ended up pulling herself towards it. She improvised and landed a foot forward before swinging her talons through the air, and into the changelings armor.

Her talons stabbed into the changelings armor but was stuck there. She looked up and saw the changeling lifting up its spear, ready to slam it down at her arm. Gilda grit her teeth and unfastend her hand from the talons before diving back. The changeling slammed the pommel of its spear into the ground. The force vibrated through the floor.

After being eaten away by the flames, and weakened by the constant fighting, the floor finally gave way after the changelings strike. Gilda fell down, grasping at the air as she and everyone else plummeted to the flaming ground below.

All Gilda could think about, at that moment, was the face of her parents, her childhood friend, and Sunset, before the world turned black.


Sunset closed her locker with a sigh. The day had begun with her being heckled by students at the entrance of Canterlot High School. Spitballs, pieces of paper, and rocks were thrown at her as she entered the high school.

She looked wearily at her locker which was covered in graffiti. It consisted of curse words and insults directed her way by students who were rightfully angry at her after years of torment. She gave up trying to clean it off as it always returned, so she just dealt with it.

As Sunset turned away from her locker, she found herself surrounded by a group of students. The Rainbooms were part of the group, all of them with viscous sneers on their faces. In front of the group was Gilda, her expression being a cruel snarl and predatory eyes upon her face.

“Twilight may have forgiven you, but that doesn’t mean we have.” Gilda smirked as the group of students closed around Sunset.

“P-please I’m sorry.” Sunset begged as she began to back up. Rainbow Dash shoved her into the ground before she could get any more words out. Sunset fell to the ground, hitting her head against the locker. She gripped the metal door and wearily looked up, trying to control her fear as the group of students continued to close in around her.

“Do you really expect us to believe that, Anon-A-Miss?” Pinkie snarled. The snarl looked particularly vicious on the party girl’s face, who was usually so upbeat and happy. Fear enveloped Sunset’s heart as she recoiled further into the floor.

“Please I’m not-” Was all Sunset managed to get out before a kick in the face from Rainbow Dash shut her up.

Gilda grabbed her by the collar and slammed her head into the locker. “We don’t believe you.” The girl snarled before slamming Sunset repeatedly into the locker. When Sunset began to feel her skull crack, she was then thrown into the ground by Gilda with a loud thud.

Sunset let out a sob as pain as she laid sprawled over the floor, her entire body aching. She curled up in a ball and cried pitifully as she covered her head while the students around her began to laugh at her misery.

“I’m sorry …” She finally choked out.

{For what?}

Sunset looked up from the ground to see a woman standing over her. She cautiously looked over her shoulder to see the students around her frozen in place. She then wiped her tears from her face and looked up tearfully at the woman who slowly knelt down towards her.

The beige colored woman had brown hair and blue eyes which complimented her kind smile and soft expression. She wore a black jacket with a badge sitting over heart. She looked down at Sunset and extended a hand towards the girl. Sunset reached up with a shaky hand, but hesitated, stopping midway.

{Why are you scared Sunset?} The woman asked.

“I …I don’t if I can continue.” Sunset let out a heavy sigh. “I’m so tired.”

The woman closed her eyes and nodded. She sat down on the floor in front of Sunset and let out a small chuckle.
{I know the feeling.} The woman closed her eyes. {I know the feeling all too well.}

The woman looked away from Sunset down the hall. There was a pair of double doors that suddenly opened letting out a bright light.

{I know what it feels like when the world begins to close around you. When everything begins to go to hell, sucking you and those you care about in.} The woman turned back towards Sunset. {I know the feeling. I couldn’t take it anymore and that’s why …I gave it up.}

“Gave what up?” Sunset asked weakly.

The woman let out a snort. {The witchblade of course.} Sunset let out a gasp and the woman nodded wearily in response. {I gave it up, because I couldn’t handle that lifestyle anymore.}

Sunset managed to prop herself up with shaky arms. “Why …?” The woman raised an eyebrow in surprise at that question. “Why did it choose me?” Sunset sobbed.

{I asked that question myself as well.} The woman sighed. {All of us do sooner or later, and we never get an answer.}

“But why me? I hurt so many people.” Sunset sobbed. “I’m weak, pathetic, and can’t even gain the trust of my friends.”

{But yet you fight for them.} The woman placed a soft hand on Sunset’s shoulder. {You fight to protect them …to help them …no matter what it takes.}

“I’m only doing it to clear my name, and help myself.” Sunset muttered somberly.

{If you were, why didn’t you take the money? Why did you jump in to save Gilda?} The woman whispered.

“Yeah. Why did you dweeb?” A familiar voice asked. Sunset looked up to see Gilda, with a more friendly expression. Her face was stern, but her eyes twinkled with an element of playfulness within it. “Come on dweeb, get up.”

“What are you doing? She’s Anon-A-Miss!” The other Gilda stormed up to the new one.

The new Gilda let out a snort. She raised up a fist and slammed it into the first one, cracking their skull. “Piss off.”

“Come on Sunset! Turn that frown upside down!” Sunset looked up to see Pinkie standing next to Gilda with a beaming smile. “Come on Sunset! Don’t let those meanies push you down!”

{Listen to your friend.} Sunset looked at the strange woman standing over her. {You are not alone.}

“Get up Sunset!” Pinie’s voice echoed.

“Come on dweeb! You are better than this!” Gilda’s voice snapped.

“Sunset, I believe in you.” Celestia’s voice reached out.

“Sunset …!” Sunset froze at the fourth voice. She looked up tearfully to see Twilight Sparkle, standing with the group with a kind expression. “Don’t give up …it’s what you’re best at.”

Sunset grit her teeth and clenched her jaw. With a heavy heave, she pushed herself off the ground. She shakily got up on her feet and pushed herself up. Her entire body shook as her limbs, battered with bruises, protested. She looked up at the students who were battering her and wiped her mouth.

“Is that all you got?!” She sneered.

The group of students let out a roar, including the corrupted version of Gilda, Pinkie, and the rainbooms. Sunset let out a roar herself and lashed out with her right fist, lunging towards them.

As she flew through the air, she felt a familiar energy course through her. Her entire right arm became enveloped in a metallic armor which extended from her arm across her entire body. It encased her body in metallic wires, and as she struck forward a renewed force, flames erupted from her fist.

A plume of flames roared out, enveloping her assailants, consuming them as their demonic screech echoed throughout the halls. The screeching eventually fell silent, as the demonic figures collapsed into dust.

}}}Welcome back kid.{{{

Sunset smiled at the familiar voice. “Where were you?” She asked.

}}}Irons cut me off from you. She used a spell when she spoke with you at the cafe alone. When she touched your hand, she completed the transfer.{{{

“Clever bitch.” Sunset scoffed.

{At least you’re back} The woman from before stepped forward. Sunset’s friends disappeared, but the brown haired woman remained.

“Thank you …” Sunset smiled gratefully. “I never got your name.”

{I am Sara Pezzini} The woman introduced herself.

Sunset smiled. “Thank you …Ms. Pezzini”

{It is no problem.} Sara smiled. She looked down at Sunset’s right arm where the witchblade sat. {How have you been, witchblade?}

}}}I’ve been great. The usual.{{{

{That’s good.} Pezzini nodded.

Sunset paused and pointed at the woman. “ Wait …how are you here, how were you able to communicate with me?”

{I did say that I once wileded the witchblade.}

Sunset let out a small gasp. “Wh- …how …?”

{All the previous wielders consciousness are stored in the witchblade to mentor the new generation.} Pezzini explained. {At least a part of them. I am still unsure of how it works.}

“I see …” Sunset closed her eyes and let out a small breath. “I know you have already done a lot, but can you help me one more time?”

}}}It is a good idea. You are currently falling.{{{

Sunset did a double take at that comment. “What do you mean?”

{I feel it too. Irons has gone mad with her newfound power. She has absorbed part of the witchblade.} Pezzini nodded. {Your friends are in danger.}

Sunset felt her heart race. “Then I need to return now! They need my help!”

{You will …but not alone. I have dealt with Irons before, I will lend you my experience.} Pezzini explained.

“You can do that?”

{When you are ready.}Pezzini stretched out a hand. {What are you willing to do for your friends?}

Sunset clenched her hands as memories of winter break flooded her mind. She remembered how her friends abandoned her, how they shunned her. It made her angry, it made her want to lash out and scream at them. But then her mind flashed back to when she was in the crater, just defeated by Twilight, and how they extended a hand out to her.

“Everything.” Sunset finally answered. “Till my last breath.”

Sunset reached out and took Pezzini’s hand, gripping it tight. She felt the whole world shake around her as energy flooded her body. She let out a primal roar as she finally woke up, and opened up her bright cyan eyes.


Sunset Shimmer opened up her eyes just as the floor collapsed underneath her. She let out a grunt and twisted her body quickly eyeing and grabbing Gilda out of the air. The white haired girl let out a squawk as wings sprouted out from Sunset’s back. Sunset quickly shot forward and snatched a light magenta girl as well while she was at it.

She flapped her amber and crimson metallic wings, as she flew herself and the other two girls in her arms out the window. The entire mansion collapsed behind her just as she landed in the backyard lawn outside the building.

Gilda and the magenta girl dropped to the ground heaving and gasping. Gilda looked at Sunset with wonder in her eyes. The magenta girl looked at Sunset with a massive shit-eating grin.

“Sunset?” Gilda muttered.

“Witchblade!” The magenta girl zipped at Sunset with inhuman speeds and gave her a friendly punch in the shoulder. “Damn …you look fine.”

Sunset looked down and saw that the witchblade was barely covering her breast, and showing off her cleavage. She rolled her eyes while Gilda slowly got up off the ground.

“Sunset …is that …you …” Gilda stammered with astonishment. She let out a scoff and gave a small grin with disbelief in her eyes.

Sunset nodded and opened up her arms. “I got a makeover.” She smiled.

Gilda rushed forwards and gave her an overwhelming hug. “Damn it girl …what did I say about rushing into danger.” She sniffed. Sunset was taken aback by the sudden hug, but slowly patted the girl on the back.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to put you into danger.” Sunset explained.

“Well now I am definitely not letting you out of my sight.” Gilda sniffed as she pulled away. She looked Sunset over. “This explains a lot and nothing at the same time.”

“Join the club.” Sunset rubbed her shoulder. “Listen …about what I said …”

Gilda put a hand up. “You were right. I was using you as a replacement.” The girl closed her eyes. “I shouldn’t have projected my feeling of Gallus onto you.” Gilda looked down. Sunset noticed that the magenta girl flinch a bit, but she returned back to her stoic stance, “I’m sorry.” Gilda muttered.

Sunset shook her head. “No …I should’ve been more attentive to your feelings. I also should have talked more calmly and patiently with you.” Sunset closed her eyes. “I’m sorry..”

Gilda gave a small smirk and opened her arms. “One more forgiveness hug?”

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She smiled before embracing Gilda once more.

The magenta girl cleared her throat as Gilda and Sunset pulled away from each other. “Well …I love seeing two friends make up …but we got bigger fish to fry.”

“And who is this?” Sunset gestured towards the magenta girl.

“Ah …this is Silverstream. She works with Thorax …or ‘Thor’.” Gilda explained.

“I thought ‘Thor’ was a scoundrel.” Sunset sneered.

“Apparently not. He was trying to get out of ChangeData for a while now apparently.” Gilda snorted. She looked around the field and back to the mansion. “Where is he anyways?”

As if to answer the question, three figures burst out of the rubble. One of them was Pharynx who looked more battered and furious that he did before. He let out a loud roar as he leapt out from the rubble, landing in front of Sunset, Gilda, and Silverstream.


Before Pharynx could make any moves, a figure jumped forwards and gave a roundhouse kick to Pharynx’s skull, knocking the man to the side. The person who just gave Pharynx a concussion landed on the ground and turned towards Sunset and the other two. The man had light lime skin and bright orange hair.

“No talk, plan now.” The man snapped.

“Thorax. Discipline your shitty older brother. I’ll deal with Adagio.” Silverstream turned towards Adagio who was standing in the rubble …menacingly.

“No.” Sunset stepped forwards. She turned towards Thorax and Silverstream. “You deal with Pharynx. I’ve got Adagio.”

“Are you sure?” Silverstream raised an eyebrow. Pharynx got up off the ground, clutching his skull while stumbling a bit.

Sunset nodded. “I am.”

Silverstream shrugged and ran off with Thorax towards Pharynx. Sunset turned towards Gilda next. “You think I can take her?”

“I? You mean we.” Gilda snorted.

“Gilda …I don’t want to put you into danger.” Sunset pleaded as Adagio began to walk through the rubble towards them. The wood crunched under the woman’s heels, and she had a blank expression upon her face.

“Sunset. We’re partners …and that means we face things together.” Gilda snorted.

Sunset let out a sigh. “Nothing I say will convince you will it?

Gilda grinned. “Nope. You’ll have to drag me away and tie me down to stop me.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and smiled. “Fine then …come one partner.”

The two of them strutted forwards and approached Adagio. They and Adagio stopped when there was about five meters between them. They eyed each other, waiting for the other side to make their move first.

“I now possess the witchblade. Nothing will stop me from retrieving the other half.”

“Big words coming from someone who needed others to do her dirty work.” Sunset snarked. She put her hands up in a fighting stance and glared at Adagio. “The witchblade is bound to me, you are nothing but an usurper, an unworthy wielder!”

“I know your past Sunset.” Adagio hissed. “How you tormented your school, how you threw your weight around, and how you delved into the dark arts.”

Sunset froze as the words pierced her soul. Doubts that were buried began to rise up as she stared Adagio down. Her hands clenched tightly as Adagio gave a cruel grin before raising up her right hand, now completely covered with the witchblade.

Sunset was broken out of her thoughts when somebody took her hand. She looked to the side and saw that it was Gilda, standing next to her. “Don’t let her get to you kid. You are not the person you were in the past …it is what you are today that matter.” Gilda gave her a soft smile.

Sunset nodded and returned the gesture. “Thank you.”

Sunset then closed her eyes and took in a breath. ‘I am ready Sara.’

{Then brace yourself kid.}

A bright light enveloped Sunset, blinding everyone in the backyard. A couple of reporters arrived at the scene just to get blinded by the sudden light that emanated from Sunset. Gilda continued to hold her hand, but had to look away from the sheer intensity of the light that shot outwards. Adagio also had to flinch away, the light being too much for her to handle as well.

As the light dimmed down, Sunset walked forwards, her attire now different than before. Her entire body was enveloped with bright steel-like armor. It was rugged and jagged with two blands extending along her forearms. Sharp tendrils stuck out from her shoulder blades outwards behind her, with a small police badge indent over her heart.

Adagio began to shake as Sunset’s hair turned into a shade of light brown. Bronze flames began to flicker from the sclera of Sunset’s eyes. Those eyes, the armor, she recognized it somewhere, perhaps from a different life, a different time. But there was only one thing Adagio could think of.

You.” Adagio hissed.

“You are the one unworthy Adagio. Though my past is dark, my future is bright. Unlike yours.” Sunset’s voice boomed.

“Who are you to call me unworthy!” Adagio roared before dashing forwards.

Sunset felt the witchblade stretch over her entire body, sensing the increased danger. She put her hands up, intercepting Adagio’s strike with her clawed hands. The woman struck furiously, with Sunset blocking each with increased ferocity. Adagio swung at Sunset’s head, missing as she ducked under the strike.

Sunset saw this opportunity and struck with a punch right into Adagio’s stomach. Adagio spat out blood as she keeled over. This provided enough distraction for Gilda to dash to the side and strike forwards with her talons. The talons struck true and pierced Adagio’s chest, causing the woman to let out a roar of anger.

Adagio threw a kick towards Gilda who barely managed to dodge out of the way, the kick causing her jacket to ripple. Sunset willed a blade to extend out from her arm which she then used to slash at Adagio, creating a large gash in the woman’s torso.

They looked to have the advantage, but the fight turned as Adagio suddenly manifested a claymore within her hand. Sunsets barely managed to duck under one of her swings, but was promptly kicked backwards by the woman. Adagio slammed the pommel of her blade into Gilda’s skull, knocking the girl backwards.

“How is that woman still standing? I jammed my talons right into her lungs!” Gilda exclaimed.

“She has the other half of the witchblade, it’s healing her!” Sunset explained.

“I don’t know what a witchblade is, but do you know how we can get it off her?!” Gilda asked.

{Detective's eye!}
“Detective’s eye.” Sunset muttered out alongside Pezzini’s voice.

Sunset narrowed her eyes, and noticed that her vision was now more focused. She could pick up more details, and predict the movements of Adagio in front of her. Adagio was very familiar with the claymore, that was one thing Sunset was sure of.

Adagio’s armor began to shift and morph. It enveloped the woman’s entire body, covering her from head to toe. Sunset could only gawk as a Christian cross appeared over Adagio’s torso, her armor becoming bright white.

“The holy grail.” Sunset’s brain began to piece everything together. “You were a crusader, or lived during the time didn’t you?”

“I was.” Adagio confirmed. “But before I met Godlife, I was a simple prostitute, living on the streets. She gave me new life.” Adagio gripped her sword. “I will be reunited with her one way or another, and you will not stop me.”

“Is this what she would have wanted!” Sunset shouted, her voice different than before, slowly shifting into that of an older woman. “If she saw what you were doing, she would be horrified!”

“You know nothing of her!” Adagio dashed towards Sunset. Sunset blocked Adagio’s sword strike with her arm blades, and the two pushed against each other. “You do not get to judge Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset pushed Adagio’s claymore to the side and manifested mental tendrils from her left hand to grab the woman’s right arm. Sunset’s enhanced eyes saw that Adagio was going to grab her tendrils, but she also saw Gilda running up behind the woman. Sunset let Adagio grab the tendrils and pull her forwards before gripping her by the neck.

Sunset was about to twist herself out of Adagio’s grip and throw the woman down, but Gilda threw a wrench in those plans. Gilda stabbed her talons under Adagio’s arm, causing the woman to roar out in anger. The woman slashed at Gilda, but the girl turned out to be more agile and she managed to duck under the slash, a few strands of her hair being cut in the process.

Sunset took this opportunity to manifest a baton in her hands which she used to slam into Adagio’s skull. The woman stumbled backwards giving Gilda an opening. The girl slashed at Adagio’s head, but it turned out to be a mistake.

Adagio grabbed Gilda’s arm with astonishing speed. She threw the girl down into the ground with a loud crack before gripping her by the neck. Sunset struck forwards with her blade but her eyes saw Adagio’s knee coming up. She quickly dodged to the side just as Adagio manifested metallic wires out of her left arm.

The witchblade will be mine!” Adagio roared. “And it will when you’re dead!”

{Claw of Darkness!}

“Claw of Darkness!” Sunset roared alongside Sara’s voice. With her enhanced reflexes, she grabbed the metallic wires with blackened claws, and felt a surge of power enter her. Adagio’s eyes widened in panic as she tried to pull away, but Sunset’s grip was like iron.

The witchblade began to transfer into her, but not fast enough. Adagio began to focus on Sunset, trying to pull the powers of the witchblade back towards her. Sunset noticed that Gilda was about to kick Adagio in the back of her skull. A figure caught her eye though, one that lurked behind the gate with a spear in their hands.

Detective’s eyes couldn’t see figures features, as if it was being obscured by a veil that the ability couldn’t see through. However, she saw that the person was about to toss the spear over the fence over towards them. Sara’s ability predicted the trajectory, and saw that it was aimed towards Gilda.

“Gilda! To your left!” Sunset shouted as the spear was thrown over.

Gilda followed Sunset’s direction just as the spear was thrown in the air. The girl quickly grabbed the spear out of the air, and as if it was natural to her, she stabbed it right into Adagio’s neck. Adagio let out a cry of pain, distracting her enough for Sunset to finally pull more of witchblade’s power than she would have.

Gilda was dropped to the ground, and the girl took this opportunity to impale Adagio right through the stomach. She lifted the woman into the air before slamming her into the ground.

Adagio tumbled on the ground as the metallic armor that once covered her began to dissolve. She lifted up a hand as the metal that covered it disintegrated into dust. The only part of witchblade that she still possessed only covered her right arm.

“It’s over Adagio.”

“No …” Adagio hissed. “No it will be your life that will be over!”

Out of the last manifestations of witchblade, Adagio created a claymore. She ran at Sunset, who created two batons within her hands.

Detective’s eyes made it simple for Sunset to dodge Adagio’s strikes as the woman swung wildly at her. It became more and more sloppy, eventually allowing Sunset the opportunity to grab her arm. Gilda appeared to the side and used her spear to buckle Adagio’s legs.

Sunset kicked Adagio in the face, knocking the woman backward, followed by Gilda, who slashed up with her spear into the woman’s face. Gilda twirled her spear before stabbing down through Adagio’s stomach, pushing the woman back, and pinning the woman into the earth.

Adagio let out a wet gurgle as she gripped the spear, kicking and struggling to push up from the ground. Sunset walked up to Adagio and stood over the woman who pathetically tried to claw at Sunset.

“The Witchblade was and has never been yours to possess.”

Sunset reached down and grabbed Adagio’s right hand. Adagio watched with horror as the last vestiges of the Witchblade joined back with Sunset. Sunset felt the full power of the Witchblade reenter her body.

Adagio slumped down back onto the ground, staring up at the night sky as tears traveled down her cheek. Her plan had failed; all her planning had resulted in nothing. Sunset could not help but look down at the woman in pity.

Sunset heard a sudden crack. She looked over her shoulder to see Silverstream kicking Pharynx right in the skull. Thorax used his spear to stab right through his brother's hand, causing the man to drop his own weapon. Thorax twisted his spear, ripping Pharynx’s hand off. Pharynx cried out in rage before Silverstream grabbed the man by the legs and pulled him off the ground. Pharynx slammed into the field with a loud crack before turning still.

To commemorate the victory, two head was tossed into the field, right in front of Sunset. She looked up to see Aria with a large scowl on her face. The woman looked to have seen better days with gashes and cuts all over her body. Her clothes and skin was torn, cut, slashed and bruised. “Yes, please, leave me alone with two of Chrysalis' most advanced guards.”

“I was sure you could handle it.” Silverstream smirked while Aria wiped the green blood off her blade.

Aria flipped the girl off before approaching Sunset and Adagio. She looked down at her sister with a smirk. “How the mighty fall doesn’t it sister.”

“Kill me and get it over with.” Adagio hoarsely whimpered.

“Gladly.” Aria smirked as she lifted up her blade over Adagio, but Sunset grabbed her arm.

“No.” Sunset shook her head.

“What are you doing?” Aria scowled. “Do you know what this woman has done? What she can do?”

“What have you done?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. Aria was silent after that question. “Do you know what I have done either?”

“Sunset. She’s a psychotic, power hungry murderer. Should we really spare her?” Gilda scoffed.

Sunset closed her eyes before kneeling next to Adagio. “You must let go.” Was all she could say to the woman.

“What do you know about letting go?” Adagio sneered. “You don’t know what it’s like …seeing your loved ones abandon you.” Adagio let out a small sob.

“But I do,” Sunset answered. Adagio looked up, and the two women met eye contact. “But the most you can do is to never give up, and to always move forwards.” She explained as her eyes noticed officers getting out of their police cars before moving towards the fields. “As long as you remember them, they will never go away.”

Sunset formed two metal wings upon her back and grabbed Gilda by the arm. “Hope you don’t get airsick easily.” She smirked.

“Nah. I actually like the air.” Gilda smiled softly.

Sunset turned towards Silverstream and Thorax, both who were carrying Pharynx in their arms. She also looked over at Aria who was scowling at the police officers running towards them. “You guys need a lift?” Sunset asked.

“My legs are my ride.” Silverstream snorted. Thorax snapped his fingers and two wings appeared upon his back.

Sunset raised an eyebrow to Aria who just let out a scoff. “I didn’t become the number one assassin by getting caught.” Aria sheathed her sword and tipped her head. “Until next time …Witchblade.”

“The next time we meet, I hope it’ll be more cordial.” Sunset narrowed her eyes.

Aria simply grinned. “I look forwards to it.” She remarked before leaping over the fence before blurring into the darkness and disappearing as if she was never there.

“Nice working with you witchblade.” Silverstream nodded before turning towards Gilda. “Take good care of that spear now you hear.”

“Actually, I have been meaning to ask. Who is it from?” Gilda asked as she turned towards the area beyond the fence which it had been thrown from.

“An old friend.” Silverstream smiled before brushing her hand towards them. “Now go, before the cops begin to ask questions I don’t want to answer.” Sunset looked around Silverstream and saw that the cops were indeed closing in on them.

“Until next time then.” Sunset nodded as she held Gilda close, and lifted off into the air right before the cops began to surround them. She looked down and saw Silverstream disappear in a blur along with Thorax, leaving behind Adagio, kneeling in the grass. The cops stared up as Sunset flew above the clouds and back home.

She held Gilda close, making sure the girl didn’t slip from her hands. They flew in silence for a while, with Gilda gripping the spear given to her close, closely analyzing the weapon. She eventually broke the silence though.

“Guess this explains why you were so secretive all the time.” Gilda smirked.

“I just received the Witchblade, and I was still adjusting to it.” Sunset snorted. “I’m sorry though. I should have let you in on it.”

“Nah …it’s fine. Everyone has their own secrets.” Gilda looked up somberly at the clouds above her. “Even me.”

“Will you ever tell me now that you know my secret?” Sunset smirked.

Gilda let out a snort. “Someday. Now let’s get home.” The girl remarked as the pair flew back to Celestia’s residence.


Sunset managed to fly back to Celestia’s home in one piece, and saw that the lights were on. She pursed her lips as she flew into her room with Gilda in her arms. She could hear Celestia’s and Luna’s voice through the walls, and she could only imagine what the two were saying.

“Damn it, how long were we out?” Sunset whispered as she placed Gilda down on the floor.

“I think I left the house around six.” Gilda guessed. “So I’ve been out of the house for about an hour. You’ve been out for a while.”

“Well shit.” Sunset looked down at her current attire at the moment, and didn’t wish to explain to Celestia and Luna why she was dressed like someone from a metal band album. “Gilda. Can you hold them off while I change?”

“Oh.” Gilda pursed her lips as if the sudden realization at what Sunset was wearing finally dawned on her. “Yeah.”

“Can you quickly turn around and look away?” Sunset asked. “I need to detransform and change quickly.”

Gilda obliged and turned away, turning towards a wall. Sunset let out a exasperated sigh as she felt the witchblade retract from her body and into the bracelet on her wrist. Now stark naked, she looked around the room for a fresh pair of clothes, before eyeing a set of dirty clothes on the ground. Though not ideal, it was better than nothing, so she quickly put it on as humanly possible.

‘Must you always shred my clothes?’

}}}Yes. I require direct contact with the users body. It can’t be interfered by any object, even clothing.{{{

‘That’s annoying.’ Sunset rolled her eyes.

“Sunset, I think Celestia’s coming.” Gilda snapped.

“I’m changed.” Sunset affirmed before turning around. It was just in time since the second she turned around, the door to their room opened, revealing a very disgruntled Celestia.

“Sunset? How did you …where were you?!” Celestia demanded to know as she stormed up to Sunset. “Do you know how worried I was for this past hour?!”

“I know, and I’m sorry, but there was something important …” Sunset tried to explain but was cut off by her principal.

“I came home to see that nobody was home! And the cops outside tell me that both you and Gilda had been missing for an entire hour! And that Gilda went off with a couple of strangers!” Celestia continue to rant. “It is still beyond me why they let you out without any supervision1”

“Oh yeah.” Sunset winced. “Those two.”

Behind Celestia, she could see Gilda trying to slip away. Sunset glared at the girl who just shrugged. Unfortunately, the girl bumped into Luna, who stopped in her tracks. She looked up with pursed lips, looking up at a very angry vice-principal.

“And you!” Celestia suddenly turned her attention towards Gilda. “Where did you run off? The officers told me that Sunset came back home, only for you to quickly rush out with two strangers!”

The rainbow haired woman face began to turn red as she continued on scolding the two girls. Sunset cringed, pushing through her surrogate mothers wrath whose temperament currently match one of a sun going supernova.

“I have been losing my mind for the past HOUR!” Celestia finally shrieked.

“Sister!” Luna finally snapped. “I understand that you were worried. So was I, especially after the recent attacks. But you are acting feral right now.”

“I am completely calm!” Celestia snapped.

“Ok.” Luna sighed as she pulled Celestia to the side. “Let me handle this.” She then turned towards Sunset. “Where have you two been? Do you understand how worried my sister and I was?”

“I know, and I am sorry.” Sunset muttered. “It wasn’t right for me to go off on my own. It was unfair.”

“Unfair isn’t the right word. It was reckless and irresponsible. What if you got hurt or kidnapped? I think it’s fair for us to be worried, especially after the recent string of mystery murders.” Luna shook her head.

“I understand.” Sunset mumbled, her head hung low, looking away from Luna’s glare.

“You two are grounded until the lockdown is finished.” Luna finally stated.

“What? You’re not my mother!” Gilda protested.

“But we are your guardians at the time being.” Luna snapped back. “Must I remind you there are violent murderers on the loose?!”

Sunset pursed her lips. “I almost forgot.”

“You best work on your memory then.” Luna scowled. “It’ll keep you safer.”

Luna turned around and walked out the room allowing Celestia to stand before the two girls now. “Can you two now tell me where you have been all night?” Their principal asked.

Sunset panicked as she realized that she didn’t plan for when Celestia and Luna inevitably asked her where she was. She wracked her brain for a potential excuse that would allow her to not tell Celestia that she had dipped her hand into more magic shenanigans.

‘Quickly brain. Make an excuse!’

“I went to a party.” Sunset’s brain decided.

“A party? Today? Where?” Luna scoffed.

“A secret one.” Gilda quickly interjected. “I have connections. Those two were my party pals back in …middle school.”

“Must have been one hell of a party.” Luna raised an eyebrow.

Gilda nodded. “Yes …it was.”

“So great that it lasted only an hour since you and your friend must have spent hours at home.” Luna narrowed her eyes. “And judging from when the police said you left, it would have been an hour and a half long party.”

“Yeah? So what?”

“Most parties last much longer.” Luna snorted. “I have been to my share of parties, so unless it suddenly changed the past few years, I’m sure you’re leaving something out.”

“It was just a party.” Sunset added in before shrugging. “We left early.”

Luna opened her mouth to continue pushing them, but Celestia put her hand on her sister's shoulder. “Just let it go Luna.” Celestia sighed. “You aren’t a police interrogator.”

“Whatever.” Luna backed up. She pointed at her eyes and then towards Sunset and Gilda. “I’m watching you two.”

“I’m sure you will.” Gilda snorted before Luna walked away.

Celestia let out an exapserated sigh as she watched her sister walk off. “Sunset, you need to be more careful.” Her principal sighed.

“I understand.” Sunset nodded. “I have actually been told that a lot recently.”

“You should heed their advice.” Her principal leaned forwards. “We only have one life on this world.”

“We understand Celestia.” Gilda sighed. “I’m just glad you aren’t yelling at us anymore.”

“I was yelling cause I had complete radio silence from you for the past hour.”

“I lost my phone at the warehouse.” Sunset muttered. “But I know I should have tried to contact you through other means.”

“Sunset.” Celestia put her hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Please remember. I am here to help you. Please don’t hide things from me, or go running off. Never be scared to ask for help.”

Sunset gave her principal a soft smile. “I understand. I know that now.”

She was given a smile from Celestia who started towards the door. “You are still grounded though.”

Unable to hold back a snort, Sunset simply nodded. “I know. Me and Gilda won’t try anything reckless.”

Her principal nodded in confirmation before giving the two a small smile. “It’s late you two. Get a good rest and get ready for tomorrow.” Celestia sighed before turning around and walking off.

Gilda closed the door after Celestia walked back into her room. She turned towards Sunset who sat down on the bed.

“Today did not go the way I thought it would go.” Gilda sighed as she sat down next to Sunset. “Speedsters, changelings, crusaders and super assassins. What have you gotten us into Sunset Shimmer?”

“Hey. You chose to come along.” Sunset pouted.

That got a hearty laugh out of Gilda. “That’s fair. Can’t ever sit down still.” Gilda was silent for second before continuing. “I guess it is something I was never able to shake off.”

“Well. If it means anything, I think it’s a good feature to have.” Sunset shrugged.

“Never being able to sit still?” Gilda snorted.

“The drive to never stop fighting, to never be passive.” Sunset let out a small snort. “What can I say. I’m the same way.” She looked down at her bracelet. “Do you want to know what I said to myself after Anon-A-Miss began to frame me?”

“What did you say?” Gilda asked.

Sunset got up off the bed and walked up in front of Gilda. “That Anon-A-Miss can go fuck herself. If I have to fight against the world to get to her, that’s exactly what I’ll do.” She gripped her bracelet where the witchblade was.

“Because when the world pushes you down, do you know what you do?” Sunset stuck a middle finger in the air. “You tell them to fuck off! You lift your head up and stick this in their face.”

}}}Well said.{{{

Gilda smiled and stood up from the bed. “Well said. Something tells me we’ll get along well.” She pat Sunset on the shoulder. “Just remember you don’t have to fight by yourself.”

“I know.”

Gilda let out a snort. “So what now?”

Sunset scrunched her eyes as she thought long and hard. After a few seconds of thinking, she finally came to a conclusion. “I think now …we sleep. It has been a long day.”

“Wisest thing you’ve said all day.” Gilda laughed.


Diamond Tiara woke up to find herself lying down on a couch in her living room. She looked around, confused, until her eyes noticed her mother sitting on the table next to her. Her mother had a grim expression on her face, one that the woman immediately tried to cover up when she saw that Tiara was awake.

“What happened?” Tiara groaned. “All I remember was being with the Canterlot Move Club. Though the reason why escapes me.”

“You had a bit too much soda to drink.” Spoiled Rich answered. “Your friends went home with mild headaches.”

“Too much soda?” Tiara wracked her brain for any memories of soda, but nothing came to mind. “Don’t remember that happening.”

“You need a good nights rest.” Spoiled Rich answered simply. The woman’s opal dress ruffled in unnatural ways, seemingly distorting and shimmering as she stood up. Tiara shook her head though, and just chalked it up to just being the headache pounding in her skull.

“Yeah.” Tiara muttered, her thoughts cloudy and muddled. She felt as she was in a haze, like walking out of a dream into another one, stuck transitioning between the two worlds. Usually, she remembered her mother being more strict about improper behavior, but for some reason, Spoiled wasn’t making a fuss about her behavior. “Yeah …sleep.”

“Goodnight daughter.” Spoiled said as she watched Diamond Tiara slowly get up and wander out of the living room toward her room. She made sure her daughter walked through her bedroom door and close it as well.

Spoiled closed her eyes and let out a sigh as a familiar presence entered her room. She opened her eyes and laced her hands together. She turned towards the figure behind her, an obsidian skinned woman wearing jade armor.

“Chrysalis. What is the occasion?” Spoiled asked.

“Adagio has been defeated.” The woman answered directly, planting herself onto the couch. “Witchblade wiped the floor with her.”

“What?” Spoiled scowled. “Weren’t you there with her?”

“I was dealing with the mansion that fell over my head, and the fucking Cyberforce.”

“Yet Adagio is still dead.”

“Not dead. Defeated. She has been taken into custody for gross negligence. However, rumors that she may put on trial for more egregious crimes.” Chrysalis sighed. “The situation has changed, so we must adapt.”

“Must I remind you that you still have yet to deliver. We are doing our part, but if you fail, our contract is void.” Spoiled sneered.

“Oh Spoiled. Your intelligence and social awareness is clouded by your pride.” Chrysalis sighed. “Must I remind you the consequences of failure for the wendigos?”

The obsidian skinned woman looked up at Spoiled. The woman face scrunched up in pure fury as she resisted the urge to strike at Chrysalis, but even she knew that was foolish. “No.”

“Than I suggest you provide me with a more cheerful tone.” Chrysalis scowled. “I have already made the adjustments to our plan. I am here you have also made the proper adjustments.”

Spoiled closed her eyes and somberly nodded. “The four horseman …has found their anchors.”

“Good. I quite liked them. More civilized and …level-headed.” Chrysalis smiled.

“So is the purpose of your visit just a status report?” Spoiled scoffed.

“No. There is another matter. Aria has gone rogue and allied with the witchblade. She is against us now. I believe I shouldn’t have to tell you why this is bad.” Chrysalis added.

Spoiled bristled at the news. “No, you don’t.”

“Good. Then I also don’t need to tell you why she needs to be taken out of the equation as soon as possible.” Chrysalis said. “Get your wendigos on her and the witchblade.”

“I’m running thin on resources.” Spoiled scowled. “We are still looking for Lust, Greed, and Wrath.”

“Wendigos.” Chrysalis shook her head. “That’s why you demons always fail. Feral, unorganized, and downright uncivilized.”

“I’ll get them under control.” Spoiled hissed angrily.

“You better. Because if you don’t, I will. And we both know how badly that will end for you.” Chrysalis sneered. The woman walked over towards the window in the living room and flung it open with ease. Two dark green, bony wings sprouted from her back. The woman turned towards Spoiled Rich and shot her a glare. “Two weeks!”

Chrysalis jumped out of the window and flew off into the night sky. Spoiled could only watch as she pressed her hands on the windowsill. Something weighed heavily on her, and it was wrapping her heart. It was a feeling of betrayal, a betrayal from her to her daughter. She closed her eyes a let out a sigh.

{Having second thoughts? Doubts?}

“No. I will see this through.”

{I am sure you will.}

“I will need to wrangle wrath and lust somehow.” Spoiled snarled.

{They won’t escape our grasp forever. Our pride won’t allow them}

Spoiled looked out the window and let out a low growl. “I know.”

{What about the witchblade and her new ally?}

“Their luck will eventually run out.” Spoiled gripped her windowsill, causing it to crack. “Because sooner or later, I’ll find them, and will have to face me.”

Author's Note:

Hello there Hi
Wow, this arc was longer than I originally intended it to be. The original arc was extremely short and I intended this arc to be the same length as well. However, multiple wrenches were thrown into the mix and it ended up being much longer than I originally intended.
Anyways, I changed the final fight a little bit. The original fight had just Kenneth Irons and Sarah against each other with her partner kind of just there. Also Nottingham gets just kicked out almost immediately and I was so disappointed seeing him just get thrown out the window.
Also, the final fight was kind of anti-climatic in the comics when Sarah kind of just destroys Kenneth Irons. I tried to make the fight a bit more two-dimensional, but it is kind of difficult with an object like the witchblade.
I am also i including the Cyberforce into this story. Cyberforce and Witchblade are in the same universe, but there is almost no screen time with the both of them on screen. From what I know, cyberforce only appears with Sarah in the artifact series which happened right before the REBOOT.
Next arcs will be shorter and a bit more compact and organized. I have plans for them and will get to writing it as soon as possible when I have time. University sucks, but I promise I will get it out and it will be a full arc.
I hope you enjoyed reading my fanfic, feel free to write any critiques in the comic below. :)