• Published 9th Nov 2023
  • 1,601 Views, 97 Comments

Well, This Is Unexpected - TheKing2001

After being defeated at the Fall Formal, Sunset is one hundred percent convinced she's going to be the most hated girl at school. If only she knew how wrong she was.

  • ...

Chapter XV

I sat on my bed and rubbed my cheek absent-mindedly as Rarity examined it.

“Who did you say slapped you, Sunset?” Rarity asked as she continued looking at my cheek.


“Derpy?” Rarity echoed in disbelief. “That sweet little thing? There’s no way. She’s tied with Fluttershy for sweetest girl in all of Canterlot High.”

“Oh it was her. Lyra was there too. Derpy said I was being stupid because I called myself an evil little bitch and she really didn’t like that. She slapped me twice in fact. On the same cheek. I’m not even mad, I’m impressed. I never once thought I’d get slapped by Derpy not once but twice. I just wish she did it when I bullied her.”

“I see. I can agree with her on that, you shouldn’t call yourself that. And why didn’t she slap you when you bullied her?”

Derpy had told me because she had faith in me that I’d better myself one day and that she would be there waiting to be my friend when I did. That surprised me out of anything. She had been waiting at least three to four years for this opportunity.

“I don’t know,” I lied and sighed. I didn’t know if Derpy wanted that to be public knowledge or not. Better to be safe than sorry.

“Mhm. Why don’t you take off your hoodie and try on one your shirts I made for you?” Rarity suggested eagerly as I hugged myself.

“Maybe later.”

“Why not know? I’m here, I can look away while you change and I can take your criticism.”

“It’s complicated.”

Rarity placed her hand on my wrist to stop me and I winced as she narrowed her eyes slightly.

“Pull up your sleeve,” Rarity demanded and I shook my head. “Do it or I will darling.”

I stayed silent as Rarity sighed, pulling up my sleeve as I yanked my hand back.

“What the hell?” Rarity said as she stared at the cut on my wrist and I shoved her off. I had never heard Rarity curse before.

“I think you should leave,” I muttered under my breath as she shook her head.

“Absolutely not. What was that about?” Rarity said and I shrugged. “I may be no Applejack, but I’m not an idiot. Be honest.”

“Fine I cut. There? Are you happy?” I sneered as she sighed.

“No I’m not. Why on earth would you think that’s a good idea?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“Well, enlighten me.”

“I can’t.”

“Then just try darl-”

“You weren’t the one who turned into a demon!” I shouted as she recoiled and I glared at her. “Nor did you get shot in the face point blank with a rainbow laser!”

We stayed quiet as I breathed.

“I may not have been the one that either of that happened to but believe or not, more than one of us in our group has dealt with this. I won’t say who because it’s not my place. Now why exactly are you doing that?” Rarity asked with distaste as she flicked a hand to my wrist as I covered it up.

“I have nightmares,” I muttered.

“I’m sorry? I didn’t hear you?”

“I have nightmares,” I said louder and looked at her.


“A lot of things. Becoming a demon again, killing you and the others, me getting killed, either by you girls or by the demon. Taking my teenage army to Equestria and getting killed by Princess Celestia or Princess Cadence in different fashions.”

“And how long exactly has this been going on?”

“Ever since the first night. When Fluttershy and you all refused to let me build the entrance of the school by myself and spent all weekend helping me.”

“That was about a month or two ago,” Rarity mused as she glared at me. “And you said nothing?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“I’m getting really damn tired of hearing that come out of your mouth,” Rarity snapped as I stared with wide eyes. “It is quite ridiculous. Make me understand.”

“I spent so long bullying you all. I’m not accustomed to this reaction of everyone, literally everyone befriending me. Just yesterday, Spitfire enlisted me to join the soccer team. Some days are better than others, some are just downright awful. Practically every night I wake up screaming and-”

“And what?” Rarity interrupted as I turned red.

“I uhm wet the bed from my nightmares,” I admitted as Rarity turned red herself. “Don’t tell anyone.”

“Trust me darling, I won’t. So you’re afraid is what you are saying.”

I opened my mouth and paused. I hadn’t really thought about it that way but now that I thought about it, she was right. I didn’t really admit when I was afraid. The only time I had been truly afraid was facing down Twilight when she and the others were powered up and now I guess.

“I guess you’re right,” I admitted as Rarity gave a weak smile.

“I know I am darling. Now give me that wrist,” Rarity said and gestured for it as I hesitated before complying. “Good lord darling, some of these are old. Do I need the other one as well?”

“Uhm maybe?” I offered weakly as Rarity sighed and held out her other hand as I gave her my other wrist. “Why?”

“Because I’m obviously going to have to make sure your wounds aren’t infected and properly cared for,” Rarity explained as she opened the first aid kit that she had sat between us when she first started examing my face.

“Don’t tell the others about me cutting please,” I mumbled as Rarity raised an eyebrow slightly. “I want to be the one to tell them. When I’m ready.”

“Alright,” Rarity nodded slowly as she narrowed her eyes again. “But you better tell them.”

“I will. So you’re only doing this because we are friends?”

“Of course not! I would do this for anyone. It’s the right and generous thing to do,” Rarity said as she glowed white, growing pony ears and a long pony tail as I stared in surprise. “What?”

“You should look in the mirror,” I said and pointed to the mirror hanging off my closet door. Rarity did slowly and her eyes widened as the white glow faded. I had never seen any of my friends do that before.

“What? How?”

“I’m not sure,” I admitted as Rarity touched one of her ears.

“Fascinating as this is, we must worry about that later and get you fixed up first,” Rarity decided.

I gave a slow nod as Rarity turned back to my injuries.

“Some of these new so the ointment will hurt a lot,” Rarity warned.

“I can take a little pain.”


Yeah, that was way more than a little pain. I should have gotten drunk first and maybe then I wouldn’t have felt it.