• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 490 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 15: Journey to Ponyville

The siblings just stared at the two Alicorns as they stared back. Celestia held a slight bemused and confused expression, though it was difficult to tell upon first glance. Whereas Luna just stared in anger and slight disgust. Though it was mostly directed at Arctic and Glacier.

“Dear sister, would thou agree that these are the ones causing panic amongst our subjects?” Princess Luna said glaring at the two.

Princess Celestia didn’t say anything. She just kept staring at the siblings. Twilight slowly walked up to the throne.

“Um, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, these are our friends.” Twilight said gesturing to the four.

“We shalt not believe the four of them are thy friends Ms. Sparkle.” Luna said, pointing to the four with a hoof. “These four are prisoners and will be punished!” Luna bellowed in her Royal Canterlot Voice.

Princess Celestia, who had just been observing, stood up and walked down from her throne to the siblings. She looked them each in the eye and smiled.

“You four are the ones I felt, correct?” Princess Celestia asked.

“What art thou talking about dear sister?” Luna asked as she looked down towards Celestia.

“You four were fighting in the Crystal Empire, yes?” Celestia asked.

The four siblings cautiously nodded. Luna just stared. She couldn’t believe that those four were fighting in the Crystal Empire.

“Sister, dost thou expect me to believe that these four were fighting in the war? They don’t even look like proper fighters.” Luna said incredulously.

“Princess, if I may?” Said Twilight, looking up to Luna. Luna nodded.

“Well, first, I should introduce you all.” Twilight said before clearing her throat. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, meet Arctic Okami, Glacier the Ice dragon, Tundra Storm, and Winter Winds.”

Celestia went wide eyed as she looked over to Glacier. Even Luna’s eyes widened slightly.

“An Ice Dragon? I never thought I’d see one again.” Celestia said.

“Um, Princess, what in tarnation is an Ice Dragon?” Applejack asked.

The others also wanted to know. They had been mainly discussing Arctic and his race and Glacier, didn’t exactly go into his kin because neither he nor even Twilight, with the amount of studying she does, knew much about Ice Dragons beyond the basic things.

“Well, I’m assuming Twilight has given a bit of information on Ice Dragons when you first met?” Process Celestia Asked.

The girls all nodded.

“Well, beyond that, Ice Dragons are a subspecies of dragon who inhabit the more snowy regions of Equestria. There aren’t very many of them, as they are quite rare. My sister and I have only met two and that was when we were young fillies. I never thought I’d get to see another. It is a pleasure to meet you, Glacier.” Celestia said giving a slight bow, making Glacier blush slightly.

“Now, what of thou? Thee art not a creature we have seen before.” Luna said walking down to Arctic.

“Um, that’s because I’m the only of my kind here.” Arctic said nervously.

“What does thou mean?” Luna asked narrowing her eyes slightly, making Arctic even more nervous.

“He’s the only of his kind, because he’s an Alien, Princess.” Twilight said, a smile plastered across her muzzle, clearly still happy she’s in the presence of a real life alien and befriended it.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia looked to Arctic with a mix of emotions. They were in shock, amazement, and a bit of unease.

“An alien?” Celestia asked.

“Yes Princess.” Arctic said.

“Yup. Our brother here is an alien. Ain’t that right ya big ole goober?” Winter said lightly hitting Arctic’s arm.

“That is right, you little ole goober.” Arctic said gently hitting Winter with his tail.

This surprised the Princesses even more. Those four were siblings? How?

“Young ones,” said Luna, “please explain to us how you four are siblings.” Luna said.

The four of them recounted how the four of them were siblings. How their parents adopted Glacier, discovered and adopted Arctic, and later gave birth to Tundra and Winter.

“Well, that was quite the story.” Said Celestia with a smile. “Your parents must be wonderful ponies. I would like to hear more about them and your home at a later date. But for now, would you mind explaining your stint in the Crystal Empire?”

The siblings nodded and explained everything. Them being found by some of the ponies from Sombra’s army, their fight, getting imprisoned, training up some of the Crystal Ponies, the battle within the Empire, and their battle with Sombra alongside the Element Bearers.

Celestia took it all in as well as Luna, though she had a bit of a difficult time believing it all.

“Well, I apologize for you four getting caught up in this war, but if it weren’t for your help, who knows what would’ve happened. So I thank you for giving aid to the Crystal Empire.” Celestia said giving them a bow.

Luna, reluctantly, gave them a bow as well. Though she still couldn’t believe that they were fighting with Sombra and his Army. Perhaps she could test them someday. See for herself if these four siblings were truly able to hold their ground against Sombra.

“I must ask, what are your plans now?” Asked Celestia.

The four siblings looked to each other and shrugged.

“Princess, we left our home to see more of Equestria. To see what else lies beyond our home.” Said Glacier

“We would like to see more, but maybe we should do that once everything is calmer. A war did just finish, so there’s probably a lot that needs to be done.” Said Tundra.

“Where will you be staying in the meantime?” Asked Riot Shield, who had been silently watching and listening to everything.

“We don’t really have anywhere to stay.” Said Glacier.

“And after how the other ponies reacted to myself and Glacier, I don’t think anypony will want anything to do with us.” Added Arctic.

Suddenly a loud gasp broke through the air. Looking back ever saw the sound came from Pinkie Pie.

“You can stay with us in Ponyville!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Ponyville?” Asked the siblings.

“Yeah, it where we live! It’s only the bestest most funest wonderfulest places in all of Equus! I can throw you a “Welcome to Ponyville” Party! It’ll be one of the biggest and most funest party I’ve ever thrown! And you’ll love it I guarantee it! WAIT! You still haven’t told me your favorite flavors of cake! Is it Strawberry? Chocolate? Vanilla? Oh oh oh, I know! I’ll make a cake with all the flavors! This is gonna be amazing!” Said Pinkie as she excitedly bounced up and down. Her mind already racing with what to do for the upcoming party.

All of the others were both shocked and amazed that Pinkie got all that out in a single breath.

“Um, alright then. Well, how do you four feel about Ms. Pie’s suggestion?” Asked Rarity.

The four looked to each other. They all unanimously agreed they could go stay in Ponyville.

“We don’t mind going, but would the other ponies in Ponyville mind?” Asked Winter.

“What do you mean?” Asked Rainbow. “How could they not want you guys there. You’re all so cool. Especially you, Arctic. Who wouldn’t want to meet and be friends with a real life alien?” Rainbow said a smile plain as day on her face. She was clearly still giddy over the fact she befriended a real life aliens who could fight and transform and even fly. She also really wanted to race him. As well as his brother and sister, Winter. She wanted to see how fast they really were.

“Um, Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy. “You saw how all those ponies at the train station reacted to Arctic and Glacier. What if the same thing happens in Ponyville?”

“Oh, right.” Said Rainbow.

“Oh I’m sure everypony’ll warm up to them Sugarcube.” Said Applejack.

“Where will we be staying though?” Asked Tundra.

After a brief moment of silence, Twilight spoke up.

“You can stay at my place.”

“Are you sure? We wouldn’t want to intrude or be a burden.” Tundra said.

“Of course I’m sure. Spike can also meet another Dragon and meet a real life Alien.” Twilight said with a broad smile.

“Hehe, bet she only wants them there so she can study Arctic more.” Applejack whispered to Rainbow.

“Hope he’s prepared.” Said Rainbow quietly to Applejack.

“Then, we thank you for allowing us to stay with you.” The four said bowing to Twilight.

“Well, if you four are leaving, I do hope to see you again soon. I really would like to talk with you four some more.” Celestia said.

The siblings smiled at her and bowed to her and Luna.

“We’ll be sure to come back to speak with you again Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Said Winter.

“I look forward to it.” Celestia said with a smile and nod.


After being escorted by Riot Shield, the group was now aboard the train once again and in an empty car, so no chaos would ensue.

“I can’t wait to get back home. I hope Spike isn’t too worried.” Said Twilight.

“Nonsense Twilight. Little Spikey-Wikey is a brave little dragon. I’m sure he’s fine.” Rarity said.

“Ah just can’t wait to get back to see mah family. Applebloom has to be worried sick about me.” Applejack said.

“Ugh. I just can’t wait to relax. Well, after the party anyway. Right Pinkie?” Rainbow asked, lazily glancing over to Pinkie who was sitting in Arctic’s lap.

After boarding the train, Arctic and pinkie were talking when Arctic started absentmindedly petting Pinkie’s head. When it was brought to his attention that he was petting her, courtesy of Winter, he stopped, only for Pinkie to ask him to keep going as, according to her, his petting made her feel like she was, “relaxing on a bed of Cotten Candy with a slice of her favorite cake.””

Pinkie, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, her eyes shut, looking to be off in another world, lazily wave her hoof and muttered out a “yupperoni .”

The others just watched and laughed enjoying the calm atmosphere as the train rattled down the tracks towards Ponyville.

After a long ride, the train had begun to approach Ponyville’s train station, and they all got up, preparing to disembark. Well, except for Pinkie, who was all to comfy laying across Arctic’s lap and enjoying the head pats, didn’t want to get up. It wasn’t until Arctic promised to give her head pats again after the party did Pinkie hop up ready to get off the train. After it came to a halt at the station, they all began to get off the train and walk into Ponyville. However Ponyville seemed quiet. They were expecting to see others at the train station, but nopony was there. After a bit of walking, they all came up towards the center of Ponyville, when suddenly a bunch of loud pops and bangs sounded. Confetti rained down over them all as pony after pony emerged from their hiding places and a large banner dropped down reading, “Welcome Home!”

The Element Bearers all stood in silence as all the ponies before them shouted out in glee, welcoming their friends home. Then they all charged towards them. The siblings watched on as Twilight ran to a small purple dragon, Rarity ran to a small unicorn filly who they assumed was Rarity’s little sister. Applejack rushed off to her kin, a small filly, an older mare, and a big red stallion. Fluttershy ran towards a group of animals who all tackled her and hugged her tight, licking all over her face. Pinkie was greeted by a mare and stallion who the group assumed were Pinkies parents as they watched them hug her. Rainbow was greeted by a small orange Pegasus filly who hugged the mare tight.

As the siblings watched, they saw Twilight break away from the young drake who was clinging to her with tear streaming down his face. With a loud clearing of her throat, Twilight began to speak.

“Thank you everypony for the wonderful welcome home surprise. But before things really kick off, I’d like to introduce you all to my newest friends and Ponyville’s newest residents. Meet Tundra Storm, Winter Winds, Glacier the Dragon, and Arctic Okami!”

The siblings gave a small wave. As the residents of Ponyville heard the names and watched them step up, they cheered and welcomed them, however once it got to Glacier, it was clear that they all were caught off guard and were getting a bit nervous. Sure they have seen dragons. Well, more specifically they’ve seen one dragon, Spike, they had never seen a dragon like Glacier before. And once Twilight got to Arctic was when everypony just stopped. They all looked at Arctic as he waved and nervously at them. The element bearers and the siblings could tell that they were uneasy, scared even.

Fluttershy rushed up to the siblings and turned to face the crowd.

“Everypony, please don’t be scared. Arctic and Glacier are both sweethearts and they’re both my friends. I know you all can find it in your hearts to welcome and befriend them as well.” Fluttershy said.

This threw everypony off. Fluttershy was defending those two and even claimed to be their friend? They watched as soon Pinkie happily bounced up to the siblings. After getting behind Arctic and wiggling her butt, like a cat ready to pounce, the tiny pink mare jumped up onto Arctic’s shoulder.

“Yeah, Arc and Glaci are the bestest Dragon and Saiyan I know. And between you and me, Arc gives the best head pats.” Pinkie said.

That got a bit of a chuckle out of the crowd and a blush from Arctic. As each of the six mares began to defend Arctic and Glacier, the ponies of Ponyville all cautiously looked to the two, before one mare slowly and cautiously walked up to them.

The mare was an Earth Pony. Her mane was Gray and her coat a nice tan color. Her eyes were a deep blue and her cutie mark was a scroll. The mare stopped before Arctic and Glacier before speaking in a shaky nervous voice.

“Um, h..hello. M..my name is Mayor Mare. I am the m..mayor of Ponyville. I’m pleased to meet you.”

Mayor Mare slowly raised her hoof as Arctic and Glacier gently shook it. Mayor mare quickly backed up a bit as she gave a small smile.

“Well, now that that’s out of the way, who’s ready to give these four the best “Welcome to Ponyville” party ever!?” Shout Pinkie who was still perched atop Arctic’s shoulder.

The ponies of Ponyville were still cautious, but seeing how those six mares jumped up to defend them gave them all a small bit confidence. Maybe those two really weren’t all bad. But still, they were all still going to be quite cautious around those two.

As Pinkie hopped off of Arctic’s shoulder, she quickly began to set up the party as the four siblings just looked to each other ready to face whatever Ponyville could throw at them head on.