• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 497 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 4: Meeting with the Queen

After a bit of shopping at the local shops and stalls, the quartet had returned home in order to drop off what they had gotten. With what money they had on them, they bought different foods that they could take on their journey, as well as a tent big enough for the four of them to sleep in comfortably, sleeping bags and pillows, as well as new saddlebags. Although, for Glacier and Arctic, their “saddlebags” were the regular bags, except the bags were attached to a belt that went around their waists and the bags were a bit larger than normal. Arctic also had a separate bag to carry on his back to hold his clothes and other items.

“Okay, that should be everything we would need.” Tundra said, going over everything in an attempt to make sure nothing was missing.

“The food should last a few days, till we eventually have to go hunting for food.” Glacier replied, also looking over everything.

In the meantime, Arctic and Winter were sitting at the table writing a note for their parents to find. They wanted to tell them and the Queen in pony, so they decided to tell them as well as the Queen at her castle. So, the note was to let them know to get to the castle after work.

“Aaannnd finished.” Said Winter as she set the quill down.

Calling out to his other siblings, Arctic said, “The note’s done!”

“Okay!” Came the reply.

After everything was all said and done, they left the house once more. Not before leaving the note taped to the front door.

Now, the trip from their home up to the castle was a long and tiring affair, not just for them, but for the other residents of the Kingdom. It also, took quite a while to get other places throughout the kingdom, as it was a very large one. So, in order to get places faster, a fleet of trolleys had been crafted. A group of talented creators had given rise to these machines many years ago. The run with the power of Gemstones. Since gems aren’t that hard to find and are quite plentiful in certain parts of the kingdom, these trolleys have been running throughout the kingdom since they were built.

The siblings had always enjoyed watching the trolleys roll on by carrying other residents of the kingdom to and fro. They enjoyed it even more when they took on the opportunity to ride on one of them. So, riding to the castle on the trolley was a wonderful time.

After a few minutes, the quartet had arrive at the castle’s station and got off. After waving goodbye to the driver of the trolley, they looked back to the castle. It always filled them with both awe and intimidation.

The castle was massive. Just about, if not, bigger the Canterlot Castle. Though, of course, they were blissfully unaware of Canterlot Castle and Canterlot itself.

The castle was of many shades of blues and even some purples. It also held some gold as well. The castle always seemed to glow and shine throughout the day. Though it was a night when it seemed to glow its brightest. Like a beacon, shining its light brightly, let the residents of the kingdom know that their ruler was there, watching over them all, like a mother watching over her children.

As they walked up towards the castle, they were halted at the gate by the two guards stationed there.

“Halt! Who goes there?” Said the guards in unison. It almost sounded as though only one voice had spoke out.

“I, Tundra Storm, and my siblings, Glacier the Dragon, Arctic Okami, and Winter Winds, request to meet with Queen Snowblossom.” Tundra said trying not to give off the fact that she was a bit intimidated. The guards were quite big after all. Not the mention the swords they were carrying. While she could defend herself yes, she wouldn’t last. These two were some of the best of the Royal Guard.

“Do my ears deceive me, or are my four students really hear?” Called a voice.

From within the gate a Unicorn mare had stepped out. She was clad in golden armor, her helmet removed and floating beside her. Her yellow coat somewhat visible and her light gray mane and tail flowed in the wind. Her deep red eyes stared at the quartet. A soothing gentleness and kindness to them.

“Miss Sunshine!” Called the quartet. They were happy to see her.

Miss Sunshine, aka. Sunshine Javelin, was the captain of the Royal Guard. She was a tough as nails mare and highly respected among many. While she held a tough air to her, she was quite kind and often acted like an elder sister to many.

“So what are you lot doing here?” Sunshine asked. “Here for some training again?”

Glacier stepped up and spoke.

“No ma’am. We’re here to speak with Queen Snowblossom.”

“Oh? Whatever for?” Sunshine said giving an inquisitive look and slightly tilting her head.

They felt they should tell her the reason as to why, but were a bit timid about it. But they deeply respected her. She was their teacher after all. So they decided to fill her in.

“Can we tell you and the Queen as well? Our parents will be arriving so they can be told too.” Winter said shyly.

Sunshine was curious and suspicious. She wondered what it was they wanted to the Queen, their parents, and now her. But she figured she should wait and see where this goes.

She loves the group and trusts them. In fact, outside of training, she treats them like her younger siblings. She always wanted that, younger siblings. After her and a few other guards had a run-in with a rampaging Oozaru Arctic, she had offered to train him to better control that form. During their training, the others got into the mix, wanting to train as well. That was when their relationship blossomed.

“Very well. I’ll take you to her.” Sunshine said, some suspicion present in her voice.

She turned to the guards at the gate.

“Let them in. And when their parents arrive, Snowflake Winds and Sweeping Gale, arrive, be sure to let them in.”

“Yes ma’am” the two guards said as they opened the gate and allowed the quartet in.

After getting on castle grounds and hugs exchanged between the siblings and Sunshine, she led them in and towards the Queen’s throne room. Along the way, the siblings glanced around the castle. They had only briefly seen the inside, so they really took everything in. The colors, the staff rushing about the castle keeping things in order, the tapestry strewn about the walls, they even glanced out the windows at the gardens.

After their sightseeing, they had come up to a massive set of gold double doors. The siblings looked upon it with awe.

“Well have to sit here and wait for your parents to arrive then we can go in.” Sunshine said to the group and with a nod of their heads, they all sat upon a sofa and began chatting about random things.

Once about an hour had passed, Sweeping and Snowflake had arrived being escorted by a guard.

“Thank you for bringing them.” Sunshine said to the guard.

“My pleasure Ma’am” said the guard as she saluted and walked off.

Sweeping looked over to his children and spoke.

“We found your note. What was it you wanted to tell us?”

“And why did we have to be told at the castle?” Snowflake chimed in.

“Whatever it is seems to be important. Important enough for the Queen to know.” Sunshine said looking from Sweeping and Snowflake to the quartet with a raised eyebrow. “Am I right?”

Timidly, they shook their heads.

“Very well. Let’s go see the Queen.” Sunshine said.

As the group approached the doors the guards opened them, allowing them all to enter the throne room.

While the throne room was no big deal to Sunshine, having been in it multiple times, the same couldn’t be said for the family. They all marveled at the throne room.

It was huge. Undeniably massive. It held the same blues, purples, and golds as the rest of the castle. It also had many different flowers adorning the walls, candles giving the room a gentle and welcoming glow, there were even fountains connected to the walls on either side leading up to the throne. The sound of the water gave a calming bliss to any being who heard it. The carpet, which was a deep red, lead up to the throne and sitting atop it, was Queen Snowblossom.

Queen Snowblossom was big. If she or any other being known of Princess Celestia and seen her, they would see that Queen Snowblossom was bigger than her. Queen Snowblossom’s coat was a light blue, her sparkling mane and tail, which flowed in a nonexistent wind, were a light grayish blue. She had dull blue eyes that gave off a sense of calm. Her gold regalia shown brightly with purple gems embedded within them. At her side, sat a golden scepter with a snowflake at the top, a purple gem in the center.

As she looked down at the group walking up to her, in a low, calming, and soothing motherly voice, she spoke.

“Welcome my dear subjects. What brings you here today?”