• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 971 Views, 33 Comments

Restoring a wasteland. - Aiwhisper

When Sunset returned to Equestria she got her old wish, but at what cost.

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Ch3. First small step.

“Dusk, is that you, are you ok?” I heard Sunset’s voice ring out. I was currently laying on my side on the hard concrete sidewalk near the base of a familiar statue.

“Yep it’s me and all good.” I slowly stood up and grabbed the hand she held out. “Glad to have these back.” As I checked myself over I noticed the elements had converted themselves into something similar to a watch but with no actual timepiece for the both of us.

“You’re balancing much better than I first did on two legs.” She noted. Sunset was shorter than I was and proportional to our alicorn bodies. Looking around I spotted the nearby Canterlot High which looked to be in session.

“Well I was originally human. I feel like the colors are new though.” I wiggled my lavender fingers. “Yours feel much more natural than mine on a human, look better at least.” She smiled at that. “By the way is it the weekend?” I was a bit worried about students spotting us.

“Well that saves us time at least and no it’s Monday so classes are in. What about magic? I can feel mine this time around which is amazing.” A light glow emitted from her hand and a nearby rock began to glow. Her pony features also began to make their appearance.

Before I could answer a voice rang out. “Sunset Shimmer what are you doing outside?” The rock fell and her features reverted, hopefully going unnoticed by the newcomer.

“Oh hey principal Celestia. I was just showing my friend here around town.” She awkwardly answered. It must be so strange to know another version of your own mother, like a twin I guess.

“Hi there, I’m Dusk Shine.” I took my cue and held out my hand to the women. I looked to be about eighteen so could pass for a senior or graduate.

“Hello Dusk.” She gave me a friendly hand shake. “It’s nice of Sunset to show you around but shouldn’t you also be in school?” Her eyebrows rose. Oh good she didn’t notice or ignored the magic show.

“Actually, I just moved to town.” My element made it impossible to lie so I had to go with half truths. “We met over the weekend and really hit it off.”

“Yep. Hence me showing him around and ending our tour at the school.” Sunset gave a winning smile.

“I see, well Sunset you go ahead and get to class and you can meet up with your friend later. One I can assume I will be seeing after I get the paperwork?” Principal Celestia’s eyes narrowed like she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

Sunset nodded giving me her phone, so I could find the locations I would need, along with a key to enter her apartment and a quick word before following along. “I’ll meet you at my place after school buy yourself a phone while out.” Well looks like we’ll have to split up for a bit.

Pocketing the items I began my journey towards a local pawn shop after looking them up on the map. Time to get some cash.

As Sunset walked the halls grumbling to herself she bumped straight into someone.

“Sunset you alright?” The human Applejack’s souther draw rang out. “I haven’t seen ya all day.”

“Oh, hey AJ. Yeah just had errands to run and stuff.” She adjusted her backpack. It was heavy with all the extra items. Her mind was also heavy with all the plans her and Dusk would need to carry out before the portal closed, unless they found a way to maintain it. The thought caused her to grumble.

“Well if you’re finished want to meet up with the girls after school? Pinkie wanted us to try out some new cupcake recipes.” AJ smiled but could tell her friend was upset. Applejack still found it surprising how close they became after that first year of fighting.

“Sorry, not today I.” She cut herself off when she realized just how much help she and Dusk needed. “Actually Aj you know what, why don’t you all meet up at my place. I have someone I need to introduce to you girls.”

“Uh, sure. I bet Pinkie wouldn’t mind and it would be nice to finally see your place. Want to text them?” AJ asked

“Would you mind doing it, I let a friend borrow mine.” Sunset asked but AJ happily pulled out her phone and began texting the others.

“Great I’ll see you all after classes and we can go together.” Sunset finished and ran off to class. She had no plans on paying attention but getting caught now would be a disaster. She instead worked on brainstorming a way to move the portal before working on keeping it open.

“One, two, three thousand.” The pawn shop owner counted out the cash. I could tell he had never seen such pure gold in the form of a few coins by the look he was giving me. Luckily he didn’t ask questions and I knew their worth so only parted with a dozen at one shop. Ug wish I could just do this all in one place, it’s already the fourth shop I’ve had to walk to.

“Thanks, have a great day.” I quickly put the cash in my bag and left the shop. I was impressed by the stamina my alicorn strength granted even as a human. Okay first step of acquiring cash finished. Sunset still has the rest she’s going to use for buying a warehouse and my papers from her contact, meaning time for supplies.

Back in Equestria I was wondering how we would transport everything but Sunset found a couple sets of enchanted saddle bags in the vault that were converted to backpacks by the portal. Man magic is great. The purple gem on my wrist glowed happily.

As I continued to walk the street I eventually made it to a shop similar to Wallmart. Stepping inside I could tell it would have everything we would need to get started. Glad we won’t need camping supplies.

I grabbed a cart and began filling it with canned goods and other long lasting vegetarian items. There was no point getting anything fresh or frozen as time still passed inside the bags. We are going to get so sick of pasta.

Along with the food I picked up a couple prepaid smart phones and other technology we could use on the other side like walkies, laptops and solar chargers. Bet I could rig them to work with magic too.

When I reached the checkout line the woman behind the counter gave me a look. “Can you afford all this?”

I discreetly showed her some of the cash. “It’s… for a community project.” Wow, not being able to ever lie is hard.

She didn’t care about the explanation so long as I had the cash. Once finished and I had paid I took my cart to the side parking lot to transfer the items into my backpack after making sure I was alone. Wow this is weird.

“So Sunset who are we going to meet? Also nice new bling.” Pinkie was skipping along with the rest of the girls. Sunset was getting nervous about having them over for the first time and the news she needed to share.

“Yes, why all the secrecy Darling? Also I must agree with pinkie that accessory is simply divine.” Rarity asked after checking her phone. The Elements glowed a bit, pleased with the compliment, forcing Sunset to cover her wrist.

“Well, he’s a new friend from out of town. I’ll let him introduce himself.” She replied once they had all reached her building. It wasn’t far enough to drive so the girls had left their cars at school.

“He?~” Rarity gushed at the gossip and rubbed shoulders with Sunset.

“Grr.” Sunset playfully pushed her away.

“Well it’s still cool we finally get to see your place.” Rainbow checked out the building.

“Yeah we normally hang out at Pinkie’s or my farm. Dash we really haven’t seen your place neither come to think about it.” AJ rubbed her chin.

Rainbow got a nervous look. “Oh hey, we’re here.”

Once inside the group easily spotted the young man asleep and spread out on the couch. All but Sunset gave him an appraiser’s look.

“Is this who you wanted us to meet?” Rainbow walked over and poked the newcomers chest. “Huh, surprisingly firm.”

“Rainbow don’t do that.” Fluttershy spoke while Sunset lightly hit her friends shoulder. “He’s asleep.”

“Well I was.” I laughed when the girls, mostly Fluttershy, got spooked. “So Sunset, what are your friends doing here?” I wasn’t upset just more confused.

“I figured they could help.” Sunset must have assumed I was.

“You sure? I thought you wanted it just us to start. Do they even know about…” I motioned towards my bracelet.

“No, I was going to tell them now.” She huffed.

“If you’re sure.” We shared a look.

“Could someone please tell us what the hay is going on.” AJ practically yelled while the other girls nodded.

“All right why don’t you girls sit down.” Sunset motioned towards the couch as I stood up next to her. “This is going to sound a bit crazy.”

“Pinkie Sush.” I put a finger to her lips before she could interrupt.

Sunset ignored me and took a deep breath. “I’m not human, I’m actually a pony.” The girls all looked confused but let her continue.

“A few years ago I ran away from home using a magic portal and ended up here. The portal also made me younger so I was forced to relive my school years from middle school up.” The girls all shared looks of concern that their friend was loosing it.

“Yesterday I finally returned home when the portal opened again but my home has basically been destroyed.” Sunset began to tear up so I wrapped an arm around her. “Dusk and I are the only ponies left and we need help rebuilding. I know it’s a lot but would any of you girls like to help?”

The five sat there stunned until Rainbow spoke first. “Is this a prank? I feel like your messing with us.”

“Rainbow Dash can’t you see our friend is hurting!” Fluttershy wrapped Sunset in a hug and I backed off. “There there.”

“It’s no joke girls.” I pulled on the string of magic and revealed my glowing pony features. Sunset did the same in Fluttershy’s arms who ran her fingers over Sunset’s wing.

“It’s so soft.” She cooed.

“My word you both look magnificent.” Rarity jumped up to check me out. “Wings and a horn?”

“We’re both alicorns. Rulers of pony kind who are normally broken up into a few other tribes, when they were alive.” Sunset trailed off And I picked up.

“Sunset here handles the day and the sun while I manage the night and the moon. We weren’t born alicorns we became them as the last two ponies. Oh we’re also immortal now so there’s that.” I shrugged.

“So not a prank.” Rainbows brain rebooted as did the others who surrounded us to check oh the additions. “Still doesn’t answer why you told us.”

Sunset quickly gave an overview of our plan to rebuild by importing the basics and rebuilding from scratch with a more modern twist. She left out details like the location of the portal or my arrival but answered their other questions.

“Hold up sugar, you want us to go with you, and do what? We ain’t exactly Ponies.” Applejack said.

“Which is really unfortunate.” Fluttershy said quietly but everyone still heard. Is human Fluttershy a furry? Makes sense.

“Actually the portal changes you into the native species which is why we look human.” Sunset explained.

“That still doesn’t explain.” Rainbow looked at the group, noticed the gender ratio and quickly backed up. “Oh hell no, I’m not ready for kids.”

Pinkie and I couldn’t help but laugh when I realized what she thought while the others looked confused again. “Dashie I don’t think that’s why they asked.”

“Though I wouldn’t say no.” I winked at her causing Pinkie and I to bust up laughing again. The others realized what was happening and joined in.

“I can’t do it.” AJ spoke first and shook her head. “My parents would never let me leave, not to mention the rest of my family. Guess her parents survived here.

The other girls all replied the same until it came to Fluttershy. “I want to go.” Everyone looked at her but she didn’t back down. “A whole world for critters to live in and me there to help bring them back sounds wonderful, and I get to be a pony?”

“Fluttershy are you…” I cut Sunset off.

“Yep you could even talk to animals and Technically you would be a Pegasus.” I finished.

“With wings?” Her eyes sparkled and I nodded.

“Hold up, how do you know that?” Rainbow got in my face. “How do you even know Sunset?”

“I know because I have seen it in your magical signature and I am her co-ruling alicorn.” I puffed up a bit. “For example you would also be a pegasus, Rarity a Unicorn while Pinkie and Applejack would be Earth Ponies.” I smiled back at her.

“Earth pony. Sounds kind of, lame.” Applejack looked disappointed.

“Not at all. Earth Ponies are stronger, tougher, live longer, and can help plants grow. An experienced earth pony can harvest crops almost three or four times a year instead of once. As well as many other natural skills.” I explained. “Pegasus have the ability of flight and weather manipulation and unicorns have general magic like levitation or spells. Alicorns have the power of all three tribes and the subsets such as thestrals also known as Luna Pegasi.”

The girls all looked thoughtful and under Applejack’s breath she said. “Hot dog, three ta four harvests a year?”

“Look you girls don’t need to decide right now, we still have plans to work on and a portal to move. Why don’t you all head home and think it over.” With Sunset’s declaration the girls all slowly left together, returning to their cars.

“Well, that went surprisingly smoothly.” Sunset collapsed onto her couch and let her magic fade after lowering her sun back on Equis. I didn’t say anything as I raised my moon. Glad our links work through the portal but that was way harder.

“They are your friends.” I joined her on the couch before passing back her phone to focus on setting mine up. Maybe I should find Twilight eventually, her genius would be helpful.

Eventually Sunset fell asleep, drooling on my side, while replying to more of her friends questions via text. I joined her not long after and found myself in the dream realm.

“Spike look at this.” Twilight Sparkle picked up her dog. “My equipment has been picking up strange energy readings all weekend and tonight they massively surged. Oh I just have to investigate.”

Sci Twi began breaking down her equipment into a more portable form. “I just have to figure this out.”