• Published 26th Nov 2023
  • 990 Views, 33 Comments

Restoring a wasteland. - Aiwhisper

When Sunset returned to Equestria she got her old wish, but at what cost.

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Ch4. On earth.

Most of Sunset’s five best friends sat awake in their beds that night. They had all learned a massive secret along with being given the choice of a lifetime. To see another world and help rebuild it.

Fluttershy was the only one who actually managed to sleep and dreamt about speaking with all of her critters as a cute pony.

Applejack was pondering becoming the first farmer in another land and regrowing everything she could. “I could grow so much food.”

Rarity was excited about the idea of working for royalty. “I could make such wonderful outfits.”

Pinkie was already planning parties for their failures or successes. “It’s going to be a blast.”

Rainbow thought about what it would be like to fly. “I could fly.” She looked at all of the blue angels posters on her walls.

Sunset and I were currently standing outside of an old warehouse in the mid morning sun. “What are we doing here again?”

“I texted my contact last night and she’s going to hook us up with this building.” She pointed a thumb at the warehouse. “It cost quite a bit for the speed.”

Before I could ask anything else a car pulled up and the driver stepped out. The driver then opened the back door revealing, who I could only assume by the accessories, Silver Spoon.

“Sunset Shimmer. Good to see you outside of school again.” The young girl smiled and they shared a hug. “And nice to meet you Dusk Shine.” She politely held out a hand that I shook.

“Hey Silver thanks again for getting this done so quickly.” Sunset smiled at the young heiress.

“Nonsense what are friends for. Also where else would I get such high quality unique gems and pure gold.” Silver snapped her fingers and the driver stepped over with a briefcase. “Here’s the title for this place and the other paperwork your boyfriend needs along with mildly filled bank accounts for you both. No questions asked like normal.”

Sunset handed over a bag full of gold and Equestrian gemstones from her expanded backpack to the driver. After checking inside the driver nodded and passed over the briefcase and a ring of keys from his pocket. “Thanks again silver.” Sunset passed over the identification paperwork for one ‘Dusk Shine’ to me keeping the rest.

She and Silver Spoon exchanged one last hug before Silver and her driver left.

“So how do you two know each other?” I asked as Sunse. “Also boyfriend?”

“She wouldn’t accept I was doing it for a stranger.” She winked and looked through the keys.

“As for how we met it’s a funny story actually, I saved her life. It was probably my second month here and I was really struggling. Even with all the gold and stuff I bought it wasn’t much help since I had no legal identification to get an apartment.“ she found they key she needed and unlocked the door to step inside the warehouse.

“I found Silver getting attacked one night and in my frustration at life I beat up all the guys using the last of my lingering magic.” She shook her head and laughed at the memory before turning on the lights.

“Silver’s family was so grateful they used their connections to help me out with documentation and they bought the gems I brought with me. In exchange I’ve been receiving their help and enough money to last through High school ever since.” She finished her story and began looking around.

“Wow I always wondered how you lasted so long here alone but I guess you weren’t alone.” I looked around the new warehouse. It was much nicer on the inside than outside and filled with more supplies we might need. “Why didn’t you just have them buy everything this time?”

“Speed mostly, we needed some quick cash. Also, we keep our distance in school so no one knows our connection. We still help each other out often enough.” She led me into a small office and laid the paperwork out on the desk. I took the driver’s license and copied what I needed identity wise onto my phone before we stored it away in the desk.

“Silver did great work with this.” I held up the license. “We should get a safe or something for the rest at some point or better yet keep it in Equestria.”

“Yeah the castle vault is our best bet. And you do know how to drive right?” She looked nervously at the license which I waved off.

“Course I do. Just need a vehicle now.” I tilted my head back and fourth.

“No.” Sunset looked flabbergasted.

“Yep.” I was grinning like a kid on Christmas.

The two of us were at a new car dealership and I was standing next to the newest electric truck. She had already picked out a more modest car that the salesman was completing paperwork on.

“Why would you get something that expensive. I know we can afford it thanks to Silver but why.” She held her head in her hands.

“Two reasons. First, we need a truck to move bulky items around. Second, Equestria has no gasoline once I find a way to get it through the portal. Third, I always wanted one.” I smiled as I circled my future purchase.

She just grumbled that I listed three then sighed as the grinning salesman came back. Thanks to us playing in cash we were able to drive off the lot that same day. Sunset made her way back to her apartment to finish her research and prepare for tonight while I went to purchase a big mirror from a thrift store. She had found a workable spell in one of the advanced magic books in Celestia’s bedroom.

I would have called it luck if Harmony herself wasn’t helping us out.

“Tell me again why you specifically needed an old heavy mirror?” I asked as I carefully unloaded the bulky purchase next to the pony statue of Canterlot High. It was well past school hours so no one was around.

“Because the cheep modern ones won’t work. Even though earth has very little magic an old one that was well cared for can be used to contain the portal.” She embedded a few of the magical gems she didn’t trade into the wooden frame then began to enchant them will spells.

“So what are you two up to?” I jumped and spun around to see Rainbow Dash. She laughed at getting the drop on me.

“Not funny.” I got back to work and aligned the mirror across from the portal as Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Hey Rainbow what are you doing here?” Sunset paused her spell work.

“I asked first.” She stuck her tongue out.

“Well dusk and I are transferring the portal into this mirror so we can move it to a safer location. I found the spell work in a book I had brought from home.” Sunset got back to work.

“Got ya, I was just out walking to clear my head.” Rainbow shrugged.

The three of us were silent until Sunset indicated she was ready for the transfer.

“So about going to Equestria…” Rainbow stared awkwardly. “Would I have to stay? I would at least like to graduate.”

“Not at all. The portal opens naturally only every couple of years but we hope to fix that after moving it. Right now we only have about two days left until it closes for this cycle.”

“So could I visit now for a bit?” Rainbow asked but Sunset couldn’t answer.

“How about this.” I spoke up. “I plan on going through to test it and bring a few loads of supplies tonight while Sunset rests up after her spell work. If you want to go then you can.”

Rainbow nodded. Sunset looked between the two of us then began her primary spell. The elements on both our wrists lit up and a beam shot from the statues base into the mirror. After a few blinding moments it was over, the mirror was now the portal and the statue was normal.

“It worked!” Sunset and I shared a hug before she got weak in the knees. “That was tough.”

I helped her back up and Rainbow spoke up. “That was awesome looking.”

“Just wait until you see Equestria.” I began carefully loading the mirror back into the truck and strapping it down. Once I finished I hopped into the driver’s seat and spoke out the window. “I’ll meet you, Rainbow and whoever else wants to visit at the warehouse.”

With that I drove off with our precious cargo.

Once back at the warehouse I once again unloaded the mirror and brought it inside. We had decided to set it up in a small side storage area that had strong brick walls and fresh locks on the door. This place will basically be a secure transit hub if and when we invite others.

Setting down the mirror I then bolted it into the concrete floor. Sunset will be warding the entire building, once she gets back, now that we successfully moved the portal. Hopefully I can set up a security system with the time we have left or maybe if Sunsets friends stay here they can guard this end.

I rubbed my chin and sat down to snack in the break room we had found during our initial search. Now to wait till everyone shows up.