• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 634 Views, 12 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Empress Of Evil - Spyro_Story

An evil alicorn rises and finished what she started long ago.

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Chapter 4: Awakening

The dark storming clouds circling around on top of the dark tower. Nemnok and his minions are preparing to release Empress Ravahna from her stone tortured prison by use the Mane Six within each growing glass orbs. "It is time." Nemnok said. "Empress Ravahna... you shall rise AGAIN!"

The sorcerer uses his magic to float the orbs from his servant's hooves and unleashed the magic at the the statue. When the magic is done, the statue's eyes glowing green and the stone spell began to faded away into greenish coat when the Empress's hoof is twitching. Her wings lowered down, waving large black mane and tail, revealing her evil spell binding cutie mark, and a gasp to take back her breath. When the stone is finally removed, Empress Ravahna of Evil... has returned. Nemnok and his minions were bowing down their heads when the empress asked to the sorcerer. "What, I am free. Nemnok... where am I?"

"Here in your throne room my empress." Nemnok answered. "For many years of my search for you in Equestria, but now I have finally found you and brought you back this world once again."

"Then I shall thank you freeing me, your reward will be earned." Empress Ravahna gratefully said to the sorcerer. Suddenly, she notice that her amulet is not on her armor chest. "My amulet, where is it?"

"I fear I do not know where the amulet might be." Nemnok disappointly said until he found the answer. "But I do know who knows where it is... Starswirl." When Empress Ravahna hears the name, she roared in full fury, unleashing the dark lightning power from her horn up high until she's nearly trembling down to the floor because she is weak. Nemnok rushed in to help lift her up. "Without the amulet, you will be vulnerable so safe your strength."

"I needly require my amulet for my magic, so I can have my revenge upon him." Empress Ravahna said in aggressive tone. "Only then I can unleashed the plague upon Equestria."

"Not to worry, I have spend out one of my spies to follow Starswirl everywhere he goes without being seeing. And soon once we hears of the amulet's location, it will be yours where it belongs to your rightful hoof." Nemnok said.

"Excellent. And one day, I will have my revenge upon him." Empress Ravahna said in amusement when she sinisterly chuckled with an smile on her face.


The eyes are blinking when the vision is blurry, until it's back to normal. Spike started to wake up where he appears to be in Ponyville Hospital, but he wasn't sure how he got there until he wasn't alone. On his left side, there were Starlight in every bandages and unconscious with Trixie is watching her in worry while she's holding Starlight's hoof. When the baby dragon got up from the bed, Sparx immediately flew to Spike's face for giving him a hug in relief, even Trixie is happy seeing him awake. "Spike, thank goodness you're awake." Trixie said.

"Yeah... I am." Spike said when he placed his hand on his head in bandage, feeling a bit painful. "Ugh, my head hurts." Suddenly, a baby dragon gasp to notice that Starlight is injured when gets out the bed. "Oh no Starlight, is she?"

"Woah easy Spike, the doctor told me she is alright and she needs to be rested." Trixie said while trying to calm him down. "Tell me, what exactly happened back then?"

"I remember when I was with friends and then there were-." Spike eyes widened and gasp when he cut off his words because he remembered the Mane Six were captured by unicorns in black cloaks. The other part that Twilight tells him to warns Princess Celestia for help. "I gotta go to Canterlot to warn Princess Celestia that Twilight and the others are kidnapped."

"But Spike, you're hurt." Trixie said.

"I don't care if I'm hurt, my friends are in danger and I gonna go get help." Spike said while taking off the bandage on his head.

"Well how were you get there in time, Canterlot is pretty much far for fifty minutes." Trixie said.

Although, A light blue unicorn is right, how will a baby dragon get to Canterlot much quicker than taking a train or flying over there? However, Spike knows one thing he can get there. He gonna need a help from her. "Trixie, do you still the teleportation spell?" Spike asked.

"Uumm... kinda?" Trixie nodded in confusion, until she figured it out why. "Wait, your saying I can-"

"Yeahaw, I need you to teleport me and Sparx to Canterlot so I can warn Princess." Spike said in ideas.

"I... I don't know." Trixie said when she feel nervous. "I mean, what if I messed it up again?"

"Come on Trixie, I know you can do it. After all... you are the great and powerful, aren't you." Spike said when he's giving the courage she needed.

As it turns, the light blue unicorn magician is always wanted to hear the words. "You're right, I am the great and powerful. Alright, I'll do it." Trixie said.

Spike and Sparx had to take the position to be teleported while Trixie tries to remember the spell before, until now. Admittedly, a baby dragon had a bad feeling about this, but there is no other choice. "Trixie, will you promise to watch over Starlight while were gone?" Spike asked.

"Never fear, the great and protective Trrrrixie will always looking out for her no matter what." Trixie said with a performing accent.

"Great." Spike said with a smile and rolling his eyes. "Okay, we're ready."

Trixie uses her horn to release her magic on Spike and Sparx, concentrating much MUCH harder to sending them to Canterlot. Until then...


A light blue unicorn finally teleported Spike and Sparx. This is a first time she actually did it correctly. "YES, I DID IT!" Trixie happily shouted until she covered her mouth, because this place is the hospital.



Spike and Sparx had finally made it safely teleported to Canterlot. The baby dragon feels relief to be when he and Sparx are in one piece when Trixie casting the spell. "Alright Sparx, now we gotta to get in to warn the Princesses." Spike said when he rushed to the palace while Sparx is following him.

Meanwhile at the throne room, there were Princess Celestia and Princess Luna in serious discussions with their mentor Starswirl the Bearded about the threat has return. Until then, Spike and Sparx rushed inside the throne room towards them. "Spike, what are you and Sparx doing here?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Please help, Twilight and the others have kidnapped by those ponies wearing in black capes and glowing red eyes, so Twilight send me for your help." Spike explained in worry. Causing the princesses and Starswirl eyes widened of knowing the ones that taken the Mane Six.

"The Dredoks." Starswirl the Bearded said the black cloak ponies names with a serious tone.

"The what now?" Spike asked in confusion.

"The Dredoks are once the greatest wizards in Equestria, until the sorcerer named Nemnok corrupted their minds and spirits by his poisonous words and turn them evil with a dark magic. Now they became neither living or dead." Starswirl said when he tells them the Dredoks origin story.

"If they are here, it would mean Nemnok is here too." Princess Celestia said when she believes.

"Then, why does this Nemnok want with Twilight and the others?" Spike asked.

"... If my correction serves, he needed them to set Empress Ravahna free from her stone prison, I can already sense her returns." Starswirl said.

"Empress who?" Spike said in confusion.

Starswirl the Bearded began to tell them a story about Empress Ravahna.

"Before Celestia and Luna were born, Ravahna wasn't evil when she was once a princess among all other alicorn. Until pride and lust for power intrigued her. She believes she can rule Equestria by herself and declare to be Empress. When the other alicorns found out her plans, they banished her.

After her banishment, Ravahna create a relic that will gain her strength and magic by the darkness, and of all... she evolved into terrifying being. Spreading the plague among all kingdoms.

Empress Ravahna challenges all the alicorns... without mercy. Equestria were fear by her own twisted desire for what she has done. And so began the ending war, I was the only one left who can stop her. I have managed to separate her and the amulet. Turning her into stone statue to be imprisoned for all eternity."

A wise wizard finished his story to the princesses and a baby dragon.

"So It would explain why he needed Twilight Sparkle and her friends." Princess Celestia said when she understands it.

"Yes, now she is free, Equestria is in grave danger once more." Starswirl nodded.

"If he has found Ravahna, then what about the amulet?" Princess Luna asked.

"The amulet was sent far away without us knowing it location, it will be our chance to find it and destroy it." Starswirl said when he thinks. "We must send somepony to retrieve it."

When that moment on, Spike taking his step forward at them, meaning he volunteered to find the Ravahna's amulet. "I'll do it." Spike said.

"Spike... are you sure you would accept this quest? But you could get hurt, or worse." Celestia said in worry for the young baby dragon.

"Yes I'm sure." Spike nodded. "Besides, Sparx and I have to do this for Twilight and others, we faced many danger back at Neverland. So please, let us do it."

Princess Celestia couldn't say a word to him, until she did with a smile because of Spike's bravery. "Farewell then, I accepted you will succeed on your noble quest my dear Spike."

"And before you leave, take this on your journey." Starswirl said when the wizard giving a baby dragon a object.

"A compass?" Spike said in confusion.

"It is no mere compass young dragon, this one can track down the amulet from anywhere else you go. I design it myself when I was young. Never loose in your hand, understood." Starswirl said when the baby dragon nodded. "Excellent, remember, the fate of Equestria is now rest in you."

"Okay... everypony, we won't let you all down, I promise." Spike said when he and Sparx saluted at them, and then take off to head back to Ponyville to get his supplies for their journey to find the amulet.

"Sister, I regretted to say this, is it wise to let a small child go to a dangerous task he had never faced before?" Princess Luna said when she is worry.

"Spike has a heart like no other dragons Luna, he chose to accept the quest for the ones he loved. And someday in the future, he'll be more than a hero." Princess Celestia said in believe for the baby dragon. And her little sister understands it. "Now we must send words to all kingdoms, I fear war... is coming."

Without them noticing, there was a raven on top of the tree that appeared to be Nemnok familiar that spying on them.


"So that's how it done. You poor simple minded fool." Nemnok said when he sees and heard the information from Starswirl the Bearded through the raven's eyes. The sorcerer learned that a compass can lead Spike to find Empress Ravahna's amulet somewhere in Equestria. He walk towards to the Dredoks and said. "The dragon has the compass to lead the amulet. You know what you must do, and give the dragon no mercy." He commanded them to find Spike, take the compass, and worse of all... kill him, when they nodded and take their leave. They don't want to keep Empress Ravahna and Nemnok patiently.


At inside of Twilight's castle, Spike gathered the supplies he needed for their journey. By the time when he is done, the baby dragon take flight to the air with Sparx next to him. "Okay buddy, are you ready?" Spike asked and the dragonfly nodded to him. "Good, let's do this."

And so they travel south to where the compass had led them to. Spike and Sparx noble quest has began again and what Starswirl said to them, 'the fate of Equestria is now rest in your hands.'

To Be Continued...