• Published 4th Jan 2024
  • 634 Views, 12 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Empress Of Evil - Spyro_Story

An evil alicorn rises and finished what she started long ago.

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Chapter 5: Kludgetown

Today... is Spike and Sparx's first day for their mission to travel the world to find Empress Ravahna's amulet by using Starswirl's compass to point where, destroying it, save his Twilight and her friends, and save Equestria.

Sure it sounds easy peasy, but except for the most part... they are exhausted because they're traveling through the hottest desert in the south. The sweat drips down on baby dragon's face and his wings is starting to get tired for a long flight, same goes for his dragonfly buddy. "Ugh... I forget how hot it is this desert since the last time." Spike said when he and Sparx are stopping their track to take a break. And the other part when a baby dragon remembers the time when he and the Mane six adventured here to go to the land of the hippogriff to defeat the Storm King.

Until then, he starts to reminded about Twilight and her friends. "Sparx, I hope Twilight and the others are okay, I'm getting worried." He said in worry, and then Sparx flew on to his shoulder just to cheer him up and it did. "You're right, Twilight wouldn't want me to be worry and neither will I, thanks Sparx." The baby dragon standing up to get ready to take flight again along with Sparx next to him.


Meanwhile at the Dark Tower, Empress Ravahna was on her throne chair, looking at the giant crystal ball to see Equestria everywhere of how it all changes into modern in her absence. "Equestria has changed... without me, it sicken me." Empress Ravahna said with an anger look on her face.

"But you can begin again, my Empress." Nemnok said when he approaches in front of her.

"Sorcerer, what news have you brought me to it?" She asked.

"My spy has overheard that Starswirl and princesses have send an infant dragon to find your amulet and destroy it." Nemnok answered.

"An infant dragon, Starswirl how cold hearted you are to send a mere child on a dangerous task." Empress Ravahna said. "If that dragon destroys my amulet, I will lose everything I desire, and my existence will ceased to be."

"Not to worry, I have already send my minions to hunt down that dragon, they will never stop and they retrieved what's rightfully yours." Nemnok said.

"And I will have it, so I can rise my army and then bring forth... the war." She said with an evil smile on her face. Picturing her thoughts that all the lands on Equestria will tremble before her.


As soon as Spike and Sparx are flying in the middle of the desert for thirty minutes until a baby dragon see not far the distance of Kludgetown. The baby dragon never thought he could go there, but he has choice, after all, the sun is setting down on horizon.

By the time when they got here, he never forgets this town is full of creatures that are aggressive, dealers, thugs, thieves, and headhunters. This is no place for a child such as himself. It is a good thing Twilight tells Spike 'never talked to strangers'.

The baby dragon began to walk the street while he's cautiously his surroundings and Sparx following him. The other creatures were looking at him pass by with a glaring eyes and smirky faces, causing Spike and Sparx gulping like they have a feeling that it's a bad idea to be here.

"Hey you!" A fish creature shouted to Spike. "How much is for that glowing bug there?"

"Umm... I'm sorry but, Sparx is not for sale." Spike said when he defended his dragonfly friend.

"Okay then, what about hhmm... that golden watch around your neck, how much was it?" A fish creature said, while it pointed Starswirl's compass.

"Like I said, everything I have is not for sale." Spike said.

"Fine, have it your way." A fish creature said, until it makes a smirk face. "Woah, what's that over there?!"

Spike reacted to what the fish creature is pointing at, until... it swipes off the compass on Spike's neck and then run away. "HEY, THAT DOESN'T BELONG WITH YOU!" Spike shouted in anger when he starts to chase after it.

The chase was on in Kludgetown, Spike and Sparx were trying to be as fast as they could to get the compass back from the thief. The baby dragon almost grab the it, but it slips. Of course he knows that every fishes are slippery, which is hard to hold on the body. But suddenly, there was a kart full of barrel, blocking Spike's path. They stopped their track to slow down without crash in to it. Spike and Sparx goes fly up in the air to look down to find a thief somewhere. Until now, he spotted it running down to some kind of a bar.

They flying all the way down towards the bar and about to go inside, until a massive lizard creature grab Spike by his tail to be stopped. "Hey, let me go." Spike said.

"Sorry shorty, we're not allow a couple of babies like you going in." Lizard creature said while dropping him to the dirt.

"But that fish stole my compass, I need it back." Spike said.

"Well, boo-hoo, get lost and don't come back runt." Lizard creature while it walks in.

"Great, now what do we do, the compass is in the bar by that thief, and my friends are still in danger, what am I gonna do Sparx?" Spike asked while he walks back and forth, feeling ashamed for not being responsibility for it. However, the idea starts to kick in.

Couple of minutes later, Spike disguised himself wearing a coat, puffy kerly orange wig, and a mustache. "Okay Sparx, let's hope it works." Spike said to his little buddy inside his coat. The baby dragon walks towards the entrance to the bar, until a lizard creature stopped him. It looked down at him with serious look, and then it let Spike in disguise enter the bar. It was a good thing that lizard creature is to stupid not to know anything suspicious about it.

As soon as he enters the bar, spike was shocked to see so many creatures much bigger inside. Seeing them drinking, playing card games, and arm wrestles. That lizard creature was right about it, this bar is no place for children, but it doesn't matter to him, all that matters is to find the thief, take back Starswirl's compass and then get out of here fast. He continues walk naturally through all the creatures without causing trouble. "Hey watch where yer going shrimp!" A creature said to Spike with an aggressive tone.

"Oh I'm sorry." Spike Apologized and then walk away from it. The baby dragon was lucky when he's not getting pummeled to death. "Phew that was a close o-." Spike's words were cut off because he spotted the thief was sitting their and drinking. He now have the chance to get the compass by sneaking in. He slowly reached out hand to grab it without getting caught. In the meantime, he finally got it back.

"Yes, I did it Sparx." Spike proudly said to his little buddy inside the coat. "Now let's just get out this stup- oof!" Spike's words cut off because accidentally bumped into a big creature in front of him and spilled its drink.

"You spilled my drink, now you're gonna be dead!" It said when it's ready to throw a punch on Spike. But it missed him and accidentally punched other creature in front. the other one is angry and hitting it back. Now the whole creatures are joining in to fight each other.

The bar fight rages on like crazy, they all just hitting each other, tossing each other, and wrestles each other. Spike was stuck in the middle of it, trying to find a way to leave. By the time when he's avoiding, he sees the exit. So all he have to do get down and crawled towards it without getting stomped. "Oh boy, this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy, this is crazy." Spike repeats the words he saying for keep moving forward. The baby dragon finally almost made it to the exit when he get back up of his feet. However, the same creature that spike bumped into just blocked his path.

"Heh heh heh, no where to go ya twerp." It said while cracking its knuckles.

"I really don't want to fight you, but..." spike sighed, feeling like he's gonna end this without bloodshed. The baby dragon took a deep breath and blow out the green flames on the creature's face. By the time when he's done, the creature makes a goofy face and then collapse backwards to the floor. "I'm sorry." He Apologized again, until he noticed that the flames are on the ceiling. "Uh oh." Its starts to spread more when all the creatures stop fighting and start running out of the bar.

While the flames consumed the bar, Spike and Sparx attempted to leave Kludgetown because he feels like he's causing a lot of trouble there. "You know what Sparx, I don't think we can spend the night here on this town, don't you agree?" Spike asked, and Sparx nodded to agreeing with him.

And so, Spike and Sparx continues on their travel to find a spot for one night and then starting their quest to find Empress Ravahna's amulet to save the Mane six and Equestria.


Meanwhile, back at the middle of the desert where Spike and Sparx have stopped before. The Dredoks have found Spike's foot prints, knowing that he's at Kludgetown straight to the south. Their hunt for the baby dragon has just beginning.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Hey guys, I wanted to say to you all that Happy Valentine's day. I hope you all can spend a day with your friends, families, and your loved partner. See ya.