• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,331 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

Rock Bonding

Two weeks would pass quick as a tornado, and after a comforting dinner filled with conversation, Pinkie's family would retire to the main living room of the house, leaving the kitchen clean and tidy. Spike would have offered to do the dishes, but they simply told him to relax, it wouldn't take long. The main living room would be decorated with comfortable and inviting furniture, with a crackling fireplace providing warm light to the room.

"I'm sorry, Spike, my family doesn't like televisions," Pinkie would apologize to Spike for the lack of technology in the house.

"Mhhg? Oh yeah, don't worry," Spike would have grown up his whole life without television, so although he liked to watch it when he could, it wasn't a necessity. Heading towards the small library of the house, Spike would explore the shelves full of books, looking for something to capture his interest. After a moment of searching, he would pick a book at random and sit in a comfortable armchair by the fireplace.

The book Spike chose would be "The Adventures of Daring Do and the Temple of the Lost Treasure". Although not a high-grade literary work, the Daring Do book series had always been one of Spike's favorites. The excitement of the adventures, the mysteries to be solved, and the dangers faced by the intrepid heroine always kept him captivated, although he preferred to keep it hidden from Rainbow Dash; the last thing he needed was a fan duel like the one he had with Gyzmo when they went to see that movie.

"I'm glad someone else in this family likes books," Maude would say, appearing out of nowhere beside him with another book in her hands, surprising Spike. He would look up from the book with a smile when Maude appeared by his side, surprising him with her presence.

"Hi, Maude!" Spike would greet her enthusiastically, closing the book for a moment to give her his full attention. "Yes, books are great. What are you reading?"

Maude would hold the book in front of her, revealing the cover of "Minerals and Rocks: A Practical Guide for Collectors". Spike would immediately notice that the book's subject perfectly matched Maude's interests in rocks and minerals.

"Wow, that sounds interesting!" Spike would comment with genuine interest. "I guess that's the kind of reading I would expect from someone as passionate about rocks as you."

"Yes, it's fascinating reading," Maude would respond with her usual seriousness, although Spike could perceive a spark of excitement in her eyes as she talked about the book, although he would ignore it to continue the conversation. "I love learning more about different rock formations and minerals. It's amazing what nature can create."

"Definitely," Spike would agree, feeling an instant connection with Maude due to their shared passion for minerals and rocks. "Believe it or not, I also have a keen interest in gems and minerals. I've spent many hours of my life in gem mines; besides, they taste pretty good in general, I haven't been able to eat much lately, but they're delicious."

Maude would raise an eyebrow with curiosity at Spike's revelation, slightly surprised by that revelation about eating gems.

"Really?" Maude would ask with a tone of surprise, her serious expression showing a glimpse of intrigue. "You hadn't mentioned that before. Do you have experience in mineral collection?"

"That's right!" Spike would say before noticing the difference in Maude's tone of voice and expression, surprising him that the girl would do that, but turning around once again to see her face clearly, he would notice that she still had her usual neutral expression. "..."

"It must be interesting to go to gem mines for pleasure at such a young age," Maude would say as she continued reading her book.

"Yes, I actually have quite a bit of experience in mineral collection!" Spike would respond enthusiastically, trying not to be influenced by Maude's expressionless expression.

Although Spike would notice the slight surprise in Maude's reaction, he would decide to carry on with the conversation, eager to share his experience in mineral collection.

"Oh, it's definitely interesting!" Spike would continue, feeling excitement growing within him as he talked about his experience in gem mines. "I've been lucky enough to visit several gem mines in many different places during my life!"

Maude would nod approvingly, apparently interested in Spike's experience despite her usually neutral expression.

"It's good to know that we share similar interests in mineral collection," Maude would say sincerely, not looking up from her book. "It would be interesting to exchange experiences and knowledge on the subject in the future."

Spike would enthusiastically agree to Maude's suggestion, excited about the idea of ​​sharing his passion for minerals and gems with someone who appreciated the subject as much as he did.

"Definitely!" Spike would respond with a smile, feeling excited about the possibility of discussing more about the subject with Maude in the future. "I'd love to exchange experiences and learn more about rocks and minerals with you, Maude!"

After that, Spike and Maude would continue with their individual reading, while Pinkie watched them from afar with a big smile while holding several instant photos she had taken of that little one and her sister chatting like that.

After a while of quiet reading, Maude would finally close her book and get up from the armchair, gracefully stretching before heading towards the door.

"Goodnight, Spike," Maude would say with her calm and serene voice. "It was nice spending this time with you. See you tomorrow."

"Yes, it was great talking to you, Maude," Spike would respond with a smile, feeling grateful for the conversation and Pinkie's sister's company. "See you tomorrow!"

Maude would nod courteously before disappearing through the door, leaving Spike alone in the main living room. With a sigh of satisfaction, Spike would close his book and get up from the armchair, stretching before heading to the guest room to rest.


With the sun barely peeking over the horizon, Spike would step out of Pinkie's house, ready to start a new day on the farm. Seeing Igneous Rock and Limestone Pie already working on the farm, Spike would approach with determination, ready to join in the work.

"Good morning, Mr. Igneous. Good morning, Limestone," Spike would greet energetically, showing his readiness to begin the work.

"Good morning, Spike," Igneous would respond with his usual deep and calm voice, while Limestone would simply grunt in response, not lifting her gaze from her work.

Spike would assume that Limestone's behavior was simply her way of expressing herself and wouldn't be intimidated by it. Instead, he would focus on following Igneous' instructions and helping in any way he could to move the work on the farm forward.

"Pinkie told me you've done this kind of work before," Limestone would say as she used a pickaxe to split a rock in half to see if it was a geode or a regular rock.

"Yes, that's true," Spike would say with a friendly smile. "I worked on an apple farm before, so I have experience in agricultural work. Although rocks are a bit different, I'm sure I can learn quickly and help out wherever needed."

Limestone would nod approvingly, seeming a bit more receptive to Spike's response.

"Alright, we'll see how good you are with rocks then," Limestone would respond, indicating that she was willing to give Spike a chance. "Grab a pickaxe, today you'll accompany me."

Spike would nod determinedly, accepting Limestone's challenge with enthusiasm. He would take a pickaxe and join Limestone as she continued working on the farm, following her to what seemed to be a huge pit in the ground where there would even be a small spiral staircase to go down.

Spike would follow Limestone to the huge pit in the ground, feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity about what they would find down there. As they descended the spiral staircase, Spike would carefully observe his surroundings, marveling at the vast network of tunnels and galleries that stretched beneath the farm's surface.

"Wow, this is incredible," Spike would comment in amazement, admiring the complexity of the underground tunnel network. "I've never seen anything like this before."

Limestone would simply nod in response, continuing her way through the tunnel with determination. Finally, they would reach a wide cavern illuminated by the light of the lanterns they carried, revealing an impressive view of rock formations and shimmering crystals that glowed in the darkness.

"This is our main extraction point," Limestone would explain, pointing towards the different areas of the cavern. "This is where we find most of our gems and minerals. Your task will be to help me collect the most promising rocks and bring them to the surface for processing."

"Understood, captain!" Spike would say with a smile, giving a military salute.

Limestone would smile slightly at Spike's gesture, appreciating his enthusiastic attitude and willingness to work. Together, they would begin to explore the cavern, searching for the most promising rocks to collect.

"Alright, Spike," Limestone would praise, impressed by the young ex dragon's progress. "You're doing a good job. It looks like you have a talent for this."

"Thank you, Limestone!" Spike would respond with a smile, feeling proud of his progress.

After a couple of hours, with the sun at its highest point, Spike and Limestone would return to the surface, proudly carrying the rocks and minerals they had collected in a wheelbarrow, with Limestone sitting on the rocks while Spike tried to pull the wheelbarrow himself.

"Good job, guys!" Pinkie Pie would exclaim with satisfaction, proud of Spike and Limestone's effort and dedication. "Let's see what we've accomplished today."

Igneous would approach the wheelbarrow and begin examining the rocks and minerals carefully, evaluating their quality and value. Pinkie, on her part, would be watching with a radiant smile, excited to see the results of the work in the mine.

"Fine work, Spike and Limestone! Thou hast done well," Igneous would exclaim with his classic tone of voice. "Ye have gathered an impressive bounty of rocks and minerals today. I am certain these shalt find a good market in the city."

Spike would smile widely, feeling satisfied to have contributed to the farm's success once again. Quickly turning to see Limestone's reaction to that great job.

Limestone, though her expression would hardly change from her usual seriousness, would show a slight nod of approval, acknowledging Spike's well-done work and his contribution to the task's success.

"Thank you, Limestone!" Spike would say enthusiastically, feeling encouraged by his coworker's positive reaction. "It was great working with you! I hope we can do it again in the future!"

Limestone would nod with a gesture of her head, showing her approval once again before turning her attention back to the rocks and minerals they had collected.

"Wow! You're already getting my sister!" Pinkie would say with a big smile before leaving with her sister, leaving Spike somewhat confused.


After a couple of hours, Spike would be sitting silently on the floor with his head resting against a leg of the sofa, bored, until he saw a chessboard sliding beside him with the pieces set up. Spike would be surprised to see the chessboard sliding next to him, and upon looking up, he would see Marble sitting on the other side of the board, her face hidden by her hair. Marble's image would remind him of Pinkie's sister's calm and reserved nature, and he would wonder what had prompted her to invite him to play chess.

"Marble?" Spike would say with curiosity, leaning forward slightly to get a better view of her face. "Do you want to play chess?"

Marble would nod slightly, lifting her gaze towards Spike with a gentle and tranquil expression.

Spike would smile, feeling excited about the prospect of playing chess with Marble, although he would also wonder what it would be like to play against someone as reserved as her. He would rise from the floor and take a seat across from Marble, observing the chess pieces arranged on the board with determination.

"I'm ready whenever you are," Spike would say enthusiastically, hoping Marble would lift her head and start the game.

Marble would slowly lift her head, revealing a small smile on her lips as her eyes met Spike's. With gentle and calm movements, she would move one of the pieces on the board, starting the game.

Spike would watch Marble's move attentively, mentally calculating his next move as he considered his options. He would decide to respond with an equally strategic move, moving one of his own pieces on the board.

"I was thinking, if we were all rocks, what rock would I be?" Spike would say as they continued playing.

"Mhhg," Marble would say as she always did, although Spike wouldn't notice anything strange, and that's because... she seemed to understand that.

"An stalactite?... Why is that?" Spike would say confused by that option.

"Mhhhg," Marble would respond with a soft and tranquil voice, her words carefully chosen as they continued playing chess.

Spike would listen to Marble's words attentively, feeling deeply moved by her response. Although Marble was known for her reserved nature, her words demonstrated a profound understanding and appreciation for him, making him feel valued and understood.

"Wow, thank you, Marble," Spike would say sincerely, smiling warmly at her. "That means a lot to me."

Marble would simply nod softly, a small smile still playing on her lips as they continued their chess game. As they progressed in the game, Spike would feel increasingly connected to Marble, appreciating the tranquility and warmth she radiated around her.

The chess game would continue, with Spike and Marble immersed in an atmosphere of concentration and camaraderie. Although Marble didn't speak much, her skill in chess spoke for itself, and Spike would develop a deep respect for her talent and ability.

After a long and challenging game, the game would finally come to its conclusion, with Marble humiliating Spike quite easily, although Spike wouldn't seem to mind.

"That was great, Marble!" Spike would exclaim enthusiastically, his face lit up with the excitement of having shared such a meaningful experience with his new and quiet gaming companion. "You're really amazing at chess!"

Marble would respond with a gentle smile and a gesture of gratitude, her eyes shining with a tranquil warmth as she accepted Spike's praise. Although they hadn't exchanged many words during the game, Spike would feel a connection with the girl of few words.

Elsewhere, Pinkie would be lying peacefully on a bed of rocks outside the house, with a satisfied grin from ear to ear.

"3 sisters, three victories."