• Published 16th Dec 2023
  • 1,362 Views, 136 Comments

A Not-So Draconian Adventure - Rock-Lee

Trying to hide from the growing chaos around him, Spike ends up encountering that mirror that sent him to that strange world of "Humans", due to a simple silly mistake, he would end up in that same world, this time with a very...different appearance

  • ...

The Second First Day

Spike would currently be walking through the halls of what appeared to be the upper grades building, currently wearing a mix of the clothes he had, wearing the green shirt from his original outfit but wearing a leather jacket that Bright Mac had given him, and the jeans along with his running shoes.

"Where's Algebra class?"

After having his regular English class with Miss Cheerilee, he would be starting in one of the new classes on his schedule, Mr. Discord's Algebra class, since apparently his math level was advanced enough to merit an advanced class, which he wasn't so sure about accepting, but with support from Applebloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo, he would have decided to accept.

"237...Here!" Spike would say as he found the plaque with the number indicated next to a door, so he would nod to himself before slowly opening the door.

The moment he opened the door, Spike would notice that luckily he hadn't been late, as there would only be a handful of students on their phones or chatting with each other, even Discord would be reading a book, so he was probably still on schedule to get to class safely.

"Well..." After taking a few breaths to calm down, he would smile and walk into class with his backpack on his shoulders, now he wouldn't use the backpack the school would have given him, but one handmade by Granny Smith, with a purple color and a green flame in the center, at Spike's request.

"Oh! Our new student has arrived for class!" Almost as if sniffing fear, Discord would slam his book shut, watching Spike with a smirk on his face. "Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"U-Umm...Wouldn't it be better when there's more people?" Spike would say looking around somewhat embarrassed, ignoring the confused looks some students were giving him for being a 10-12 year old in a class that hopefully 16 year olds could understand.

"Mhhg...So you're a logician besides someone smart! I like that about you Mr. Drake!" Discord would say with a big grin as he stood up slapping his desk with his palms, walking over to Spike and putting his hands on his shoulders. "Let me sit you down with someone who will feed that big growing brain of yours!"

Before Spike could say anything, he would be dragged away like a rag doll to then be seated at a double desk, with a very easily recognizable girl, Twilight Sparkle, who would seem to be too deep into some sort of mathematical exercise to pay attention to anything around her.

"Miss Sparkle, meet your new partner!" Discord would say waiting for some reaction from the girl, his smile would last for several seconds before he would walk away seeing that the girl was so focused that she wouldn't have the slightest reaction. "Ujum!"

After another couple of seconds of non-reaction, Discord would grab one of the equation sheets Twilight had on the desk, very subtly bending one of the ends, causing the purple-haired girl to quickly raise her head with a scream.

"AHH! NONONONO!" The girl would say grabbing a ruler and starting to straighten the sheet with that instrument, sighing in satisfaction when that bend disappeared. "...I got stuck in the exercises again, didn't I, professor?"

"Ahh, what shall I do with you Miss Sparkle?" The grey-haired man would say letting out a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose, before simply retreating back to his desk once more.

"Damn it Twilight, stop doing that" The girl would say smacking her head with both hands, letting out a sigh before turning her head slightly. "Oh, hi Spike...SPIKE!? What are you doing here!?"

"Umm...Principall Celestia made me take a couple of tests to see my level, and I ended up in some advanced classes" Spike would say scratching the back of his head somewhat embarrassed, for once he was glad he had to have forced classes with Twilight, since in the long run his knowledge ended up becoming very similar to what Twilight herself had, although obviously without ever surpassing her in almost anything...Well, only in cooking, but that wasn't much of an accomplishment if your rival was Twilight Sparkle...yeah, another thing that he would NOT say to Twilight when he came back

"Wow...Applejack told me you were smart, but I never imagined you that smart! That's great Spike!" She'd say with a big smile, finally seeing someone who tried as hard as she did to get good grades and apparently enjoyed math, after all, who gets that much knowledge if not for pleasure?

"Hehe, well I'm glad we have something in common!" Spike would say smiling a little, even though he knew that wasn't his Twilight, hearing the voice of the one he considered his sister and one of the most important people to him speak so highly of him struck a chord within him. "(Maybe having a Twilight much more...Close to what I am wouldn't be so bad)"

"At last I'll have a study partner who knows what I'm studying without me having to explain it to him!" Twilight would say giving him a gentle hug, wrapping her arms around Spike's head to rest the boy's face against her chest.

Anyone else would be dying to have something so intimate close to him, but for Spike it would feel very comfortable, a hug from such a close sister was just what he needed to be able to feel comfortable in the situation he was in, even if that Twilight wasn't the one he shared such beautiful childhood memories with.

After about 5 minutes, the room would have filled up, leaving only a couple of empty seats that probably didn't belong to anyone, that's when Discord would stand up with his big smile, clapping his hands loudly to call out all of his students to make silence

"Okay little brainiacs! Today we received a great visit from a new member of our math family! Spike Drake! Please stand up and tell us a little about yourself!" Discord would say as he sat down once again, this time at his desk directly, crossing his arms as he waited for a response from Spike.

"U-Umm" Spike would swallow a little nervously, getting up from his seat to talk a little about himself, due to the cemi-circle shape the room was in, and being at one end, everyone could see him from their seats, something that made Spike completely speechless. "..."

He would be about to simply sit back down and try to pretend nothing was happening, until he felt his hand being gripped firmly under the table, out of the corner of his eye he would notice Twilight giving him a warm smile, helping him to calm down and be able to talk comfortably.

"M-My name is Spike Drake, I'm 10 years old and I really like comics and m-math! I'm also part of the junior soccer club at school" He would say and then remain silent for a couple of seconds, before bowing and sitting down again. "Th-thank you very much."

"Awww! That's so adorable!"

"Wow he must be smart to be in this class."

"Did you see his hair? It's so cute!"

Comments like that would fly around the room for several seconds, until everyone would fall silent as Discord got up and grabbed a marker and started writing things on the white board.

"Okay guys, come on, something quick to speed up the mind" Discord would say as he wrote a couple of things on the board. "Tell me how to write the square root of 5 raised to 3 in exponential form."

Quickly two hands would be raised quickly in the classroom, one would be Twilight Sparkle's, while the other would appear to be...Trixie's? She was in that class?...well, she wasn't dumb in the Pony universe, just a little clumsy in how she did her business.

"Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhg...." In an exaggerated manner, Discord would bring his hand to his chin, rubbing a goatee that was starting to form apparently after shaving a few days ago. "Which one to choose, which one to choose?"

After hearing that, Twilight would stand up still with her hand raised for attention, something Trixie wouldn't overlook so she would do the same, standing on her tiptoes so that her hand reached higher than Twilight's.

"Mhhg....Mr. Drake?" Discord would say ignoring the two girls, pointing at Spike with a smile.

"E-Eh!?" Spike would say somewhat surprised, trying to ignore the stares that rested on him waiting for his answer. "Umm... Five raised to 3 divided by 2?"

"Close enough! Congratulations Mr. Drake" He would say with a smile as he slowly clapped his hands at that answer. "Please take a moment to open your textbooks to page 42. In pairs, you will engage in a comprehensive exploration of exercises 4 through 8. However, there's a slight twist – kindly skip exercise 5, but ensure you tackle both 1 and 3. Oh, and let's give exercise 9 a pass for now, shall we? I trust that clarifies the plan. Ready to dive into the intellectual journey ahead?"

"..." Slowly, Spike would turn to watch Twilight without understanding what Discord had just said, just watching Twilight shrug and pull out the Algebra book Discord had asked for. "U-Umm! Mister Discord, I don't have the book yet..."

"Of course! Don't worry at all, little Drake. After all, working in pairs involves mutual support and collaboration. Together you will overcome any challenge that comes your way. Let's move forward with confidence and determination in this team project!"

"...Meaning, work together with Twilight?"


Laughing a little at the strange but somewhat amused attitude Discord was taking when explaining things, he would simply move a little closer to Twilight, who would at the same time put the book more to the center of the desk, so they could both work together


"YOU HAVE TO STAY OVERTIME!?" Applebloom's voice could probably be heard throughout the school despite being on the way out.

"that's right...Apparently almost all of my classes last longer than you girls, so I'll have to stay the whole schedule, I'll be out at the same time as Applejack."

"You've got to be kidding me!" Scootaloo would say, crossing her arms with a frown upon hearing that information.

"Hey, you think I like it?...Well, it's an extra lunch and I get to spend time with the girls to get to know them better...Meh, it's not so bad."

"mhhh! Well then you owe the three of us some of your time!" Sweetie Belle would say with a big smile, as if she had said the biggest truism possible.

"huh!? And why is that!?"

"Shush! Don't argue with your big sister!" Applebloom would say with a smile, putting her hand over Spike's mouth.


"Shush! No buts!"

"...Okay" Spike would say rolling his eyes but laughing a little at the situation, before opening his arms for the girls. "Hug?"

"Group hug!" Sweetie Bell would say, giving him a tight hug that would soon be joined by Scootaloo and Applebloom.

"Alright brainy, see you tomorrow at practice then!" Scootaloo would say, breaking away from the hug to give her a gentle punch on the arm.

"Alright alright" Spike would say rubbing his arm with a smile, waving goodbye to his friends before heading back into the school for his next class.


"So..." Spike would say with a tray of food in his hands, which would be much more...Elegant than the one they gave to the kids, being a plate of lasagna or something similar, although that wouldn't be the problem, the problem would be standing in the middle of the cafeteria, having no idea where he should go to sit, as all the tables would be occupied by different groups despite there being certain empty seats

"Spike! A voice would call out to him, making him raise an eyebrow in confusion, turning to see a table where Twilight would be sitting, making Spike smile and walk over to the table, sitting down next to her.

"Twilight, you have no idea how happy it makes me to see you here! hehe." Spike would say, feeling much more comfortable with where he was sitting.

"You have nothing to worry about, we're glad to have you with us, now we can spend time together and I'll be able to help you with the jobs you don't understand more easily!"

"...We?" Spike would say confused due to the use of the plural in Twilight's words.

"Of course! The girls are serving their lunches, but when they see you here they're sure to explode with happiness!" Pinkie Pie would say out of nowhere popping out from under the table, startling Spike and Twilight due to her sudden appearance.

"Pinkie! What are we talking about appearing out of nowhere?!"

"That with great power comes great responsibility?" Pinkie Pie would say with a confused expression.

"Just...just sit down and eat" Twilight would say, holding a hand to her face as she let out a sigh, somewhat frustrated by Pinkie's attitude.

"Okey dokey!" Pinkie would say sitting down between Twilight and Spike, turning to talk to the latter.

"So... little Spikey! How's your first day as a wunderkind going?"

"I'm no wunderkind...I just know a thing or two I guess, hehe."

"Ohhh! Come on don't be modest!" Pinkie would say before slipping her arm behind Spike's neck and pulling him close to her, to whisper lightly. "And...You and Silver Spoon eh? Wink wink?"

"Pinkie, please, leave my little brother alone" Applejack's voice would say as she approached with her own tray of food, sitting down next to Twilight and then smiling at Spike. "So how's it going? Are you comfortable here?"

"Well I think so, it's pretty great-"

"Great!? Great were your moves on the field! Not bad for a rookie!" Rainbow Dash would say, also appearing out of nowhere behind Spike, tossing her hair teasingly as she took a seat.

"AHHHH!" Spike would say almost jumping out of his seat at that voice appearing out of nowhere, which would almost happen if it weren't for Pinkie's hug.

"Who's scaring my little Spikey-Wikey?" Rarity would say walking towards the table with a teasing smile, with Fluttershy following silently behind.

"Are they all here? No one will show up to scare me?" Spike would say with a big blush as he looked at all the girls at the table to see if anyone was missing.

"Ohhh, don't worry Spikey-Wikey, no one here is going to scare you" The fashionista girl would say with a smile, gently grabbing one of Spike's cheeks in an affectionate way.

"No one here would scare an adorable little boy like you!" Fluttershy would say grabbing Spike's other cheek, letting both beautiful girls slightly tease the boy.

"Girls! Stop it!" Spike would say shaking to get those hands away from his face.

"Oops sorry little guy! I just can't wait for my turn to take care of you!" Rarity would say with a smile, laughing a little at the boy's adorable reactions.

"Relax, it's only a few days and he's all yours, but for the rest of the week, this is a full-fledged Apple!" Applejack would say, giving Spike a gentle pat on the back.

"Can I just eat?" Spike would say with a big blush, trying to get them to stop talking about him.

"Sure you can little one!" Pinkie Pie would grab Spike and sit him on her lap, grabbing her fork to grab some of the lasagna. "And here goes the little plane! Brrrrrrrr!"

The girls would just giggle at the way Pinkie was treating Spike, though after a couple of seconds, the boy would simply open his mouth to let Pinkie feed him.

"That's how all my lunches are going to be right?"

"That's right!" Almost all the girls would say, except for Fluttershy, that would only nod with a smile

Despite the way Spike reacted on the outside, that situation certainly made him...quite happy, he couldn't think of the last time he had felt this way with the girls in his own universe, so calm, so loved, enjoying jokes without being the victim of cruel teasing or hurtful comments, just his friends, having a good time with him.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone!

I know this chapter may be a bit...boring or lacking in content compared to the rest, but consider this a "bridge chapter", to put Spike in a specific situation without the need to explain everything in a Flashback or say "yeah, this happened off-camera".

Pd: And for those who are probably asking, yes there will be a certain harem component (not with the main 6, that's illegal :moustache:) like any good human Spike story, but not in the conventional way, so don't worry.