• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 766 Views, 33 Comments

A Dance Between the Sun and the Voice in Her Head - MistOverMoon

Celestia has a secret. For as long as she can remember there has been a voice in her head. It wants her, and she must play the manipulative game they have played forever to keep it at bay.

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Chapter Ten - Confrontation

It was time to look at the circle in the throne room. She had cleaned herself up and repaired the tower room. The moon was out in all its elegant splendor and the stars shone more brightly than Celestia had ever seen before. This had to be one of Luna's most splendid nights.

Celestia made sure there were no other ponies in the throne room before gently moving the rug out of the way. The teleportation circle was revealed to her.

It was a beautiful thing, seared into the stone like a brand. The lines of the circle were elegantly carved in a similar swirling pattern to the previous circle she had tried to make earlier. Within the circle were three alicorns which circled the center in an eternal dance. The design of it was similar to her own, what was she missing?

The sound of two sets of hoof steps echoed through a nearby corridor. Quickly, Celestia moved the rug back over the circle as they drew closer.

"We do not know where to go from here." Luna's voice came from down the hallway. Celestia's shoulders relaxed, it was just Luna.

"Maybe I could be of some use? I can listen if you want me to." Nightmare Moon's voice grated on her ears.

"We would have thee listen if you would. We... we do not know how to approach our sister."

Just when Celestia was about to reveal her presence, she stopped. This was a chance to learn how Luna thought of her. It wasn't right to eavesdrop, but the thought of Nightmare Moon being the one to hear her sister's weakness was enraging. Against her better judgment she silently flew to the throne and hid behind it. Her mane was waving out from behind the throne, so she stifled the magic flowing to it which caused it to fall down like a wet rag.

"Why not just try talking to her? She is your sister; I am sure that she would hear you out."

"It is not so easily done; we have differing schedules of day and night. Our duties differ and it is not easy to find time."

"Celestia is quite busy. Though that can't be the only reason, can it?"

"Indeed. To be forthright, we have a middling fear of her. While we know that she loves us, we cannot help but remember those years on the moon."

Those words were what Celestia was scared of all along. So, her sister really did fear her.

"That will do it."

"How... how should we approach this problem?"

"Just go and tell her what you think."

"This is not as easy as you make it out to be."

"Well, I think that..." Nightmare Moon's voice faded as the duo continued walking through the palace.

Celestia sighed and looked down at her hooves. It was a strange time indeed that she was hiding behind her throne and eavesdropping on conversations. Luna found her terrifying, and Nightmare Moon was closer than ever to her. Her days would be spent alone with just a voice in her head for company.

No. She refused to let her relationship with Luna fall apart. The amulet had to be deciphered, Void had to be vanquished and with him Nightmare Moon. After the wildfire, then there could new growth. Then she could finally begin to rebuild. Slowly, Celestia stepped out from behind the throne. The coast seemed clear, so she returned to the rug.

She ripped the rug off of the circle and began analyzing it again. Just looking at it was not going to help, she needed to analyze its workings with magic.

Celestia threaded her magic into the circle. Unlike the one she had made earlier; this spell matrix was much more stable. It was solid and unshakeable. It resonated with her strangely, as if it was a part of her. The connection thrummed through her entire being. Magic flowed through her like lifeblood.

Then she understood. It was not red paint she needed; it was something stronger. It was something that could hold the powerful magic of a spell matrix. What she needed was the blood of an alicorn.

Celestia cut her magic to the circle. That couldn't be right, such an ingredient was not right to harvest. Unless she harvested it from herself. Even then, it wasn't right. That was something in line with dark sorcerers that belonged with the likes of Sombra.

There had to be another way. Then again, all magic wasn't inherently evil. It was the intent behind it. She could ask another pony for help, but that would draw them near a cursed artifact. A little blood might be worth it for keeping her ponies out of danger and solving her problems.

She shook her head. There was no telling what the consequences would be. More information was needed in order to proceed. There was always the inner vault, but then again, the things inside were locked away for a reason. The archives had been helpful in a way, but it wasn't enough.

"Getting cold hooves my dear? I think I know what you realized you must do." Void spoke in her mind.

"And what is that?" Celestia covered the teleportation circle once again.

"Spill a bit of blood, crack open a few old tomes. Hit the books if you know my meaning."

"You mean the inner vault. Uncover my old books on magic."

"You are quite clever I must say. A real bright spot."

"I buried those books for a reason." Celestia said.

"Not that you remember, do you?"

The words rung true. Once again there was a hole in her memory, a gaping hole that shouldn't have been there. Those books, her armor, her spear, they had all been locked away and she could barely remember why. Something told her they should never be looked upon again. Yet, the reason eluded her.

"Why is my memory fractured? What did you do to me?" Celestia's wings drooped.

"I didn't do anything to you. In fact, I am trying to help you remember." Void said.

"Don't lie to me Void. I know you would never help me willingly-"

"Never help you willingly huh? NEVER HELP YOU?! If only you knew my sun, if only you could open up that fractured brain of yours to the truth." Void snarled.

Celestia nearly reeled back from the sudden explosion of noise in her mind.

"I... my apologies. I had a little outburst there." Void said. "It seems that we need some more alone time. I'll be back later."

Void did help her often, didn't he? It was in a roundabout way, but more often than not it ended up to her benefit. Then again, he sent Nightmare Moon to torment her and her sister. Now that she was thinking on it, what had Nightmare Moon done that was actively malicious? She was most likely acting, but was she really? No, this must be another one of Void's games. She couldn't let her guard down even for a second. Void needed to be destroyed, and the key to that lay with the amulet.

Celestia was going to have to make a choice. It was impossible to relearn the spell matrix on her own and if she didn't ask somepony for help, nothing was ever going to happen. She could tell Luna what was going on, but the thought of speaking to her after what she had just heard was too much. Luna thought she was a monster. Unlocking the inner vault was also out of the question. It must mean something important if Void wanted her to do it.

There was only one pony she could think of that could help her. A pony that she trusted enough to help her with this. A brilliant pony with a group of friends she got closer to every day. That pony was Twilight Sparkle. She was a magical prodigy, if anypony could figure out exactly how these spell circles worked, it was her. It was unfortunate that Celestia would have to involve her in all of this, but she believed that Twilight could handle it.

Then, Celestia heard a familiar voice.

"Sister? Why are you awake at this hour?" Luna stood in one of the hallways leading to the throne room. Her strong yet kind eyes locked onto her.

"Luna. I was just having a late-night walk." Celestia noticed a distinct lack of nightmare at her sister's side. "Where is Nightmare Moon?"

"We went our separate ways for now." Luna said. "Sister, we wish to discuss something."

"You're scared of me, aren't you?" Celestia whispered.

"What? Tia, I could never-" Luna stopped herself. "No, there is no use in hiding it. We noticed thy hair flowing behind the throne. You never were good at hiding."

Celestia felt her stomach drop.

"We just wish to say that we saw you. Ever since we introduced Nightmare Moon, we have noticed your resentment towards her. It is understandable, but we cannot allow this to continue. We will not choose between friend and sister." Luna said.

"Luna! She is made of dark magic! That creature could hurt you." Celestia said.

"Creature?! Sister, she is no creature!" Luna straightened her back and her eyes lit with anger. "Take back thy statement this instant."

"Luna, please. Nightmare Moon is tricking you. You don't understand who is behind her." Celestia took a step back from the anger in her sister's eyes.

"Who then, pray tell, is behind our dear friend?" Luna followed her with every step she took back.

"I... I can't tell you." Celestia met her sister's eyes. If she told Luna, then Void's power would only grow.

"No. You will not tell us; you never tell us anything." Luna spat. "You are just jealous of our affection for Nightmare Moon, as always, you covet the attention of ponies while we are destined to lurk in shadow. Not this time dear sister, we will not fall to bitterness once again, we have the affections of our ponies through the realm of dreams. Nightmare Moon is a better friend and confidant than you will ever be, and that will never change."

"Luna! Please, I love you with all my heart. How could you choose that thing over me?" Celestia felt tears prick at the edges of her eyes, but they never fell.

"THING?! I never chose you over her, you chose not to accept her." Luna's eyes wavered. "We have no more to say to you. Goodnight to thee."

Celestia wanted to call out to Luna as she walked back down the hallway she came from. Yet, she could think of nothing to say. Her back was up against the stone wall. Drops of water hit the stone floor beneath her, staining the stone a darker shade. Was she crying? It was hard to tell through the water in her eyes.

That was it, Luna truly hated her now. All that waiting and preparation only for her to screw it all up.

She could see it now. Countless lifetimes in the palace as she ruled Equestria forever. Any friendships she would happen to make every other century would end in the ravages of time. Her sister would always be there, perhaps in the castle, perhaps not, but she would always be out of reach. Void would mock her forever; his minion Nightmare Moon would continue to drive a wedge between them. She would be alone in her immortality, the princess of the sun and beacon of harmony, a lonely living lie.

That could not be allowed to happen. Her sister was her only family in this world besides Cadance. Even then, Cadance had been alive for such a short time compared to her. Luna was her sister; it just wasn't the same with any other pony.

Every bit of Void's influence had to go. No, it had to BURN.

Celestia shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. No, it didn't have to burn. Where did that thought come from? It just had to be removed. Twilight could help her with the spell matrix, if only she could understand exactly what Void was, then she could face him. That started with the amulet.

On shaky legs, Celestia stumbled towards her chamber. That night nightmares plagued her. Nightmares that she didn't really understand. She dreamed of being powerful, unstoppable, and filled to the brim with potent magic. She dreamed of crushing Void into the dirt with her hoof, she dreamed of being beloved by the ponies around her without having to watch her every move. She dreamed of destroying every threat to Equestria in a matter of moments. She dreamed of Luna looking up to her with... fear.

Then, then she dreamed of flame.