• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 735 Views, 30 Comments

A Dance Between the Sun and the Voice in Her Head - MistOverMoon

Celestia has a secret. For as long as she can remember there has been a voice in her head. It wants her, and she must play the manipulative game they have played forever to keep it at bay.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven - Theory

Celestia waited for Twilight to arrive.

She had sent Twilight a letter asking for help on her spell matrix only to receive a letter back that she wanted to visit. Celestia had responded with an affirmative.

Now she stood in her empty throne room, alone on the throne. Day court was over, and she had everypony vacated from it in preparation for Twilight's arrival. She would have tried speaking to Luna but the recent memory of what was said to her hurt too much. It would take some time before she could speak to Luna again.

Her heart ached at the thought, but she hardened her resolve. As Luna's sister it was her duty to defend her, even if she didn't want the help. In time she would see.

The circle began to glow beneath the rug. In the next moment there was a blinding flash and then Twilight appeared.

"Wow, that really was a teleportation circle! A long-distance teleport of such range, it couldn't have been possible without a powerful spell matrix." Twilight scanned her hooves and body. "Nothing seems to be out of place either."

"Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said to get her attention. Her student was lost in her own world when she found something that excited her.

"Princess! Sorry, I just can't wait to get to the bottom of this!" Twilight glanced around, her eyes shining. "Where is it? The ceiling? Wall? Hidden in one of the stained-glass windows?"

"Before we start, I wanted to ask you about your stay in Ponyville." Celestia said. "How are you and your friends?"

"It has been hard princess, but it has been worth it." Twilight nodded to herself. "They are wonderful, and I have learned so much about friendship!"

"I read your letters. They sound like excellent friends." Celestia felt her heart warm at the thought. A group of friends to share doubts and troubles with. That sounded like a beautiful thing.

"Yes princess. Applejack is so honest, oh and Rarity knows how to-" Twilight Sparkle rambled on about her friends with enthusiasm.

As the warm words rolled over her Celestia's smile slowly faded to a thin line. These wonderful things, they were things that she was never going to have. Not unless she did something. What exactly that was she did not know.

"-ess? Princess?" Twilight called out. "Are you okay? Is it magical drawback from your failed matrix? Oh, this isn't good at all!"

"No Twilight, I'm alright. It just warmed my heart so much to hear you talk about your friends that I got lost in my thoughts." Celestia stood from her throne. "What do you say to a study session?"

"That sounds like the best thing ever!" Twilight nearly jumped before stopping and awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. "Ahem, excuse me princess."

"No harm done Twilight." Celestia hid a giggle at her antics. "Now, I am going to show you something that you must promise me not to touch. I debated on whether or not to show you this because it is dangerous, but I need your help. Can I trust you?"

"Yes princess. I won't let you down." Twilight said.

"Very well then, here is our ultimate goal." Celestia levitated the Alicorn Amulet out of a box at her side. "This is why I am exploring my old spell matrix, it is a cursed amulet that needs to be understood and then taken care of."

"A cursed amulet?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, it is known as the Alicorn Amulet. Its exact origin is unknown even to me, but it has the power to corrupt ponies that wear it." Celestia said. "I was attempting to use an analyzing matrix on it, but I must have done something wrong. It fought back against my matrix and fought back against me."

"Fought back?" Twilight eyed the amulet as it slowly floated towards her. "What do you mean?"

"When my matrix failed it exploded. It mixed with my magic and released a wave of black flames." Celestia said.

"Interesting..." Twilight eyed the amulet closely. "Is it safe for me to levitate?"

"It has not reacted to me, but I wouldn't risk it." Celestia said. "I am an alicorn, its effects may be lessened on me."

"That is reasonable." Twilight hummed. "It's not possible to learn much from just the amulet without magic. Maybe it would be better to work on the spell matrix?"

"That sounds like an excellent idea." Celestia flew down from her throne to land next to Twilight. "The teleportation circle right here."

Celestia moved the rug off of the circle so Twilight could see. The intricate spell matrix was revealed.

"This- This is a real authentic teleportation spell matrix!" Twilight's eyes sparkled. "The lines of magic are incredibly well made and drawn. It has Star Swirl the Bearded all over it!"

"I helped to make this one long ago, but I can't remember exactly how I did it." Celestia admitted.

"You forgot? But, but the level of mastery here is beyond even what the most advanced books have! The concept of a teleportation circle is still in development to this day. How could you have forgotten?!" Twilight squawked.

"I am not exactly sure myself." Celestia said. "My memory has many holes in it from over the years."

"That is a shame. I would have loved to see you at peak!" Twilight said with an excited grin.

"So, are you saying I'm weak?" Celestia said with a mischievous grin.

"O-Of course not princess! How could I suggest that?" Twilight said.

"Calm down Twilight, I was only joking." Celestia said. "Now, do you notice anything about the teleportation circle? I was not able to gleam much from it."

Twilight looked back at the circle. With a gleam in her eye, she scanned the circle. Her horn lit with a lavender glow as she focused on the circle. After that she took out from her saddlebags a sheet of paper and a piece of charcoal.

"Are you taking a rubbing?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, look right here." Twilight pointed with her hoof to one of the swirling alicorns. "There is some kind of small inscription above this alicorn. I can't read it, but I can take a rubbing of it and then analyze it easier."

"Insightful." Celestia complimented.

Twilight used the charcoal and paper to take a rubbing of the inscription. Then, she levitated the paper towards them.

"It's in old ponish." Twilight said. "I know how to translate this, but it might take some time."

"I can read it." Celestia said.

The paper was gently floated in front of her. In old ponish was a single word. In simply read, "Sun".

"It just says sun." Celestia said.

"Wait, there is more!" Twilight took more rubbings from the circle. "Read these."

"They say, Moon, Earth, and... blood." Celestia read the sheets that were levitated in front of her.

"Sun, Moon, Earth, Blood." Twilight whispered to herself. "Yes, it could mean many things but perhaps..."

Her mutterings grew to a level that was undecipherable to Celestia. Not wanting to interrupt the musings of a genius, Celestia waited until she was finished with her train of thought. Instead, she turned her own thoughts to the words.

Sun had to be related to her, Moon was to her sister, Earth was to... a third alicorn? She would have remembered if there was a third alicorn. Then again, her memory had been spotty as of late. Blood was clear to her though. It was the blood of an alicorn. She had realized that the last time she analyzed the circle. Celestia wasn't sure she wanted to tell Twilight though, it wasn't something such a young pony needed to know.

"I think I have a theory." Twilight said. "These different words are meant to represent the triangulation of the spell. By using the sun, moon, and earth, the circle can determine where it is and teleport ponies who connect to it to this location!"

"That is an excellent theory." Celestia said. "But how can we use that information for a new spell matrix?"

"Princess, did you connect the spell matrix to anything?"

"I connected it to the amulet."

"Maybe it would be better to connect the spell to an idea. The teleportation circle is connected to the sun, moon, and earth. So perhaps for an analyzing matrix it would connect to the idea of the amulet. The past of it, or its inner workings." Twilight said.

"That sounds brilliant!" Celestia said.

"It's just a theory." Twilight seemed giddy. "Still, I think with the proper connections to the abstracts such as lore, history, and purpose, it could be done. The only unknown is the word blood. I can't think of a proper conclusion. Maybe its speaking of the flow of magic through the spell matrix."

"I have an idea of what it could mean. Thank you for the help, Twilight." Celestia knew what she needed to finish it. Her own alicorn blood.

"What? I'm staying here until this is done, how could I let this chance to explore the depths of the art of the spell matrix to pass me by?" Twilight said. "With respect of course to you princess."

"This is dangerous magic. I am afraid of what could happen to you if you are nearby when I try to use the spell matrix." Celestia said. "That part is one I have to do alone."

"I can help princess! I know my way around a spell matrix." Twilight said.

"My most faithful student, I know that you are skilled in magic, however this is untold dark magic and will be fueled by my power. As an alicorn I could survive a magical backlash, you might not." Celestia looked down on her student. To her surprise, Twilight met her eyes directly.

"Princess, why are you putting yourself in danger?" Twilight locked eyes with her own.

"Twilight, I am a princess of Equestria, it is my duty to protect my subjects." Celestia said. "That means no matter the danger I will be there to protect them. Especially you."

"I can help! Just give me a chance." Twilight's eyes hardened.

"Twilight, you have been more than helpful to me today, but I can't allow you to do that." Celestia said.

"Princess, what about the amulet? I can take it back to my library and-"

"That is quite enough Twilight Sparkle." Celestia frowned. "Please, this is not a matter I wish to speak on."

"You're going to get hurt!" Twilight puffed up her chest. "You told me that ponies need help even if they don't want it! I can't allow that lesson to-"

"Twilight, enough." Celestia spoke with such finality that Twilight instantly deflated. "Please, return to Ponyville, I have kept you from your friends long enough."

"...Yes princess." With her head down Twilight's horn began to glow. "Please... just remember that the friends and family around you are there to help."

A moment later she vanished leaving Celestia alone in the throne room.

Celestia leaned back into her throne with a sigh. Her student was sometimes too zealous for her own good. If she got hurt, then Celestia would never be able to forgive herself. This conversation was not all bad though, Twilight had given her many clues to how to unravel the secret of the spell matrix. With a surge of pride Celestia was reminded once again, her student was a genius.

It was also clear to her that the blood of an alicorn was required. The word blood in the center of the spell matrix suggested it was an essential component. It would have to be done.

Celestia lifted the amulet and slipped it back into the box she had brought. She had everything that she thought she would need for the spell matrix, now she only needed to try creating it again. The tower had worked well last time, the flames had not spread widely due to its stone construction. If there was another backlash there would be little damage.

The only way to know for sure if the spell matrix would work would be to try it out again. Unfortunately, she needed to begin draining her blood to draw it. It could take a couple days to get the right amount without harming herself in the process. Though, she could speed it up if she wanted to. It would just cost her a little pain. A little pain to get the Void out of her head and Nightmare Moon out of her mane? That sounded like a splendid deal.

Now, she only needed something a little sharp to begin drawing the blood. It would hurt, but it would all be worth it.