• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 288 Views, 131 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Four - Glimbursts

The fourth part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Equestria is under attack! Can our heroes stand united to prevail against Opaline or will she be free from her castle prison?

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Chapter Twenty-Three – Saying Goodbye

After the water fight, Sunny had prepared home-made hay burgers. Everypony was sat in the living area resting and enjoying them as they watched the television. However, Starlight couldn’t help sighing as she looked at her leg.

Sparky meanwhile had already finished eating. Therefore, he was running excitedly around the room. A cuddly crab in his claw as he played. However, he skidded to a stop in front of Starlight as he spotted her expression. “What's wrong, Starlight?”

Starlight gasped, looking down at Sparky’s expecting eyes and suddenly realised the room had gone quiet. She looked up and saw all eyes were suddenly on her. She looked towards Sunset who suddenly looked just as grave as Starlight did, seemingly reading her mind.

“Well, I think this afternoon proved my leg has recovered,” Starlight said carefully before looking down sadly. “So, we probably ought to be checking in our return ticket.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Sunset sighed. “As much as I want to stay here with all of you. I’m also worried about my friends back home. I sort of ran out on them.”

“Ditto,” Starlight groaned. “I’d like to stay here too but I’m the Headmare of a school. I...I can’t just turn my back on that.”

The others looked at each other sadly as they took in what they were both saying. Sunny especially looked the most distraught.

“Sunny,” Sunset ventured. “We mentioned this a few days ago.”

“I know, and I tried to prepare myself,” Sunny breathed. “But I don’t...”

She trailed off and her ears drooped as she looked sadly at the ground.

Sunset sighed, after putting her food to one side she moved over to Sunny. Putting a hoof around her comfortingly. “If we don’t go back, Starlight won’t write the books with Sunburst that have helped us so much.”

“There’s a lot that we need to do to make sure this all turns out okay,” Starlight reasoned. “We...We don’t have much choice.”

“No, no you’re right,” Sunny said as she wiped a tear from her eye. “You were suddenly plucked from your lives to come here. That’s not fair and you really should be returning to them. I tried to get myself ready for this, but I’m not sure what we’ll do without you.”

“Well, you’re all fully fledged Guardians of Unity now,” Sunset reassured. “You’ve been on a bigger journey to get there then Twilight and the others did as well.”

“You’ll all do what you already have done,” Starlight smiled. “Defeating Opaline was you’re doing. Sunset and I didn’t help with that directly. So, I know that you’ll all be fine.”

“I agree, we’ll be fine,” Zipp smiled. “We wouldn’t have stopped Opaline without you though. I mean, we’d never have thought about going to Canterlot and finding the library there. I dread to think how things would have gone in the Dragon Lands too.”

“Getting everypony to unite at the trees was your idea though,” Sunset explained. “Putting out the message on social media, that was you’re doing too. We did what Twilight hoped we’d do, push you in the right direction. I’m completely certain that whatever the future brings you’ll face it together.”

“We’d never understand as much about Magic as we do now,” Misty gasped. “I...I’ve learnt so much from you. Both of you. But I feel confident enough to take what you’ve taught me and apply it myself. So yeah, I think we’ll be okay.”

Pipp’s eyes were wide, glistening with tears as she was clearly struggling to keep them in. “S...So are you going to go now?”

“Tomorrow, let’s go back tomorrow,” Sunset decided.

“A party!” Izzy gasped as she jumped up. “We should totally have a goodbye party. We’re never going to see you again so let’s say goodbye properly.”

“Sounds like a good idea to me,” Starlight smiled. “I hated the idea of just running out on you all. Yeah, I agree Izzy. With a party we get to say goodbye properly.”

Sunny’s ears perked up at the idea of a party and she smiled with relief. “A goodbye party tomorrow sounds brilliant. We’ll get the Brighthouse ready in the morning then the party will be in the afternoon.”

“Then after the party, we’ll walk down to the tree together,” Hitch smiled.

Everypony enthusiastically agreed. The rest of the night was spent playing games and enjoying each other’s company.

The following morning came all too soon, everypony gathered in the living area as they finished their breakfast.

“So, if we’re having a Goodbye Party this afternoon, who’s doing what?” Sunny asked. “I’ll sort the food.”

“Can I help you, Sunny? Misty asked.

“Of course you can, Misty,” Sunny smiled.

“I’ll make the decorations,” Izzy shouted as she waved a hoof in the air excitedly.

“I wouldn’t want anypony else,” Sunny laughed. “I know they’ll be epic with you on the job, Izzy.”

“Are we inviting anypony else?” Hitch asked. “Let me know who and Sparky and I can make and deliver the invitations.”

“YAY, colouring,” Sparky shouted excitedly.

“Good idea, Hitch,” Sunny beamed. “I’ll go through who I think we should invite with you.”

“You can leave the music to me of course,” Pipp grinned.

“Cool, cool, the rest of us can help wherever we can,” Zipp smiled.

“Okay, sounds like we’ve got a party plan,” Sunny giggled. “Let’s get to it everypony.”

With that, everypony started heading off to their tasks. However, Sunset stopped Pipp and Zipp and took them to one side.

“Before you both go too far. Pipp, Zipp, could I speak to you both about something upstairs?” Sunset asked. “You too, Starlight.”

“Sure,” Zipp smiled. “You got a surprise or something?”

Sunset only grinned in response but that was all Pipp needed as confirmation. “Oooh, I love surprises,” she squeaked. “What is it?”

Sunset smiled knowingly. “Well, let’s head upstairs and I’ll tell you.”

For the rest of that morning, everypony was busy preparing.

Izzy was clearly in her element as she decorated the entire bottom floor of the Brighthouse. From streamers to a massive piñata shaped like a bunnycorn. The centrepiece however was a massive banner which said, ‘Goodbye Sunset & Starlight’.

Sunny and Misty meanwhile were extremely busy in the kitchen as they made all kinds of party food.

“I hope Hitch is telling everypony to have a light lunch,” Misty giggled.

“Oh, I’ve made sure of it,” Sunny smiled. “I’m glad we’ve got plenty of time. This party is going to be brilliant, eee.”

“Yeah, it’s an awesome idea,” Misty smiled. “I hope everypony likes my apple crumble though.”

“I know they will, Misty,” Sunny beamed. “Could you check the hay biscuits? I don’t think they’ll need much more time in the oven.”

Elsewhere, Pipp was busy plugging in cables as she set up a sound system. However, Zipp, Sunset and Starlight were strangely absent.

Sometime later, Hitch walked into the Brighthouse with Sparky. Smiling, they headed towards the kitchen.

“Invitations delivered,” Sparky squeaked proudly.

“Queen Haven says she’ll drop in for the start but can’t stay long,” Hitch explained. “Alphabittle will be here though as will Phyllis and Kendi.”

“Peach Fizz, Seashell and Glory coming too,” Sparky smiled. “Sprout and Skywalk can’t.”

“The fillies will be accompanied by their parents,” Hitch clarified.

“I kind of feel bad for not being able to invite more ponies,” Sunny sighed.

“It’ll be fine,” Misty smiled. “A small party to say goodbye feels right to me.”

Hitch sighed at Sunny’s downhearted expression. “Sunny, you’re running around that kitchen enough as it is. If more ponies were coming, you’d not have time to make all the food.”

Sunny let out a sigh of resignation. “You’re right Hitch,” she smiled. “I just... We’ve become such good friends and I hate the thought that I’ll never see them again.”

“Don’t forget you’ll have the journals though,” another voice said.

They smiled as Starlight walked into the kitchen. She looked around all of them warmly.

“I think you’re all in a better position here,” she smiled. “You have the option of picking up what Sunset and I leave behind for you. You can still feel some connection by finding out where we go, and what we do with the rest of our lives. We...err, we...”

She trailed off and looked down sadly, tears building in the corners of her eyes. Misty hurried to her side and put a hoof around her.

“I’m okay, I’m okay,” Starlight smiled after a few moments. “This is just one of the hardest parts of friendship. When your lives diverge, and you end up getting split up. I’m going to miss you all, but at the same time, I know you’ll all be fine. You’ve got each other and I don’t see you splitting up anytime soon.”

“You’ve got friends back in your time you need to get back to,” Sunny replied as she wiped away a tear. “You’re right though, I’m going to miss both you and Sunset, but we’ve got the journals.”

“It’s okay Sunny,” Starlight said as she pulled Sunny into the hug with Misty. “Like I said, sometimes events pull friends apart. I should know, it was losing a friend like that which sent me down the wrong path. That won’t happen this time though. I’m going to make sure the information you all need is out there for you to find. So, keep your eyes out for it, yeah?”

“We will do,” Hitch smiled as he joined the embrace. “But that means you’ll still have some connection to us. Leaving stuff for us to find.”

“Okay, if that’s the case, you all better look out because I’m going to try and leave you all sorts of things,” Starlight smiled.

Sparky had been happily licking one of the mixing bowls clean. However, as he noticed everypony embracing. He left that and hurried over to join the group hug.

When the party got underway, Queen Haven smiled as she landed outside the Brighthouse. Flanked by Zoom and Thunder as always.

“We’ll stand watch, Your Majesty,” Zoom said.

“Aww, I’m hungry,” Thunder sighed.

Zoom shot Thunder an annoyed stare but Queen Haven smiled knowingly as she tapped on the door.

After a few moments, Sunny gave a beaming smile as she opened it. “Come in, come in, I’m glad you could make it, Queen Haven.”

“I’m glad too Sunny,” Queen Haven smiled. “I only wish I could stay longer. You don’t mind if Zoom and Thunder help themselves to some food, do you? I feel so bad making them fly all the way from Zephyr Heights only to drag them all the way back again.”

“Of course they can,” Sunny beamed. “I’ve made plenty for everypony so please help yourselves.”

“That’s fine, we’re on duty,” Zoom replied professionally.

“Zoom Zephyrwing, you are both to have some food,” Queen Haven replied. “That is an order.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Zoom said as she snapped to attention.

As the two Guards headed towards the food, Thunder smiled and mouthed a thank you towards Queen Haven.

“Oh, I don’t know what to do with those two sometimes,” Queen Haven admitted. “Now, Sunny dear, where are Sunset and Starlight? Like I said, I really can’t stay long sadly.”

“Over near the fruit juice, I think,” Sunny smiled.

“Thank you dear,” Queen Haven smiled. “Oh, I see there’s a queue forming. I’d best get out of the way.”

Queen Haven was quite right as she moved to one side to allow Peach Fizz, Seashell and Glory to arrive with their parents.

Sure enough, Sunset and Starlight were standing by the fruit juice. They both smiled as Queen Haven approached.

“Oh, I’m so sorry I can’t stay long,” she sighed. “I’m supposed to be in a meeting. However, I simply had to come and give you both my thanks and say goodbye in person.”

“It’s been an honour to meet you, Queen Haven,” Sunset smiled.

“I admit, knowing Equestria has a Queen in the future kind of feels strange,” Starlight admitted. “But yeah, it’s been an honour and I’m glad we were able to meet you.”

“Oh please, the honour is all mine,” Queen Haven insisted. “You were both whisked here unexpectedly. You’ve both been through so much whilst you were here too. From injury to capture. You’ve done so much to help our new Guardians of Unity, from advice and lessons to standing alongside them in battle. It is I and the rest of Equestria that have had the honour of your presence. I wish there were more I could give you other than my thanks and eternal gratitude.”

“The experience of coming here has been more than enough,” Sunset smiled. “My friends back home and I have done some wonderful things and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to seeing them again. However, this has been the greatest adventure of my life and an experience I am going to treasure.”

“I’ve also done some brilliant things,” Starlight smiled. “I’ve helped save Equestria multiple times even. But getting the chance to come here and guide a new generation was amazing. I think Sunny and Zipp have got some things for us to remember them all by. Apart from that, we don’t need any other rewards.”

Queen Haven smiled as she beckoned them both into a hug. “Again, thank you both. Enjoy your party here and I hope you have a safe trip home.”

“Goodbye, Queen Haven,” Sunset smiled.

“I hope the rest of your reign is long and successful,” Starlight added with a grin.

“Goodbye and Good Luck to both of you,” Queen Haven grinned.

It wasn’t long later that all the guests had arrived. Pipp had set up a party playlist which had been keeping everypony entertained. However, she couldn’t resist stepping in front of the microphone.

“Hey there everypony,” she grinned. “Thank you for coming as we say goodbye to Sunset and Starlight and thank them for all their help. I...I know this is kind of a sad occasion, but I’m determined not to cry. Therefore, I’m going to do what I do in these situations and sing for you all.”

Everypony cheered as Pipp spun around and pressed a button on the sound system.

First thing’s first you gotta look for the spark

That bit of magic way deep down in your heart

It’s the rhythm that connects us

When you find it yeah now that’s a great start

You gotta follow your beat

And then soon you will see

You won’t have that far to go

Until your song starts to grow

All you need is your beat

All you need is your groove

To get them stompin’ their hooves

And then the next thing you know

Imagination will flow

All you need is your beat

All you need is your beat


(All you need is your beat)

All you need is your beat

Everypony in the Brighthouse clapped and cheered as Pipp finished the song. She stood in front of the microphone with a beaming smile as she caught her breath.

“Thank you everypony,” she beamed. “You know me, I can never pass up the chance to sing. Especially when doing so helps me keep hold of my emotional responses, haha.

“However, that was just a warm-up for you all. My sister and I have been working on something with Sunset. She’s got a surprise for you, and we know you will enjoy it.”

The others all looked at each other with mild confusion as Pipp moved away from the microphone.

Sunset smiled as she walked forward and took Pipp’s place. She sat down and adjusted the mic stand to suit before looking around at everypony.

“So, I kind of decided to leave you all with something to remember me by,” she smiled. “I know this could be a really sad occasion as we’re not going to see you all again. But, it doesn’t need to be. We’ve just got to Let it Rain.”

With that, Sunset nodded over to Pipp who pressed a button on the sound system. Everypony stood and listened in awe as Sunset poured her heart into the performance.

It’s all right, yeah

I’m walking right beside you

I feel the way, feel the way that you do, too

Oh, I can’t lie, sometimes

Everything feels like it’s just too much

But you gotta let it in, even if it’s tough

Know it gets better, know it gets better

Push through the weather, weather

Let it ra-a-a-ain

Let it ra-a-a-ain

Don’t be afraid of walls coming down

Sometimes it hurts, you’ll figure it out

Let it ra-a-a-ain

Let it rain, it’s okay

There’s beauty in the breakdown

There’s sun behind those gray clouds

You know, I can’t lie, it’s all right

When everything feels like it’s just too much

But you gotta let it in, even if it’s tough

Know it gets better, know it gets better

We push through the weather, weather

Let it ra-a-a-ain

(There’s beauty, there’s beauty in the breakdown)

Let it ra-a-a-ain

Don’t be afraid of walls coming down

Sometimes it hurts, you’ll figure it out

Let it ra-a-a-ain

(There’s beauty, there’s beauty in the breakdown)

Let it rain, let it ra-a-a-ain...

Sunset sat panting, looking upwards with a tear in the corner of one of her eyes. All around her, ponies were clapping and cheering.

“T...Thank you everypony,” she gasped as she stood up. “That actually felt strange singing that one without a guitar. I didn’t think I’d have time to learn to play with hoofs though. I think it came out okay.”

“More than okay,” Pipp beamed as she gave Sunset a hug. “That was epiiic.”

“Yeah, it was awesome,” Zipp beamed as she joined them. “Pipp and I were filming from both sides and Pipp’s going to edit it together. Then we’ll send it out to everypony.”

“Yeah, we’ll keep it just for ourselves,” Pipp smiled.

“I wouldn’t have a problem with you putting it on your channel, Pipp,” Sunset admitted. “Although I agree, it’s for all of you and I put everything into it for you.

“There are some things that I did in my past that I’m not proud of. Friendship turned my life around and I’m so thankful for my friends back home. However, this truly has been an adventure of a lifetime.

“Thank you, Sunny, Izzy, Hitch, Misty, Pipp, Zipp, and Sparky. Thank you for being so welcoming and thank you for rescuing me. Thank you everypony else here too, it’s been both an honour and a privilege to have met you all.”

As everypony cheered and clapped. Sunset held a hoof out towards Starlight, inviting her up to the microphone. Starlight smiled as she took Sunset’s place before she looked around the room at the expecting faces.

“I’ll start by saying I won’t be singing,” Starlight chuckled. “Sunset suggested making her song into a duet, but I think I would have butchered it. I can sing but I think Sunset’s vocals would have been hard to match there. It was brilliant the way it was.

“I’ve got to say that leaving you all is hard. I also have a past that I’m not proud of and it was losing a friend that set me on the wrong path. However, I’m determined to not let that happen this time.

“I’m saying goodbye to you all but I’m going to look back on this adventure fondly. Having the opportunity to teach magic to a new generation of Unicorns was amazing. I’m going to do all I can to ensure there are books out there that will help you all safely rediscover magic.

“So, I’m going to say thank you as well. Sunny, Izzy, Misty, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp, Sparky. You all have welcomed me, helped me through the shock of being here and helped me back to health not once but twice. To everypony else here, it’s truly been brilliant to have met you and I wish you all the best for the future.”

Yet again there was a round of applause from everypony. Starlight smiled gratefully as she stepped to one side and Sunny took her place.

“O...Okay, I wasn’t quite ready for a round of speeches but that’s fine,” she smiled nervously. “Sunset and Starlight, meeting both of you has literally been a dream come true for me. I don’t make it a secret that I’ve grown up adoring my dad’s stories from your time. So, the opportunity to actually speak to two ponies who personally know Princess Twilight was an honour.

“You both have done so much for us whilst you’ve been here. Sunset, you mentioned that we rescued you, but you rescued us first. I dread to think how that first encounter with Opaline would have gone if you hadn’t been there.

“You’ve both taught us so much, from friendship to magic. We’re all so thankful to both of you, it’s an honour to be able to call you both our friends and we’ve got a little present for both of you.”

Sunny stepped to one side as Izzy came forward, two brightly wrapped presents held in her levitation. Sunset and Starlight both looked at each other with surprise as they accepted them.

“You can open them now if you’d like,” Izzy beamed. “I couldn’t resist wrapping them.”

Carefully, they both removed the wrapping paper and revealed a pair of framed photographs. They were identical apart from the frames that Izzy had clearly personalised. The colours of which matched their manes.

“T...This is wonderful,” Sunset smiled. “I’m putting it pride of place at home. Even if it will cause some awkward questions with any humans.”

“Ditto, thank you everypony,” Starlight smiled with a tear in her eye. “Thank you so much.”

“I’ve got another surprise but it’s not one you’ll be able to take back with you,” Misty admitted. “Who’s ready for a piece of apple crumble?”

There was another cheer as Misty and Sunny busied themselves handing out bowl after bowl of apple crumble and ice cream.

The party continued for the rest of the afternoon. Eventually though, they all started making their way down the pathway to Maretime Bay and the Together Flower. Sunset and Starlight took the lead, followed by Sunny and her friends.

Sunset had her saddle bag and the poster she had obtained from the Night Market was attached to it. Starlight meanwhile also wore a saddle bag. Having been packed by Zipp and Sunny, she had promised not to open it until she had gotten back safely. The only thing she knew that was in it was the photo.

As they walked into town, they found the street was lined by ponies. All clapping and cheering as the group walked past.

“How did they all know?” Starlight frowned.

“Don’t underestimate the power of social media,” Pipp grinned as she flashed her phone. “When used properly it can bring ponies together.”

“If anything, I’d say there are ponies from all over Equestria here,” Hitch gasped. “I hope Skywalk can cope.”

Whilst the occasion was undoubtedly a solemn one. Starlight and Sunset couldn’t help feeling a swelling of pride. They truly had made a difference and were now being given a hero's send-off.

All too soon they reached the Together Tree in the centre of town. The Together Flower with the orange orb was still there, the orb continuing to pulsate with the orange standby glow.

Starlight and Sunset turned back towards Sunny and her five friends. Suddenly, none of them really knew what to say.

“Come on,” Sunset said as she raised a hoof invitingly. “One last group hug.”

With small smiles, they all gathered around and shared a final hug together. As they finally pulled apart, Sunny found her words.

“Thank you,” she said with a tear in her eye. “Thank you for everything. I feel so honoured to have met both of you. Two ponies from the time of harmony who I now see as my friends. It hurts knowing I’ll never see you both again. But...Thank You. I hope you get back safely.”

“I want to say thank you as well,” Izzy said. “Thank you for teaching me magic, Starlight. Thank You for being there for us, Sunset. You’ve both been brilliant and know we’ll always be friends no matter how much time there is between us.”

“Yeah, ditto,” Zipp smiled. “Thank you both for all the knowledge you’ve given us. Not only about Magic but history too. I know the information on the Crystal Empire is going to be a massive help finding Flurry Heart.”

“Kind of feel saying thank you is a given,” Pipp chuckled. “It has been amazing though. I mean, the content for my channels has been amazing but that’s because you guys are amazing. Getting to know you both has been a blast, and I can only wish you all the best for your future.”

“Well, I’m still saying Thank You,” Misty gulped as she wiped away a tear. “You’ve both taught me so much in such a short time. I never imagined that I could do any magic at all, let alone all you’ve taught me. It's not just that though, your stories of redemption, they inspire me. I know I can rely on my friends despite my past. Thank you, thank you so much.”

“Well, it’s been a blast,” Hitch smiled. “Sunset guiding us through the ruins of Canterlot and Starlight helping us in the Dragon Lands. You’ve both played your parts despite your own setbacks and misadventures. All the best.”

“Sunset and Starlight awesome,” Sparky squeaked.

Sunset and Starlight both looked at each other with a mix of gratitude and sadness.

“Oh boy,” Starlight sighed. “Sunset keeps saying this was the greatest adventure of her life and I admit it’s well up there for me too. Getting myself hurt, twice, wasn’t great but helping all of you was. I know, this timeframe is in very, very good hoofs now. Remember, rely on each other and together you can do anything.”

“Keep your eyes out,” Sunset smiled. “You’ve already got one of the journals we use to communicate between my world and Equestria. If you want to know how we do through the rest of our lives, look at those. You’re my friends, I’ve no issue with you seeing what I’ve got to say.”

“I suppose that’s it then,” Starlight sighed. “Goodbye. Goodbye, all of you.”

“Yeah, Goodbye and farewell,” Sunset sighed. “Look after yourselves and each other.”

With a series of Goodbyes, not only from Sunny and the others but all the other gathered ponies as well. Sunset and Starlight approached the flower.

Starlight slowly raised a hoof and carefully placed it upon the orb. It immediately stopped pulsing and glowed brightly.

Sunset was about to do the same before she gasped. With widened eyes, she opened her saddle bag and pulled out her phone. Quickly and a little clumsily she unlocked and opened the camera app before holding it up towards Sunny and the others.

“One last photo!” she shouted. “Squeeze up everypony!”

There was a sudden burst of activity as all the gathered ponies moved to try and get into the photo. Sunny and her friends stood in the middle whilst the others gathered around in the background. After a few attempts, Sunset grinned and showed Starlight the photo.

“I’ll print off a copy for you,” she winked as she put the phone away before she turned back to the crowd. “Thank you everypony.”

With that, and to a round of cheers and farewells. Sunset raised her hoof and placed it on the orb.

There was suddenly a blinding white flash. A circle of white energy appeared on the floor around Sunset and Starlight. After a moment, this rocketed skywards in a huge cylinder. Depictions of clocks and gears spiralled around within the energy.

The light from the cylinder of energy was so intense, that everypony had to cover their eyes. Eventually, the huge cylinder disappeared, and Sunset and Starlight were no longer there.

Everypony stood in shock. Seemingly taking in the fact that the pair had gone.

“I hope they made it back,” Zipp sighed.

“I’m sure they will have,” Hitch responded.

Sunny sighed as she looked at the ground. Suddenly, her ear twitched. Then the other twitched. Then she felt it, the familiar draw of the Together Flowers. She looked up and gasped. As soon as she saw the orb, the pulling sensation became stronger than she’d ever felt previously. Before she could say anything, she looked vacantly at the flower and started walking forward.

“W...what?” Misty gasped.

“Sunny?” Hitch exclaimed. “What’s going on?”

They tried to move forward with her. But they barely made a step when they felt an invisible barrier in front of them. No pony could do anything as Sunny walked towards the flower.

“Maybe there’s one last secret,” Zipp guessed.

As she reached the flower, there was a flash as Sunny’s element necklace appeared around her neck. Misty couldn’t help gasping with surprise.

“Th...That shouldn’t be possible,” she breathed. “The chest Runcord gave us. It’s locked and enchanted. There should be no way anything could remove the elements, magical or otherwise.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t question the forces that gave us the elements in the first place?” Hitch smiled.

Sunny meanwhile stopped before the flower. The orb was still glowing brightly, and she raised her hoof and touched it.

There was a blinding orange flash. As it receded, a heart-shaped pendant appeared, hooked to the bottom of Sunny’s element below the charm. It was red in colour with a gold frame.

Sunny’s eyes were completely white as she turned around to face the crowd.

“I am Sunny Starscout,” she said in an ethereal voice. “I represent the Element of Hope. Hope for all Equestria and all pony kind. Hope for the future and hope for the past. The Elements of Unity have been bestowed on their Guardians. May all those who have come before help and guide them via the rainbow.”

There was one final flash as Sunny collapsed. Behind her, the Together Flowers wilted, their multi-coloured petals dropping off and floating away. Each petal floated a short way before they faded and vanished. Once all the petals had gone, the rest of the flowers also faded away.

Sunny groaned as she lay on the floor. Her friends felt the barrier holding them back disappear and immediately ran forward towards her.

Izzy was fastest and shot to Sunny’s side as she opened her eyes and started to push herself up. Skidding alongside Izzy put a hoof over Sunny’s shoulders and prevented her from rising too much. “Steady Sunny, that looks like a whopper of a dizzy whizzy spell.”

“W...what happened,” Sunny groaned. “What’s...”

She lifted a hoof to her neck and felt her element was there. She closed her eyes again as her mind continued to spin.

“Steady Sunny,” Zipp advised as she came to Sunny’s other side. “Let it pass, there’s no rush.”

“W...Why’s?” Sunny groaned.

“I think we’ve just been given the final gift from the Together Trees,” Hitch advised.

Sunny groaned again as her vision finally stopped spinning. She looked down at her neck and finally spotted the new heart-shaped pendant. “W...What?”

Author's Note:

Pipps song is All you need is your Beat https://youtu.be/puoNbvr_w9Y?si=dY1pdChFBQaA1Z9s

Sunset's song is Let it Rain: https://youtu.be/XfBuWrbJ0nQ?si=cZVpNtj4LPmbBLmi