• Published 1st Apr 2024
  • 287 Views, 131 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Four - Glimbursts

The fourth part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Equestria is under attack! Can our heroes stand united to prevail against Opaline or will she be free from her castle prison?

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Chapter Seven – Party Starter

Sunny and her friends followed Runcord through the golden portal. As they exited, they all gasped and looked around in shock. They weren’t in the Night Market as they remembered it, they were on a stage looking out over a sea of ponies and dragons. Seemingly everypony in Equestria and every dragon was there.

There were balconies to either side of the stage. On one side, Queen Haven stood waving down at them before she disappeared. On the opposite balcony, Spike Junior was stood grinning flanked by many dragons.

The audience was huge and seemingly endless as it curved around the stage. Those at the back were much higher than those at the front, the floor clearly inclined. Even so, anypony at the back would only see small specs on the stage itself. Therefore, multiple screens were suspended from above, allowing those further back a view.

There were huge buttress roots at the very rear of the crowd which held up the extremely high ceiling. The gaps between them led to seating areas and refreshment stands of all kinds. These were attended by the creatures that had run the Night Market stalls. There were lanes within the audience allowing ponies and dragons alike easy access to the refreshments and other areas away from the stage.

Upon seeing the crowd, Misty’s eyes widened in horror. She gasped and instinctively took a step backwards. However, both Zipp and Hitch stood on either side of her and gave her reassuring looks. She gave a grateful smile before all three stepped forward and joined the others.

“Please be welcoming heroes of Equestria,” Runcord boomed.

“Wait no! That’s not quite right.” Sunny exclaimed. “Everypony and dragon here is a hero too. We couldn’t have defeated Opaline without the help of everypony in Equestria.”

“Especially the Pippsqueaks,” Pipp beamed. “You heard me, you heard us. Without your help bringing everypony together, we wouldn’t be here. You saved us!”

“Unity isn’t just created by a single group of friends,” Sunny beamed. “It’s strongest when all the ponies of Equestria are united. So, thank you. Thank you everypony. Thank you everydragon too. We all played our part.”

“Hoof to heart!” the crowd roared together.

“Spoken like a true Guardian of Unity,” Starlight grinned.

Sunny gasped as she saw Starlight was sitting in a wheelchair. Her leg was covered in what looked like white plaster. Stood behind her with a beaming smile was Sunset. Whilst Peach Fizz, Glory, and Seashell all stood alongside them with Sparky.

Queen Haven smiled as she walked onto the stage, flanked by Zoom and Thunder.

“This is certainly a momentous occasion,” Queen Haven beamed. “As Starlight Glimmer has just mentioned. I want everypony to welcome our new Guardians of Unity. Protectors of the Unity Crystals and keepers of the Elements of Unity. Anypony who is still worried about the risks that the return of magic poses. Know that they are our protectors. I know they will do all they can for Equestria, and they will protect us. Like Princess Twilight Sparkle and the Guardians of Friendship did before them.”

A huge round of applause erupted through the gathered crowd. Punctuated by cries of adulation and whistles of approval. Sunny and her friends looked at each other with a mix of bewilderment, pride, and shock.

Queen Haven grinned as the applause finally abated. “Now, Runcord. I believe you said this was a party?”

Runcord stepped forward, a massive grin on his face. “Queen correct. Party starts now! Enjoy everypony!”

As booming music began to ring out, Runcord led the ponies offstage and up a curving ramp.

“Have special area for you to enjoy party,” he explained. “Suspect you be over popular if you out there.”

“Oh no, we’ve still got to mingle,” Pipp replied. “We can’t hide away for the whole party. Speaking of, Runcord what’s on the playlist? Any chance of some live music?”

“Runcord expected Pipp Pony want to perform,” Runcord grinned. “First act quite Dazzling, you can follow.”

Sunset frowned at Runcord’s choice of words. Meanwhile, Pipp excitedly asked Runcord about the arrangements for her performance.

As they reached the top of the ramp, everypony gasped and fanned out into the VIP area. Along one side was one of the balconies which looked out directly onto the stage. On the other side, there were tables of food and a bar which had a Griffon standing behind waiting to serve drinks. In the middle of the area, there were multiple tables, chairs, and sofas.

Sunset pushed Starlight’s wheelchair towards one of the tables which was next to a sofa. However, as they got there, Sunset gasped and suddenly froze. Her eyes going wide in shock.

“Sunset?” Starlight frowned with concern. “Are you okay?”

“Y...yeah,” Sunset gasped as she shook her head. “I’m fine. I'll go get us something to eat.”

Starlight said nothing more, however, she couldn’t help feeling concerned as Sunset headed towards the food.

Elsewhere, Blaize growled as she spotted a lilac Dragon serving at one of the drink stalls. She waited until the Dragon had finished serving drinks to a group of excited ponies before making her way over herself.

“I thought you were never to be seen by Dragon kind again?” Blaize growled folding her arms.

“That is your fault, not mine,” Whisper responded. “I have not left the Night Market since Runcord took me in. You are the ones that have come to me.”

“This changes nothing,” Blaize grunted. “You are still a traitor.”

“I never said seeing you or the others changed anything,” Whisper replied. “I’m working here, serving ponies and dragons alike. Speaking of, are you going to take a drink or are you going to stand there stopping others?”

Blaize blinked and looked behind her, she gasped as she realised a queue had formed.

“Fine, a cider. Please,” Blaize scowled.

Whisper gave a curt smile as she prepared the drink and passed it to Blaize.

“One Sweet Apple Cider,” she said. “Made from the famous recipe perfected by the Apple family.”

Blaize took the drink and paused for a second before nodding in thanks. Then she walked away, still scowling, and left Whisper to continue serving. However, she didn’t get far as Spike Junior stood in her path.

“Maybe you should be happy to see her?” he commented.

“Not after what she did,” Blaize replied as she sipped her drink.

Spike Junior sighed before looking gravely at Blaize.

“I hate to ask this of you when the party is just starting. However, I have a task.”

“The Dragon Stone,” Blaize guessed.

“Indeed,” Spike Junior sighed. “It must be in our claws.”

Blaize consumed the last of her drink before throwing the paper cup in a nearby bin. “Leave it to me. I will do what must be done.”

With that, she strode off towards the portal to Maretime Bay.

In the VIP section, Starlight grunted as she sat reading a book.

“I’m still surprised there is a book on magic plaster for broken limbs,” she commented. “My leg is going to be fixed in half the time it would normally take.”

“That’s good,” Sunset smiled as she sat on the sofa. “ I don’t think going back with a broken leg would be a good idea.”

Starlight snorted with laughter. “Oh, I don’t know. I can picture the look on Twilight’s face if I did.”

“You’re not thinking of leaving us already, are you?” Sunny asked worriedly as she joined them.

“Not really Sunny,” Sunset smiled. “Partly because we have no idea how.”

“Also, I think there’s still somethings we need to help with,” Starlight added. “I want to see Misty successfully cast a shield for a start. Also, it would be nice to see you teleport yourself and appear the right way up!”

Sunny couldn’t help snorting with laughter. “Oh, that’s a deal,” she smirked. “Only if you can show me how to levitate stuff too.”

“We need to go back to Opaline’s castle,” Sunset commented. “She used artefacts from Twilight and her friends to do what she did to me.”

“Oh yes! She was using those on us too,” Sunny added. “They were part of this system she was using to take our energy.”

“That should be our first stop tomorrow then,” Starlight smiled. “From what Misty has said, there’s lots of books and likely other things you ought to have.”

She blinked as Sunset and Sunny looked at each other with concern.

“Oh no you don’t,” Starlight grinned. “I’m coming and you’re not going to stop me.”

“Fair enough,” Sunny chuckled. “Now, who wants a drink?”

On the other side of the room, Peach Fizz sat in a corner looking concerned. “I don’t deserve this,” she said.

“Of course you do,” Seashell gasped.

“You’ve been through more than most of us,” Glory added. “It must have been so scary being in Opaline’s lair.”

“But...I....” Peach Fizz sniffed as her eyes welled with tears. “I don’t remember anything. I could have done all sorts of bad things for Opaline.”

“Don’t think about it, Peach Fizz,” Misty advised as she joined them. “You have no idea what you were doing for Opaline and honestly, I think that’s a good thing. I helped her for the majority of my life, and I remember most of it. If I started thinking about it now, I’d never be able to forgive myself. But forgiving ourselves is exactly what we both need to do, or it will tear us up inside.”

“You didn’t go to her willingly,” Seashell added.

“But neither did Misty,” Peach Fizz frowned.

“Exactly,” Misty responded. “We were both taken against our will. Don’t keep thinking about what you could have done for her. It wasn’t your fault at all.”

“We’re here for you and your dad will be too,” Glory added.

“Wait, where is Poppa?” Peach Fizz asked. “I need to make sure he understands.”

“It’ll be okay,” Misty smiled. “Hitch and Zipp have gone to find him. They’ll make sure he understands for you.”

Elsewhere, Hitch and Zipp had indeed found Peach Stone. After speaking to him and explaining, they ensured he had a VIP pass. They had just finished and were mingling with the crowd when they bumped into Alphabittle.

“Hey, erm Hitch, Zipp. Can I ask you something?” he said unsurely.

“Of course, you can ask us anything, Alphabittle,” Hitch smiled.

“So, err, that blue mare you were with on stage,” Alphabittle started. “I’ve not seen her with you before. She a new friend?”

“Yeah, she is,” Zipp grinned. “Izzy has been desperate to get her to visit your tearoom. But events kind of started running away with us so fast.”

“We’ll bring her to visit and introduce you properly,” Hitch promised. “She doesn’t remember her family so maybe we can put something together to help her find them.”

“She...She doesn’t remember her family?” Alphabittle gasped, looking shocked. “Why?”

“Opaline,” Zipp answered. “She took her when she was little. She barely remembers Bridlewood at all.”

“Which is why it would be awesome if we could bring her to visit your tearoom,” Hitch smiled. “If we let you know when, maybe you could invite some of the elders who might be able to help her?”

“Y...Yeah,” Alphabittle replied. “Sounds good, let me know when.”

Zipp and Hitch both smiled and nodded before they were suddenly accosted by a group of fans asking for autographs. Alphabittle backed away, feeling quite numb inside. He weaved his way through the crowd and returned to the portal that would take him to Bridlewood. With one last look at the stage through widened eyes, he went through the portal.

“It...It can’t be,” he muttered. “It just can’t.”