• Published 6th May 2024
  • 398 Views, 1 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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A Happy Ending for Everyone

Our heroes had finally done it-- they finally succeeded in saving the Jetsons home, along with the help of the Jetsons themselves, their leopard pals and their WWE Superstar friends.

By the time the sun was rising into the sky, a small crowd of civilians had arrived to watch the Superstars leave for home, just as Elroy finished the modifications to the car, which the Jetson family decided to let them keep. “That should do it,” Elroy said as Zipp handed him a rag for his hands. “I programmed the car to take you guys back to the night you left. I figured that would cause the least number of temporal paradoxes.”

“Ah, listen, guys. Thanks so much for helping us out,” George thanked the group with a smile. “Yeah,” Misty nodded. “We really appreciate everything.”

Big Show…” Rosie started with her hands on her hips. “Don’t you have something you’d like to say?

Realizing Rosie was right, Big Show turned toward the Jetsons and ponies. “George… I owe you, your family and the ponies an apology. Especially you, Elroy.”

Elroy huffed and held up the beheaded teddy bear from earlier. “You also owe me a new teddy bear.”

Big Show looked at the remote he had in his hands. “Settle for my Bots of Destruction?”

“Hmmm… deal!” Elroy smiled, and pressed the button to make the bots come to him. “I owe the rest of you an apology too,” Big Show said to the citizens of Orbit City. “I don't know if it was being frozen in ice for 100 years or… beating a robot for the championship title. But I crossed a line and I'm sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Of course we can, Big Show. Believe me, it happens to the best of us sometimes,” Misty smiled. “Right, guys?”

The ponies nodded at this… but the townsfolk gave a bunch of different, angry reactions.

“But you enslaved us!”

“And made us build a giant statue!”

“Yeah, what about that?”

“Who’s gonna fix our city?!”

“Uh… we should probably get going,” Sheamus spoke up. “Right behind you!” Clover yelped before racing after him. “Hey, Vega? Orion? Why don’t you come back with us?” Jaya invited. “We can train you to be Superstars just like us, and you won’t be alone anymore.”

“...that’s okay, Jaya. We’ll try and come visit again,” said Vega, “but since we know that the charms on our collars are magic…”

“We think that Orbit City is where we need to be,” Orion added. “And the Jetsons are who we need to be with.”

“We totally get it,” Amiri told them. “But you better come and visit us soon-- we have so much to teach you guys.”

“Promise,” Vega and Orion said, giving their friends one final hug before the WWE trainees went to join their friends in their space pods.

“Farewell, ponies and Jetsons!” Mr. McMahon said before he piloted the space car out of the Earth’s atmosphere, around the moon and back to the present day.

As they watched their new friends leave, Izzy couldn’t help but sigh sadly. “It’s been only a minute and I miss them already…”

“We’ll see them again someday, Iz,” Zipp said. “But we have these fun costumes and this amazing adventure for us to remember them by.”

“Speaking of remembering… Jane and I got something done last night without you kids knowing,” George said, pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket. “Give it a read, Vega.”

Vega took the piece of paper in her paws and held it out for her and her brother to read, and her eyes widened slowly as she read it before she looked up at George, Jane and the rest of the Jetsons with teary eyes.

Could this really be happening?

Or... was she just dreaming?

Finally, Vega managed to find her voice, even though it was cracking a bit from emotion. “You… you wanna adopt Orion and me?”

“Really?!” Orion blurt out, excited, but also a little bit worried. “Cause if this is some kind of cruel joke, so help me…”

“No no… it’s fully proof of how much we love you,” Jane said gently, “and we want you to be part of our family.”

Vega couldn’t help but sniffle and wipe her eyes before leaping into George’s arms. “We’d love that… Mom and Dad.”

“Awwwww….!!!” the ponies cooed as the Jetsons gathered around their new additions to the family, happy to finally make them part of it.

However… Mr. Spacely’s call stopped the union in its tracks. “Jetson!”

“Mr. Spacely!” George said nervously, standing up with Vega still in his arms. “I know. I should have told you about Big Show the second the ponies, Vega and I found him. I understand if you never want me to work for you again.”

However, Mr. Spacely only chuckled with a genuine smile. “Are you kidding? I just got the contract to rebuild Orbit City. I'm gonna need to promote somebody to supervise the robots while they do all the work. You think you can handle it?”

“A promotion?” George asked before smiling. “Yes, sir. Mr. Spacely, sir. I'm your man… but first, I'm gonna need a week off to spend with my family.”

“I’ll give you one day.”

“I’ll take it!”

As Mr. Spacely walked away, Jane turned to her husband with a smile. “Oh, George! I’m so proud of you!”

“Me too!” Astro said before taking turns licking George’s face, then Vega’s face, causing the little leopard to giggle and squeal. “Oh, stop. Okay boy, that's enough!” George told the dog. “Seriously, this is getting kinda gross.”

That's when Elroy and Zipp looked to the sky, wondering the same thing-- if their friends made it back to their time safe and sound.


It was another week after this that things in Orbit City started to go back to normal, and the ponies didn't mind staying with the Jetson for that amount of time-- especially if it meant helping Vega and Orion settle in with their new home.

Currently, Jane, George, Misty and Sunny were watching the match between Big Show and Sheamus on TV, while Vega and Orion slept while cuddling close to their new adoptive parents. “I love these classic matches,” George smiled. “I could watch them a thousand times.”

“And you have,” Jane smiled teasingly, just as Pipp came into the room with Judy and Izzy. “Good news!” the pink pegasus exclaimed. “Judy totally aced her history test!”

“She’s right!” Judy nodded to her parents. “My teacher said I knew more about the 21st century than he did!”

“We’re really happy for you, Judy,” smiled Sunny. “See? Going back to the 21st century paid off in more ways than one.”

That’s when Zipp and Hitch entered the room with Elroy. “Guys, we gotta get going,” said Elroy, waking the leopard cubs up. “We're gonna be late for WrestleMania.”

“Oh, you’re right!” George said, turning off the TV. “Everybody in the car!”

Hey!” Rosie cried as she and Astro followed. “Wait for me!

But before they could reach the door, a portal that was familiar to the ponies opened nearby, causing the group to stop. “What’s that?” Vega asked, eyes wide in wonder. “That’s our portal ride home,” Zipp said sadly. “We gotta go before it closes.”

“Hey, we can’t thank you guys again for all your help,” George told the ponies, shaking Sunny’s hoof. “If you’re ever in Orbit City again, just call us up, and we’ll meet up with you again.”

“We will. And thanks again, George… for everything,” Sunny smiled before turning to the cubs. “You two watch our for the Jetsons now, you hear?”

“We will!”


And then, exchanging final farewells with the ponies, the Jetsons watched as their friends disappeared through the portal before they left the house for the Orbit City arena.


The arena was packed full of ecstatic WWE super-fans by the time the Jetsons arrived, and the small butler bot was there to gree them. “Salutations, Jetsons.

Oh… short, but cute,” Rosie said flirtingly, catching the small bot’s attention before he cleared his throat. “We have your space box all ready for you.

“A space box?!” Vega gasped in happiness. “Appreciation,” the small bot answered. “It’s the least we can do. After all, tonight is all because of the Jetsons.

The Jetsons gasped in delight before entering the space box, letting it float over the arena before Mr. McMoon began to speak into the microphone. “Ladies and gentleman,” he began. “To honor the brave human Superstars who saved Orbit City. To inspire a new generation to get off their buttons and reach for the stars, WWE will now and forever more be for humans only!

This caused all of the fans in the stands to cheer, just before Mr. McMoon said one final thing. “Please welcome to the ring your new WWE Superstars!

But as the Superstars entered the ring one by one, George wrapped his arms around his family. “I got my Superstars right here.”

And that he did. Not only did they make new Equestrian friends and save their city from a dastardly villain…

…but their family just got a little bigger in the process.

And that was all the Jetsons could ever hope to need.

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