• Published 6th May 2024
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G5 Adventures in The Jetsons and WWE: Robo-Wrestlemania - ponydog127

The Mane 6 travel into the future and meet the Jetsons, and must help them save Orbit City from Big Show, who was imprisoned in ice for 100 years, and Allura, by bringing more WWE stars to the future for a fantastic, futuristic fight.

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Discussions in the Night/Problems Arise (Part 1)

Late that night, while many of the Jetsons, Big Show and the flying leopard cubs were sleeping, the Mane 6 found themselves awake, quietly discussing all the things they had noticed throughout this new adventure…

…which had turned out to be pretty important in more ways than one. “Guys, let’s go over what we know one last time,” Sunny told her friends. “We know that Big Show is definitely a man of a large stature, and whatever he did 100 years ago required some kind of supreme strength.”

“Right,” Zipp said. “Maybe that can lead to some sort of clue that can help us get him home.”

“Guys, I know I’ve seen Big Show somewhere before,” Pipp said, scrolling through her phone, “but I can’t find anything on social media about it! Ohhh… the one time I actually NEED social media and it fails on me!”

“Guys, I know helping Big Show is important, but… my heart really goes out to Orion and Vega,” Misty said sympathetically. “I know how it feels to have your mom just leave you somewhere and not come back for you. I just… I feel so bad for them.”

“We do too, Misty,” Hitch nodded. “But Jane, George and the rest of the Jetsons seem to be taking really good care of them-- like they were part of the family by blood.”

“However… I heard George say something to Jane the other night that made me worried. George really loves Vega and Orion, like the rest of the family, but he isn’t sure what exactly to do with them,” Sunny said with a frown. “It’s been months since their mom left, and she still hasn’t been spotted anywhere in Orbit City.”

“Do you think we should take them back to Equestria with us when this is all over?” asked Izzy. “I know they’d feel right at home!”

“I don’t think so, Izzy-- they know Orbit City, and they love the Jetsons. I don’t wanna take them away from their friends,” Zipp shook her head, “even with the chance that their mom might come for them.”

“Vega and Orion look up to George like a father figure too. Vega told me on the way here that their dad died right after they were born,” Pipp spoke. “So, that explains why she slept with George and Jane the other night after her nightmare!” Sunny realized. “She wants to have a family, but she’s afraid that the Jetsons might leave her and Orion too!”

“Oh man… this is all a lot to take in at once,” Hitch said. “What do you think we should do next?”

“Well, I think the best option right now,” Zipp said, “is to get some sleep. We can’t do anything for our new friends without sleep, and tomorrow will be a lot busier with the whole Big Show situation at hoof.”

“Good idea, Zipp,” nodded Sunny. “We’ll sleep on what we’ve talked about and then regroup tomorrow morning before we head to Spacely Sprockets.”

But before the group could lay down, Misty had one more thought. “Wait… I just thought of something else. I know it may seem ridiculous to think about, but… do you think Allura could have figure out how to get to the future too?”

“...I never thought about that, but I guess there is always a possibility,” Zipp said with an unsure tone, “since there are more star shards that we haven’t found yet.”

“Let’s focus on that when we have a reason to focus on that,” Pipp told her sister. “Right now, we have to help the Jetsons and leopards figure out what to do with Big Show.”

Taking the pink pegasus' advice, the group laid down in their beds and retired for the night... unaware that Misty was right about Allura, and the snow leopard was waiting for the Mane 6 to potentially arrive... just so she can strike them down once and for all.


It was about seven o'clock that morning when George's alarm clock went off, trying to stir him from sleep. “Good morning, Orbit City!” the radio announcer spoke. “It’s another beautiful day in the troposphere. It's time to get up and get moving--

George hit the snooze button on his alarm clock and tried to go back to sleep, but the alarm clock quickly started going off again. “Shake away those sleepy z's!

And just like before, after George hit the snooze button and tried to go back to sleep, the clock went off again, this time, the voice sounding clearly annoyed. “Seriously, buddy. You’re gonna be late. Get out of bed!

And the next thing George knew, he yelped as a robotic arm tossed him out of bed and onto the floor, waking Vega (who was sleeping at the end of the bed) in the process. “I’m up!” George exclaimed. “I’m up!”

Vega yawned squeakily at this before hopping off the bed. “Come on, George, quit lollygagging!” she teased, nudging George slightly. “We gotta get to the office in an hour!”

“All right, all right, Vega, you got my attention,” George said as he rubbed the leopard cub, making her purr. “Give me five minutes and we can get going.”

“Hey, sis!” Orion called from the door. “Last one to get the ponies up is a rotten space-egg!”

“Oh, you’re so on!” Vega challenged and immediately flew after him toward the ponies’ guest room.


At the same time, Jane rode the moving sidewalk into the kitchen to see poor Judy half asleep and looking completely drained. “Oh, Judy, sweetheart, you look exhausted! Let me make you breakfast.”

And with one push of a button, a breakfast consisting of bacon and eggs rose from the table. “I was up all night cramming for my 21st century history exam,” Judy told her mother, tiredly laying her head on the table. “It's gonna be a disaster. I just know it.”

“Maybe you should spend a little more time studying,” Jane advised, “and a little LESS time cheerleading.”

“What? So I can fail at cheerleading too? So un-cosmic!” Judy huffed. “Great advice, Mom.”

“Well, that’s what I’m here for.”

“Good morning, everypony! Vega and Orion gave us quite the warm wake-up call this morning!” Pipp said as the ponies, leopards and George joined the two, and George picked up his coffee and kissed his wife. “No time for breakfast. We gotta get to work and figure out this whole Big Show situation.”

“Speaking of which,” Misty spoke as they walked into the living room, “where IS our sleepy ice man?”

That's when Jane suddenly noticed that one member of the Jetson clan was missing. “Have any of you seen Elroy?”

Jane went off to Elroy's room to look and see if he was still asleep, and Judy then konked out on the dining room table. “Heya, Big Show!” Izzy chirped cheerfully as the ponies, George and Vega entered the living room to look for him. “Rise and shiiiine!!” Pipp exclaimed before noticing something that made her freeze. “Uh… you guys?!”

When George finally saw the empty bed that Pipp was pointing to, he spit out his coffee and looked around in panic. “He’s gone!”

“Elroy’s not in his room!” Jane exclaimed as she approached. “Well, where in the world could they be?!” Hitch asked in panic. “It’s not like they could have just disappeared!”

“Uh… guys?” Misty said, levitating a note off of Elroy’s door. “I found this, but it’s all just letters-- no words.”

Zipp looked at the note before gasping at what she read. “B.R.B.F.M.S.F.A.P!”

“Uh… should any of us know what the stars that means?” Vega asked. “It’s Izzy code for ‘Be right back from my school, family and ponies’!” Izzy said. “I taught him how to write that last night!”

“Hold on a sec…” Zipp raised a hoof to stop the conversation. “Do you think Elroy took off with Big Show to his school to show him off?!”

“It’s the only explanation I can think of, but I don’t know if Big Show is ready to handle the futuristic world yet!” Sunny shook her head. “He just got thawed out yesterday!”

“We better go to Elroy’s school and bring him back here!” Misty said before turning to George. “Do you think you can give us a ride?”

“Sure thing! Everypony, in the car!” George told the Mane 6, who galloped out of the apartment, with George, Orion and Vega immediately in pursuit.


At the same time, at Elroy's school, Elroy had Big Show sit in front of the entire class for show and tell, and the other kids seemed shocked at what they were seeing. “My dad found him in a block of ice!” Elroy bragged. “He’s from the 21st century.”

“Ooh! Ooh!” one boy raised his hand. “Is he a superhero?”

“No, he’s a… uh…” Elroy looked up at Big Show, not exactly sure what else to say. “What exactly are you?”

“You wanna know what I am?” Big Show asked the kids, standing up and still holding the teddy bear Elroy gave him. “I'm the meanest, baddest warrior ever to enter the squared circle! Well, I mean… I was. Till I got frozen in ice. That championship belt was so close, I could taste it!”

“You were going to taste a championship belt?” one girl asked, prompting the entire class to laugh. “Oh, I wasn't just going to taste it,” Big Show responded. “I was gonna hold it over my head and scream, ‘I AM THE WWE WORLD… HEAVYWEIGHT… CHAMPION’!!!”

“You’re not the Heavyweight Champion,” the boy who spoke before told Big Show. “Reactor Rollins is.”

Big Show growled and picked the boy’s desk up, the boy completely calm. “You telling me you got WWE in the future?”

“Of course!”

“In fact,” Elroy stated, “there's a championship match this afternoon at Orbit City arena.”

“That title belt is supposed to be mine!” Big Show declared, setting the boy on the ground. “Reactor Rollins, you’re going down!

He slammed the teddy bear, which now had its head clean off, on the ground before storming out of the class, prompting the entire class to cheer…

…except Elroy, who had a feeling that what just happened might’ve caused some sort of nerve to strike in Big Show that could hurt a lot of people. “Big Show, wait!”

Elroy immediately ran out of the classroom and after Big Show in an attempt to stop him from making a mistake he might regret.


Outside the school, Big Show managed to stop a robotic taxi and stepped inside of it. “To Orbit City Arena-- and step on it!”

The robot operating the taxi turned to him. “I am only authorized to drive the designated speed limit.


And just like that, the taxi flew away just as Elroy came outside. “Big Show, stop!”

But it was too late-- Big Show was already gone, just as George arrived in the car with Vega, Orion and the Mane 6. “Elroy!” George said in relief that his son was safe. “Is Big Show with you?”

“Not anymore,” Elroy shook his head with worry. “Get in,” Sunny urged the boy. “You can tell us on the way!”

“Do you know where Big Show is going?” Misty asked as she helped Elroy into the car. “To Orbit City Arena,” Elroy responded. “He’s gonna confront Reactor Rollins and get the Heavyweight Championship belt!”

And not wasting another second, George launched the car in the direction that the taxi went, hoping to stop Big Show before he could make a big mistake that could shake the future to its core.