• Published 8th May 2024
  • 189 Views, 2 Comments

Tank You for Being a Friend - Talcion

A direct sequel to the 5th episode of the 5th season, Tanks for the Memories. We follow Rainbow Dash's experience of her first winter without Tank.

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The Farewell

Rainbow Dash stood at the edge of the Everfree Forest, her wings tucked tightly against her sides. The air was crisp, and the first snowflakes danced around her. She glanced down at the small, slumbering form of her beloved pet, Tank, nestled in his cozy burrow.

“It’s time, buddy,” she murmured, her voice barely audible over the wind. “Time for your winter hibernation.” Her voice was a mere whisper, yet it carried the weight of her heavy heart.

Tank blinked sleepily, and a pang of sadness struck Rainbow Dash. She knew this farewell was inevitable, yet it stung with fresh pain each time.

“You’ve been with me through thick and thin, and now…” she trailed off, her voice cracking. “I’m gonna miss you.” She tried to fight the tears from streaming down her contorted face, but to no avail.

Laughter pierced the silence, pulling her from her reverie. Fluttershy and Rarity were sculpting snowponies, while Pinkie Pie instigated a snowball skirmish, roping in Twilight and Applejack.

“Hey, Rainbow!” Applejack beckoned, her voice warm. “C’mon, sugarcube, join the fun!”

Rainbow Dash forced a smile, wiping the tears from her eyes. She loved winter activities, especially with her friends. But today, her heart just wasn't in it. She couldn't bring herself to leave Tank there alone, not even for a snowball fight.

“I’ll catch up later,” she called back. “Just gotta do something first.”

The other ponies exchanged puzzled glances, but they didn’t press further. They knew Rainbow Dash’s bond with Tank was special, and understood her need to be alone. And so, Rainbow Dash watched them disappear into the snowy distance, their laughter fading. She turned back to Tank, who had nestled deeper into his burrow.

“I promise, Tank,” she murmured. “I’ll be here waiting when you wake up. We’ll have epic adventures again, just like always.”

But as she walked away, the forest swallowing her in its snowy embrace, doubt gnawed at her. What if spring never came? What if Tank never woke up? The thought was unbearable. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts.

“What am I thinking? Tank’s fine! He’s just taking a nap! A really...really long nap.” She trailed off for moment in her thoughts, but quickly snapped back to her senses. “Come on, Rainbow! You need to focus on something else. Anything else.” She thought for a moment, and suddenly, an idea popped into her head. “And I know just the thing!”

With a determined flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash shot through the sky like a comet. The wind roared in her ears, and the snowflakes blurred into streaks of white. She aimed straight for her cloud home, where her favorite book awaited—a worn, dog-eared copy of Daring Do and the Quest for the Crystal Key.
As she landed on her cloud, she snatched the book from the shelf. The familiar cover depicted Daring Do, fearless adventurer, her hat tilted just so, ready for action. Rainbow Dash settled into her cozy reading nook, the fireplace crackling beside her. But as she flipped open the pages, her eyes scanned the words without truly absorbing them. The heroic exploits of Daring Do felt distant, irrelevant. Instead, she saw parallels—Daring’s determination mirrored her own, and the hidden traps in ancient temples reminded her of the uncertainties that lay ahead.

“Concentrate, Rainbow,” she scolded herself. “This is your distraction. Your escape! Just like Daring Do!” Her eyes widened with excitement at the realization, and she began to read again with renewed vigor, hoping that the thrill of fantastic adventures would drown out the quiet longing in her heart. Yet, even as she read, the ache persisted. Tank’s absence echoed in every line, every adventure. She wondered if Daring Do had ever faced a challenge as daunting as hers.

Rainbow Dash let out a shout of frustration, tossing the book aside. “What am I going to do?” she sighed, slumping in defeat. Gazing out the window, she spotted an Earth Pony wrestling with the snow on his roof. “That’s it! If being alone with my thoughts is making me miserable, then I’ll just have to keep myself busy!”

In a flash, she was airborne, her colors streaking the sky. She circled the house, banishing snow and ice, leaving it sparkling. Perched on the roof, she admired her work until a snowdrift stirred. A disgruntled pony’s face emerged, glaring up at her.

“Oops, my bad!” Rainbow Dash stammered, a sheepish grin flickering across her face before she zipped away as swiftly as she had arrived. The grumpy pony below grumbled, tackling the snow, clearly miffed by the disturbance. “There’s a whole town out there in need of a helping hoof,” Rainbow Dash mused aloud, trying to buoy her spirits. “With enough chores to distract me, this winter will be over in no time flat!”

With that, she darted from house to house, lending a hasty hoof with tasks she deemed in need of assistance. Yet, despite her flurry of activity, time had barely passed, and the ponies left in her wake appeared bewildered, irate, or simply worse off. A wave of embarrassment and shame washed over her as she retreated to her cloud abode, resigning herself to a day of solitude and reflection. As she lay curled up into a ball of depression, she glanced at her bedside table, where a picture of her and Tank, smiling and happy, was on display. With a quiver of her lips and a stream of tears falling from her watering eyes, she began to sing.

“When life gives you lemons
They say make lemonade.
But life gave me winter
And my heart feels such dismay.
A cold Winter’s come to Ponyville
I’ll face it on my own.
I’m missing you by my side
And I’m feeling so alone.

And I’ll fly
But I’ll cry beneath the endless grey sky
‘Cause it’s me, the one who had to
Tell a friend goodbye
My whole world is in splinters
Since we have been apart
I’ll miss the warmth of his friendship,
And the laughter my Tank imparts”