• Published 8th May 2024
  • 180 Views, 2 Comments

Tank You for Being a Friend - Talcion

A direct sequel to the 5th episode of the 5th season, Tanks for the Memories. We follow Rainbow Dash's experience of her first winter without Tank.

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The First Thaw

The alarm’s wail was deafening, slicing through the air with a sense of foreboding urgency. Rainbow Dash’s heart pounded in her chest as she watched the weather station’s monitors flicker and flash with ominous reds and oranges. The big red button, meant only for the most daunting demolition projects, had been pressed, and now, a catastrophic tornado was forming. Its target: Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash’s mind raced. This was her fault. Her legs trembled as she realized the gravity of her mistake. This swirling mass of dark clouds and howling winds, was a physical manifestation of every negative emotion she had been keeping inside; a nigh-unstoppable force as chaotic and indiscriminate as her thoughts, words, and actions had been.

Ponies scrambled in panic, their eyes wide with fear as they sought shelter. The tornado tore through the outskirts of Ponyville, uprooting trees and sending debris flying. Rainbow Dash knew she had to act fast. She was the only one capable of stopping the tornado before it destroyed everything and everyone she loved.
With a deep breath, she summoned all her courage and flew straight into the eye of the storm. The winds buffeted her from all sides, but she pushed forward, her wings beating against the gale. She had to reach the center, to unravel the tornado from within.

As her wings sliced through the tumultuous winds, each beat a battle against the monstrous tornado she had unleashed, she watched houses be reduced to piles of firewood and rubble on the ground below. Her mind continued to race. “This is all my fault,” she thought, her heart pounding as fast as her wings. “I’m supposed to be the one who saves the town, not the one who dooms it!” The guilt clawed at her, a barrage of self-accusations. She had always been the one to protect Ponyville, to keep the skies clear and the weather fair. But in a moment of unchecked emotion, she had become its source of danger, and the architect of disaster.

As she spiraled upward, fighting the storm with all her might, a vision of Tank, cozy in his burrow, flashed in her mind. She imagined Tank’s reassuring face, the encouraging smile of Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack. “Tank… my friends… Ponyville… They’re all counting on me!” she realized, her wings propelling her faster, her colors a vivid contrast to the storm’s grim palette. “I’m Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in Equestria, and I’m not about to let my friends down!” Her voice rang out loud and clear, even in the middle of this swirling tempest, a bold testament to her determination. “I may have started this storm, but I’m gonna be the one who ends it! Right here! Right now!”

With a renewed fire in her eyes, she began to pick up speed, flying faster...faster...faster, still! The tornado seemed to screech, like a beast in agony, as Rainbow Dash fought it with every fiber of her being. As she fought, the tornado’s fury waned, and her confidence surged with each passing moment. “You think you can take on the element of loyalty? Think again!” she challenged. With her final, resolute burst of speed, the winds began to calm as the tornado yielded, its dark, menacing clouds scattering to reveal the serene blue sky. Ponyville was safe.

As the town’s ponies emerged from their hiding places, they found Rainbow Dash at the center of where the tornado had been, her eyes closed, her chest heaving. They approached her slowly, their expressions a mix of awe and concern.

“That was amazing, Rainbow Dash! You saved us!” Twilight Sparkle said, her voice filled with gratitude.

Applejack tipped her hat with a smile, “I gotta hand it to ya, sugarcube. You sure know how to put on a show and save the day!”

Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly, her mane poofier than ever. “You were like, whoosh! And the tornado was like, whoa! And then it was gone! You’re so awesome!”

Fluttershy approached, her gentle smile saying more than words ever could, while Rarity added, “Darling, you were absolutely splendid! A true heroine!”

The group huddle was a tangle of manes and tails, each pony expressing their relief and happiness in their own way. Rainbow Dash, at the center of it all, felt a rush of affectionate warmth where once a bitter numbness used to be. She opened her eyes, looking at her friends, her town, and the clear skies above. In quiet relief she said with a sigh “Yeah. Totally awesome.”

As the days passed, the chill of winter lingered, but the warmth of friendship and the spirit of the season melted away any remnants of the storm’s shadow. Rainbow Dash, her heart as light as the flurries that danced in the air, took to the skies with a vigor that seemed to brighten the very clouds she pranced upon.

The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden glow over the snow-covered town of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash, her coat glistening in the light, soared above, her duties as the weather manager carried out with a precision and joy that was contagious. The once daunting task of aligning the weather patterns had become a canvas for her artistry, each snowflake a testament to her dedication.

Below, the town was alive with the sounds of laughter and the soft thud of snowballs playfully colliding with their targets. Rainbow Dash couldn’t resist joining in the fun. With a mischievous grin, she dove into the fray, her friends’ surprised yelps adding to the symphony of merriment. Twilight Sparkle, armed with an impressive arsenal of snowballs, met her gaze with a challenge, and the game was on.

The air was filled with flying snow, and Rainbow Dash weaved through the barrage with the grace of a dancer. She returned fire, her aim true, and her laughter ringing out as she watched Applejack don a snow hat courtesy of her precise throw. Pinkie Pie, ever the enthusiast, had constructed a snow fort complete with a flag that waved proudly at its peak and a functioning cannon, also made of snow, on the ramparts.

Fluttershy, gentle as ever, tended to a group of woodland creatures, showing them the joys of the winter wonderland, while Rarity, wrapped in a chic winter ensemble, crafted elegant ice sculptures that sparkled like diamonds in the sun.

The day waned, but the joy did not. As the first stars of the evening twinkled into view, the friends gathered, their breaths visible in the crisp air, their faces flushed with the day’s excitement. Rainbow Dash looked around at the faces of her friends, each one dear to her, each one an integral part of her story.

“You know,” she said, her voice soft but clear, “I think this might just be the best winter ever. Thanks, everypony, for being the best friends a Pegasus could ask for.”

Her friends nodded, their smiles as warm as the hot cocoa they would soon share. The trials of the past were behind them, and ahead lay only the promise of spring, of new beginnings, and of adventures yet to come. Rainbow Dash took to the sky once more, her silhouette a dark shape against the purpling sky, her spirit as free and unbound as the wind itself.

As the first signs of the thaw began to show, with the drip of icicles and the stirrings of life beneath the snow, Rainbow Dash eagerly awaited the reunion with her dear pet. The warmth of spring embraced Ponyville, the snow began to retreat, revealing the green beneath. Rainbow Dash watched the seasons change with a heart full of anticipation. The moment she had been waiting for was finally here.

One morning, as the sun cast its gentle rays over the land, Rainbow Dash visited the burrow where Tank had been sleeping. The earth was soft and moist, a sure sign that the time had come. She lay down beside the burrow, her eyes fixed on the small mound of earth that was Tank’s winter home.

Slowly, the ground began to stir. First, it was just a small movement, then a rhythmic shifting that matched Rainbow Dash’s beating heart. And then, with the patience of the many days that had passed, Tank emerged. His eyes blinked against the brightness of the new season, and he looked up at Rainbow Dash with the same unwavering affection he always had.

“Hey there, sleepyhead,” Rainbow Dash said, her voice a mixture of joy and relief. “Did you have a good nap?”

Tank responded in his own way, a gentle nuzzle against Rainbow Dash’s hoof, and the world seemed to stand still for a moment. The reunion was not marked by grand gestures or words, but by the quiet understanding between two friends who had been through so much together.
Rainbow Dash helped Tank out of the burrow, her wings fluttering with excitement. “Come on, Tank. Let’s catch you up on all the fun you’ve missed,” she said, her tone so playful and and mood so light, she could not help but burst out in song.

“And I'll fly
Oh I'll fly until the end of the sky.
So I'll be, just you wait,
With you at first light.

My whole world's gotten brighter,
Now that we're not apart.
I'll cherish all my time with you,
And the laughter that you impart.”

Together, they set off into the heart of Ponyville, where the rest of their friends awaited. The news of Tank’s awakening spread quickly, and soon, a small crowd had gathered to welcome him back. There were cheers and laughter, and even a few happy tears.

The day was filled with celebration. There were games and stories, and Rainbow Dash flew Tank around, showing him the beauty of spring from the sky. It was a day of new beginnings, of joy, and of the promise that no matter what challenges they faced, they would always have each other.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Rainbow Dash and Tank sat atop a hill overlooking Ponyville.

Rainbow Dash whispered “I missed you, buddy. But we made it through winter. Together.” Tank nuzzled her cheek, as if to say, “Always.”

Comments ( 2 )

This was a very good short story.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I really tried to capture the feeling of watching an episode. I thought it was a fun idea that I hadn't seen in the few fanfics I've read.

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