• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 8,097 Views, 547 Comments

Apple of Twi's Eye - Willow Arqueiro

Twilight Sparkle and Big Macintosh have managed to keep their reflation ship secret for over a year. Now, trouble brews, not only for them, but for all.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Chapter 1- Meeting by Moonlight

A massive, heavily built red stallion plodded up a set of well worn stairs in the farm house. He reached the top and silently walked a course to his shut door.

He padded by a door slight ajar, various voices sounded slightly shrill from little filly forms.

"It's mah house, so Ah get more bed then yous two!" shouted a easily recognizable Applebloom

"Oh, come on Bloomie, you know I flutter my wings in my sleep. And that takes room," stated a brown Pegasus filly.

"Oh, please. I'm a proper lady and therefore need the most," the red stallion winced slightly at the high and somewhat whiny tone of one Sweetie Belle.

"Sheesh, ya sound more like Rarity with every passin' day!" exclaimed the yellow filly.

The solid stallion carefully walked into his room, trying his best to not cause the Cutie Mark Crusaders to descend on him.
He poked his way through the wooden door and immediately lifted the heavy yoke from his shoulders, holding the collar of wood in his teeth and gingerly setting the somewhat prized possession on a stand he had made from scratch.

A strong voice called from the hallway, "Ya going tah sleep now, Big Mac?" said a tired Applejack as she poked her head through his door.

He responded with a dip of his head and a simple, "Eeyup."

"Ah well, night big brother," with that she closed his door and walked down to her room.

"Good Night, Big Mac!" yelled out the energetic yellow filly, Applebloom

"Sleep well!" shrilly sang out Sweetie Belle.

"Night," was all the brown Scootaloo said.

"Now girls, remember to actually sleep this time and no midnight crusading!" sternly yelled the orange farm mare through her door.

The three filly Cutie Mark Crusaders immediately quieted down. Big Mac listened intently as he tried to gauge when it'd be safe to go.

Annoyed grumbling came from the direction of Applejack's room about how come Rarity couldn't host the sleepover.
His ears caught the slight squeaking of Applejack's bed as she climbed in while quite a bit of sheet rustling and twisting sounded from Applebloom's room.

Macintosh rolled his emerald eyes and he decided he'd better find a way to entertain himself while he waited.

He casted his eyes around the room, and didn't see much.

His large bed was tucked into the corner opposite of the door, the one window in his room near the foot of it. The spartan like dresser had a few drawers but was adorned with a stack of books, due to be returned. His eyes landed on the novel he was working on that laid in his night stand.

His hooves avoiding squeaky boards without conscious thought, Big Macintosh made his way to the larger sized bed. Flopping rather carelessly onto the sturdy frame, he reached over to his night stand and grabbed the most recent novel Ponyville's librarian had hooked him on.

Flipping open the cover, which read in flowing script, Romeo and Juliet. He leafed through the pages for his book mark.
Big Macintosh generally wasn't one read a love story or a tragedy, let alone a love tragedy but it seemed to him that reading tragic stories kept him grounded.

Which had proven difficult for the red stallion because life seemed to be a little hard to believe at times.

'Even with Applejack getting the barn and farm house demolished every other month,' he thought in an annoyed tone.
Macintosh settled down to read.


Clear across the Apple Orchards and past the heart of Ponyville, shifted a lavender mare impatiently between her sheets.
A baby dragon shifted and circled in his woven basket for what seemed to be its hundredth time as it again settled down to supposedly sleep.

'Oh, come on already!' frantically thought the unicorn mare.

As the baby dragon shifted to begin circling again, the mare decided she had enough, her horn lighting up with transparent magic as she settled a sleeping charm over the little tyke.

The baby dragon then started an outrageously loud snore that reverberated throughout the library.

"Okay," she quietly whispered to herself with a little satisfaction. Slipping silently through the sheets, she made her way down the wooden stairs.

Levitating a largish picnic basket from behind her desk, Twilight Sparkle made her way out of the library to her secret rendezvous.


Macintosh laid the book down and cocked his ears towards to the door.

Gentle snoring sounded from the direction of the orange mare's room while hushed whispering still came from the fillies.

He hoofed around for his book mark and stuck it into the tight space that held the book together. Macintosh laid the book in his lap, being a little thoughtful for a moment.

While Applejack did seem intent on destroying the property every other month or so, Macintosh's life was sailing high for him. He was at peak physical performance, Applebucking was a breeze for him, and anything else was easy. The cider press seemed to run itself almost and his plow cut like a razor through the fields. His yoke tried to run away from him when attached to the cart and his charm just made apples fly from the Apple Stand.

But life wasn't always a certain constant in his life.

He had finally achieved what nearly every stallion or mare tried to do.

He had gotten himself a special somepony.

But, while others may get a special somepony, and that pony becomes a constant, dependable place in their life. One that they can relatively predict and generally know.

Maybe regretfully, his special somepony was just as likely to cause a massive frenzy over the world ending as she would over just an overdue letter.

Macintosh ruefully shook his head as he though of her, truth be told, he did love her, and her panic attacks had subsided greatly over the past year. Most likely in no small part from him.

He looked out his window that faced the East, which allowed the sun to wake him up relatively easily. He smiled again as he remembered his date tonight.

Macintosh carefully listened for any tell tale signs of his siblings or the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Not so gentle snoring came form Applejack's room and hushed whispers still sounded form Applebloom's room.

Ah hail, if Ah wait for those foals to sleep, I'll miss mah date. Climbing out of bed quietly, Macintosh deftly killed his lantern and he stealthily crept to his window. By the window was his large tactical back pack. Macintosh didn't really know why he was so fond of standard issue style bags, but he always had one. Although it's size and ability to carry massive quantities of most anything really appealed to the larger built stallion.

His hoofs opened the window with ease, and prep before-hoof allowed the window to be opened in complete silence.
A warm night breeze struck his chest as he checked the ground for anypony, even though it was highly unlikely that anypony would be around Sweet Apple Acres at this hour.

Macintosh carefully lifted up his pack and dangled it out his window. He steeled himself and dropped the bag. Fifteen feet below, the bag landed with a muted thud and he heard the tough fabric rustle as it shifted around.

His fore hooves grappled with the side of the house and found purchase, his upper body slid out and be then doubled over. Bringing his hind legs onto the ledge where he sat crouched.

Macintosh took a deep breath before stepping off the ledge.

Snapping himself around, Macintosh reached for the ledge.

After countless times of doing this, he instinctively caught the ledge and hung there.

Complete silence reigned.

Giving himself a brief nod of self accomplishment, he let go of the ledge. Belaying his massive size and weight, he gracefully hit the ground, rolled to his hooves with yet more silence.

Macintosh crouched in the shadows of the farm house. Luna's moon shone brightly in the night as he waited to make sure nopony had noticed his exit.

After his cloak and dagger exit, he stayed crouched and stealthily made his way to the dropped bag. Macintosh swung the large 'Tac bag' onto his back and buckled the waist and chest strap typical to Military Back Packs.
Satisfied in the way the weight sat on his back, and sure it wouldn't go anywhere, Macintosh set away from the farm house.
Not even ten yards away from here he dropped down, when suddenly...


Macintosh lifted his fore hoof in horror to see the old, dry pile of branches he had just crushed.
He fearfully looked back over his shoulder as his fears were confirmed.

"Shhhhh," he heard Applebloom hiss.

"What was that?" asked Scootaloo.

"Let's go find out!" Applebloom again.

"We should go get Applejack!" suggested Sweetie Belle.

"Nah, she'll just put is back to bed and Big Mac will say it's nothing," said Applebloom.

"Let's go hunting!" said Scootaloo.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Monster Hunters!" they all but yelled in unison.

As he heard them clamber out of bed and start to head outside, he galloped full speed down the trail to Ponyville.


Atop a grass knoll with a stereotypical lone tree, nervously paced a lavender mare. She stopped her movement and lit her horn up in her translucent magic. A large picnic basket was levitated, the mare triple checked inside it, making sure all her ingredients were in there for a great night.

Her special picnic blanket was thrown out. It a hard, coarse material on the bottom to allow it continuous contact with the ground while the top was meticulously padded with various fluff and goose feathers.

The picnic basket was settled back down onto the blanket, not in the center, but quite a bit closer to a corner to allow more room for two ponies to lay on.

A telescope was propped up near the middle of the blanket, on the edge though.

"What if he forgot?" The stallion in question was running a tad late, and he made a point to not be late. The fretting mare flitted over to the telescope to peer through it. Satisfied that it was in the correct position, she nervously trotted back over to the picnic basket.

"What if he doesn't like idea of a romantic date?" she asked the night sky. The mare knew that was preposterous as soon as she said it. She was certain she knew her special somepony, and he wouldn't care what they were doing as long as she was enjoying herself.

"What if he thinks I'm a super Egghead and won't want to be with me anymore," the moon seemed to rotate as if it wanted to smack her for speaking such blasphemous words, there was no way that he would let go of her just because of that. The lavender mare plagued herself with 'what ifs' when a massive red stallion cleared his throat right behind her.

The sudden noise startled the pacing mare out of her train of though and she whirled around.

Twilight took up a slightly defensive pose, "Macintosh! You're here!" she leapt at him and threw her forearms around his neck. "I'm so glad you came!" she nuzzled into his neck.

"Sorry Ah'm late, and why wouldn't Ah come? Ah'd do anything for my Special Somepony," he said while nuzzling the the base of her neck. She blushed as she remembered her nervous pacing.

"Well, I didn't know if you liked this sorta thing," she blushed and looked down at their hooves.
He lifted her head with his hoof, "Ah'll do whatever you do and go wherever you go," he smiled before adding, "and it isn't as if we haven't done something like this before."

Twilight blushed again and Twilight took advantage of how close their muzzles were to each other. Their muzzles barely inch apart.

Twilight edged upwards and her top lip met his bottom lip. Both their mouths opened and she lightly bit his lower lip before leading into a more elevated position to get to him.

Macintosh carefully kept himself in check, know that he sometimes had to stay level headed for both of them. He kissed her slowly before breaking off, "Now please tell me that basket is full of food, 'cause Ah had a light dinner when you said the words 'Midnight Picnic'."

She giggled and walked over to the blanket with him, their sides grazing each other. "Of course I did, I've gotten used to your massive appetite, Dear Sir."

And you wouldn't believe how much I've been eating myself lately."

Twilight then twisted her body and gazed at her rump, "It doesn't show, does it?"

Macintosh tactfully took the chance and stared at her plot for a bit before saying, "Eenope, you must be workin' more."
She reached in the basket and pulled out two hay sandwiches, one bigger then the other. Even with her late eating habits, there was no way Twilight could eat as much as Macintosh.

He smiled appreciatively before taking a huge bite. He chewed through it with quick efficiency, swallowed, and asked, "So how was your getaway?" He took another bite as she talked.

She laughed and sat down on the blanket, "You wouldn't believe how long it took Spike to fall asleep! And then he was snoring in the most obnoxious manner possible!" He chuckled as she imitated her Number One Assistant. He sat down beside her with their flanks touching.

"Well?" she asked, "Your's couldn't have been any worse than mine." An undercurrent of challenge ran through her words.
He briefly recounted his near disaster run in with the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

She snorted before redundantly adding, "That would have been awkward if they found you."

"Ah know, and then Applejack would've come out and things would've gotten way worse," he glanced at her meaningly.

"I know you don't want to hide it anymore, but I don't want any word of any sort getting back to my family," she leaned against his shoulder. "Plus, I doubt AJ would be happy that you are with anypony that's not Fluttershy."

The shared a little laugh over Applejack's strange overprotectiveness for her big brother. "I'm pretty sure Shining Armor would be way worse than anything Applejack could dish out on me," she said.

"And if he tries to get between us Ah will buck him straight back tah Cantorlot," he said, right on the heels of her previous comment.

"You wouldn't, you're far to gentle and kind," she looked up at him, "a few of the exact reasons why you are my Special Somepony."

"You've never seen me when somepony gets between me and family? By the by, what are those other reasons?" he asked innocently.

She kissed him sweetly, "That, ya Big Softie, is for me to know and you to never find out."

"Darn," he muttered and kissed passionately back to Twilight. They explored each other’s mouths, their muzzles' melding together perfectly for a little bit before Twilight drew her head back in amazement.

At first Macintosh thought it was from kissing and then he turned his eyes skyward. The entire night sky seemed to be covered in meteors.

Large clunky ones were accompanied by a fleet small ones. Many move slowly, taking their time to be admired as they glided across. Many more flew past in small rapid slashes in the fabric of the night sky.

Twilight's full attention was on the night sky, her eyes stretched wide and a look of pure awe at the spectacle in front of them.
Macintosh could've cared less for the meteor shower. He gazed intently at Twilight, completely entrapped by her innocent beauty. His gaze slid further down her body and rested on her lavender flank. A thought sprang into his mind. He shifted nervously, wondering if he should go through with this. He took out a pillow from his 'Tac Bag' and placed it up against the tree close by him.

He leaned back against the tree and gently coaxed Twilight over to him. He leaned her back against him, her back to his chest.
Twilight fidgeted around a little bit, not used to being completely vulnerable in another Pony's hold, except for the few time they had found themselves in the same bed and she spooned herself against him.

She nervously shifted around, after a brief period she sighed and relaxed, deciding to trust Macintosh entirely. Not like she didn't already.

He settled her in his lap and she rested against his chest, head held comfortably on his shoulder.

"You are by far one of the most comfortable chairs I've ever been on," she smiled up at him. He put his arms around her and hugged her close, pressing the two warm bodies closer together.

Twilight's eyes soon lost focus in the meteor shower as sleep laden eyelids slowly closed on her. Her body content with Macintosh's strong arms around her, protecting her, his heart beating strongly under his barrel of a chest. She let out a long breath, relaxing entirely in his grip.

Macintosh treasured the moment and feelings of his favorite are in his arms, a sense of satisfaction in his ability to protect her wholly came onto him. He remembered back when he first met her, when she first came to Ponyville...


He had been walking by when the royal chariot landed along Ponyville's main street and dropped her off. Now, Macintosh is no shy stallion, but seeing her with the royal guards and her looking like a she was on an important mission, Macintosh hesitated to greet her, and quickly regretted it. He remembered watching Pinkie Pie meet her before defying gravity and taking off. Determined not to mess up his next chance to meet her, Macintosh hurried back to Apple Acres where Applejack was preparing the food for the Summer Sun Celebration, quickly able to deduce she'd find her way there eventually.

Twilight Sparkle remembered the cupcakes that Macintosh had made her when she first came to Ponyville. As well as she should, it was one of the main things she enjoyed the most when sampling all that apple food. Since then, she would occasionally ask him to make her a few for her to take home. If she remembered correctly, there should be a few underneath a glass bowl in the kitchen back a the library.

Reminiscing happily, Twilight soon had no problem drifting off to the steady beat of his heart and the surrounding warmth and sense of protection his massive body provided.
Careful not to wake her, Big Mac shifted briefly on the pillow and rested his head on Twilight's, who's was on his shoulder, carefully minding the relatively sharp horn. drifting off after her before he knew it.


The sun smacked Twilight square in the face, causing her to close her eyes tighter and snuggle deeper into her bed. The bed rose slowly and gently before lowering again with a rustling of wind.

Twilight's eyes snapped open as she felt the strong beat of a massive stallion beneath her. She quickly looked around and panicked slightly as she didn't immediately remembers where she was. She squirmed a little and tried to free herself as the surroundings didn't register as normal setting for when she woke up.

"Well shoot," she heard Macintosh mumble in a deep voice, "Ah was hoping tah hold you a little longer." he released his protective and enveloping hold on her.

She stood up slowly, not wanting to leave his warm embrace. She glared angrily at the rising sun, "You know what that means right?" He shook his head. "That means that out respective households are more than likely awake and wondering where we are."

He grimaced and quickly folded up the picnic blanket, he set the folded cloth in the basket. Twilight broke down her telescope and slung in onto her side. She levitated the basket from Macintosh's feet. He started to protest that he should carry it, "Now see here Mac, we need to proceed with all haste back home and AJ will find it a little suspicious if you come home with a fully loaded basket."

He sighed as he realized she was right, he stuffed the pillow back into his bag, forcing it in there next to his jacket which had gone unused.

She walked over to the red stallion and gave him a gentle peck, "When can we do this again?" she asked him.

He shook his head sadly, "Apple Harvest season is startin' soon and Ah'll be workin' full tilt around the farm. Ah won't have any energy for these midnight meetings."

She nodded sadly, understanding. She pondered their dilemma for all of two seconds before smiling broadly. "Don't worry about it!" she said cheerily, "I'll surprise you!"

The lavender mare set off and Macintosh gazed after Twilight with confusion and fondness. Before she crested the hill and vanished from view, Twilight looked back and swayed her flank from side to side suggestively. Macintosh's cheeks turned a shade darker as she caught him staring. With a smile Twilight proceeded onwards from sight.


As Twilight began her walk home she began regretting her mistake of not telling anypony about her and Macintosh. With each passing day the lie, or simple not telling grew bigger and closer to discovery. She quietly wondered how each of her friends and family would react to it.

Rainbow Dash would probably call it 'Awesome' and carry on like nothing happened, which Twilight didn't mind. Although Dash may be a little let down that her loyalty wasn't returned.

Pinkie Pie would throw a party, and then another, and maybe another...

Rarity would probably faint, and then be begging her for details...
Probably ones of more personal nature.

Fluttershy would most likely be happy about it for it would mean a stop to Applejack's constant attempts to hook Macintosh and Flutters together.

And Applejack... Macintosh kept saying that he worried for Twilight's health if she found out but Twilight doubted she'd do anything to serious, but she wasn't worried. She had grown up with a big brother always training and sparring. Some of what he learned he taught her.

Celestia was a mystery.

Her parents would be happy, hopefully, then demand who he is and call for a meeting to take place instantly as they would feel compelled to meet their possible future son-in-law.

Then there's her brother, Twilight involuntarily shuddered as she remembered what happened to the last stallion she dated.

The more Twilight thought about it, the more she grew certain of her decision to keep it secret, and it would stay that way until she was sure that the following blowback from Shining and/or Applejack was in the presence of her parents of Celestia.

That actually wasn't a bad idea, she'd have to send a letter to Celestia asking for her to visit Ponyville soon.

But no matter what any other pony said or did, she knew she loved Big Macintosh. She smiled as she remembered the fateful day they started dating.

A year and a half ago, in the middle of Winter...


Macintosh trudged through the chest deep snow, heading back to the farm after helping out Fluttershy. He chuckled again at Applejack's non too subtle attempt to push them together.

The wind began to pick up and blew snow into Macintosh's eyes. He narrowed his eyes and plowed on through the snow vigorously, he silently wished that he remembered to grab his goggles. They would have been invaluable right about now. He unconsciously checked to make sure his saddle bags had remained attached to him.

He crossed a bridge that now spanned a frozen river, and came to the edge of town, his vision reduced to only a few feet in front of him.

He plodded along, the snow now reaching upwards past his knees.

His head snapped his and his body tensed as a terrified nare's scream rent the blizzard sky couple with a might *crack*.
Forgetting about the snow and anything heeding safety, Macintosh exploded from where he was into a full fledged gallop, blundering towards the source of the scream with all haste.

He sprinted on, barley seeing where he was going and therefore he failed to notice the fallen tree.

At full gallop, Macintosh's legs slammed into the trunk. His body pitched forward. Pine needles and small branches repeated whipped and smacked him as he barreled trough, several branches that didn't bend before his juggernautic barrage sharply cracked before the actually impeded his process. He flew into a massive snow drift where he floundered a little before regaining his standing. He spat snow out of his mouth as his lungs heaved for oxygen. He wished for the dozenth time for his goggles as he rubbed snow and water form his eyes.

Macintosh carefully made his way over and inspected the fallen tree, it was an old pine that had been weakened near the base by the ice and wind. He walked down it's length, looking for any sign of the pony that had screamed out so terrified.
He walked down towards the base. 'Hmm,' he nearly said aloud, 'Nopony here,' but he remembered to keep his mouth closed from all the freezing snow.

Macintosh turned to leave and as he did so his hoof pressed against something that was not of tree or snow. The massive stallion snapped around as a small groan barely made itself known it the howling winds.

The stallion shoved through any and all braches, big or small, and began digging. Macintosh's hard hooves furiously dug in the snow to reveal part of a lavender flank. He dug further along her back towards her head and was stopped by the tree.
Fueled by adrenaline and a strange feeling of responsibility to the trapped mare, Macintosh threw snow from Twilight's side. The red stud cleared snow out from next to her and below the area next to her and squeezed in next to her and cleared the snow around her head. He made sure he was on the side where the trunk was thinner, meaning he was further from the base of the tree and it should be higher off the ground, theoretically.

Macintosh pitched snow away and started inspecting the silent mare for signs of life.

He started panicking as he couldn't find any trace of life. He ran his hoofs down her body before digging under her chest. He held his hoof there before he felt a weak heartbeat.

He nearly shouted in relief, instead he settled of a gentle nudge and spoke loud enough to be heard above the wind, thankful the pine needles and branches provided some protection against the howling wind.

"Twilight, please wake up, you can't stay here for much longer," he said gently beside her ear.

Her eyes fluttered open and quickly widened in shock as she saw him not three inches away. She wiggled and tried to back up before whimpering as the fallen tree settled and bit harder into back. Her hooves were pined beneath we her and prevented any struggling or productive wiggling to free herself.

She stared desperately into Macintosh's eyes. "Help me, please," her voice barely reaching Macintosh's ears. "Don't leave me here," her eyes blurred with terrified tears at the thought.

Macintosh brought his face closer to her's, "Ah would never."

He scooted back a little and placed the tree onto his shoulders.

"On three, Twi," he said, she nodded. He settled the tree behind his yoke to keep it from sliding forward onto his head.
"One," he brought his hooves underneath him and braced them against the frozen ground. His hooves easily broke or crushed the snow into a condensed, stable footing as he pressed against it

"Two," he tensed his muscle and pushed slightly against then tree. The old pine creaked slightly as he tested it's weight, the aged tree shifted slightly but he locked his legs to prevent it from dropping further onto Twilight.

"Three!" with a shout, he started raising his massive frame up, taking the tree with him. His muscles bulged as he lifted the massive tree slowly, Macintosh strained against the tree and lifted it higher.

"Ahhrrgg!" he yelled mightily as the tree lifted barely off Twilight's back. Eyes strained shut, Macintosh's mind was clear except for one thought; to free the trapped mare.

His progress ground to a halt as he lifted more off the snow. He locked his frame and stood stock still.
But Twilight was still trapped.

The spot he had chosen to pick the tree up was a little too far away the he was just bending the massive trunk instead of lifting it.

Macintosh cracked an eye open and looked at Twilight.

Tears leaked out of her eyes and fell to the frozen ground. Pain was etched in her face as she moved herself ever so slightly.
It was Macintosh's upbringing to not tolerate preventable pain on any mare, no matter the situation.

Seeing the pain on Twilight's face broke something deep and primal inside Macintosh. He managed to keep the log form dropping back onto Twilight but he had to rest it on her again.

She cried out as the log was brought back down but Macintosh did not like this. He shot out from underneath the tree and ran around to the other side of Twilight, the side of the tree where the log was thicker.

He dove head first underneath the log, wishing again for his goggles. His pure rage and unrelenting barrage shot him underneath the log and nearly into position. The log nailed his shoulders as he slid underneath is.

That'll be a rather nasty bruise he though but immediately ignored it as more important matters were at hand.
The log was once again settle behind his yoke, and onto his shoulders. Red hot pain flared from where his shoulders clipped the log but he ignored it and pressed against the log.

Macintosh then did what he had been wanting to do since he had discover Twilight's predicament.
He gave into his primal urges and let his instincts and adrenaline take over.

Red colored his vision. "Errrrrrraahhhhhhh!!!" Macintosh let out a yell fueled by pure protective instinct, any pain he might have been feeling was washed away by pure adrenaline as the toxin flooded his nervous system. He threw all his bodily might against the tree with renewed might.

The massive trunk creaked and groaned as Macintosh lifted it higher and higher. He would have cried out himself but the intense inferno that engulfed his shoulders but the pure rage all portions of his brain save for those need for saving the mare.
The massive tree trunk was lifted clear of the snow. He lurched skyward in one last effort and locked his knees as he felt them extend fully to hold the tree up.

"Uhh, Twi?" he ground out, his eyes flickered open before being screwed tight again.

Twilight gazed amazed at him before her brain kicked in and she realized he wasn't going to be able to hold it much longer and quickly sliding out if the way.

Macintosh bent his fore legs slightly and launched them up again, throwing the the massive weight off and forward with a roar, "Raaahhggg!" steam blew out of his mouth and nose as his heart slowed to a steady beat.

The red Earth Pony turned around and was wrapped up by a sobbing mare. She held onto his neck tightly and tears slowly rolled down her face. The frightened lavender mare clung to her savior until he kindly cleared his throat. The stunned stallion sat there as his body and brain failed to compute going from blood rage to being hugged by a beautiful mare.

"Uh, Twilight?" he asked, "Do you want me to help you back to your library?"

Twilight let go of his neck while blushing in the blizzard before nodding mutely. With Macintosh supporting her, the pair made their way to Twilight's library.

Macintosh picked up the pace as Twilight started shivering violently. She nearly collapsed but he caught her on his neck and used his fore leg to boost her onto his back. She sleepily mounted him, a hind leg thrown onto either side of him and her fore legs locked around his throat.

He spotted the massive tree and trotted a path through the piling snow. With a yell, he barged through the door, he swiftly trotted into the library and laid down by the fireplace, allowing a shaking Twilight to slid off his back and onto the floor. Her horn light up and a translucent bolt fired into the fireplace as he stood back up and forced the door back closed. He stopped and listened to the wind and snow whip around the tree house.

"You can stay here if you'd like to," she said as a fire was soon lit. He looked at her for a moment, she met his gaze confused. She blushed deeply as she realized what she had suggested.

Macintosh started thinking of something to say to excuse himself so he could begin his journey home. He had been attracted to Twilight for some time now but he was not a stallion that took advantage of mares. Twilight beat him to it and started talking first.
"Please, Big Mac?" she asked quietly, "I don't want you walking alone it that blizzard." There was more to it than that; she didn't want to be alone on this night either. Plus, she felt obliged to given the circumstance.

He though to a moment, he really didn't want to go back out there, but his natural gentle stallion edict wouldn't let him stay in the same house as a mare, alone. "Is Spike here?" he asked, hoping they weren't the only people here.
She shook her head, "He's at Sugar Cube Corner helping Pinkie watch the twins."

He grabbed at one final hope that would allow him to politely turn down her hospitality, "AJ and the rest of the family are goin' tah be wondering where Ah am."

"I'll send a letter by magical means, no problem." She levitated a quill and paper before writing a quick message.

Dear Apple Family,
Big Macintosh has been forestalled by the storm and is staying at the library for the night.
~Twilight Sparkle

With a burst of purple magic, Twilight teleported it there to appear on their kitchen countertop.

He sighed, alright then. "What do you want me tah do?"

She smiled, "Lay with me by this fire and stay warm."

He flopped down as she levitated some blankets from the closet to throw over them. He took the offered blanket and covered himself in it, surprised by the chill in the library, even with the fire. He placed his head on his put stretched hooves and gazed into the flames.

He saw, out of the corner of his eye, Twilight look over at him occasionally and open her mouth to say something before closing it and looking away.

Twilight laid down completely and avoided looking at Macintosh, "Big Mac?" she asked.

He lifted his head slightly and turned his head to look at her. "I just want to say thank you, for what you did out there," she scooted closer and her voice dropped. "I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there."

He thought about it a little, he scooted a little closer to Twilight, As she still shivered violently, he tried to convince himself.
"You know the fastest way tah warm up is with another pony," he wrapped his front leg over her shoulders, honestly concerned for her wellbeing, plus it felt really good to be with the mare that had stolen his dreams.

She flinched away with a small cry of pain and he immediately felt horrible that he had caused her pain.
'What's wrong?" he asked gently with a hint of fear that he had hurt her.

"I don't know what happened when the tree fell on me," she said quietly. Macintosh mentally smacked himself in the forehead as he felt guilty relief go through him when he realized that he didn't injury her but grazed a sore spot.

He carefully peeled back the blanket. He wasn't a Doctor but growing up on a farm had told him a thing or two about injuries. He inspected the black and blue bruises that adorned her back where the tree struck. He also took the moment to appreciate the mare lying beside him.

"Well you have some horrific bruising, but Ah'm gonna have tah physically touch you tah know more," he looked at her and she nodded silently. "Alright, tell me if it hurts." he placed his hooves on the base of her neck. When she didn't flinch, he worked his way down her back and along her sides, careful of the obvious bruising. He couldn't stop his gaze work its way down the rest of her back and settle on her flank. He ripped his eyes back as a deeper red colored his cheeks and felt along her sides. He quickly pulled his hooves away when she cried out when he was inspecting her ribs. Macintosh then started becoming very aware of who he was sitting so close together with.

He laid down next to her again, knowing enough. "You have a few cracked ribs and some serious bruising, come tomorrow, you should see a doctor soon. Luckily, the snow compacted allowing you tah remain uncrushed by the log." Macintosh knew that come tomorrow, he would help her there, even if he had to carry her.

She sighed and closed her eyes. Her eyes flashed open again, "Hold on, what about you?"

He cocked his head to the side in confusion, "What about me?"

"You didn't hurt yourself at all when trying to help?" Twilight now carefully studied her savior. She lightly gasped as small welts and minor bloody scratches adorned his face and chest from where he crashed through the branches.

She gasped again, quite loudly this time as she saw the black bruises on the shins of his forelegs. The shins were swelling after their hard contact with the tree truck and throbbed in time with his heart as blood moved through the veins in the swelling muscles.

"Doesn't that hurt?!" She asked, genuinely shocked by him.

"Eenope," he casually lied.

"Oh dear Celestia, what about your back?" She asked with a hoof raised to her muzzle.

"Nothing, it's fine," this didn't deter Twilight at all and the blanket was folded back over his yoke and shoulders.

"By Celestia, you did this, for me?" she was quite as her eyes took in the battered and scraped shoulders.

This time he only nodded.

"Oh..." Twilight got really quite as she realized the extent Macintosh went to rescue her. "Here, let me help you with that."
Before Macintosh could get a word in edgewise, Twilight levitated the wooden yoke off and away from the slightly peeved stallion.

Twilight sheepishly turned back to the fire as more bruises became apparent from underneath his yoke. The pair grew quiet. Twilight pondering on why he had gone such lengths to help her. Macintosh was desperately thinking what to do with the beautiful mare beside him.

He gingerly placed his foreleg around her and drew himself closer, placing their sides together. She drew back slightly in a wince of pain, her confusion on why he would help her to such lengths suddenly became clear, and she contently settled against him. His flank tingled pleasantly as it was pressed against the mare's.

"Thanks Big Ma-," she started.

"Please just Macintosh, Big Mac is a pet name Ah've never really cared for," he interjected.

She smiled before carrying on, "Thanks Macintosh, I really owe you one," she blushed before continuing, He seems to be showing all the signs, but could I just easily be reading them wrong?

"What could I do to you repay you?" she turned her head to him.

His cheeks turned a shade redder as a couple ideas ran through his mind, he quickly banished them from his mind. He wouldn't take advantage of any mare, especially like that.

His eyes flicked around nervously, going from fire, to hooves, to Twilight's face. Anywhere but her eyes.
Well, I hope he doesn't mind a mare who make the first move.

She edged closer, "You know Macintosh, I've always had a crush on you since I first saw your big red pelt." Twilight look down as she said that.

Macintosh gazed at her incredulously; did she just say what he though she did? "I've just been too frightened that you'd turn out to be some big jerk and hurt me," she shook her head ashamedly. "Just like all the other big stallions, I should've known better since you were related to Applejack."

Macintosh stared dumbly, here was the mare of his dreams while she was declaring her love to him and he did nothing!
Twilight's feelings came crashing down as he sat there dumbly and mutely, she quickly dropped her head, "Forget that, forget I said anything."

Gathering all his courage, he placed a hoof under her chin and lifted her face back up. "What if Ah told you that Ah've felt the same?" he said quietly.

Twilight's brain stopped functioning for a brief moment and before it started working again, a gentle set of lips pressed against her's.

She quickly warmed up and kissed back the stallion that was expressing his love for her. Her mouth opened and her tongue ran across his lips, asking for entrance and trying to entice his out for a duel.

All thoughts of injury fled Twilight's mind as she pressed into the kiss and started forcing Macintosh back.

Macintosh receded from her attack still very aware of her bodily status, he leaned back but she didn't relent and kept pushing. He deftly fell onto his back and guided Twilight onto his chest and she flowed with him, not breaking the lip lock. She broke away for a quick breath as she lay on top of him. She squeezed his waist with the inside of her thighs and her fore legs kept her from crashing down onto him as she resumed the kiss. Macintosh's hooves worked furiously alongside her back, stimulating sensitive areas, cause her to press closer against him.

The newfound couple continued to maintain lip lock inform of the rising flames.


Macintosh slowly made his way up the path leading to the farm house, he glared briefly at the offending pile of branches from last night. He rolled his shoulders in a check to make sure his bag was still there.

He winced internally when he saw an angry Applejack leaning against the doorway. She glared daggers at him and he defiantly held her gaze. He trotted up the few steps and made a move to head inside, she blocked him without effort.

"Where were you last night, Big Mac?" she asked angrily, her angry eyes took in the large bag on his back and her anger intensified.

He looked at her, "Ah was up early this morning and decided tah work a little in the barn."

"We both know that's a load of horsefeathers, Big Macintosh," she said, she then asked the obvious question that came with the bag. "Were you with a mare?"

Macintosh didn't answer and that was enough answer for Applejack.

"Was it Fluttershy?" asked AJ hopefully.

He shook his big head slowly, "Nnope."

She sighed in defeat and tried to extract a tad but more information, "Do Ah know this mysterious mare?"

He pondered it for a moment, thinking about his answer, "Eeyup."

"Well? Are ya going to tell me who it is?" she asked exasperated.

"Nnope," he said smiling.

"Why now Mac? Right before Apple Harvest? Really?" she asked shaking her head.

She looked at him again, "Ah just hope that this mare can handle you." She stepped inside, shaking her head, and made her way to the kitchen, where the CMC were already waiting.

"More like if Ah can handle her," he muttered.

Macintosh strutted into the kitchen and scooped up a few apples before heading back outside. He threw his Tac Bag to rest by the root of the stairs where it shouldn't be disturbed until he came back to it.

He walked outside and parked himself under a rather large tree to contemplate his relationship.

He really was in love with to Twilight, enough to promise to hide their relationship from everypony. He shook his head, What could her brother could do to him that he couldn't handle? I'm was more worried about what will happen when Applejack finds out. Not if, when.

Twilight's initial reason for keeping it secret was if they didn't work out, so they could carry on normally with nopony the wiser. They had been dating for over a year and a half now, and he felt sure of it between them. No if, ands, or buts.

He thought about it a little longer, Could it be she isn't sure about me? Or if she wasn't sure that I truly loved her?
Of course, Macintosh's hoof found his face as he realized the extent of his folly, how could I have been so stupid to not see that? All she wanted him to do was prove he really was committed to them. Why had he not realized this before. Satisfied that he know knew what was holding back Twilight, and he had a nearly foolproof plan to prove it to her, he headed to the barn to start readying the equipment needed for the Apple Harvest.


Twilight stood in front of the door to her treehouse. 'Well, now or never,' she thought.

She pushed the door open with a hoof and walked in.

"Hiya, Twi!" said a happy Spike. "Where ya been?"

She blushed and looked away, Applejack might be the element of Honesty but Twilight was just as bad at lying.

"Oh you know, I was out watching the meteor shower last night and ended up staying outside," she said, sticking to the truth as much as possible. She lightly gestured to the telescope that was suspended by the strap on her side.

"Oh," said Spike as he looked a down, crestfallen.

She sighed on the inside, "Spike, I only went alone because I forgot about it until after you were asleep."

She blushed deeper as she said the flat out lie.

"Alright Twi, if you say so," the baby dragon left the desk he was at to go organize the book shelves, again. A sign he was actually hurt be her forefront about him.

Twilight sighed again and trudged up the stairs to her room, heading for the paper and quill on her night stand.
Dropping her telescope by the door, she picked up the quill magically with practiced ease.

Dear Princess Celestia,
I have a secret that could ruin my friendship with one of my favorite friends, and maybe ruin my chances of finding a Special Somepony.
Requesting your wisdom and advice,
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Author's Note:

Here it is, new and improved.