• Published 15th Oct 2012
  • 8,097 Views, 547 Comments

Apple of Twi's Eye - Willow Arqueiro

Twilight Sparkle and Big Macintosh have managed to keep their reflation ship secret for over a year. Now, trouble brews, not only for them, but for all.

  • ...


A/N If you would care to have a hand in the development of future chapters, please read the rather lengthy author's note at the end of the story. Until then, enjoy.

Rainbow Dash cut through the air faster and faster, having ditched the cloud she had been napping on. Who to go to? she questioned herself. She'd been shocked, to say the least, when she woke up to the sounds of two ponies face sucking. She nearly fell through the cloud when she saw one of the percipients was the one and only, Twilight Sparkle.

Dash almost Sonic Rainboomed straight to Applejack when she saw who Twilight was with.

Rainbow had stealthy sneaked away from Apple Acres with all haste and now needed someone to spill it out to, but whom?

Dash blurred through Ponyville, looking for anypony to talk to, no wait, anypony's a bad idea she corrected herself. I need somepony with experience in secret relationships. Now, who fits the bill? In her mind’s eye, ponies flashed through it. Applejack was out of the question. Fluttershy? No, that mare would have the least experience in a relationship. Pinkie? No, she couldn't keep a secret this serious to save her life.

That left only one mare...


A certain Marshmallow colored mare hurried around her shop, various cloths and sharp instruments floating around her in a clear glow.

"Oh, that'll never work. Rubies, I need rubies!" she ran around the room and checked various draws for her rubies.

She ran back to the mannequin, holding up a small box of gems. Her magic shifted the gems in the box this way and that, letting her look for any of the red gems.

"Damn, where could I get a ruby?" as the white mare asked this question aloud, a cyan blur crashed through her window and into the group of mannequins. Sapphire eyes connected with ruby eyes, and narrowed into a glare.

"Is there a reason you've ruined my work today, Rainbow Dash?" spat out Rarity.

"Depends, are you good with secret relationships?" asked the rainbow mare under a pile of mannequins.

"Well, that also depends on a few things, dear. Why ever do you ask?" Rarity had stopped glaring and was now interested in what Dashie had to say.

"As it turns out, our Twilight isn't the innocent little school filly we thought her to be," said Dash and smiled at Rarity's shocked face.

"Really? Our Twilight?" she got out.

"Yep, and you won't believe who's she has as a coltfriend!" Rainbow Dash finally dug her way out of the pile of mannequins.

"Who!?!? Tell me!!" said Rarity nearly screaming.

"Big," Rainbow Dash paused, "Mac," she nearly whispered.

"Big FREAKIN' Macintosh!!??" she screamed.

"Keep it down, will ya?" said Dash, trying to calm her down. Rarity completely ignored her.

"Twilight, our dear Twilight, dating Big Macintosh? That's preposterous! I mean, Appleja--" Rarity gasped massively, "Applejack! Does she know? How could she not?! Big Mac's not the one to hide something like this! What about us! How could they not have told us?" Rarity's rant would have gone longer if not for the cyan hoof shoved in her mouth.

"That last one, 'How could they not have told us', yeah, that one. That's what I'm gonna find out today, I just need a little support," said Dash.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" said Rarity as Dash rolled her eyes. "Let's go!"

Dash flew out the window she crashed through and Rarity cantered out her front door, both immediately headed for Golden Oaks Library.

Both mares failed to notice on their way out, a small scroll on Rarity's dresser. No surprise sense Rarity had missed it all day.


Spike finished shelving the newly checked in books as multiple mighty thunks landed on the front door, "Coming!" he called out.

The little dragon jumped down from the ladder he was perched on and ran over to the door. Spike dragged the door open to reveal a flushed Rarity, "Hiya Rarity, did you get my letter?"

"What no, we're here to talk to Twilight," Rarity figured it best if they just kept Spike out of this growing mess.

"That's what my letter was about, and what do you mean we?" as Spike said it a cyan blur, again, crashed through, this time Twilight's, window.

"Jigs up, Twilight! We know your secret!" said Dash to the empty room, "and she's not here, is she".

She zoomed in low and hovered over Spike, "Hey Spike, where's Twilight?"

"She went to Apple Acres quite a bit ago, I don't know when she'll be back," he said.

Dash face-hoofed as she realized she already knew the answer to her question, and when Twilight should get back.

"Well, that was easy," said the white mare. "Do you know when Twilight will be back?"

"She left a little while after I did, and I took off at full speed. But then I flew around Ponyville looking for somepony to talk to," she said.

"So, anytime now?" Rarity asked.

"Yep, any moment," a slightly awkward silence descended on the trio.

"So..." Dash tried to break the silence, "any ideas why Twilight would keep this secret?"

"What secret?" asked Spike innocently. Both mares ignored him.

"Oh, I wouldn't know, let's have Twilight explain herself," silence descended again. Twilight can't be that slow, can she? She should be here any....

The door was pushed open and the lavender mare in question stepped through, "Spike! I'm back!"

Oblivious to the two mares’ presence, Twilight carried on like normal. "Spike, where are you? I need some stuff done before tomorrow."

Twilight turned and finally noticed the two mares standing there, "Oh, hi girls! What can I do for you?" asked librarian.

"Oh nothing really," Rarity started out calmly, and then went straight to the point, "We just have a few questions for you," she directed pointedly at the librarian.

Twilight froze, but only for a second, "Sure girls, what do you need to know?"

Rainbow Dash stalked over to her, "How about why you've kept secrets from us!" Twilight backed up, getting closer to the wall behind her.

Twilight started backing up faster, "What do you mean Dash?" A sweat broke out on her forehead.

"She means, your secret little friend," said Rarity, coming up from behind Rainbow, her face one of accusation.

"Little freaky, girls," Twilight back pressed against the wall behind her. She cowered slightly at the murderous gleam in her two friends eyes.

"Well, not as mean as holding out on your friends!" said Rarity, almost in Twilight's face, shouting with enough force to ruffle Twilight's hair.

"What d-do you me-ean?" Twilight stuttered.

"You and your coltfriend, Big Macintosh!" shouted Dash, an inch from her face.

Both confronting mares stepped back as Twilight's shoulders slumped, her head hung low.

"How'd you guys find out?" she asked quietly. A tear silently fell from her eye to crash on the floor.

Dash was instantly by her side, "No reason to cry, Twilight. We just wished you know you could tell us."

"Twilight, dear, all we want to know is how long you've been with him," asked Rarity gently.

Twilight sobbed slightly, "A little over a year and a half," fresh tears coursed down Twilight's face.

"Does AJ know?" asked Dash. Twilight shook her head silently, more tears falling to the floor.

"There, there," Rarity comforted the depressed mare. "No need to get all worked up over it," Rarity may have been calm on the outside but inside was anything but. A year and a half!??! How did she keep it a secret! How serious are they...

"You girls haven't answered my question," said Twilight quietly.

"Uh, what question, Twi?" asked Rainbow from the other side of her.

"How did you two find out?" asked Twilight more forcibly.

"Well, I was cloud napping and you two kind've woke me up with your, Expresses of love." said Dash guiltily.

"Spike also sent me a letter saying you were acting strangely lately too," Rarity wished she hadn't said that.

Twilight's head snapped up and her glare locked onto the little dragon still in the room, "Spike," she snapped.

She stormed over to the little dragon.

"How dare you invade my privacy!" a magical aura surrounded Spike and threw him against a wall, holding him there.

"Twilight! I only did it cause I thought you were in trouble!" said Spike as he struggled against the magical bonds.

"I can decide if I need help or not Spike," she ground out, an inch from his face. "As it is, I was planning to tell everypony on our two year anniversary!" She screamed in his face.

Spike's face started contorting strangely but Twilight didn't notice, "I had everything under control! Now I have to work doubly hard to keep Armor from finding out! Do you remember what happened to my last coltfriend when Armor found out I had one?!? Well, do y--," Her rant was cut off as the little dragon opened his mouth, allowing a rolled up parchment to escape and smack Twilight in the face.

Spike fell down with a crash as Twilight released him to grab the letter.


Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I regret to inform you that the realm of secrecy and ah, shall we say, 'Nightly activities' is not my area of expertise. That wisdom and knowledge belongs to my sister, Luna.

P.S. Luna left almost immediately when I told her a pony needed her help, she rarely gets asked for her help given her past.

With love,

Princess Celestia.

Twilight read the letter three times over, not believing what she was reading. My mentor can't help me! Ok, Twilight, no need to panic. Like she said, this is Luna's area of expertise. Wait, what did that line say!? 'Nightly activities', surly she won't ask about me and Macintosh Bucking, would she?

Twilight scanned down the letter again and her gaze froze on one line, 'Luna left almost immediately......'


Rarity cleared her throat rather loudly, "What's the letter say Twilight, dear?"

The letter was levitated in front of the white mare.

"What's so bad about this letter?" asked Rainbow Dash, having reading over Rarity's shoulder.

"Read the last little bit, darling," said the fashionista. The letter moved from in front Rarity to hover in front of Dash, the magic holding it having switched when Twilight started having a internal panic attack.

"Big deal, Luna won't be here for another few days. What do you have to worry abo--" Rainbow cut off as a rather quiet knock came through the door

Spike quietly and slowly walked over to it. All the mares held her breath, wondering who awaited on the other side.

Pleas not Applejack, fervently wished Twilight. Spike crept slowly to the door. He carefully opened it and....

Was greeted by Fluttershy.

"Oh, hello Spike, sorry to bother you. Is Twilight here?" she asked quietly, hiding behind her mane.

"Uh, yeah, what do you need?" asked the little dragon, Twilight walked up and stood by him.

"Hey, Flutters, how's it going?" asked the lavender mare.

"Oh good. Well, she uh... Someone has come to.... She--" she stuttered before slinking away quietly.

Swooping in from above Fluttershy and landing with a metal clank from her horse shoes, landed a midnight blue alicorn.

"Merry meet, Twilight Sparkle," said the Midnight Princess.

"Uh, hi?" stuttered the librarian.

"We understand that thou hast a problem?" she asked.

"Uh, ah, um. Yes, would you like to come in?" asked Twilight.

"We would be most grateful," Luna said as Twilight backed up to allow the Princess in.

"So, Twilight Sparkle," stated Luna.

"Yes?" asked Twilight timidly.

"We would care to possess the knowledge why thou hast kept thy secr---" continued the Night Princess but was cut off by Rainbow Dash.

"For the love of, cut it with the whole third person speaking and ye olde speech!" blurted the athlete.

The Princess glared at the offending Pegasus before smiling, "Sorry, I always love to see how far I can annoy ponies before they say anything," she smiled at her little practical joke.

"Anyways down to business," she turned back to Twilight, "You have a secret." Twilight nodded, "And you don't want ponies to find out?"

"Well, specifically one pony, actually," Twilight said to the floor.

"Then this is easily solved!" said Luna enthusiastically, "There is a simple spell I can use to make sure this pony unable to find out about it, unless you are physically present when they find out. This spell only works once per pony and can only affect one pony, are you sure you want to use it?" Twilight nodded eagerly. “Now, all you need to do is think of the secret."

Twilight closed her eyes and thought desperately on her secret relationship.

Luna's horn began to glow a dark color like that off the darkened moon. She pulled the secret out of Twilight's thoughts, unable to actually know what the secret was.

"Now, think of the pony who that can't find out," this Luna was able to see and a image of Shining Armor drifted across her mind's eye.

Luna's magic linked these two thought together, Luna gathered her magic and focused it on the linked thoughts.

Luna concentrated for about ten seconds before her horn flashed a dark small explosion.

"There, Armor can't find out now," said Luna with smile.

"Oh, Thank you so much Princess Luna!" said Twilight as she flung her hooves around her neck.

Luna returned the hug and set her head on Twilight's shoulder, next to her head. "No problem, Twilight, you've done so much for me in the past. You know, being heavy with foal is nothing to be ashamed about."

"What did you just say?!?" asked Twilight as she took a step back in shock.

"Oh damn, I might have said a little too much," Luna said with a little blush in the cheeks as Rarity fell over in the background.

A/N Ok, if you read the above author's note, you know why you're here. Here's a not so hypothetical question. If Twilight and Macintosh were to have a foal;

Would they have twins or just one?

Would it/they be a Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth Pony?


Color of pelt(s)?

Color of mane(s)?

And name(s)?

You don't have to answer all of them for me to take importance in your opinion.
If you do have a idea, leave a comment or PM me.
If I missed a point, leave a comment and I'll try to fix
And if someone has already posted what you were going to say, reply to that post and say you like it, makes it easier on me. Do the same with names if you find a name you like that someone posted.

P.S. Sorry this story took a little bit to be updated, I'm gonna try and post part five this weekend.

P.P.S. If you can guess what 'Merry Meet', Luna's greeting, is from leave a comment.